Ordinance No. 3,0530 1 2 1 1— 1 1 C] RD S NA N C E NO _ 3 0 5 3 AN ORD = NANCE APPRO�T i 1�7G THE PURCHASE OF `T'WCJ— I7C+OR SEDANS BY ACCEPT NG THE 8iD OF Y3AYTOSVN i!iC�TC+RS , FOR T11PET -4 T OF THE CITY OT SAYTOWN, BTD NO _ SO] -2 -22 AND A13THC31plTZTllTG PAYMENT SY THE C i TY FOR. EACH ITEM AS SF T C-3UT BELOW W2-1F.FiEAS the City Counci3 of the City of Baytowra did authorize time Purchasira'-- DPPartrnent for Lhe City of Baytown to advertise for bids for tlaB YD. urcYaa�e of Lwc> —doer seci El- ra� to be received December 2 1950 arxc3 w HEKFAS riot ice to bA- ciclers as to the Lime acid Place , ccrhera aracl where the contract wc3ulcl 1>e let was PublisYaed pursuant to provisions of Sectic�>n '7- of -t- Charter of the C i t y o f Bay t o w n; a n d iVHERFAS all bids were oPerlocl aracl Publicly road at City Hall at 9 : 30 a _ m _ Tuesday , Dec:eniber 2 , 1.930 as Per publisYied notice to bicicler5 14TC>W THER IF! FOFi.F, BE ]L--r OFtDA T NED BY THE C i TY COUNC i L OF THE C i TY OF S A Y T OW N: Section 1 = Tliat tYie City Council of the City of �3aytowra finds that tY1e bid <=> -E 1E3ZA- ire R- Zoto jr- � inc_ , is riot the a-c-�wes L grid hest bid su%=).mittecl grad tYzat 13 ay town 1\4 tors did submit the lower ! aracl best bicl for two —door sedaraS Sec!- Lic->n 2 : That tlae City Council of tYae City of 73aytoivn Yaereby acceg3t:L-3 the L71C7 of Baytowra H:Sotor:Ez3 for ttae purchase of two— c3ooa- cedar -x , Item No _ 1 and au-tY3orizes Payment as f o 1 1 ows T LerI- Nc- _ T C3 , S'71 _ 50 Sec:tioia 3 Thies orclinanca shall take :f -L. irxarxaediatoly from aracl after it pz3u az- INTRODUCED , READ and PASSED by tYae of f irrsaat ivy vote of tYac City Council on tl-iis 11th day of December 1gS0 H U `1 "1'" , M a y o r A- 1'717 i -ST = l EIilEFST PF_ HALL, City Clerk 1Z ID STRONCI, CJL-L y rzey