Ordinance No. 2,619la ORDINANCE NO. 2619 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM RELATING EXCLUSIVELY TO PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN : Section 1: That the City Council does hereby establish an affirmative action program relating exclusively to projects funded by the Community Development Block Grant Program. A copy of said program is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" 1 and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown this 8th day of February , 1979. _.� � VA z pre ATTEST: )0' EI E N P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: "'� wale-� SCOTT BOUNDS, City Attorney Affirmative Action Program of the City of Baytown relating exclusively to projects funded by the Community Development Block Grant Program. I. Introduction A. Purpose: The purpose of this Affirmative Action Program is to set forth policies and procedures that will be implemented by the City of Baytown to assure the compliance of contractors and sub- contractors using Community Development Block Grant funds with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. B. Policy Statement: It will be established policy to provide employment and business opportunities for businesses within or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Section 3 covered project area and lower- income residents of the same area as promulgated in the Section 3 clause. (See attachment No. 1, Employment Opportunities for Business and Lower Income Persons in connection with Assisted Projects, A through E). C. Project Boundaries: The Section 3 covered project area boundaries for the purpose of the Community Development Block Grant Projects are the corporate limits of the City of Baytown. Those boundaries were ascertained by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). D. Definitions: 1. Business concerns located within the Section 3 covered project area - Those individuals or firms located within the relevant Section 3 covered project area, listed on HUD's registry of eligible business concerns, and which qualify as small under the small business size standards of the Small Business Admin- istration. 2. Business concerns owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Section 3 covered project area - Those business concerns which are 51 percent or more owned by persons residing within the relevant Section 3 covered project area, owned by persons considered by the Small Business Administration to be socially or economically disadvantaged, listed on HUD's registry of eligible business concerns, and which qualify as small under the small business size standards of the Small Business Administration. 90208 -3b la 3. Moderate income resident - A person who resides within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown and whose personal income does not exceed 80 percent of the income in the Houston Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA). HUD has established that $14,800 ($18,500 Medium Family Income X 80 %) is the ceiling level. 4. Lower income resident - A person who resides within the corporate boundaries of the City of Baytown and whose personal income does not exceed 50 percent of the medium income in the Houston SMSA. HUD has established that $9,250 ($18,500 Medium Family Income X 507o) is the ceiling level. 5. Section 3 covered project - In this particular case, any nonexempt project funded by Community Development Block Grant Funds must be responsive to Section 3 requirements and, as a result, are Section 3 covered projects. 6. Section 3 exempt project - Regardless of ^ funding level, no Community Development Block Grant Funded projects are exempt from Section 3 requirements. II. Affirmative Action Program A. Utilization of lower- income, Section 3 covered project area residents as: 1. Apprentices /Trainees - The City of Baytown will require that all contractors and sub- contractors subject to Section 3 regulations will provide, prior to signing a contract, a preliminary statement of work force needs to include trade and job classifications. A standardized form will be provided by the City to record this information. In addition, the contractors and subcontractors will be required to use the criteria set forth in 135.40, 135.45, and 135.50 of the Section 3 regulations apprentice /trainee recruiting and hiring requirements. (See attachment No. 2). 2. Employees - The City of Baytown will require that all contractors and subcontractors subject to Section 3 regulations will provide, prior to signing a contract, a preliminary -2- W8-3c statement of work force needs to include trade and job classifications, on a standard- ized form to be provided by the City of Baytown. In addition, the contractors and subcontractors will be required to use the criteria set forth in 135.55 and 135.60 of the Section 3 regulations regarding recruiting and hiring requirements. (See attachment No. 3). B. It is anticipated as a goal that all projects will be undertaken by business concerns that are located in the Section 3 covered project area. C. Outline of the anticipated program to be used to achieve the goals for each category noted above. 1. The Affirmative Action Program will be included in the bid documents. 2. The Section 3 covered project area will be identified in the bid documents. 3. Contractors and subcontractors will be notified of their obligations to utilize lower income Section 3 project area residents as trainees and employees to the greatest extent feasible. 4. Whenever applicable and possible the contracting officer will bid or negotiate contracts by trade to maximize participation of small contractors of the Section 3 covered project area. D. Process To Secure Cooperation 1. City officials will meet with all interest contractors and subcontractors prior to contract approval to insure their under- standing of and cooperation with the Affirma- tive Action Program. 2. During the above session, particular emphasis will be placed on describing Section 3 obligatory provisions concerning training and employment opportunities for low income residents of the Section 3 project area, utilization of business concerns located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Section 3 project area, and contractor requirements concerning their labor organization relation- ships. (See attachment No. 1, Section 3 clause, paragraph C). -3- M F& 9208 -3d 3. The City of Baytown will pursue its obligation as set forth in 135.300 of the Section 3 Regulations. (See attachment No. 4). E. Steps to Insure Notification of Pending Contractural Opportunities: 1. Attempt to recruit from the Section 3 covered area the necessary eligible business concerns through local advertising (media) and signs placed at the proposed sites. 2. Inform local, public and private, community agencies and institutions about potential business opportunities in the projects for small businesses of the community and firms owned by residents of the community. 3. Contract all potential bidders of proposed projects and apprise them of the need to utilize to the greatest extent feasible business concerns located in the Section 3 project area or business concerns owned in substantial part by individuals living in the Section 3 project area. 4. Refer qualified and interested small businesses and firms either located within the Section 3 project area or owned in substantial part by residents of the City of Baytown to the prime contractor, the contracting officer of the City,_or contractors who propose to subcontract portions of the work. 5. Measures will be taken by the City of Baytown to insure that the appropriate eligible business concerns will be notified of pending contractural opportunities. However, once a registry of eligible business concerns is established by HUD, in consultation with the Small Business Administration, contracting those listed concerns will constitute satis- factory compliance with HUD requirements regarding notification procedures. F. Steps will be taken to insure that contracts will be let in accordance with local and state statutes. G. Once competitive bids are solicited, bidders are required to submit manpower and business utiliza- tion goals and possibly an Affirmative Action Program accomplishing those goals. Whether the submission of an Affirmative Action Program will be necessary will depend on HUD determination. -4- 08 -3e Whatever the outcome, the City of Baytown will carefully evaluate the submission(s) of contractors and subcontractors. H. The City of Baytown will continue to work closely with the HUD Area Office in an attempt to affirma- tively pursue the completion of these projects. I. The City of Baytown will also make good faith effort to achieve its goal or target number and estimated dollar amount of contracts to be awarded to eligible businesses within each noted category as well as to maintain a good faith effort to implement is Affirmative Action Program. A monitoring /evaluation system will be undertaken to make certain that compliance with aforestated paragraphs C., D., E., and F. are being adhered to. J. Where the nature of a project limits the number of potential contractors to one party, the City of Baytown will not pursue the advertising of such a project as outlined in this Plan but will merely contract with the party in question. -5- 29•„_; (-) '2o:ver income resident of .ne area" means any individual who resides within the area of a section 3 covered .project and r. hose family income does not exceed 90 percent of the median income In the Standard NIetropoIitan Statistical Area (or the county If net within an SMSA) in which the section 3 covered project is located. (h) "Political Jurisdiction" means a ,litically ma.nized community with a goverring body having general govern- mental powers. (i) "Recipient- mesas any entity who received assistance for a project Includ- ing, but not limited to. mortgagors. dereicxers, local public bodies, nonprofit or limited dividend sponsors, builders or property managers. (j) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. (k) "Section 3- means section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.12 U.S.C. 1701u. (1) "Section 3 clause" means the con- tract provisions set forth in J 135.20(b). (m) " Section 3 covered project" means any nonexempt project assisted by any program administered by the Secretary In which loans. greats, subsidies. or other financial assistance are provided in aid of housing. urban planning. development. redevelopment, or renewal. public or communit; facilities. and new commu- nity development (except where the fi- nancial assistance ara!!able under such program is vilely In the form of insurance , guaranty). Projects. contracts. and )contracts. connected with programs - ministered by the Secretary under sec- tion 235 and 236 of the National Hous- ing Act, as well as any Public Housing program and which do not exceed $500,000 in estimated cost are exempted from the requirements of this part. as Is any subcontract of $50,000 or under on such projects or contracts in excess of $500,000. in) "Subcontractor" means any entity (other than a person who is an employee of the contractor) which has agreed or arranged with a contractor to undertake a portion of the contractor's obligation or the performance of work In connection with a section 3 covered project, It 135.10 Delegation to A *siatant Sr ecr -' -•-- tail for Equal Opportunity. r,xcept as otherwise provided in this part, the functions of the Secretary re- ferred to herein are delegated to the As- Astant Secretary for Equal Opportunity. §135.15 Determination of the area -of a "etion 3 covered project. (a) The area of a section 3 covered project shall be determined as follows: 1) The boundaries of a section 3 cov- 1 project located: (1) '%7ithin a geographic area desig- nated as an urban renewal area pursuant to the provisions of title I of the Housing Act of 1949. 42 U.S.C. 1450; or (U) Within a geographic area desig- nated as Model Cities areas or Metropoli- tan Development Plan areas pursuant to the provisions of title I of the Demon- stration Cities and Metropolitan Develop- ment Act of 1966. 42 U.S.C. 3301; or RULES AND REGULATIONS (iii) Within r_ geographic area desig- nated as an Lidian reservation (to in- clude all tenitory within reservation boundaries including fee patented roads, waters, bridges and lands used for agency purposes) . shall be coextensive with the boundaries of that geographic area. (2) The boundaries of a section 3 covered project not located within a geo- graphic area designated pursuant to title I of the Housing Act of 1949, or title I of the Demonstration Cities and bletropoli- tan Development Act of 1966 shall be co- extensive with the boundaries of the smallest political jurisdiction In which the project is located. (3) To the extent that goals (estab- lished pursuant to Subparts B. C. and D of this part) cannot be met within a section 3 covered project area as deter- mined pursuant to paragraph (a) (1) of this section, the boundaries of the small- est political jurisdiction in which the sec- tion 3 covered project is located shall be designated as the relevant section 3 cov- ered project area. The determination to apply this subparagraph shall be made by the Assistant Secretary for Equal Op- portunity or by the same official desig- nated by the Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity to determine the sec- tion 3 covered project area pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of thissection. (b) The Department's Regional Ad- ministrator, Area Office Director. or FHA Insuring Office Director, as appropriate, shall determine the boundaries of each section 3 covered project. § 135.20 Assurance of compliance with regulations. (a) Every contract or agreement for a grant. loan, subsidy. or other direct financial assistance in aid of housing. urban planning, development, redevelop- ment. or renewal, public or community facilities. and new community develop- ment, entered into by the Department of Housing and Urban Development with respect to a section 3 covered project shall contain provisions requiring the ap- plicant or recipient to carry out the pro- visions of section 3, the regulations set forth In this part, and any applicable rules and orders of the Department is- sued thereunder prior to approval of its application for assistance for a section 3 covered project. (b) Eve rs+ applicant. recipient, con- co as a section 3 clause) : A. The pork to be performed under this contract Is on a project assisted un- der a program providing direct Federal financial assistance from the Depart. ment of Housing and Urban Develop. eat and Is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to he greatest extent feasible opportuni- ies for training and employment be given lower income residents of the iC- / /.- lCV / / // CW // // CJ 90208-3f project area and com.act.s for work In connection, with the project be awwded to business concerns which are located in. or owned in substantial part by per- sons residing in the area of the project. B. The parties to this contract will comply with the provilons of said sec- tion 3 and the regulations Issued pursu- ant thereto by the Secretary of Housing1l and Urban Development set forth in 24 CIFIR . and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued there- under prior to the execution of this con - tract. The partias to this contract certify and agree that they are under no con- tractual or other disability which could prevent them from complying with these requirement.. C. The contractor will send to each la- bor org-2nization or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or. other contracts or understanding, if any. a notice advis- Ing the said la'.-or organtzation or work -'I ers' renresentative of his commitmentsi under this section 3 clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for emnloyment or training. D. T.he contractor will include this section 3 clause in every subcontract for work In connection with the project and kill. at the direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial as- sistance: take appropriate action pursu- ant to Abe subcontract upon a finding that theVubcontmctor is In violation of regwlaticas issued by the Secretary of Housing- and Urban Development, 24 CFrt The contractor will not sub - cantract rith any subcontractor where It has notice or knowledee that the latter has be--n found in viola' tion of regula- tOns under 24 CFR and will rot let any subcontract unless the subcon- tractor has first provided it with a pre - Bminary statement of ability to comply with the requirements of these regu- lations. E. Ccripliance with the provisions of section 3, the regulations set forth iA 24 CM . and all applicable rules and orders of the Department Issued there- under prior to the execution of the con- tract. shalt be it condition of the Federal financial assistance provided to the proj- ect, binding upon the applicant or recip- ient for such asslstance. its successors, and assigns. Failure to fulfill these re- quirements shall subject the applicant or recipient. Its contractors and subcontrac- tors. its succemeors. and assign to those sanctions specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which Federal assistance Is provided, and to such sanctions as are 'specified by 24 Cr^R .135. § 13S.-.5 Bidding and negotiation rem quirrments. (al Every applicant and recipient shall require prospective contractors for work in connection with section 3 cov- ered projects to provide: prior to the signing of the contract, a preliminary statement of work force needs (skilled. semiskilled, unskilled labor and tralnees by category) where known; where not FEDERAL REGOUN, VOL 30, NO. 203— TUESOAY. OCTOBER 23; 1973 �QC�1W\¢tn� . 1;... W known, such information sball be sup - plied prior to the signing of any con - tract between contractors and their subcontractors. (b) When a bidding procedure is used to let the contract, the Invitation or solicitation for bids shall advise prospec- tive contractors of the requirements of these regulations. When the contract is let pursuant to negotiation or methods other than formal bidding procedures. prospective contractors shall be advised by the contracting party of the require- : rnents of these regulations as part of the rnnkrarE soeciflratiorts. 6135.30 Other applicant and recipient obligations. Every applicant and recipient shall as- sist and actively cooperate with the Sec- retary In obtaining the compliance of their contractors and 'subcontractors with the requirements of these regula- tions. including cooperation and assist- ance In distributing and collecting forms and information. and In notifying con- tracting parties and contractors of vio- lations of these regulations. and shall re- frain from entering Into any contract with any contractor after notification by the Department that the contractor has been found to violation of these regula- § 133.35 Effectuation of applicant ol,li- cations in c4rect and indirect rela. tiorollipA. , (a) Where the applicant for assist- ance under a section 3 covered project and the recipient of such assistance are z not one and the same. the recipient shall be regarded as the successor in interest of the applicant and shall have the same obligations as the applicant with respect to compliance with these regulations. These obligations shall be incorporated. specifically or by'reference in the loan or grant agreement or other contract or agreement through which the assistance Is provided to the reciplent.' (b) Where the applicant or recipient Itself will perforrit all or part of the work In connection with a section 3 covered project within the meaning of these regulations. with either permanent or temporary staff by force account, it will provide the Department with all forms +..- and-assurances required of a contractor or subcontractor by these regulations prior to the execution of any loan or grant agreement.or other contract or agreement through which assistance- Is provided. • (c) Where the appllciisk recipient or _ contractor sells, leases. ra tnsfers -or "`otherwise conveys land upon'whlch work In connection with a section 3 covered project within the meaning of these reg- ulations Is to be performed (for exam- ple. under the Urban Renewal or Neigh - borhood Development programl. It shalt Include In each contract or subcontract i for work on such land a clause requiring the purchaser. lessee. or redeveloper to assume the same obligations as a con- tractor for work under section 3 of these regulations (including the incorporation of the Ass) ranee of Compliance language i specified In 1135.20). 010-908-39 , RULES AND REGULATIONS 3J?r, • (d) Each such purchaser, lessee, or re- developer shall be relieved of such obll- gations upon satisfactory completion or all work to be performed under the terms of the redevelopment contract. Subpart 3— Utilization of Lower Income Area Residents as Trainees § 13S.40 Cenernl. Each applicant. recipient. eoutractor or subcontractor undertaking work in connection with a section 3 covered proj- ect shall fulfill his obligation to utilize lower income project area residents as trainees to the greatest extent feasible by: (a) Utilizing the maximum number of persons In the various training categories in all phases of the work.,to be performed under the section 3 covered• project; and (b) Filling all vacant training posi- tious with lower Income project area residents except for those training posi- tions which remain unfilled after a good faith effort has been made ,to fill them with eligible lower income project area residents. § 135.45 F•tai,lisl,ing number of Trainees. (a) For the building construction oc- cupations, the number of trainees or ap- prentices for each occupation shall be that number which can reasonably be utilized in each occupation on each phase of a section 3 covered project and In no event shall that number be less than the number of trainees or apprentices deter- mined pursuant to regulations Issued by the Secretary of Lnbor for each building construction occupation., (b) For nonconstruction occupations or for any building construction occupa- tions for which ratios are not deter- mined pursuant to regulations of the Sec- retary of Labor, the number of trainees for each occupation shall be that number which can reasonably be utilized in each occupation on each phase of a section 3 covered project. The applicant, recipient. contractor, or subcontractor shall inl- ttally determine the maximum number of trainees for each occupation and sub- mit that determination along with its Justification to the Department. § 135.S0 Good fnitlr effort. (a) Each applicant. recipient. contrac- tor, or subcontractor seeking to establish that a good faith effort as required by 1135.40 has been made to fill all train- ing positions with lower income area resi- dents shall. as a minimum. set forth evi- dence acceptable to the Secretary that' -it has: _ - (1) Ascertained from the Department's Regional Administrator. Area Office Di- rector. or FHA Insuring Office Director having jurisdiction over the section 3 covered project, the boundaries of the section 3 covered project area: and (2) Attempted to recruit from the ap- propriate areas the necessary number of Icwer income residents through: Local advertising media, signs placed at the proposed site for the project. and com- munity organizations and public or pri- vate Institutions operating within or serving the project area such as Service Employment and Redevelopment #SEt). Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC). Urban League. Concentrated Em- ployment Program. or the U.S. Employ- ment Service. (3) Maintained a list of all lower In- come area residents who have applied either on their own or on referral from any source, and employ such persons, if otherwise eligible and if a trainee va- cancy exists. If the contractor has no vacancies, the applicant. If otherwise eligible, shall be listed for the first avail- able vacancy. (b) Any applicant. recipient. contrac- tor. or subcontractor which fills vacant 1135.45 apprentica or trainee postUors in its organization immediately prior to undertaking work pursuant to a section 3 covered project shall set forth evidence acceptable to the Secretary that Its ac- tions were not an attempt to circumvent these regulations. Subpart C-- Utilization of Lower income Area Residents as Employees § 135.60 Gaud faith effort. Each applicant, recipient, contractor or subcontractor undertaking work In connection with a section 3 covered proj- ect shall fulfill his obligation to utilize lower income project area residents as employees to the greatest extent feasible by: (aVIdentifSing the number of posi- tions In the various occupational cate- gories Including skilled. semiskilled, and unskMed labor, needed to perform each phase of the section 3 covered project: i (b) Identifying of the positions iden*.£- fled in paragraph (a) of this section. the i number of positions in the various oc- cupational categories • which are cur- ! rently occupied by regular; permanent employees: (c) Identifying. of the positions identified in paragraph (a) of this sec- tion. the number of positions In the vari- ous occupational categories which are - not currently occupied by regular. per- manent employees: (d) Establishing. of the positions identified In paragraph (c) of this sec - Lion. a goal which Is consistent with the purpose of this subpart within each oc- cupational category of the number of positions . to be filled by lower income- - residents of the section 3 covered project area: and -- — (e) .Making a good faith effort to fill. all of the positions Identified In para- graph (d) of this section with lower in -: come project area residents. § 135Si Ceneral. ... - -._ (a) Each applicant, recipient. contrac- tor. or subcontractor seeking to establish that a good faith effort as required by---. paragraph (e) of 1135.55 has been made to fill all employment positions identified in paragraph (d) of 9 135.55 with lower Income project area residents shall. as a- minimum, set forth evidence acceptable to the Secretary that It has: (1) Ascertained from the Department's Regional Administrator. Area Office Dl- rector. or PHA Insuring OMce Director VIDNAL REGISTER. VOL 38, HO. 203 — TUESDAY. OCTOafR 23. 1973 +1c).C1rnCJ `i Subpart C--- Utilization of Lower Income Area Residents as Employees §13S.60 Qx-J fmid, effurt. Each applicant. recipient, contractor or subcontractor undertaking work In. connection with a section 3 covered prot- ect shall fulfill his obligation to utilize lower income project area residents as employees to the greatest extent feasible by: (a) ldentif;.ag the number of po:%I- tions in the various occupational cate- gories Including skilled, semiskilled. and unskilled labor. needed to perform each phase of the section 3 covered project: (b) Identll:;ing of the positions Identi -' tied in paragraph (a) of this section. the number of positions In the various oc- cupational categories • which are cur- rently occupied by regular; permanent employees: (c) Identidying. of the positions Identified in paragraph (a) of this sec- tion, the number of positions in the vari- ous occupational categories which are not currently, occupied by regular, per- manent employees: (d) Establishing. of the positions identified in paragraph (c) of this sec- tion, a Goal which is consistent with the purpose of this subpart within each oc- cupational categot9 of the number of r positions to be filled by lower income ; residents of the section 3 covered project area: and (e) Making a good faith effort to fill all of the positions identified In para- graph : e project area residents. lower In- come 135.55 General. (a) Each applicant. recipient, contrac- tor. or subcontractor seeking to establish that a good faith effort as required by paragraph (e) of 1135.55 has been made to 811 all employment positons Identified in paragraph (d) of 1135 . 55 with lower income project area residents shall. as a minimum. set forth evidence acceptable to the Secretary that it has: (1) Ascertained;from the-Department's Regional Administrator. Area Office Di- rector, or PHA Insuring Office Director 9 08 -3h ,2 t i having jurisdiction over the section 3 covered project the boundaries of the section 3 covered project area: and (2) Attempted to recrult from the ap- propriate areas the rececsary number o; lower income residents through: Local advert-Wrist media. ggns;...placed_a� ro osed site_for the ro ect and com- munity organizanons and pub is or liti- v liisEitutipns operating - itli `or serving the project area such as Pr e_e_ Area Committees (PAC) i'ri' "ti'roan r "e= newal areas, Model Cities citiieri aurisory boards. Service Empioyrient and 'P.ede- velopment (SER) - OpO rtubltles=7ads35- trialization Center (01C). Urban League. Concentrated Ea:ploy=en L Progr or the U.S. Employment Service. (b) Any applicant, recipient, contrac- tor, or subcontractor which fills vacant ti 135.55(d) employment positions In its organization immediately prior to under- taking Rork pursuant to a sectioW3 cov- ered contract shall set forth evidence acceptable to the Secretary that Its ac- tions were not an attempt to circumvent these regulations_ • (c) When to ter income resieent workers apply, ei' ter on theirown initia- tive or on referral from any source, the recipient. contractor, or subcontractor shall determine the qual" cations of such persons and shall e:np.oy such persons if their qualificatiors are satisfactory and the contractor has openings. If the recelplent, contractor, or subcontractor . is unable to employ the workers, such persons shall be listed for the first avail- able opening. W1 known, such information shall be sup- plied prior to the signing of any con- tract between contractors and their subcontractors. (b) When a biddLu"rocedure is used to_let _jhe_ contract,. -the- •invitation- or soliTEation for bids shall advise prospec- `tiveE contractors of the requirements of Ikese regulations. When the cant. -act is pursuant to negotiation or methods .'er than formal bidding procedures. prospective contractors shall be advised by the contracting party of the require- ments of these regulations as part of the contract specifications. § 13530 Other applicant and recipient obligations. Every applicant and recipient shall as- sist and actively cooperate with the Sec- retary in obtaining the compliance of their contractors and 'subcontractors with the requirements of these regula- tions. including cooperation and assist- ance in distributing and collecting forms and Information, and in notifying con- tracting parties and contractors of vio- lations of these regulations. and shall re- frain from entering into any contract with any contractor after notification by the Department that the contractor has been found In violatioa,of these regula- tions pursuant to 4135.110(1) - § 13535 Effectuation of applicant oltli. gatiom in direct and indirect rela- tionlripa. (a) Where the applicant for asslst- 4mKe under a section 3 covered project the reciplent of such assistance are ,..,c one and the same, the recipient shall be regarded as the successor in interest of the applicant and shall have the same obligations as the applicant with respect to compliance with these regulations. These obligations shall be incorporated, specifically or by reference in the loan or grant agreement or other contract or agreement through which the assistance h provided to the recipient. (b) 'Where the applicant or recipient Itself will perform all or part of the work In connection with a section 3 covered project within the meaning of these 'regulations with either permanent or ' temporary staff by force account, it will provide the Department with all fortes - and - assurances required of a contractor or subcontractor by these regulations prior to the execution of any loan or grant agreement , or other contract or agreement through which assistance • is provided. (c) Where the applicant. recipient or- contractor sells. leases, transfers or otherwise conveys land.upon which work In connection- with a section .3 covered ect within the meaning of these reg- .( ions is to be performed (for exam. .._, under the Urban Renewal or Neigh. boyhood Development program). it shall Include in each contract or subcontract for work on such land a clause requiring the purchaser. lessee, or redeveloper to assume the same obligations as a con - tractor for work under section 3 of these regulations (including the incorporation of the Assurance of Compliance language specified In 113320). RULES AND REGULATIONS (d) Each Such purchaser, lessee, or re- developer shall be relleved of such obll- gations upon satisfactory completion of all wort: to be performed under the terms of the redevelopment contract. rt E — Utilization of Lower income Area Residents as Trainees § 135.40 Gent-ml. Each applicant. recipient, contractor] or subcontractor undertaking work In connection with a section 3 covered proj- ect shall fulfill his obligation to utilize lower Income project area residents as trainees to the greatest extent feasible by: (a) Utilizing the maximum number of persons In the various training categories in all phases of the work to be performed' under the section 3 covered project; andl (b) Filling all vacant training posi- tions with lower income project areal residents except for those training post -, tions which remain unfilled after a good faith effort has been made to fill therm frith eligible lower income project areal residents. I § 135.45 Etnabli.-hing number of trn;nees. (a) For the building construction oc cupaUons. the number of trainees or ap- prentices for each occupation shall be that number which can reasonably be utilized in each occupation on each phase of a section 3 covered project and in no event shall that number be less than the number of trainees or apprentices deter- mined pursuant to regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor for each building construction occupation_ (b) For nonconstruction occupations or for any building construction occupa- tions for which ratios are not deter- mined pursuant to regulations of the Sec- retary of Labor, the number of trainees for each occupation shall be that number which can reasonably be utilized in each occupation on each phase of a section 3 covered project. The applicant. recipient. contractor. or subcontractor shall ini- tially determine the maximum number of trainees for each occupation and sub- mit that determination along *Ith its justification to the Department. § 13540 Good faith effort. (a) Each applicant. recipient. contrac- tor, or subcontractor seeking to establish that a good faith effort as required by 1135.40 has been made to All all train - ing'poattions with lower income area rest - dents shall. as a minimum. set forth evi- dence acceptable to the Secretary that .it has: (1) Ascertained from the Department's. Regional Administrator. Area Office Di- rector, or FHA Insuring Office Director having jurisdiction over the section 3 covered project. the boundaries of the section 3 covered project area; and (2) Attempted to recruit from the ap- propriate areas the necessary number of lower income residents through: Local advertising media. signs placed at the proposed site for the project. and com- munity organizations and public or pri- vate institutions operating within or_ 90208 -3i serving the project at, such as Service' Emplo) -ment and Redevelopment (SER). Opportunities Industrialization Center I(OIC). Urban League. Concentrated Era - Iployment Program. or the U.S. Employ- ment Service. (3) Maintained a list of all lower In- come area residents who have applied either on their own or on referral from • any source, and employ such persons. If !otherwise eligible and if a trainee va- 1cancy erists. If the contractor has no {vacancles, the applicant, if otherwise 'eligible, shall be listed for the first avail- able vacancy. (b) Any applicant, recipient, contrac- tor. or subcontractor which fills vacant 'l 135.45 apprentice or trainee positions )n Its ordazlzation immediately prior to 'under caking work pursuant to a section 3 aovered project shall set forth evidence cceptable to the Secretary that its ac- tions were not an attempt to circumvent Subpart C— Utilization of Lower Income Area Residentsas Employees §135.60 Good faith effort. Each applicant, recipien4 contractor or subcontractor undertaking work in connection with a section 3 covered proj- ect shah fu= his obligation to utilize lower Income project area residents as emplayees.to the greatest extent.feasible by: (a) Id- attfsins the number of post - dons In. 'Ke various occupational cate- ftorles Including skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled labor, needed to perform each pan=e of tae section 3 covered project: tb) Identifying of thepositions identi -' fled in paragraph (a) of this section. the number of positions in the carious oc- cupational categories - which are cur- rently occupied by regular; permanent employees: (c) Identifying. of the positions Identified In paragraph (a) of this sec- tion. the number of positions in the varI- ous occupational categories which are . not currently occupied by regular, per - manent employees; - (d) Establishing, of the positions Identified in paragraph (c) of this sec- tion. a goal which !s consistent with the purpose of this subpart within each oc- cupational category of the number of positions to be oiled by lower income residents of the section 3 covered project area; and (e) Making a good faith effort to fill all of the positions identified in pam graph (d) of this section with lower in- come project area residents. - § 135.3. -s .Ccnrral. (a) Each applicant. recipient. contrac- tor, or subcontractor seeking to establish - that a good faith effort as required by. paragraph (e) of 1133.55 has been made to fill all employment positions identified in paragraph (d) of 4 135.55 with lower Income project area residents shall. as a minimum, set forth evidence acceptable to the Secretary that it has: (1) Ascertained from the Department Regional Administrator. Area Office III - rector. or FHA Insuring Office Director iEDERAt REWSTE11, VOL 38, HO. 203 - 11JESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1973 t t I i i