Ordinance No. 3,0300 1 2 1 3- 2 6 O RD S NA N C E NO _ 3 0 3 0 AINT OT.D I NANCE AUTHOR Z I NG THE ACQU I S = T I ON OA- AN E ASEMENT A C R O S S LAND OWNED BY THE E S TAT E OF L 3 LL S A N S iVI I T H A ND STS HEIRS AUTHOR l Z I NG PAY1\11EWT SY THE C I TY OF BAYTOWN OF THE S UM OF ONE Tl-IOU S AND E I C_- 11 HUNDRED AND NO % 1 O O C3<3 J DO LLA RS A ND P ROV I D I NG F O R T HE E FF E CT S V E DATE HEREOF S E S T O I3.D A= N E D BY TH E C S T Y C OU NC S L OF TH E C S TY O F 8 AYT OWN _ a w n h e C :L t n f t h e C A- _,7 f S a y hereby authorizes t2ic acquisition from the Estato of Lillian Srrrith and its heirs of an easement for utility purposes, a description of said eascrrlent being atta chec3 lzoreto and marred as Exhibit ..IlL and is made a part %ereof for all p u r e o s a s_ S e c t i o n 2= T h a t p aym e n t t o t h e s a i d L i l l i --AL-ma Sm Estate and its heirs in the amount of ONE THOUSAND ESGHlip IiUNDRED and NO/ 100 $ 1 SOO _ 00 :) Do1-IL ar s is hereby author :TL zecl a n d d i r e c t o d_ Section 3 'S'hat this ordinance shall tape effect from acrid a fter its passage SI�iTRODUCED READ , and PASSED by the of f irmat ive vat e of t h e C i t y C o u n c i l t h i s 1 3 t YIL d a y o f No w o m b c r 1 9 5 0_ A T TE S T = F. SLE IF] N P _ HALL , C qty C i girls A PP ROVE D e y HILT `1i'� , M ay o r E X H I B I T "A" Tract I 0113 -26a Being a tract of land out of the Christian Smith Survey, A -69, Harris County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument established by a partition deed ' and by and between John Beazi£ the HarBrxspCoun y D?ed Records, in N'olume 2114, at page 708 o Harris County, Texas; THENCE, Forth 15 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West, along the most easterly lane of the Lillian M. Smith 16.6621 acre tract along with the most �Y5sObrfeetito John Martin 50 ac xe . tract a distance of l _ THENCE, South 80 degrees, 12 minutes, sand doinrtsbeingiinathe of 154.69 feet for a point for a corner, p easterly -right- of -:,ay in a 120 foot hide Harris County Flood Con- trol Easement and being a point of curvature of a curve to the left; THENCE, along a curve to the left and the asttyontrol , hEasenent line of the above mentioned Harris County Flood CP said curve having a radius o321- 97ndeatcurti► central ar distance of 09 degrees, 33 minutes, 35 seconds 53.50 feet of a point; THENCE, southwesterly and still along l�hdeQrees, l6tnanutes,r41 County Flood Control Easement, South Q. t for a corner; se�ands West, a distance of 107.16 feet to z -p TMICE, North, 79 derees, 36 minutes, 41 seconds East -a distance of 5.51 feet to a pogi nt for a corner; . THENCE, north 14 degrees, 16 minutes, 41 seconds East a distance of 100.27 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right; ht frith a radius of 306.97 feet, TI�EhCE; along a curve to the right . a central angle of 09 degrees, 05 minutes, 10 seconds and a curvilinear distance of 43.32 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE, Nvxth 80 degrees, .12 minutes Ot7and seconds PLACE QFEast BEGINNING,distance of 147.90 feet to a concrete monmen containing 4553.817 square feet or 0.1045 acres of land Wore or less. Tract II A 30 foot wade strip adjacent and parallel to the north line and the east line of the above described Tract I for the purpose of a temporary construction easement.