Ordinance No. 3,02401113 -20 ORD S N A N C E N O_ :3c-)f2---7 Al�T QRD = N AN C E AD OP T I N G T HE P L A N P ROV T S S O N S A F FE C T S NG PART I C I PAT � ON dF E��PLOYEE S OF TH S S C Z TY � N 'TEXAS P3UN I - C IPAL s�ET I RE1kiENT SYSTEMS AS AUTHOR= 7F,D BY SEC'rZ ON XX OF A1�T1 C IL. F 62Z 3 ' S TEXAS C 1V I L STATUTES AND G1tANTSNG THE ADDLE -IP �TAL RIGHTS , CREDITS AND 3ENEFSTS THERE = N AUTHORI ZED ; PROV ZD I NG THAT SLSCT-1 R I GHTS SHALL LEE S ILT LE M E N T AR Y T O T HO S E H E R E T OF OR E A L L OWE D AND THAT A R E I N F OR C E A T T HE E F FE C T S V E D AT E O F T H I S O RD Z N AN CE ; A N D P RE S C IR :E 13 I NG TH E E F F E C T 1 V E D AT E OF T H I S O RD S N AN C E B E 1 T O RDA I NE D $ Y T H E C I T Y C OT T N C= L OF S AY T UW N T E Y AS = Sect ion 1 Pursuant to Sect ion XX of Art icle C 2 , V e r n o n' s T e x a s C i v i l S t a t u t e s, a s am e n d e d, t h e C i t y o f Baytown, adopts the following pZar3 provisions affecting participation of its employees in the Texas NVl -Lx rnicipal Retire- me a t S y s t em C a :) Each persori who becomes an employee of any part i- cipat ing department of this City acrd who is not already a rnember of the 'Vexes i,Zunici ID, al Rotlrerrierit System ShalI- C! rYl a member of the System as a coedit ion of employ- ment , provided such persori is tYren under d- -U y C 60 y e a r s o f a g e; b D, A n y m emb B r a c t o r o n e t 1 y e a r f r o m t h e e f f e c t i v e Cl a t e o f memo e r s h i p s h a l l b e e l i g i b l e f o r s e r v i c e r e- tiremerit who has attained T the age of fifty t 50 years and has completed twenty -five C 25 �> years of creclj -tab -IL e service with tYris City or who has attained tTa age of s i x t y E F O 3 y e a r s a n d h a s c o m p f e t e d a t l e a s t t e n 4( Z O�p years of creditable service with participatirig munici- palities which have OLcTopted the plan provisions of tYiis section, or who has become eligible for service retire- ment under any other applicable provisiorz of Article 6243h , Verner ' s Texas Civil St atut es ; c)� T h e m e mb e r s h i p o f a n y m emb e r w h o h a s c o m p f e t e d a t least tern C 10 i Years of creditable service with this City and other participatirig murzicipalities which have adopted the plan ps°ovisioris of Section XX of Article 6 2-- 3 h V e r n o n. s T e x a s C i v i l S t a t u t e s s h a 1 1 rr o f t o rm i- natI n� becuase of absence Srom service ; and [ d :> Any per so re who is an employee of a part is ipat irig department of this municipaZaty at the effective dale of this ordinance but wl-xo at the date o�C his erri1:-> rnent was under sixty C 60 years of age but clic3 riot be- come a member of s -Municipa3 F;t tiremonL System Yoe - cause he was -t- yx above the maximum ago thorn prescribed by law for in it ia1 membership in the System , shall b�- come a member of the System at the effective c3 ate of this ordinance , unless he has alrear3y become a member under other provisions of the governirig act , and shall be allowed prior service credit for each month of 01113 -20a creditable service performed for this municipality subsequent to the date such person was precluded from membership and prior to the effective date of his membership. Such prior service credit shall be calcu- lated using the same percentage of the base prior service credit as was most recently used in calculating Prior Service Credits or Updated Service Credits in said System for current member employees of this City. Section 2. The rights, credits and benefits herein- above authorized shall be in addition to the plan provisions heretofore adopted and in force at the effective date of this ordinance pursuant to the Act governing said System. Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective on the first day of the calendar month following its enactment, provided it has previously been determined by the Actuary of the System that the additional obligations herewith undertak- en can be funded within the period prescribed by the Act above cited, and will not result in probable depletion of this City's account in the Prior Service Accumulation Fund of the System. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 131h day of November , 1980. EMMETT 0. HUTTO, Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HAL , City Clerk APPROVED: RANDALL B. STROITG, City torney -2-