Ordinance No. 3,028O]_- LJ_3 -24 ORD NANCF NO _ 3 O2 S A N O RD S N A N C E O F THE C T Y C OU N C= L O F' THE C I T Y O F STTBSEC'Y'ION 26 -50 TO PROV =DE A FEE TO I NST I -JP L7TE PR OCE13 L3R.E FOR AB ANDONItiSENT OF PROPERTY ; PROV S D S NG A REPEALING CLAUSE CC3N'1'A S l I NG A SAV T NGS Ci1AL7SE AND FOR THE EFF1 C`1'=VE DATE HERFOF _ BE TIT, ORDA S NED BY THE C TY COTTNC OF THT {' I TY OF BAY TOWN _ Scc-tion 1 = That the Code of Ordirnances of the Cz ty of Baytown is heY-eby amendecI by the amendmerz-t of C1-1apter 26 , E; -L and SidewaZI--s" by tfie amending of subs PCtion 26 -50 C b w h i c h s h a l l r e a d a s f o l l o w s_ 6- 5 0_ -^- 1=> a n d o n m e n t o f s t r a P t s a n d a l l e y s_ �lo� IJPors the filing of such rPC rest and fie as hereinafter provicAa C=T , the Ci ty Clerk sha1Z rriaiZ notices of said recYuPSt �5aric3 rPleasa forms by certified mail retie -r--rz rPCeipt requested to aZ1 abutting prop arty owriPrs _ Any persori f cling such pet it ion sYzaZ 1 cl-c -- it with tl-ie Ci#-- y Clark , upon said filiriL , a sum of mc>nPy in the amount of Twenty -f eve < $25 _ 00 ), Do-1 -1 um shall be used to pay for tl2� rnLoL _r-w nc>t ices of s�icl re- quast and release forms _ TY1e requiremei�ts of this subsection sha_7 a.pY>1y eq_ -LA a -IL Zy -t-- concerning the abandorlrnPnt of easerrmezzts Sactiorn 2 = A1Z ordinanc -PS C> a7 Parts of orcYinarncas iraconsistant with tt-ie terms c>f tries ordinarise are Yiereby repealed ; provided , howPVPZ- , that such rapea.l sYhall be onA- la e extant of suc h Z rrc c>rasistancy and ire all other respects this ordinance st>aJ Y >P c -LA muZ2_t eve of other ordinances regulating and gc>vPrrnirrg tYie subject matter covered by this ardiriarncP _ f any provision sect ion , except ion , sttbsect ion paragraph , sarrtanco clatAsB or plisse of this o r d i ri a n c e o r -t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f s am e t o a n y P e r s o n o r s e -t- j- -t: a iri c! c-- s , shall for arty 37 easor3 be Yield unconst itutional , void or inval icd such irival idi t shall not of feet the validity 01113 -24a of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council on this 13th day of November > 1980. EMMETT 0. HUTTO, Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: 4NDALL B. STROi , City Att ney --2-