Ordinance No. 3,111ZO 32C3 - 1 ORD 111141 a- N CF NO _ 3 1 1 1 AN ORD I NANO E AT3THOR I Z NG AND D I RE CT I NG THE 1VIAYO R AND THE C I TY C LE RK OF THE C = TY OF SAYTOWN T O E XECLTTE AND AT TF S T T O A N A GRE ERZ E N T B E T 4YE E N THE C= TY O F BA Y T OWN AND THE STATE OF H I GHirYAYS AND PLTBL I C TRAIINF SPORTAT I C)IN LTPDAT I NG THE NITJN I C I PAL MAL I NTENAiSTCE AGREEIVIENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AI�TD PROV ID I NCT FOR THE EFFECT I VE DATE HEREOF _ $F. I T ORDA S NED gY THE C I TY C07TNC I L OF Ti3E C I TY OF BAYTOWT,T S e c t i o n 1= Th a t t h e C i t y C o u n c i l o f $ *3L'- t own h e r e b y a u t h o r i z e s a n d d i r e c t s t h e M a y o r a n d C i t y C l e r k of the City of Baytown to execute aril attest to an agreement updatirig the IVIuniciPa-IL Ad a irntenance Agreement dated April 4 , 1 9 6 5 b e t we e n t h e C i t y o f S a y t o w n a n d t h e S t a t e Ta e p a r t m e n t o f Highways and Public Transportation _ A copy of said Agr C=m emeri-t is atC la, ched hereto , marked Exhibit "A'• , arzd made a part hereof f o r a l l i n t e n t s a n cl p u r p o s e s_ Sectiorz 2 _ This ordinance shall tale effect from and after its passage_ INTRODUCED READ and PASSED ley the of f irmat 71 e vote cif the City Council of the City of Say-towrn on this the 26th day o f r4arch 19S 1 _ ETT Q _ HLT'I'TO , Mayor AT T E S T E S LLEN :? _ HAL ,' City Clerlc 10326 -la "EXHIBIT A" The attached Exhibits "A" & "B" Listing and Map, are amendments to t meat dated April 4, 1968 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have the City of on 19 , and the State Department of on the day of ATTEST: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: District Engineer, District Engineer of Maintenance 10326 -1b Form 1035 which consist of the Roadway he Municipal Maintenance Agree - hereunto affixed their signatures, the day of , Highways and Public Transportation 19 CITY OF BY (Title of Signing Official) STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the purpose and effect of acti- vating and /or carrying out the Orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore ap- proved and authorized by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. BY hi�Engineer of Satety an Maintenance Operations EXHIBIT "A" NON - CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAYS I. State maintained 10326 -le A. State Highway 146: From the southwest city limit to East Pepublic Avenue (base, surface, structures, and assist in 7,,owing, litter pick up and maintenance of roadway ditches). From East Republic Avenue to a point 458 feet northeast of Mabry Road (surface only and assist in mowing and litter pick up of median only). From 458 feet northeast of Mabry Road to the east city limits (base, surface, structures and assist in mowing, litter pick up and maintenance of roadway ditches). II. City maintained. None III. The State will issue permits on rural--type sections of non - controlled access highways using the standard permit form with the clause "Subject to the concurrence of the City of Baytown." On curb and gutter sections of non - controlled access highways the State will issue no permits. I. State maintained II. III. 10326 -1e FXFTFIT "B" CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAYS A. Interstate Highway 10: From the west city limits, 2,156.32' west of centerline Garth Road, to the east city limits, 300' east of centerline Garth Road. Then from west city limits, 3,453' west of centerline T&NO Railroad to east city limits, 2,934' west of centerline T &NO Railroad. B. Loop 201: From State Highway 146 to Spur 330. C. Spur 330: From the north city limits to Loop 201. City maintained: None On controlled access highways, the Highway Department will assist. the City by issuing the standard access permit form with the clause "Subject to the concurrence of the City of Baytown."