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Ordinance No. 3,79340308 -7 MINMCE ND. 3793 AN O EXE�ANDn*3 � ATTEST M CITY MAf4AGER WITH BAYTOWN AREA wphp,� CATER FOR FRO A � �T AND ASSISTANCE TO WMEN WM ARE _ QLIE TO DISRUPTTi]I+I OF THE FAIYBLyi � YPA MU BY THE CITY OF TWENTY THOt:JSAND AND NOIIOD «ZO� DOU -MtSj AND PROVIDM F13R T E M- ECTIYE DATE HESS ECF'. •= wttlH,t *� a�rt+r.rtrsttr+rarsr rrhrt�,rr * * *t►�r rrt *r r�►wtrxrrt�r�trrti *r r+rrlrss R+Mr�,F+as • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYiOMN, TEXAS Section is That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves a contract with Baytown Area Women's Center and authorizes the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Baytown to execute and attest to said Contract for providing housing and assistance to women who are temporarily dislocated due to disruption of the family. A COPY of said contract is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof for an intents and perposm Section 2s The City Council hereby authorizes payment of TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO /100 ($20,0MOO) DOLLARS to Baytown Area Women's Center for providing housing and assistance to woman who are temporarily dislocated due to disruption of the family. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its Passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 8th day of March, 1980. APPROVED. g4W6e;�It�Ytorney z 40308 -7a THE STATE OF TEXAS fin' OF KgJRI S § QED ENT I THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the CITY OF B►NOW, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITY" • and the BAYTO%N AREA Vi WN,S CENTER, hereinafter called the "PP43WM APPLICANT ". W i T N E S SET H: W-EREAS, the Baytown Area Wamen's Center has been organized to strengthen and supplement efforts to meet a broad range of human, social, and environmental needs of battered women by Providing housing and assistance to such women who are temporarily dislocated due to disruption of the family, and V EREAS, the City Council of the CITY OF BAYTOWN has determined it is in the public interest that such a program to help women in such a plight in the conTnunity is in the public Interest; NOW THMEFO E, KNOW ALL KW BY TFIESE PRESENTS: That in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, and benefits to both parties, it is agreed as follows: I The PROGRAM APPLICANT, as independent P contractor, agrees to house and assist women in the community who are temporarily dislocated due to disruption of the family without regard to their financial condition, and to do all other acts necessary for the successful aperaticn of this civic enterprise. • !l This Agreement is to cover services to be rendered from October 1, 1983, to September 30, 1984. 1 40308 -7b t lt[ The CITY agrees to Pay to the Baytown Area won n's Center the sum of Twenty Thousand & No /100 ($20,000,00) Dollars for service to be rendered in the development, organization, super_ vision, and management of this program. In no event will the CITY pay more then Twenty Thousand & No /100 ( ;20,000.00) Dollars to the PP40GRAM APPLICANT. Payments shall be ramie quarterly in . the amount of Five Thousand and Na /100 ($5,000.00)- said payments to be made on vecember :ist, March 31st„ June 30th and September 30th. A written annual report shall be submitted to the CITY Manager prior to receipt of the September 30th payment. The report shall show participation, expenses and the year,$ activities. IV Accurate records of all receipts and disbursements shall be kept by the PROS APPLICANT and al accounts may be audited by the Finance Director of the CITY OF BAYTOWN. The APPLICANT will disclose in these records that amount of funds that it raised from whatever sources, including the sums derived from anonymous donations, private contributions, and fees, if any. These records shall also show the names of operating personnel, salaries, and amounts necessary for supplies and other incidental items as may be necessary and proper for the operation Of the program. The PROGRAM APPLICANT agrees to furnish the CITY with a copy of its final budget for the fiscal year 1994. V In performance of the services agreed to herein, the PRp(FtAM • APPLICANT agrees to observe and strictly comply with all the terms, conditions, rules, and regulations of all applicable federal, state and city statutes. I 2 40 Vi It is expressly agreed and understood by all parties hereto that the PF�" APPLICANT is an independent contractor in its relationship to the CITY OF i3AYTOV". Nothing herein contained at any time or in any manner shall be construed to effect an agreement of partnership or joint venture or render any party hereto the employer or master of any other party and/or its . employees, agents or representatives. VII The PROMAM APPLICANT agrees to inderrsrify, and does hereby indemnify, hold harmless and defend, the CITY OF i3AyTOW", its agents, servants, or employees, from and against any and all claims for damages or injuries to persons or property, whether real or asserted, arising out of or incident to the operation of this program. - n U Viii PROGRAM APPLICANT agrees to carry Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance covering its operations and agrees to furnish the CITY, upon request, proof of minimum liability coverage of limits of Five Hundred Thousand do No 1100 ($500,000.00) combined single limit. EXECUTED, this the day of , 1983. CITY OF BAYTO MI ATTEST: El L L: Y ler 3 PRITZ ity Manager $AYTOWN AREA V43K N O S CENTER