Ordinance No. 2,702• r ORDINANCE NO. 270 AN >OFiDINANCE; OF THE CITY �COUNGIL'OF .THE,; CITY- OF BAYTOWN- AMENDING CHAPTER ;5, "AN_IMALS," OF" -THE CODE.OF:ORDINAN.CES BY,DEFINING•tAND PROVIDING FORTH -T CONFINEMENT :OR DESTRUCTION - OF; VICIOUS ANIMALS;. PROVIDIN.G' A:'MI_NIPJUM .FINE- FOR`- REPEATED'- - OFFENSES; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDMENT -AND SALE OF- ANIMALS, ;RER:EALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH- ;•..,.. CONTAIN INC7 -.A' SAVINGS' CLAUSE.; PRESCRIBING;' A MAXIMUK PENALTY OF.- TWO HUNDRED .($200.00): DOLLARS;-" -AND PROVIDING FOR ;THE PUBLICATION AND 'EFFECTIVE DATE.", HEREOF.' BE _IT ORDAINED-BY THE .C:ITY COUNCIL OF-,THE.-CITY OF :.. � BAYTOWN . _ 4 Section 1:. That - .CYiapter 5 , ''Animals , " `of 'ahe Code of Or.inances is amended,by the addition of a.`definition to Section 5 -1' Definitions, tYiat `shal,l� read as..rfollows: '. ' Sec.-. '5 -1'.. Defn`itions ` vidu:al animal of any° species . that Vicious animal An y ridi , has on- two ,-- ;:(2;) . pr. evous occasions,, without :'provocation ,. at tacked.or-bitten any person or other animal Section 2: w.That Chapter 5, , "AnYmals," 'of t -he -Code of Or.diriances' is : amend "ed by th`e' :repeal. -of `,subsection -' 5 =2(d). as:' p.resen't ly, const'ituted, °and by tYi'e addition =of two ° new':.sub= sections r5 -:2(d) and (e); that. `-sh`al -1 read .as follows Sec 5 -2 "( d) An, of f e. rise under-•. this.`'. section is- punishabi -e by - a .f ine not less .t.han., twenty - five -,( $25.'00) - 'dollar's ' and.. riot to 'exceed two undyed ($200 .,0.0) dollars for the .:f first v of;f ease ; by' a, .h- fine'' not, less. ,than thirty -'f iV. -($35. 00) .dollars and not to exceed two. hundr -ed` ($200.00)_ dollars_ for , -the second 'offense_ within - a twelve month. - period ;' -by a fine not . -less than- .f.ifty -- °( $50.00')` dollars: and not , to_ exceed two hundred . (-$200.00) " 'd'ollar.s :-for- the third '.offe.ns°e .within °. a`- twelve month period, by, a fine "not': less' than' .seven-ty -f ive'; ($75:00) : dollars - not to exceed' 'two Yiundr.ed ($200.00) dollar.§ fo,r the forth offense within a twelve month ,p;eriod.;_ by 'a fine no_t'.less 'than "one. i h. und�r:ed (. $100. 90) and of t.a exceed two_ hundred:' (`$2'00. 00') ' - do. Iiars :for 'all subsequent. offenses :.within. a twelve: month. period; (e) Animals , _wbther � than ca -ts , running at` .large.. are 'sub j ec.t to i.mpoun'dment by an officer. of the - cit, "y humane, department - ,, . It. shall bo the,, duty of; eve -ry huinane.`.off cer, to,,.app'rehend - any dog foun -d running .at large and .to .ir.ipound such, dog .at the city animal. shelter. ;e