Ordinance No. 3,089Z O 2 2 6- 3 ORD S N A NC E N O _ 3 0 5 9 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPT' S NC-- THE B ID OF NLTI%TN &z SH -Li MWAY CON - STRT3CT S 01-4 CO _ FOR TT3E CONSTRUCTION OF AYE S T D I S'�R1 CT W A S T E WA TE R T RE ATMENT P LAN T A N D L A KE WOOD T-31 F T S TAT i O N AND AUTHOR I Z = NG THE C ONT RA C T I NG OF S NDE BTED NE S S SY THE CITY FOR THE SUAI OF THREE hZ I LLI ON FOUR IUNDRED S I XTY F i -.r IF: THOUSAND F S VE HUNDRE D THIRTY S S X F- 2 5/ 1 0 0 $ 3, 4 6 5 4 3 6_ 2 5] D O LLA RS W = T H F.E GA RD TO SUCH CON 1 KA C T_ WI3EREAS the City Council of tYZe City cif Saytowri slid authorise Langford Engineering Irrc Consult j- ma Enngineers for the City of Say town to advertise for bids for tree cori- str -Lx ctiarn of the West District Wastawator T IC- eatmerit P12Lnt and Lakewood Li f t St at ian to be :k c 71 February 19 1981 ; grid WHF RE A S, n o t i c e t o b i d d e r s a s t o t ra e t i me a n d p l a c e, wrier and where tYse coritract for sal d construct iorr would be let was p -Lx bl fished pursuant to pr CD--,7 ors of TEX _ REV _ CIV _ STAT _ a r t_ 2 3 B 8 a; a n d WHERFAS a 11 bids were open BCl and prib-IL icly read at City H a 1 1 a t 2: 0 0 O' c 1 o cI-- , p_ rsn _, F e b r o a r y 7 9 1 9 5 1 a s p e r pu b u s h e d n o t i c e t o b i d d e r s; N OW T I3F RE FORE , S E S T O RDA = NE D S Y THE C I TY COU N C I L O F THE C I TY O F 8A YT OW N : Section 1 : Tria-t the City Council of tlaca City of Baytown, hereby accepts tree bid cif Nurirn &L Srrumway Construct ion Co coat ingerrt tz_pon U _ S _ Envirornmerntal Protect ion Agency approval , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e p l a n s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s e t f o r t h b y t h e Cit nSU1t ing Engineers on a construct i CD, rl t irrlet et- ble of 540 worl--ing days for tl-ze sum of THREE MILLSOI�T FOUR Hi3NDRED SIXTY F =VE THOUSAND FOUR T3T_TNDRED '�HSRTY SSX 8z 25/100 $3 X65 , 43B _ 25 DOLLARS , and trig Mayor and City C1erK of the City of 13zLytowrL are hereby :PL utl-iorized Ea- ricT directecl to execute armed attest to a contract witri Nurirl F, Sh -Lx rTiway Corzst _ Co _ , for tyre constr -La ctiori of District Wa,s-tewater Treatment Plant aril Lad- evoocl Lift Station containing tYme plaris spacif i- cations, and requirements of tree City' s Corms -Lx ltirmg Engineers and appropriate bored and drawn provisions in accOr Cl a rmc@ wit rm t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f TE X_ R E V - C S V_ S TA T_ a r t_ 5 1 6 0_ 10226 -3a Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of TEX.REV. CIV.STAT., art. 2368a, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of Five Thousand and No /100 ($5,000.00) Dollars or less, provided that the original con- tract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five (250) percent or decreased by more than twenty -five (250) percent without the consent of the contractor of such de- crease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council on this the 26th day of Februar , 1981. ATTEST: �4 EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: ANDALL B. STRONG, City At,.?brney -2-