Ordinance No. 2,693712 -'1 . . , `® 7,ORDINANCt NO: 260`3 ;AN. ..ORDINANCE SUSPENDING HOUSTON LIGHTING &, -•POWER• COMPANY.' S _ PROPOSED 'INCREASE .IN RATES ,FOR,_120 CERTAIN F'I'NDING` S `AND PROVIS,IONS:. L -WHEREAS, Hou=ston Lighting &' Power• _ Company f fled, a ''.Rate F ling.Package" stating,`.its- _intent increase rates within :the Cit y.iof.'Baytown with- thd'City- Clerk,pursuant:,to Article :'1446c' .on _Jul y,'2,- 1979;; and • � ' - 'WHEREAS, ... the.. ro os.6d ef.f ect.ive p „ p date of ,,the '-in,cr. eased = rat es:.is`Augu st 7; 1979;..-and , WHEREAS, the City of "Baytown desires to evaluate the° merits of such. -rate increase prior to the inception - of the pr;opoSed.:rates;;:• .and; WHEREAS, t;h& tune- nec'e'ssary for a;;- complete: evaluation - ' --120 requires the proposed rates be susp .ended::for „ a period . of, days beyond A' t-7, 1979; NOW THEREFORE, B;E IT ORDAINED`. BY -`THE CITY COUNCIL -OF 'THE CITY; ^QF - Sect'ion 1; .,Having considered the time necessary, to evaluate the _merits of Houston Lighting• & Power ::Company' p`ropo.sed ,rate ,increase, the. <.C1ty' ,Council hereby finds that ^pursuant the proposed rates'. should be suspended- _to Article, 1446c. Sect'ion'2:. Houston Lighting &Power .Compari`y's,proposed rates for customers within the:c`ity limits-of the City of Baytown :are suspended. for" a: 'per.od of 120 .days 'beyond. August 7,' 1979, which date t•he.`rates.:,would otherwise become effective, .' ". - it a `new ;ra .. or unt . -• .. rate ordinance for:Houst;ori'Lighting..& Power Company is;. passed "by "-the City Co whichever .comes first Section 3.- , The City CJ6e !F is "hereby directed toy deliver a', copy of this .ordinance to: Houston:-: T;lgh'ting ,,& Power Comp any . . '