Ordinance No. 3,20410813 -1 ORDINANCE NO. 3204 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING AND AGREEING TO TWO PRIOR ANNEXA- TIONS BY THE CITY OF MONT BELIVEU, CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORIES LYING WITHIN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of Mont Belvieu annexed the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto on the 16th day of June, 1980 at the request of the property owner, Enterprise Products Company; WHEREAS, the City of Mont Belvieu annexed the property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto on the 15th day of June, 1981; WHEREAS, as these properties are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, hereby ratifies and agrees to two prior annexations of the City of Mont Belvieu. Section 2: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 13thday of August , 1981. 1,7,403 �,UTTO. 1aVor ATTEST: 1 EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: ANDALL B. STRONG, City A rney 10813 -1a IW *f i_ : Ii Iii ' BEGINNING at the intersection of the north right -of -way line of F. M. Highway No. 1942 and the western right -of -way of county road known as Hatcherville Road, Chambers County, Texas in the Dan Jergins Survey, Abstract No. 599; THENCE easterly along the north right -of -way line of said F. M. Highway 1942 to the current western City limits line of the City of Mont BElvieu, Texas; THENCE northerly along the western City limits line to the point of intersection with the northline of petitioner Enterprise, the land owner herein; THENCE westerly along petitioners north line to a point in the east right -of -way line of County Road known as Hatcherville Road; THENCE southerly along the west line of petitioner land owner to the point of intersection of the north right - of -way line of F. M. Road No. 1942 and the west line of petitioner. Being off of the west side of that certain tract descri- bed in and on pages 2 and 3 of Exhibit of which this attached and incorporated herein for all purposes. r ,f E?C."IBZ'" riArr iSS�RIP; 1011 OF PROPS 1TY 1.0813 -1b I FIELD NOTES of 43.955 acroa of land surveyed for Enterpr iao Fraction Co=pany rnd being out of and a pert of tip 35.47 acre tract of land Dan Jetginrs Surreys Ab3traot No. 599,, Che nbora County, Te.xca which k :oTad by Kirby Oil & Gas Conpany to J. R. Earbor and deacribad as Tip TRACT in a oonveyance dated Septsmbar 13, 1954 Pod r000rded in VoltL-z Peso- 598 of the Deed -Records of C nasn3ers County, Texs_5, and also bei, out of &od a part of tie 71.65 acrd tract of land in the Henry Griff League] Abstri✓t 7►o. 12, ChE_-_.`►era County, Texr_s, ubicb was oorivayed 1 dead dated Septa a,ar 13, 1954 from Kirby Pet= -oleurn Con--pa-ay to J. R. Be-: -bar and recor sled in Voltzma 161 Page 602 of the Deed -Records of Ch; County, Texas, SF-id 43.955 acres of lend being ruore pa.rticulesly de ed "s's folloRa, touit: ALL BEARINGS ARE LAMBERT GRID BEARINGS AND ALL COORDINATES RE? ER TO ` STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTD40 SOUTH CEI;TRAl, ZONE, 13-D AUrrnORIZED Fol, USE UNDER ARTIG'LE 5300a. OF rrriE RKVISE.D CIVIL STATUTES OF TEE STATE 01' TR3Ch3. HEGIFNING at a point- in the ro. th or Narui-- est line of tr: Eernry Gril` League°'aod the South or .Southeast lips of T. & N. 0. Railroad Cor -'Pre, Section No, 1, Abstract.'No, 503. Said point being in Pn ir: igatioa 7 srel and being the West or: Ncrvhwast ca rtcr of 'the 2.0 acre t: sot of ?. con,eyo-d'by -Gleoda Del Bra•, -n, Sole Beneficirry under the Will of Luls bsirber, zJ- Ycecsed, and Dt --lno. Ems:.; -n, lnd? pendent }li5cutc,, of the Estate. 1131a Ba:b_r,, Deceased, to Ent6 -.rise Fracyionstion Co:zpr_n - by deed dL-t Ya9 7, 1977 rnd reoc_ del in Volume 398 F �a 660 of the Deed Reoords C CnF rbr,rs Cfluaty, Taz- „ Said place of B!GINNLNG having a Texas Plane Coo: dinate Lyston Val" of Y- 759,358.68 and X,- 3,295,761069 and being located E 570 09r 40" S 1080.O5'f6et from a 3" to P. farad in the irr iEetion lateral for ;fie West o_ 1;c: thwest cornar of the Fen.~,y C'z ii Lec.sue P-nd the West or rcr thwest cornar of tie a1'vx ;:�ntiuned (iflb5 4- act ni land. SE id pleoa or BEGINNING being the Ncrth or T;a_ theast cc: ner of the tr r_ct of land herein de scribed. TIC- NCE S land and J.- o.f or 1;ortb, South or 320 50' 20" the West or 780,18 feet West line of South-.;est c E withh the F! *Bt or N rthe st line of this tract; South, -:-nat line of £e.id 20 acre tract of land a r: `.o a 2"'1. P. found at a fE nca lies and is the ); ',he L. E. Cole 12.681 acre tract of land fox- t 1� 1rnsr of said 20 a.cro :tact of land and being the= Easter❑ c0_ acr of this tract .fiend. THENCE -S 530 321 50* N with the Ncz-th or Nortliwa' st 1irx3 of tbs Cole 1., of land and ultb a fenoo line a dist6nco of 703,35 feet to a 4" 1. pc, found for tbo West or Fortbuest corner of tho Cola trnot of land and cor n6r for this tract of land. 5 160 5?, E with 1.tjo I'loo of t,'X� Cola tract of lgr)d r: with a fence a d1.str:nco of 1450.6 ?_ foot to a 2" I. P. net in s U7° ct.r of tho 1;c the rs t right of vs7 1109 of F. N. FigT :;ay Fo. 191 +2 for the South or, Sou: > >::cst corner of 1:t,-) Colo tract of land And the r-jort Sou'L Southecst co: abr of this tract or land. 6y0 35' 12" W w1.11.1 t10 c`, u : d of tt�a 0 Y 0 c,;; '.L3 of I.ho north v right of v&S jir.a of F. N. ? ;161svf,y Iio. 191;2 end uitb a r.3ius of '178L Soot a chord d1Ptante of 218,,32 feat or tin me distance of 219005 fog to an iron :--od not for tho point of tntik;oncy of ,aid cu: vc.. • 10813 --1c XHIBI:" "A" 7HERCE g 770 381 54" with the 'cc- tb or 7:o. theast right of w&T 1Sne c F. H. Ai &buay ];o..1942, at 61.23 feet c; osa the lost cr Southwest Zinc of the G.- iffitb League and the East or T;orthefiat line of the Dad Je,.r s'- ;tti at. 1064055 feet PR55 a oontrete right of war .moms- -aorat on lin-e. So all a tctrl di�txoce of 1095035 f&et to a 2" 1. P. set at a fence ccc -ner and ct the intersection of the north or Forthazzt right of way lioa of F. X. Fi&w&y Ao. 1942 with tha East right of Was line of batcborvlllo Road fo.-the Soutb cr Southu©at coz-nor of thin trot of lrn d. . TFZ-�-NCS S 120 17t 40" N with the East right- of wmT line of Aatobarvillc Road ;r.nd with a funca rind the West or 11' went line of thin traot of lPn<. a distcnco of ID63.64 foot to a 2" 1. P. tot vhnra eeid right of wal line in f ra octa tl-.5 oacaterli t3 of c4 irri Eat ion lateral for the Feat ar 31cr`hucc4t corner oS : his try! CI- of 1 end. ONCE N 72° 561 00" E with the T;czth liDe of this tra.ot of land and *• centerline of an 1vrigation lateral a distance of 605023 feet t0 a P6P at the vfrt•srs edge of the soutberly side of the Srrigation canal at are angle. point in the Fortb.:liae of this tr-act of land. 0iLh tts canal, at 14408 feat pass a 3n I. Pe en ONCE 3l 570 .09 " line in t`h3 canal fo. tb5 Walt or Northwc�t ccr nor of the Feur y GrLM L-e fi &-Lie F-nd tae Soutb or S�outli`.:est corner of T. & N. 0. Fairoad Co. mac. );o. 1 and at a point in the East or X;or theast ling of the Jex-gina su..^ t in ell a tot RI distance of 1094013 feet to t;3e place of BEGI21 ING aid taining3a955 scree or larxi tbare being 230182 Rcres of laod i❑ tba is ry Gri-ffith L©agus and' 20.773 acres of land is the Dan Jergios Su-r 00000000 a-r��.�� '� _ � - ■:1 '•t- 1 . � 3i' at ��'' - - �•c: '.. -., ..� , at �i;! +2.�,{.� *_ +�. =tif i_'�'f� -� c.i:'; 1.0813 -1d EXHIBIT "B" BEING a part of the county road known as Hatcherville Road situated in the Don dergins Survey, Abstract No. 599, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the north right -of -way line of F. M. Highway 1942 with the east right -of -way line of Hatcherville Road; THENCE northerly with the east Flight -of -way line of Hatcherville Road a distance of 1063.64 feet to a point, said point being also the northwest corner of the Enterprise Fractionating Company tract, which point is also the most westerly northwest corner of theMont Belvieu City Limits; THENCE continuing northerly with the east right -of -way line of Hatcherville Road a distance of 2640 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE westerly at right angles with the east right -of- way line of Hatcherville Road, across the road to a point of intersection with the west right -of -way line of Hatcherville Road; THENCE southerly with the west right -of -way line of Hatcherville Road to the point of intersection with the north right -of -way line of F. M. Highway 1942; THENCE easterly with the north right -of -way of F. M. Highway 1942 across Hatcherville Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the southwest corner of the aforementioned Enterprise tract.