Ordinance No. 3,04501211 —Z3 ORD S NA TIT CE 1lT0 _ 3 C) -:I S AN C> I PIT A TIT CE AN A1LiE1�TDIVIEI�TT 17 TO LS FE I W >T3RANC Y OL I CY TO PROV =DE FOR FOR EAdPLOYEES PRO - NT=DTIVG FOR THE EFFECTSVE DATE HEREOF 173E I T ORDA S NFD 8Y THE CITY COUl�TC L OF THE C S TY OF T-3 IN- YTOWN Sect J- 1 = That the City Dlana0: is Yiereby authorised -L st an ameridment to the life insurance program pro- vided urxc3or the Texas 14luTa icipal League Irisuranca Trust Fund to per- -17 j- CT e term life insurance for each employee in an amc->utit equal to the employee s annual earning from the City ac3ju�73ted to the next lower molt iple of :r>l , 000 _ 00 with t%e rriaxirriLcm arrsoun-t of insurance being X100 , 000 _ 00 _ Sect fora 2 _ City Council authorizes payment of $21 , 1 E _ 2S t- Texas l:Z -LA nicipal League lnsurancc Trust Fund for pa.ymerat v f the addit iarial coverage provided _ Section 3 = This ordirnarncc E3 Y71L a31 take effect of and from it passage by the City Courzcil of the City of Baytown _ S N TROD U C ED RE A D a n d P A S S Tc. D b y t h e a f f i r m a t i v e v o t e o 3 the City Council of the City of Baytowri on this 11th day of Decemi:::,er 3080 _ r Hl1- -u-ju J , il7ayor A T T E S T= S LELNf P IIALL�, City' Clerk APPi�.OVED _ STFt,OlVG City �ttorriey