Ordinance No. 2,684r] 0614 -8a y. E X H. I B, I. -, T _ A 3 1 31 Y d -•, 614-8b •` = Beg at a. p,oin =t in; the;,westr inar.gin..of Goose''Cree:k ® P Stream- 232'.49 `feet` from the, point of intersection of _,the west :, boundary line::of ,''Goose Creek St:re.et'. and the south bou.n:dary .1 "ine of Gulf 'Avenue "' all inside `tYie• corporat;ed l:imrts of .`the City' ofd .Goose" Creek; HENCE, 'the; westera'boundary ;of• ,Goode ;Creek - Street ^.10.0 f <e'et:= more `or less;, :to ythe':- no-,rthe' ast`'corner of a tract of ;land owned by: Robertson °;P,4acD6n.ald Lumber,' Comp an. Y ; . and THENCE a;;south.erly direction along.the: north'` :. property. line of the Robe rtson- tlacDonald,Lumber. Company`s .. ... m l 84 feet 'to the a distance:'o appr,oxi ate tract,, y, ,. -southwest' 'corn•er :of this .tr'act,,. said southwest ._corner ,. being: 80. feet.; westerly at 'right angles, from the- afore . said - line. o.f; said Goose Creek Street, and E, northerly ';100 °feet. along the eastern boundary - luine• of ;the Dayton= Goose. Creek Rai lway,propp:erty; Nand THENCE, easterly to th`e point' o f b•'eginn rig;.appr.ox ®` imate:ly 1.02 fe "et;., all.: out `o'f what is known as th`e Price Fruett..Homestead , or the Pruett: Addition. t.6 ahe'-town, of..; Goose° ,Creek, in t:he Harvey Whiting ;Surgey . r