Ordinance No. 3,0320 1 1 2 4— i O RD S N A N C E N O _ 3 0 3 2 A N O RD S AUTHOR I Z Z NG AND D I RE CT I N G TH E C i TY AlA N A G S R OF THE C I TY OF SAYT OWN T O T-4 1-7 CU IT, 1-4 A CONTRACT W I TH F IRS T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GOO S E C RE E K T O FUND THE OPERATION O F T IIE $ AY T OWN NU T R i T i ON C ENT E R= A L3 THO R 1 Z i NG P A Y M E N T BY THE C I T Y O F F I V E THOU S AND 8s N O / 1 0 0 $ 5, 0 0 0_ 0 0 D O L LA R S W I T H R E GA RD -PC), S U C H A GR E E M E NT AND P R OV = D i N G F OR T HE EF FE CT i VE DAT E HEREOF _ T3 E S T ORD A I NE D BY T �I E C i TY C O UN C S L O F TH E C S TY O F B A Y TOWN S e c t i o n 1 T h a t t h e C i t y C o u n c i l o f t h e C i t y o f S a y t ow ra , Texas Yaereby authorizes and directs the City Marla "ar to execute a contract wit Ya First Presbyteries Church of Goose C r e e k f o r t h e p a y m e n t b y t h e C i t y o f B a y t o w n o f t h e s um o f F I VE TI-j OU S AND F� NO / 1 0 0 $ 5, 0 0 0_ 0 0] D o l l a r s t o f u n d t h e h o t n o o n m e a l s p r okj,� r am f o r t h e B a yt o wn Nu t r i t i o n C e n t e r_ A c o p y of said A " jr- eemcrat is attached hereto , mar]�-- eci Exhibit and made a part hereof for 211 irrtarits and purposes Scct ion 2 That this ordinance sha11 t eke eff ect f rorrm a n d a f t e r i t s p a s s a g e_ INTRODUCED READ and PASSED by the of f irrria t ivy vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this 24thday of N o v emb e r 1 9 5 0_ t � + Q z A�IETT O _ - HLTT Ai`TiST = e L"'.-I-Lk--;-k-�:1V Y -L-� A P P ROVE D , m a y o r 01124 -1a THE STATE OF TEXAS AGREEMENT COUNTY OF HARRIS This Contract and Agreement made and entered into on this day of , 1980, by and between the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, a municipal corporation in Harris County, Texas, hereinafter called "CITY ", and FIRST PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH OF GOOSE CREEK, a nonprofit corporation located in Harris County, Texas, hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR ". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Baytown Senior Citizens' Nutrition Center has been organized in the public interest of the City of Baytown, to provide hot noon meals to the elderly (60 years or older); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown has determined that it is in the public interest that such a service be provided for the elderly; and WHEREAS, due to budgetary constraints, the Baytown .Senior Citizens' Nutrition Center is unable to maintain its present level of service; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor desire to continue this program at its present level of service; NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I. The CITY agrees to pay to CONTRACTOR the sum of FIVE THOUSAND & NO 1100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS for service to be rendered in the support of the Baytown Senior Citizens' Nutrition Center for a period of one (1) year. The CITY agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in advance in equal quarterly payments of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY & NO 1100 DOLLARS, ($1,250.00). In no event will the CITY pay more than 01124 -1b FIVE THOUSAND AND NO /100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS for the support of the Nutrition Center by the CITY. If, however, CONTRACTOR fails to use the full FIVE THOUSAND AND NO /100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS for the support of the Nutrition Center, as shown by records provided herein, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse CITY the unused money. II. The CONTRACTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of FIVE THOUSAND AND N01100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS, agrees to do all things necessary to support the Baytown Senior Citizens' Nutrition Center and to provide the assistance necessary for the Nutrition Center to continue to offer its present level of service. Such support and assistance includes salary supplements for employees of the Nutrition Center, providing group trips and tours, furnishing arts and crafts materials for use at the Nutrition Center, and other similar activities that the CONTRACTOR determines are in need of support. The CONTRACTOR is not bound by the terms of this Contract to provide support to the Nutrition Center in excess of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO1100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS. III. r CONTRACTOR agrees that it will submit to the City s Council an annual report. The report shall show participat- ion, expenses, and year's activities. The report shall be F submitted at the end of the Contract year. IV It is expressly agreed and understood by all parties hereto that FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GOOSE CREEK is an independent contractor in its relationship to the CITY OF BAYTOWN. Nothing herein contained at any time or in any manner shall be construed to (1) effect an agreement of 01124 -1c partnership or joining venture or (2) render any party hereto the employer or master of any other party and /or its employees, agents or representatives. All necessary operating personnel shall be deemed employees of CONTRACTOR. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GOOSE CREEK covenants and agrees to indemnify, and does hereby indemnify, hold harmless and defend, the CITY OF BAYTOWN, its agents, servants or employees, from and against any and all claims for damages or injuries to persons or property of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or incident to the support of the Nutrition Center and all other operations arising under or otherwise incident to the provisions of this contract. CONTRACTOR hereby assumes all liability and responsibility for injuries, claims or suits for damages to person or property, of whatever kind or E character, whether real or asserted, occuring during the term of this agreement, arising out of or by reason of the support of the Nutrition Center and all other operations arising under or otherwise incident to the provisions of this Contract. VI. The City Council reserves the right to cancel this Contract in the event the services performed by CONTRACTOR hereunder are unsatisfactory in the judgment of the City Council, and further for the violation of any provisions hereof. Vil. This Contract shall become effective January 1, 195I, and shall be in-force and effect for a period of twelve (12) 01124 -1d months, terminating on December 31, 1981. This Contract is entered into subject to the Charter and ordinances of the CITY OF BAYTOWN and applicable State laws. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS by the CITY OF BAYTOWN and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GOOSE CREEK, acting by and through its duly elQcted trustees, this the day of , 1980. CITY OF BAYTOWN BY FRITZ LANHAM, City Manager ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: RANDALL B. STRONG, City Attorney FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GOOSE CREEK a E BY Trustee BY Trustee BY Trustee