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Ordinance No. 3,0881 0 2 2 E- 2 O RD T NA NC E NO _ 3 0 8 S A N O RD I NAN C E AU T HO R T Z T N G AND D T RE C T T NG T H E MAYOR AND C I T Y C L E R K O F T HE C= T Y O F SA Y TOW N T O E X E C UT E A I,4D A TT E S T TO A CONTRACT W TIC IIARR =S COUNTY WTTI-I REGARD TO PROVID =NG EX- PAND E D HOO KMOB T L E P RO GRAIVI S W I T H I N BAYTOWN AND T 1�4 UN I NCO R- PORATED AREAS T1%4 THE COUNTY AND PROVIDING FOR TFIE EFFEC- T T V E D A T E HE R E O F _ S E T T O RD A I NED 13-Y' T HE C T T Y C O UN C= L O F THE C I T Y O F SAYTOi,VN S e c t i o n 1 T h a t t to e C i t y C O u n c i Z o f t h e C i t y o f B a L y t c:> o -v n h e r e b y ap p r o v e s t h e c o n t r a c t p r o v i d i n g f o r o i n t participation between the City of Baytowra and Harris County with regard to providing expanded boolktnobiie programs within Sayto-%vri and in unincorporated areas ::L r3, the County, grad authorizes aracl directs the Mayor and City Clerk of the City o f B a y t o w n t o e x e c u t e a n d a t t e s t t o s a i d c o n t r a c t_ A c o p y of said contract is attached hereto marl-ced JE xhibit a n Cl m a c e a p a r t h e r e o f f o r a l l i n t e n t s a n d p u r p o s e s_ S e c t i o n 2 T h i s o r d i n a n c e s h a l l t o I� e e f f e c t f r om a n d after its passage _ INTRODUCED READ , and PASSED by the of f irrriat ive vote o f the City Council of the City of Bayto�vra this 2Eth day nu i iU rvlayor ATTEST E T LF I✓N 1--> _ HALL , C i t y C la- A 10226 -2a E X H I B I T "A" 10226 -2b A G R E E M E N T THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF HARRIS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between HARRIS COUNTY, a body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called "County," and the CITY OF BAYTOWN, hereinafter called "City," a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Texas, acting herein by and through its Mayor, thereunto duly authorized. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, said City and County in the interest of providing a tool for continuing self - education, enlighten- ment, and enrichment have operated separate free public li- braries within the City limits of Baytown; and WHEREAS, said City and County, pursuant to the pro- visions of the Inter -Local Cooperation Act, Article 4413 (32c), Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, have determined that it would be in the best interest of such City and such County and of the citizens and inhabitants thereof, that joint participation with regard to library service be initiated to provide improved library service to the citizens of Harris County; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and County agree as follows: I. City and County agree that subject to the provisions hereof, henceforth the City will expand the bookmobile pro- gram to additional centers within the City of Baytown and to citizens in unincorporated areas in Harris County. This expansion will be geared to meet the library needs of citizens, including but not limited to the aged and the economically deprived. The City of Baytown will provide no fewer than twenty -five (25) additional hours of service per week to neighborhoods and nursing homes. 10226 -2c Institutions Saint James House (home for the aged) Harris County Nutrition Center Chinquapin School (Harris County) Centennial Square Housing for the Aged Baytown Opportunity Center J. D. Walker Community Center Harlem Elementary School Neighborhoods Linus Isla McNair Kings Colony Morrell Park Second at East Texas, Aron, E. James at Third Street Stewart Heights Britton Cravens Central Heights Bolster at Thibodeaux Riggs at Carlton Busch Terrace Cleveland at Edna Village Apartments Dailey Street Bergeron Park Villa Marina Apartments Pine Street II. It is expressly agreed and understood that a monthly report on this city- county bookmobile will be submitted to the Commissioners Court of said County and to the City of Baytown. III. It is further agreed that the citizens served in this bookmobile program will have access to the full range of library materials provided in free public library programs. -2- 10226 -2d IV. It is further agreed that the City, in its discretion, shall appoint as many librarians, library aides, and drivers as are necessary to provide expanded bookmobile services. Said program shall be under the complete supervision, management, control and direction of the City. The County shall not have the right to direct or supervise the City or any of its employees in the City's operation of the program. The County shall look to the City for results only. The City employees are to be directly responsible to the City and shall receive their salaries from the City. V. It is further agreed that the County participation in this library program will be indicated with the words "Harris County" on both sides of the bookmobile and also on the rear of the vehicle. VI. The term of this agreement is for a period of one (1) year, from March 1, 1981, to February 28, 1982, and the County agrees to pay to the City the sum of NINETEEN THOU- SAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($19,550.00) DOLLARS for said year that this agreement is in effect, said payment being based upon the best estimate of the actual costs of personnel and vehicle maintenance involved in providing this service. On the effective date of this agreement, the City will bill the County for the above mentioned amount of NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($19,550.00). Within thirty (30) days after receipt of such billing, Harris County will pay the City the amount thereof. However, not- withstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, in no event will the County be obligated to pay the City more than NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($19,550.00) DOLLARS for and in consideration of the per- formance of this agreement by the City. It is further ex- pressly understood that the County has the maximum sum of NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($19,550.00) DOLLARS allocated to fully discharge its obligation under -3- 10226 -2e this agreement and it is understood and agreed that the total amount that the County shall be liable to pay the City hereunder shall not, under any conditions, circum- stances, or interpretations hereof, exceed the sum of NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($19, 550.00) DOLLARS. day of ATTEST: EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS, this the , 1981. EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk City of Baytown, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: MIKE DRISCOLL, County Attorney Harris County, Texas RANDALL B. STRONG, City Attorney City of Baytown, Texas I hereby certify that funds are available in the amount of $19,550.00 to pay the obligation of Harris County under the fore- going agreement. S. G. FULLERTON, County Auditor Harris County, Texas HARRIS COUNTY By. JON LINDSAY, County Judge Harris County, Texas CITY OF BAYTOWN By: EMMETT HUTTO, Mayor City of Baytown, Texas 10226 -2f ORDER AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN HARRIS COUNTY AND CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR EXPANDED BOOKMOBILE PROGRAM TO CENTERS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AND CITIZENS IN UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN HARRIS COUNTY THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF HARRIS ) On this, the day of , 1981, the Commissioners Court of Harris County, being duly convened at a regular meeting of the Court, upon motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , duly put and carried, It is ORDERED that County Judge Jon Lindsay be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Harris County and the City of Baytown for providing an expanded bookmobile program to centers within the City of Baytown and citizens in unincorporated areas in Harris County, for a period of twelve (12) months, to commence March 1, 1981, upon the terms and conditions as provided for in the Agreement being hereby referred to and under a part hereof for all purposes as though fully set out herein. THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF HARRIS } I, ANITA RODEHEAVER, County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Order made and entered by the Commissioners Court in regular session on the day of , 1981, as it appears of record in the Minutes of said Court, Volume , page GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of , 1981. ANITA RODEHEAVERI County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas By Deputy