Ordinance No. 2,69090628" ORDINANCE NO.. 2690 - AN :ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11; "'ELECTRICAL CODE" OF THE,CODE.OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY.OF BAYT.OWN'TO,:RE= STRUCTVRE ' P,�ET.�BERSHIP OF "' THE.. `ELECTRICAL'BOARD. - r BE IT`.ORDAINED BY THE CITY,,_COUNCIL'OF THE CITY, OF -BAYTOWN . 'Section -1 :` That , Chap .er 11 ", ' - "Electrical Code" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of. Baytown is�= hereby amended - 'by-.the repeal, of Section - 11. -1, Membership; Appointment, ,as Presently constituted and by the adoption of: a -new Section 1,171- that�shal.l read as follows: Sec. :11 -1._ Membership. .(a)' There Ts hereby created an-electrical board, a'Yiat shall - consist of"fdve (5).members. The members of this board -shall be; residents of ,the,cit:y and shall be appointed by the' -city council : At no time during this :activity of - this board shall; any, two members be a .representartive of, the same: firm • organizat i"cn -. . The five (,5) Positions - shall `be as follows:. Pos t-ion..No.'-1 An electrical engineer presently - .employed by the city's public util-ity company. �. .Position No 2: '. An electrical contractor.. Position 'No.: 3'6 A j-ourneyman.ele:ctrician. ' - Position -No: 4: "'A - master sign electri.c:ian -or master ..electrician., Position N&..' 5-: A. citizen not in the building industry. . o b)'yearse,ele�ttrical board shall serve for a perbo:dAl two (r rm of . off -ice ; shall` coincide with two.. (.2'): cal'endar''years.. Position. Nos., 1 °2, and .'3 shall`-be appointed effective; January 1st in ;each even- numbered year, -and, position Nos.. 4 and--.5 shall be appointed ef'fect'ive January, 1st in. each- odd - numbered .y,'ear. If .,an-, interim vacancy shall occur', ,a successor shall- be.appointed for the remainder of such term: All- members - shall 'serve " without compensation, and shall'be_.subject to removal at the will of the city :.council`. Section 2: All _ordinances or :parts of ordinances inconsistent -,with the terms of-th.is ordinance are hereby -'repealed -;' provided;. however: that"sudh repeal shall-. be, only' . to the extent of such inconsistency and in all -.other respects. this ordinance shall' ',be': cumulative of other '- or.dinances `covered by-this.' ,regulating. and'governing the subject-`rriatter ordinance.