Ordinance No. 3,027011_73 -i23 O RD i N AN C F NO _ 3 V '7 AN ORD S N AN C E A P PR OV Z NG AND A C C EP T I 1,1 C- TH E S L I P L f N I NG O F TH E S AN I TA R Y S EWE R U lD E R TH E F A S T FORK OF G 00 S E C RE E K STREARI SY CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION COPIIPANY ; FINDING THAT THE IEAIPROVEMENTS ARE iN ACCORDANCE W ITI-I THE TERl`SS OF THE NG C I TY ENG NEER S CELT I F I C ATI- C) F F I WA, 1E-. ACCEPTANCE - AUTHORIZING THE f NAL PAYMEI�TT TO THE S A I D CH A NNE L CON S T Fi U C T I ON C O MP ANY AND P I3 OV I D= N G F OR THE E F F E C T I V E D A T E HERE O F _ wHF3a�I;AS , the City of 13aytown contracted with Charxrxel Construct ian Comparxy for the s -AL tpl_= Wing of -t- Y-1 sanitary sevcrar 1xrxder the Fast Fork of Goase Crook Stream and WFIFREAS , all of -4-- 1--1 sa id irriproverr3ents , as proviclocl for in the plans and specific- tioxzs hgrotofore prepared by tYxe C i t y E n g i n e e r a n d a s a p p r o v e d a n d a cd o p t o d b y t h e C i t y Co -Lx ricil have been performocl arxd eomplotocl in fu11 accor- dance with a 11 of the terms and YD. rovis3orxs of the aforesaid c o n t r a c t a n d A •YI3EREAS the City Ens nPPr in tYxo rrianrxor provided by t h o t e r m s o f t h e s a i d C:::!<:::> n t r a c t a n d t h e p l a n s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s t h e r e o f h a s a p p r o v o d a n d a c c e p t e d s a i d wa r p a n d i m p r o v e m e n t s arxd Yxas Yxeretofore issuecl his Certificate of Final Acceptance, and has cert if ied same to tYxe City Co -La ncil El- rxcl recommended that it accept arxcl receive said work grid improvomorxts as constructed and completed by tYxo said CharirxeZ Construction Company and ��VHFRFAS , ther_ o remains and owirx§� to tYxe said contrac-t- -E EIGHTFEN THOUSAND SIXTY THREE S. I-Zdi1VQ 4c $18 , 063 _ VV 3 D O L L AR S u rs d e r t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e s a i d c o n t r a c t N OW THEREFORE , SE S �' ORDAINED BY THE C I TY COL3NC S L OF THE C I -C --Z OF T3 AY TOWN SPCC iorx 1 That City Coxzrxcil hereby approves El- rxd ac- cept s said work and irnprovement s , axzd f irids arxcl determinos 01.113 -23a that all of said improvements have been completed as pro- vided in the plans and specifications therefore, and in full accordance with all of the terms and provisions of the aforesaid contract. Section 2: That the Certificate of Final Acceptance heretofore issued by the City Engineer and certified to the City Council is hereby accepted and received. Section 3: That final payment to the said Channel Con- struction in the amount of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SIXTY THREE & N01100 ($18,063.00) DOLLARS is hereby authorized and directed. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this 13th day of November ATTEST: , 1980. EMMETT 0. HUTTO, Mayor n� J EILEEN P. ALL, City Clerk APPROVED: W-M , i OWN.- /., �, B. •* LWt 9-Y