Ordinance No. 3,010011 Z 3 -6 O RD T N A NC E N O _ 3 0 1 O AN O RD S NAN C E A C C E P T` 3 N G T HE B S D O F F S R E P ROT E C T I ON SERV S CE CO1ti.4PANY AND S NDL3STR S AL F S RE EQU SPMENT FOP-.. THI~: PU RC H A S E O F E S T S 14I A T E D QU AN T S T l E S O F F I R E HO S E O N A U N S T P R I C E SA S S S, W S T H T H E C OM P E N S AT I O N TO S E P A S D T O i3 E S A S ED UPON THE A C TU A L Q U ANT S T S E S S UP P L I E D WI3EREAS tYae City Council of the City of Saytowrz did a,uLYio=ize the Purcl- lasing Dop�rtmerit far the City of Baytown to advertise for bids for trac p -Lx rcYaase of estimated quan-ti -tips of fire hose on a unit price basis to be received October 22 1950 ; arced WHEREAS , not ace to Ioiddars a s to the time grid place , whera and where tlae contract would be let way publi�=ghed p -Lx rsuarat to provisions of Sect ion 74 of the Charter of the City of Baytowri and VAIIEIlEAS , all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 9 = 30 a _ r" _ Weciraesday , October 22 , 1980 , as per p u b 1 i s la e d n o t i c e t o b i d d e r s F3E S T OFtDA S NED $Y T 3E C STY COUNC S L OF TT3E C T'PY OF 8 AY T OW N = Sect ion l That tyre City Co-Lx raci_ 1 of the C z ty of Sa.ytowra k-iereby accepts the bid of Fire Protection ServI c-7--- Company for the purcYaase of fire hose in accordza .nc°P wi_tla tYie invitation to bid arfd specifications of the City of F3aytowra as follows E S']P I[ MATED E ST S MATED QLTISNTSTY DESCRSP'FSON UNTTr PRICE TOTAL PRSCF' 1 , SOO ft _ Sipe 2z'• $Z _ 70 ft _ $2 , 550 _ 00 350 ft _ S7L 1 _ 70 ft _ $ 595 _ 00 with the comperisa-tion to be paid to be based upon the actual quantities supplied_ 01113 -6a Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Industrial Fire Equipment for the purchase of fire hose in accordance with the invitation to bid and specifications of the City of Baytown as follows: ESTIMATED ESTIMATED QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1,500 ft. Size 12" $1.16 ft. $1,740.00 350 ft. Size 17" $1.16 ft. 406.00 with the compensation to be paid to be based upon the actual quantities supplied. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council on this 13th day of November , 1980. A�ETT 0. HUTTO, Mayor ATTEST: E- EN P. HALL, City Clerk App D: ANDALL B. STRONG, City ttorney -2-