Ordinance No. 3,016O 1. Z Z 3— 1 2 ORD > N A N C E N O _ 3 Cl 1 6 AN ORD 1 NANCE O:F THE C S TY COLTNC T L N1 Y , TEXAS AMEND S NC' CHAPTER 2 7 , " SE3BD = V 1 S QNS TO PRO�T 1DE FOR THE W13D.1$ER OF COPIES REC2 TJ 11 RED FOR F 1� L i 1-4 C-- OF PRO - P O S E D D EV E LO P l4I>� NT S ZE P E A L S NG CO N F L L C T s N G O RD S N A N CE S, C ON T A S N S N G A S A V S N G S C L A Y3 S E A ND P R OV D N G F O R T H E EFFECT =ATE DATE I3EREOF _ Section 1 TYa�t trie Code cif Orc3-1 nances of the City of Baytown i--1�3 hereby amended by the arnenclrnPnt of Chapter 27 , j- <7:> " by the repealing of tt-ie introductory par El- — graph of Art A- a- 3 I Platt irag l-> 4A 1 -1 re Subsect ion 27 -15 , as presently constituted and by the adoptiora of a necv introduc- Cory paragraph which shall read as foZ -1 c-�wS , to AR-PIE CLF 1 l _ PLATT I TN�G pROCEDLTRE 27 -1f3 _ Dapartmerat- 1 review ( Sta_ge one } T2-zero sha11 be a tlaree —stage proc-esS for plats required to be submi-ttect to ttzo c- -oTTirrzissiora �cor ap- proval. consisting of departmerata:1 review (stage one } preliminary approval ( stage twa } and f irae7 1 ap- proval ( stake three } _ -P -1 naumbe-r- of copies of tlae deve3opmerit plan required -t- C-3 be filed at tlae appropriate times shall be fifteen (Z S} cc:>pies for Stages Two and Three (Prelimiraary an c3 Fz real Approval } Sect ion 2 TYaat the Code cif Or c3iraances c f the City of Baytown is Yaereby amended by f CYaapter 27 , SIC <A by the repeal of Artie -le 1S P1-ttirag Proco— dare Subsect Tara 27— 18 { b > ( 1 } as r�-r went 1y corast itutect and by the adopt ion of a now S -LA lasect ion 27 --1 8 ( b } < 1 } vv la :L t--- s h a Z 1 r e a d a s f o 1 1 o w s t o — w i t 1 3 P1�tt1 rag Procedure { 1 } Copies of tYaa prel i_min El- ry devolopmerat plan of the entire development clrawra to scale and showing streets , a_at ility easements , major l El- ridscapirag frC-- Tres relevarat operat iorTal data , drawirags and jc-3 r elevat ions clearly establ islaing the scale a n d o p e n s p a c e_ S u c h d e v e l o pm e n t p l a n s h a l l i n- clude maps and A- raformat ion on the surrouraclirag area wi 17 1--1 in f our hunclired ( --- OC-) } f eet of tlae c3PVPl c7r).merTt _ A bouradary survey or a eert if iecl 01113 -12a boundary description by a registered engineer or licensed surveyor, plus contour information, shall also be submitted. The elevation of all points used to determine the contours shall be indicated on the preliminary plan and said points shall be given to true elevation above mean sea level as determined by the city engineer. The base data shall be clearly indicated and shall be compatible to city datum, if bench marks are not adjacent. The following intervals are required: (i) One -foot contour intervals for gound slopes up to five (5) per cent. (ii) Two -foot contour intervals for ground slopes between five (5) per cent and ten (10) per cent. (iii) Five -foot contour intervals for gound slopes exceeding ten (10) per cent. All elements listed in this paragraph shall be characterized as existing or proposed and sufficiently de- tailed to indicate intent and impact. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this Ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4: If any provision, section, exception, sub- section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordi- nance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the valid- ity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council. -2- 01113 -12b INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 13th day of November , 1980. gym. Eh ETT O. 11UTTO, Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HA L, City Clerk APPROVED: Z 7 RANDALL B. T G, City torney -3-