Ordinance No. 3,029P -LA bl-i �tzecT : -1 r-1 c1z-�y , Tc-�vE� Uri I�er 14 , 1-"7E3" 0- _113 -25 ORD S N A N C E N O_ 3 0 2 9 AN ORDINANCE SETT NG A DATE , T I PIE AND PLACE FOR A P TJ B L I C 1-11--: A R I N G O N T H E P R OP O S E D A NNE X AT I O N O F 4_ 0.17s:-3 ACRES r.30RE OR LESS LOCATED NORTH AND WEST OF' THE I N T E R S E C T I O N O F G A RTI 1 A ND B A K E D R O A D S A L S O KN OW N A S W I T,LOW CREEK SHOPP LNG CENTErt ; AUTHORS Z NC3 AND D = — RECTSriG THE CSTY CLERK TO PT3SLI SH NOTICE OF SUCH PT3T3L1 C H E A R= N G; AN D P RdV S D I N G FO R T H E E F F E C T Z VF D A T E H E R E OF _ 13E I T ORDA S NED BY THE C I TY COUNC S T, OF i H7 C I- TY OF SAYTOW3,4 : Section 1 : On the 24th day at IN rriber > 19g0 a at 7 : 00 irl the City Council Chamber of the City Ha11 o f the City of T3aytown Texas tYae City Council will hold a puTo1 icy Yaearirng giving ail iratere�z-;teci parties the right to appeaX- -3L nd be heard on the proposed araraex El- t ion by the City o f 13 vvra , Texas , of t1-1 e tol lowirag described property to —wit Ail that certain 4 _ 0'79 acre parcel of Sand out of thC- -7- 0492 acre tract of - and -Located in the Harvey Wlait ixng S u r v e y Ab s t r a c t S x 0 H a r r i s C o u n t y T e x a s a n d f fi l e d i n the Harris County Clerl s Office in la C-- Real Proper -ty Fi.ecords at Volurrie 3C326 > page 51 and Toeirag mare part i- cularly described Toy rraeteEE; grid Too -LA rads as tot lows : CC > Al 11A (FENCING at the raortYawest right —of —way corner of GartYa Ftoaci and Baler f -i.oad ; THENCE Nortla J degrees , -2 mirautes , 4C3 seconds West along tYae north Boundary line of Bayer Roacl a distance of 240 _ 03 feet to the point or place of SEGSNNSNG _ This point at beginning being the inters PCtion of the city limit line along the raortYa right —of —way of 13aKer- Li.oad and tYae city limit Sine 300 feet west of Lhe cernterlirae of Garth Road; THENCE North 4`39 degrees -:12 rrairautes (3 sacorzds West -Al distance o f 245 _ 03 feet to the w e s L.erly boundary lia3e of the proposed aranexat ion ; THENCE I�Forth 00 degrees 33 rriiraut.es 4L :5 seconnds West a distance of 723 _ 4F Seeto a poirat for a cornier ; THENCE SoutYa 4`39 dagx, c- s , 26 ri- ►mute cond East a. cliL Lava ca of 24.E _ O feet to the exit irag c ity Zimit I irae to a Y> CD. int for a corraar ; THEI\TCE South 00 clagrees 33 mA- rautes 45 seconds East a distance of 727 _ 11 feet along tYaa existirag ca't - Nr lunit Brae w�aicIa is 300 feet toast of -t-- la cen-te Dr- liraa of Garth R e a d t o t h e p o i n t o r p l a c e o f b e g i n n i n g; s a i d t r a c t rng known as Wi -IL lotu Creep SYaor>pirag Cerateif- and contain- ing - _ 079 acres of farad, more or less _ 01113 -25a Section 2: The City Clerk of the City of Baytown is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such public hearing to be published once in the newspaper having general circulation in the city and in the above described territory not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (ten) days prior to the date of such public hearing, all in accordance with the Municipal Annexation Act (Chapter 160, Acts of the 58th Legislature, Regular Session, 1963; compiled as 970a Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended). Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 13th day of November 1980. rr ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: RANDALL B.—STITONG, Cit 'Yeol torney - 2-