Ordinance No. 3,0901 0 2 2 6- 4 ORD S NAiITCE I'T0 _ 3 0 9 Q AN ORD NANC E A CCE PT NG THE B = D OF AN GE L EQU I PMENT F OR THE CONSTRUCT � ON OF THE STREET AND DRA S NAGS IMPROVEPIIEI�TS TO CHERRY AND PINE STREETS 1981 C--C)M VITJNITY DEVELOPEMEN'F P ROGRA,Nl ] AND AUTHOR Z NG THE CONTRACT = NG OF I NDE BT ERNES S $ Y THE C i T Y FOR THE S UNi OF TH RE E HU ND RED TH S RTY FOUR THOI3SAND :E: :1E HUNDRED EIGHTEEN 8s -->O/ 100 { *334 , S18 _ 50 ] DOLLAR S W S TH R E GA RD TO S U C H A GRE E M E T3T _ WHEREAS , tree City Council of the City of Sayt CD. wn did aut2zorize the City Erzgineer to advertise for bids for the coristruction of the street aril drainage improvements to Cherry aril Dine Streets 1951 Community De�relopment Program] t o b e r e c e i v e d F e b r u a r y 1 9 1 9 5 1; an d WH E R E A S n o t i c e t o b i d d e r s a s t o t h e t ime a n d when and where the contract for said coristruc-tiorr would ID let was publ ishecl pursuant to provisions of TEX _ RFV _ CIV _ STAT _ art _ 236Sa ; and WHEREAS , all bids were opened erica PzTb7_ -TL cly read at City Ha11 at 10 = 00 0 ' c1oclm,-- a _ m _ 'ebrurary a 1981 as per publ fished notice to bidders ; NOW THERF- '0-? -` , BE :E T ORDA =NEB] BY THE C �¢.� € ?_ _ - _ OF THE C I TY OF S AY T OW N S e c t i o n 1- T h a t t h e C i t y C o u n c i l o f t h e C i t y o f B a y t o wn hereby accepts the bid o7F Angel Ecluipnzent according to the plans and specificatA- cD. ns set earth by the City Fngirnaer on a c o n s t r u c t i o n t i m a t a b l a o f 1 5 0 w o r l�- i n g d a y s f a r t h e s um o-F THREE FOUR THOUSAND E I GHT HUNDRED E I GJ3TEEN Sz 50 f 100 C $334 , S1S _ vQ ] Dollars , and the Psayor and City Clark o f t h e C i t y a r e h e r eb y au t h o r i z e d a n d d i r e c t e d t o e x e c u t e armed attest to a contract with Aragel Equipment for the con - str -Lx crti CD, ri of said street and drainage improvements , c CD. rztairnin-g-- the plans , spacif ications , an c3 requirements of the City Erngineer grad appropriate bored and drawn provisions err accor- dance with the provisions C> -F TEX _ REST _ CSV _ STAT _ art _ 51E30 _ Sect ion 2 = That pursuant to the provisions of TEX _REV _ CSV _ STAT - ar-t _ 236Sa , the City 1!Ianager is hereby granted 10225 -4a general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of Five Thousand and No /100 ($5,000.00) Dollars or less, provided that the original con- tract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five (25p1o) percent or decreased by more than twenty -five (25 %) percent without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council on this the 26th day of February , 1981. ATTEST: /r LEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: • 11110 • • �R­ANDALL B. TRONG, City Att ney -2-