Ordinance No. 2,691• ` 90703' 1 • _ _ _ - °, ORDINANCE 90: 2691 AN.ORDINANCE PROHIBITING:CERTAIN•USES.OF WATER FROM THE - ' %'CITY :WATER -, SUPPLY.. SYSTEM NOT :. ESSENTIALS TO THE PUBL -IC WELL- DE.ING- 'AUTHORIZ.ING. THE --CITY TQ TERMINATE-:WATER.' SERVICE'.- FOR.V.IOLATION; AND. DECLARING THE.:PRESENCE,_OF'.AN - EMERGENCY.,. :WHERE. AS.- an - emergency' exist�s'.� in , the City. of Baytown_ ,, because - of � the , dis`r,epair of . two service wells';-, and WHEREAS, the';water res-sure:, im the; City, is at a danger- . ously.:.low level, and .. `WHEREAS; 'it is - ,imperative„ to the" public` well- being that certain uses of water,not.,`essential to the health,-welfare rid esafety o.f t.h`e , ;be r.'estr cted; NOW THEREFORE, BE I,T ORDAINED BY THE THE'CITY OF _CITY ,COUNCIL;OF BAYTOWN, ; TEXAS :. : Section, h:; That 7= the use and withdrawal of .water for the City- ;water - supply system- by an- person for the .purpose of s_pr.inkling:; watering or' `irregating o'f sh.rubbe'ry,. ,trees, . lawns;'" grass ground, covers;` plants;--vines or flowers- is. ,proh.ibited. Section 2 The:'.l�ayor `shall have the authority 'to enforce. the provisions of;.this ordinance by the, discontinuance ,of water'service in the event of violat ion. hereof. Section 3 This. ordinance shall. be.,in force and effect .un'til: amended, or. repealed,, by the :Mayor or: until repealed by- the Council of the City =of_ Baytown.., Section 4: ..This, -ordinance i8 passed _as an emergency, measure, and th_e. Council` does hereby decl-are, that ran emergency exists- which - makes`:, it, imperative that ,this..o- rdinance shall become _effecti`ve ,forthwith -. INTRODUCED,, -,:READ,. + and '-PASSED -by:. the ,a..ff.irmative vote of .o of the ,City of Ba town o; _ ority' f' the City `Council n a mad _ :. this 3rd ..day of '` July -_ , 1979.. . TT ,.0: :I UTTO. . Ivia or