Ordinance No. 3,042Pub1 i5heci _ TYzursday TTovember 27 1980 Q13 24 -11 S u n d a y, No v e m b e r 3 fJ 1 9 8 4 OFD S 1�TANCE 114C:3- 3 Cl -I 2 AN ORDSNANCE OF THE C =TY CdLJNCSL OF THE CITY OF SAY TC3WIV REVSSSNG AND AMENDSNG THE WATER. AND SEWER L3NF >�X'i'�NSZON REGULATIONS REPEALSNG ALL ORDSNANCES SN DSRECT CONF'LSC' -L' ; CON T A A 1blAX1EMUAd PET-i ink IL, TY OF` $200 _ 00 ; AND PROVIDS TIT G FOR THE PTJBLSC7A'1'SON AND E F F E C T S V E D AT E H E R E C F_ BE S T ORDA = BY THE C I TY COL3NC S r OF THE C STY OF SAYTOW1"I Scct3orn a_ That sectaora 25 -13 of the Code of Ordinaric --PS , C i t y o f B a y t o w n T e x a s, i s h e r e b y a m e n d e d t o r e a d a s f o l o w s_ Sec _ 25 -13 _ Advance Payrraerat T h e C i t y m Z:3.-:57 e x t e n (a i i n e s t o a n a r e a p r o v i d e d tlae pe-t it ioTaers or owners pay to the c i-C n c- za_sh , and in advance of the city in it iat ing y> ps-P7 anI rzary w a r p o n t h e p r o j e c t, a n am o u n t o f rriL o n e y t o b e d e- termined by the director but tree amount advaTacPd sYsall in no event be a- es - Iliari one —had t < the e s t i m a t e d c o s t o f t h e p r o j e c t_ Sect ion 2 = That suY=)sect iora 25 -20 < b of tl-1P Cade o f Qrdiasar -x City of Baytown , is riereID americ3PC3 -I-- C-> read as f o l l o w s= Sec _ 25 -2 C7 _ Applicat fora < b C o n s t r u c t i o n b y o t h e r d e v P Z a p P r s_ A n y owTZer or developer des a r ink to devP1 op Z and and to provide water and/or seNN7rG r services sYasi 1 sribmz t plans grid specifications for a-1 -1 1 1raes corsStructecl within public easements to the director for appr-c�vaIL prior to begirn lux ing construction and I " ac c--ardarace with tree Code of Ordinances of tYaP Cz ty caf Baytown _ Sect ion 3 _ '� hat sect ion 25 -21 of the Code of Ordinan_c Ps City of Baytown Texas is Ysereby amended to rc��c3 �.s Fc�1_-1caws Developer to cosh r-uict _7 "PS _ All developers will irx 17 1 -1 a_t their owrT ex- pense, water and severer lirrPS nPC-PSSary to serve t h e l a n d t h e y a r e d P v P? o p i n _ T 1r e y w i l l 1 i k a w 3 s e corastruct at their cD,wn expense any grid call lift st. _ _j TZS grad pump stations to provide water and sewer s -ry ice to sucYr land _ For arry 3 irae on N -v hicl-i a r e f u n d w i l l b e r e q u e s t e cl u n d e r A r t i c l e V p r i o r to construct iori , -t- 1---y czty wi31 tame bids based up- oTZ plans and spec i f icat ions prepared by a developer , arzd approved by the director , for the lirieEE3 required _ T h e d e v e l o p e r w a 1 1 a d v a rz c e a l l c o s t s o f s u c h S i n e t o t h e c i t y p r i o r t o t h e aw a n d o f t h e c o rz t r a c t; hc-�wPVPr, �rny adjustments irl the final cost of the cc�ntrac-- t sY2all be paid prior to tYie city proviclin� sPrvi_cE tc-� the land _ 01124 -I1a Section 4: That section 25 -23 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25 -23. Reimbursement prior to construction. The cost of water and /or sewer mains which are required by the city to be larger than would nor- mally be needed to serve the subdivision will be partially reimbursed to the developer. The reim- bursable amount will be the difference between the cost of the lines over six (6 ") inches in diameter that would be adequate to serve the subdivision and the cost of the lines required by the city. A reimbursement contract will be negotiated between the city council and the developer prior to construction of the lines. Section 5: That section 25 -32 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25 -32. Exceptions to connection charge. No connection charge will be made: (1) For connections to water or sewer mains existing within the limits of the City of Baytown on December 1, 1979; (2) For reconnection for any cause (excepting default in payment of charges made by city) of a parcel or tract for which a proper connection charge is once paid even though the reconnection be at a different location or in a different street; any tapping charge required elsewhere in this code is to be at the sole cost and expense of the reconnecting property; (3) For any connection to a water or sewer main when, in the opinion of the director, the connection does not provide additioanl service to a property but merely loops the lines to such property; (4) To any user of city water obtained from city prior to December 1, 1979, which water was metered by a meter to serve only one user; (5) To any owner or developer who has paid for a line, as such owner or developer will receive credit for his connection charge because he paid for the line. Section 6: That section 25 -35 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25 -35. Commitment for capacity; transf.errability; revocation of charge. -2- 01124 -11b (a) An owner or developer may receive a commit- ment for water /sewer capacity in a water or sewer line by payment to the director of the appropriate connection charge. The city council may commit to a property owner or developer, without payment of a connection charge, water /sewer capacity in a water or sewer line for his property for one (1) year. Council may renew such a commitment for six (6) month periods. (b) No charge for a tract of land shall be transferrable to another tract. (c) If any tract or portion of a tract is not developed within two (2) years of the payment of the connection charge provided for it, the city shall have the right to refuse water /sewer service to the undeveloped area upon refund without interest of the connection charge or that portion of the charge for the undeveloped area; provided further, any time after the two (2) year period mentioned above, the city shall continue to have the right to refuse water /sewer service to the undeveloped area. In this case, the developer or owner shall be refunded his connection charge without interest and less a penalty of 20% of the connection charge or that portion of the charge for the undeveloped area for each additional year the area remains undeveloped. Section 7: That section 25 -40 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25 -40. Refunds of connection charges. There shall be refunded to the person or persons advancing the cost of an extension of a line a percentage share of the connection charge paid by other owners or developers upon their connection to the line. Each person or persons entitled to such refunds shall receive a percentage of the refund equal to the percentage of the cost of the line they paid. Section S: That subsection 25- -41(a) of the Code of Ordinances City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25 -41. Limitations to full recovery of costs. (a) In no event shall the person or persons ad- vancing the costs of the extension of the water and /or sewer line be refunded an amount that would represent any part of the connection charges against their own property served by the given extension, and said limitation applies whether the connection charge is actually paid or if credit is given for the charge to the builder of a line. Section 9: That Section 25 -43 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: -3- 01124 -11c Sec. 25 -43. Request for refund; recordation. If the applicant so desires, he may, in writing, request the director to establish a connection charge in his favor against intervening nonparti- cipating property owners subsequently making application for service connections to the exten- ded main. Upon receipt of such request, the director shall establish on the records of said department a connection charge in favor of the applicant, stating the total amount of refund to which the applicant is entitled based upon costs advanced by the applicant less the applicant's connection charge on per acre basis. Section 10: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 11: If any provision, section, exception, sub- section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the valid- ity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 12: Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a .fine of not more than Two Hundred and No /100 ($200.00) Dollars, and each violation shall constitute a separate offense. Section 13: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. OJ_124 -11d INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council on this 24th day of November__, 1980. 4MU� TT 0. HUTT , Mayor ATTEST: ' y EILEEN P. HAL C , ity Clerk APPROVED: e — - RANDALL B. STRONG, City Att ney -5-