Ordinance No. 2,465ORDINANCE NO. 2465
=1 I
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown,
Texas, hereby approves the contract providing for a Youth
Conservation Corps Program in and /or around Baytown, Texas,
and authorizes and directs the City Manager and City Clerk
of the City of Baytown to execute and attest to said contract.
A copy of said contract is attached hereto, marked Exhibit
"A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes.
Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect from and
after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown.
INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of
the City Council of the City of Baytown this 27th day of
April, 1978.
E LEEN P. HALL, City Clerk
ST'OTT BOUNDS, City Attorney
80 7 -14a
E X H I B I T "A"
/~s ge
ZL 10 l abed
•aaualuas 6utpa3aad
ayl Sq pasodwt luawaatnbaa 3e44 of UOLltppe ut 3uawaatnbaa a se luawlaedaa io
Lenoadde ualltaM Qotad ayl aatnbaa LLeys (00'OS$) saellop x4lt3 10 ssaoxa ut Aapunaaay lasse leltdea a Jo asevand al6uts XUV •wnwtutw a of sfielno Lellde� daal 03 1ao33a lsaq slt paaxa sey J04Dealu03 ayl uayM
SLuo sfiellno Lelideo
slt -AO! QolSealuo3 ayl 03 aLgetl aq LLeys luawlaedoa 841 •aanlonaIse.alut
otseq A'aessaoaU atayl pue satltLtoej 6utlstxa to uotleotJtpow ao uotlenouaa
�Saessaoau aol lda3xa satltltoej Letluaptsaa to uotl3nalsuO3 aol saanitpuadxa
aol Q043ea4uo3 ayl of aLgetl aq Lou LLeys luawlaeda0 ayl 'Z
luensand pa4e61nwoad suotleLn6aa aaylo Sue to uotleLotn ut ao 'Lod ayl of
•6aH •paj Zb PaPuawe se ` WE) Zl£bS
(S16L) 9L£9L '6ab 'pad Lb lob ayl aapun pa4e6lnwoad
suot4eln6aa ayl jo (w) pue (C)S•bLZ suotloaS 10 uotlelotn ut apew saanitpuadxa
,aoJ a04oe.a4uo0 ayl of aLgetL aq L wledaa ay yl •l
:suotleltwtL 6utM011ol ayl of ZoaCgns aapunaaay paaa uaa
saoueuuo aad ,AO ao oea uo a aaanou t s soo en �e a o uaPaad
3 I 3 3 3 yl q P 3 l l yl d (908) 3
44q 6[a 03 Lenba lunowe ue ut Qo4oea4uo3 ayl 03 aLgetl aq LLeys luawlaedaa
ayl Iaapunaaay aouewao3aad �faoloelstles pue Llnj jo uotleaaptsuoo uI
8L6L `SL keW
XltltgRLj 30 aanseaW •y
suotle lIgO butpunj luawlae a0 'AI uotloaS
8L6L `L£ 4sn6nd aleutwaal lleys pue
aouawwoo LLeys luawaaa6e pue loealuoo styl
potaad 43ea4uo3 'III uotloaS
•lOafoad 33A ayl se of
paJJOIaJ aalleutaaay aq LLeys loafoad sdao3 uot4enaasu03 ylnoA yonS •13ealuo3
st43 jo laed a apew A'gaaay I luawyoellV `yltM aauepaoaoe ut saouewaojaad
yons aapuaa LLeys pue �Xq pa13toads saauewaolaad ayl aapuaa LLeys .Aoloe.'IuO)
•suotleLn6aa wea6oad Leaapa} pue `(LL6L •ddnS) 90IL-LOLL § § 'V'3'S'fl 9L ..`ZoH
ayl„ se of 'paaaaja.A aalleutaaay `lob sdao3 uot4enaasuo3 ylnoA ayl yltm aoue
- p.A000e ut loaCoad sdao3 uot4enaasuo3 ylnoA a aleaado LLtM aoloealuo3
aouewaOIaad Q04oealuo3 •II uotloaS
aalleutaaay s4se4 ayl Jo luawystLdw000e pue aouewaojaad of pue uotle6tLgo
lenlnw ayl of punoq aae loaaay uotlnoaxa kq pue paaa6e XLantloalLoo pue
Rlleaanas aney olaaay sapaed ayl „•QO43ealuo3„ se of paaaaIaa Ja4jeULaa04
` UMolsea 10 A'lt pue ,4uaw4.Aedaa,, se of paaaa3a.A aaUeutaaay
sexal jo alelS ayl 10 �foua�e UP 'sateIJV A'ltunwwo3 jo luawlaedaa sexal ayl
uaaMlaq pue Nq olut paQalua pue apew st 4uawaaa6e pue loealuoo styl
ldealuo3 01 satlaed •I uotloas
S I AdHl 30 AMOO
SVX31 30 31d1S
816L NOI1t1H3dO WHOM
SdHO) N0I1VAUSN03 H1fl0A dOJ 13t aoi
NOI S I III a S33 I AH3S Ham
SdIb33V AnNf1wo A 1N3W1Ht/d3a SVX31
q:VT -L' 08
8 7 -14e
3. The Department shall not be liable to the Contractor for any.
". expenditures which are not allowable costs defined in FMC 74 -4, 34 C.F.R.
255 (1976), or which have not been made in accordance with the requirements
for program management in OMB Circular A -102, 42 Fed. Reg. 45828 -91 (1977).
4. The Department shall not be liable to the Contractor for
costs incurred or performances rendered unless such costs and performances
are strictly in accordance with the terms of this contract, including but
not limited to terms governing the Contractor's promised performance, the
description of that performance as specified in Attachment I, and all written
amendments hereto signed and agreed to by both the Department and the Con-
tractor or resulting from the Contractor's acceptance of proposed amendments
in the manner prescribed in subsection C of Section XIV.
5. The Department shall not be liable to the Contractor for
expenditures that do not satisfy any of the following cost descriptions:
a. "General" which includes only expenditures for (1)
capital improvements of camp facilities, (2) other .
(medical, first aid expense, utilities, maintenance
costs, recreation, all supplies not otherwise iden-
tified, training), (3) camp opening and closing costs;
b. "Staff pay" which includes only pay and benefits net
any deductions made for meals and quarters furnished;
C. "Enrollee pay" which includes only pay and benefits
of enrollees;
d. "Food" which includes only cost of food and related
freight charges;
e. "Work project costs" which includes only safety
equipment and work and environmental awareness
supplies and materials;
f. "Travel and transportation" which includes only trans-
portation of enrollees and staff to and from project
sites and both intrastate and interstate travel for
purposes of program direction and training;
g. "Program direction" which includes only support
services and program administration expenses at
locations other than at project.
Furthermore, the Department shall in
any amount properly allocable to one
specified that exceeds the amount set
for that cost description:
. Cost Description
Staff Pay
Enrollee Pay
Work Project Costs
Travel and Transportation
Program Direction
no event be liable to the Contractor in
of the cost descriptions hereinabove
forth in the following budget schedule
Page 2 of 12
Department's Maximum Liability
Rv Item
$ -0-
807 -14d
0. :uh!,c,(:Liorl 1) of Lhi : Sc,c:f.irin, if.. i', undrrr'sLorxl <rnrl
a,'I Cer•ct Ly the par I. i es Kerr: r_o :h,-, t Lhe Dellis r• t.Ilrc�n L' ; oI, l - i (fit f: ions Irltdel t:h i 5 Section
; rc'' Contingent. upon ac tlla l rr t.e i pt of ad,'rltlil l'o f lln(t f rt)111 the 11 r f -rfi
Gcpartrlront of Atirir-ultcn-e an tit:- thrii.eci SOL(- !►c•}-tr(.Irlcrt. of thr jr:tr; i7r !,, r. f•t
putative liabilities under this :u;,;r:ct;i till , i)►•crvidt-d t.It;tl iI. the (111 tlrl I titt.es
Departments of Arlricul turn awl Lhe InLoVio)- (five tit(.- Dep,rrl.iltenL wri teen allcl sper• i fie
notice that the Department will not rec�oivc, acle(fuaLe funds to make payments to the
Contractor under this contract, the Depat t.ntent shall notify Lh(, Contri►.r.tor in
writing to that effect within a r•ea•-)onable time thereafter.
G. Method of Payment
The Contractor hereby elects to rr'ceivc' IMA1111e1ILs from tiro DelparLment here-
under as provided in the provision checked helow.
n Monthly Reimburse, tr-:n t Basis.
The Contractor shall submit, by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month
follc: ring the calendar month in which expenditurc!s were made and for which reim-
bursement is sought, a requisition for payment on a form like that made a part of
this contract as Attachment IV. Within it reasonable time after• receipt of the
Contractor's requisition for payment, the Depar'Lment shall pay to Contractor an
amount equal to Departmental liabilities accrued as specified in subsection A of
this Section.
ff"'Advance Payment t'asis.
I. The Contractor :,hell request ari a�vancc payment in an amount equal
to Contractor's reasonable estimate of one average month's heeds for funds but not
exceeding thirty percent (30 ) or the 11MXimum Department; 1 iabi l i t.y specified by
subsection D of this Section. The request for advance shall be submitted on a form
like that made a part of this contract as Attachment IV and shall be received by
Department's Youth Services Division at least three (3) weeks prior t :o the date
upon which Contractor wishes to receive the advance.
2. Following Dehartn;ent's receipt of the request for advance from
Contractor made in accordance with Subsection I3( -l) of this Section IV, Department
'shall pay to Contractor the amount so requested against Departmental liabilities
accrued or to be accrued as specified in Subsection A of this Section IV.
3. Following receipt by Contractor of Department's payment pursuant
to Subsection Q(2) of this Section IV, Contractor shall bill (according to Depart-
ment's reasonable billing instructions) Department periodically, but no more often
than once in any tyro -creek period, in the amount of Departmental liabilities actually
accrued (pursuant tb Subsection A of this Section IV) but not previously billed by
Contractor. Department shall pay to Contractor an amount equalling Departmental
liabilities actually accrued ( puusuant to Subsection A of this Section) but not
previously billed and paid pursuant to this Subsection B(3) against: Departmental
liabilities accrued or to be accrued as specified in Subsection A of this Section.
C. Excess Payments
Upon termination of this contract, Contractor shall promptly return to the
Department the amount, if any, w1lich Department: ha-, paid to Contra( :tor in excess
of Departmental liabilities as specified ire Subsection A of this Srrctioll IV.
D. Maximum Department Liability
Notwithstanding ally other provision of this contract, the! ctnnulativc� total
of all liabilities and other oblictatiorls iucul -1 -ed by thr, Department he re, urider shall
not r-ceed the sum of twenty two thousand five hundred and twenty five
dollars $22,525.00) .__ � _ - - -- _ _ . .. _ _.. ..___..__ __.._...._ -•- _
Page 3 of- 12
87 -14e
Section V. Enrollee Selection
(MK A. The Contractor shall select and hire coral Irre For its Y%c. n crjt -c
from a list of preliminary applicants provided to tl)r (r,;,r � rr,r ►, �� r
men t. The Contractor shall be responsible for def.erw rein; ±.hat eilch �,;
it selects meets the standards of eligibility specified in subsection C of
this Section V. The Contractor assures that selection for its YCC Project shall
be conducted to insure full opportunity for youth of the appropriate geogra-
phical area to participate and that specific outreach efforts shall be made to
attract minority and disadvantaged youth. The Contractor's selection of en-
rollees shall assure that its YCC Project shall be open to rural and urban
youth of both sexes; youth of all social, economic, racial and ethnic classi-
fications; youth from both public and non - public schools; disadvantaged youth;
and youth who have quit school before graduation. The Contractor's selection
system shall assure that enrollees are selected randomly without bias because
of race, creed, color, religion, or national origin except that in order to
insure that projects are coeducational, applicants ,hall be stratified by sex
prior to selection of enrollees. No more than ten percent (10 %) of enrollees
shall be designated as youth leaders and shall be paid at least $1.50 per day
above the normal enrollee wage.
B. To the maximum extent practicable, the Contractor shall select
enrollees who reside within one day's surface travel of its YCC camp.
C. The Contractor assures that all enrollees in the YCC Project have
attained the age of fifteen (15) but have not attained the age of nineteen
(19); are permanent residents of the United States, or its territories,
possessions, or Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; shall be employed
without regard to personnel laws, rules, and regulations applicable to full -
time employees of the Contractor; shall be employed for a period not to exceed
ninety (90) days in any calendar year; and shall be employed without regard to
their sex or social, economic, or racial classification.
D. The Contractor shall operate the YCC Project so that enrollees'
participation is required only during summer months.
Section VI. Non - Federal /Non- Departmental Employee
It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the YCC Project
enrollees are employees of the Contractor and shall be insured accordingly.
The Contractor shall pay enrollees Federal or State minimum wage, whichever
is higher. The Contractor shall exert its best effort to assure that its
YCC enrollees receive the same hourly wage as Federal YCC enrollees. The
Contractor shall employ enrollees for forty (40) hours of work - learning activ-
ities per week of which ten (10) hours shall be integrated environmental
awareness instruction. Contractor shall pay enrollees wages for thirty (30)
hours of work - learning activities per week.
Section VII. Safety Standards
The Contractor shall provide an effective accident control, health,
and safety program as described in Attachment I. The Contractor shall comply
with United States Department of Labor Bulletin No. 101, "A Guide to Child
Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act," and "Safety and Health
Regulations" provided by the Department.
Section VIII. Reporting Requirements
A. The Contractor shall submit a Weekly Summary of Participant
Characteristics on a form like that made a part of this contract as Attachm,:ilt
IV. The Contractor shall submit this weekly report to the Department's Youth
Services Division within three (3) days after the end of the week covered by
the report.
B. The Contractor shall submit a Bi- weekly Financial Status Report:
on a form like that made a part of this contract as Attachment III. The
Contractor shall prepare these reports on a cash accounting basis using the
Page 4 of 12
' " a
..l t: atl .r' •i�•
:_'. •.� %,`:; i:rl:. ......il illf_iaa`. • .. tc,l'';.:ir:
I' I-T! ,
ttf�llera t IncIIlde i • ' %j'•'Ild,1 t111'f - foi-
.I iUlllr'tivra"';�n t', (,If C;lllill
ii:( :1lli.iF$, (2) !1Lh-- fi e'f!1 cal
t li'SL aid ex pen Se, ;!!,l l iti(?C I
t.(`;l fill ce Costs, rf!Crl'i'.:`.if ;fi, it l
StlI:IIi ir!S I L 01.11er•ri :(> ic.';'I]Lif ied,
tra i rl i nq) . (3) c anti) oi)L n i ng and
Closing costs.
Star f_ 1',l f . Includes pay and bene-
-1 45 11 t. any deduCLifiIIS inade for rieaIs
and quarters
F.rlro 1 1 ec Pa Y. I tic l urles I)ay and
benefits of enrollees.
rood. Includes cost of food and
related freight charces.
,c)rl: I'rll,ier•t Costs. trcll,rlr�s �ilff °l.,'
(r(ltJ i Il;nc11 L 111d Work irlf! Pnv i ronmeri Le 1
awareness 5UI)I)l l es c!I.d materials.
Travel and. lran�i lOr't:i'.} illli. includf's
trans 1) ortatioil of e?lI c-es anal Laff
to and from pro,]vct s tf:s and both intra-
staLP and intorsLate f_rrl;el for purposes
of program direction and training.
Prociralli Direction. Includes slillp(1rt.
services and program adminiSt :i'rll:ioil
expenses at locations other than at .
the Coil tractor sha11 suhnlit this 1) i week y report to the Departir,ent's
Y(.IUtil Services Within five (5) workincl clays after the end of the two -week
period covered by the report,
C. The Contractor shall maintain fiscal records and supporting docu-
lients for all expenditures Of funds under this contract. The Contractor shall
submit a Final Financial Statt:5 Report, oil a ford like that made a part of this
contract as Attachment 1I, to trio Department's Fiscal Division within ten (10)
days after the end of the contract period.
D. 'File Contractor shall SLIbiiiit a final Pro(Iram Narrative SLatement
%•;dial: shall incltl(if': (1) 1()Ci: t ion of Ilr'o•iect iriclud in() If_ i 1 incl address, street
and Co(1llt.:; (�) disLance to and flame of nearest lowul; (3) number of
in talc IrrajaCL; (4) elit-ollee loss rite; (5) type of project (7 -clay
r•f;� ii!�= ntial, r; -(lay residential, nonr'esident i al, 0)' OHIO"); (fl) len(IL)I of
1nClndiflu ivilillier of vm -e ;s and herlinninq rand vivilr:( dilt.f';;
1 ivint Conditions i,it,Imfiliq types, + +
•I � t5 pc.., , arI(. , drl!1 Cllritl 1 �. I (1r1 (lf f.('!1 is , ct3l)1 r'S ,
rir.1!ai �,l irk;, or ol.hrr' fau•ilr' i':•; 1,11 Iirojrl 1; ;L�lff ilit:l(lalilit) nimillcr' of 5tilff
rll(I •`; ;.ir' posilJoll t;Itle%; { r!::ialE'l(j calrAllaltioll for (I'liI;� ratf' of erl!'ollee
df`duc -Lion Ili)' '(i; +cl r(i;I 1(!CIiIin.I, if ilrl (10) kleSCriptioll of
and safely pr'0(jI*lrll; (H) (N icriptJoll of ollrol lee and sniff rercruit.in(1
.1114 —'ectioll syst.viils 1nCll,! inq descr iptJoll nI• ilffirmative acLlon (Ileamirp-,
1.:1i:!::S Lo as sit r'e L }tart; illinoI - i tj, alld Other (II sildvall tag, person.; r ecei e equal
iai((Ie 5 (if l
807 -14g
The t,(ntract:or- shall retain all financial Words, supporLing
dc:' its, statistical records. and all other records relat:in(
j t0 its Prr-
fvr-:: ivre her'ellrl(if'r relaLinq to its YCC Project for a lreri(lil of three (3
wars ?,E?'rinning with the termination date (If Det{a1- 1lgent's (tr•ant from the
Units t States DellarLme"ts of Agi- irulture and Interior. or four years, which -
evar :'xpir'es last, and shall con 1v with all rvquirvm('nts in Attachment C of
NIB L i r-cu l a r tlri . A -102 Revised, 42 Fed. Req , 45829 -45830 (1917) , as to reten-
tion and custodial care of pertinent records.
Section X. Accessibility of Records
The Con trac to{' shall give the Depar Lmen t , the United States Depar t-
menLs of Agriculture and Interior, and the United States Comptroller General,
Lhrounh any authorized representatives, the access and the right to examine
all records, books, papers, or documents related to this contract.
Section X1. 11on i for incl The Contractor shall permit the Department to inspect and shall hake
available to the Department for inspection any or all pertinent records, files,
infcir(:ation or other - wri Lt:en materials maintained by the Contractor or any
person or other entity with whom any portion of the performance hereunder has
been subcontracted. The Contractor- shall permit the Department free access
to all prerrrises under its control or under the control of any person or other
entit.: .iith whom any portion of the performance hereunder has been subcontract-
ed. The Department may use these inspections to ascertain whether the Con -
trartnr is operating its YCC Project in accordance with thV Provisions of this
contract and with the procedures required by applicable statutes, rec;ulations,
rules, and lams.
Section XIL tncie x ?ndE?nL Contractor
It is expressly unriersLn(td and agreed by both part ip, hereto th it
tit- I •(.,, _ is contracting with the Wn Lrac tor a7, 111 i n(tepp.,*1don t: curl t. rirc t.v1'
and 40 the CntlLracLor, :{o ;uch. raprc'('s Ln hold the 1„':.':'t'i,ili('r ) t hrir:rllf'SS c:nd
In i"'' mni {y i from and aq,tilr•.t in, Iliid all cls -
c!1 r....r�li� and Ca i
ar ! , h of every kind and r hit I, Wr which wny li• tl ;'.- rf }, r ,
i111j 1.1;11:: ;1 _y
(I(tl,r'! i(r(j or' 111 a11Y l•a {t: it r"L tn, ar1 Inu ou, o f r lrl.t (i11HeE'L1 , !
the ervices to be perfoi -med by the Contract. r his contract, }i,
�' 6 u t
(,,{ f 1 ..Icy, <. "',
, •'( Ir',. � ►lirl, 1!11
he i�t..l' '.�1,:'nt. .rrl•. �_�t�!r'�!1
t. to cot lest inr d t
lit- n f r us
, t Program t-tar'raLivo ' rf.emunt.
(,( Atli t i
(1. ��ith ' `Vi<.i,n ' v } ` thEc
;::. w thin ' ►
twenty (Zi1; � ,;;�
. after•
f...l ': ut- i.c�• ,-cirltr {:
E. The ConLracLor shall
submit such
,1f- or- report% or. `,:' r „ic-r•:tinil
1 {r;� ._,. 1•nl,i nr�e of this contract
a as may hp
roquir od b; th- lol .,-Upi11t. 711('
way "so any t•eperLs ',uLmiLLed
by th” t;utltractor• to reasure a'_:om - -,
t ?iisj•,r<As in achieving objectives stated
iii Lhi s contract.
F. The Contractor- shall
for an indepondellt. audit by th,�
local lovernment audit: staff, a certified
Public accountant, or an audit
fins of all funds received under
this contract.
They Contractor assures that
the audit shall be in compliance
with AttachnrpnL
G of MIR Circular No, A -102
Vevinyd, 42 fed. Rest. 45831 -45832 (1977)
and shall be submitted to the
Gepar rent by December 31, 1978.
SOCK o" IX. Records Retention
The t,(ntract:or- shall retain all financial Words, supporLing
dc:' its, statistical records. and all other records relat:in(
j t0 its Prr-
fvr-:: ivre her'ellrl(if'r relaLinq to its YCC Project for a lreri(lil of three (3
wars ?,E?'rinning with the termination date (If Det{a1- 1lgent's (tr•ant from the
Units t States DellarLme"ts of Agi- irulture and Interior. or four years, which -
evar :'xpir'es last, and shall con 1v with all rvquirvm('nts in Attachment C of
NIB L i r-cu l a r tlri . A -102 Revised, 42 Fed. Req , 45829 -45830 (1917) , as to reten-
tion and custodial care of pertinent records.
Section X. Accessibility of Records
The Con trac to{' shall give the Depar Lmen t , the United States Depar t-
menLs of Agriculture and Interior, and the United States Comptroller General,
Lhrounh any authorized representatives, the access and the right to examine
all records, books, papers, or documents related to this contract.
Section X1. 11on i for incl The Contractor shall permit the Department to inspect and shall hake
available to the Department for inspection any or all pertinent records, files,
infcir(:ation or other - wri Lt:en materials maintained by the Contractor or any
person or other entity with whom any portion of the performance hereunder has
been subcontracted. The Contractor- shall permit the Department free access
to all prerrrises under its control or under the control of any person or other
entit.: .iith whom any portion of the performance hereunder has been subcontract-
ed. The Department may use these inspections to ascertain whether the Con -
trartnr is operating its YCC Project in accordance with thV Provisions of this
contract and with the procedures required by applicable statutes, rec;ulations,
rules, and lams.
Section XIL tncie x ?ndE?nL Contractor
It is expressly unriersLn(td and agreed by both part ip, hereto th it
tit- I •(.,, _ is contracting with the Wn Lrac tor a7, 111 i n(tepp.,*1don t: curl t. rirc t.v1'
and 40 the CntlLracLor, :{o ;uch. raprc'('s Ln hold the 1„':.':'t'i,ili('r ) t hrir:rllf'SS c:nd
In i"'' mni {y i from and aq,tilr•.t in, Iliid all cls -
c!1 r....r�li� and Ca i
ar ! , h of every kind and r hit I, Wr which wny li• tl ;'.- rf }, r ,
i111j 1.1;11:: ;1 _y
(I(tl,r'! i(r(j or' 111 a11Y l•a {t: it r"L tn, ar1 Inu ou, o f r lrl.t (i11HeE'L1 , !
the ervices to be perfoi -med by the Contract. r his contract, }i,
�' 6 u t
1). 1 UP I? i I o) q n s j o 1 1 t 1) it o -.) v s v I o 1 4 1 w"
Jill PDII 1, 0100 041 11 !'--% pw I Ido.111 .01 v l.-: +1.1 j Slit) I l t!:) I j 1 1 j I ;u
pjr�, loia.lfias iI.w SO I :)I! L") L "li! j V Si }:) I A.1!1',
-.Wd o I s lAo na
to IoIv:) 'tiothl I ll,1:w1 l') ,!!M(I JI(l klij
14, 11 o l'bo.(1)0,; -MI Pill L? tfM (It 1)01 1) t 1, 4 0
OX) LIOD $, J-)IIIII! st) I I w 1-miW i it!, 1 1! 1 1.; j J O'l :,v 1'.1 -1 it 0- -it J.
sail I ! L D I' j pal fir) S 00,11 - fl
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80,7 -14i
C. Employment: Race, Religion, Color, Sex, National Origin,
Physical or Mental Handicap, and Age
1. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national
origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to insure that appli-
cants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without
regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Such action
shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Pmployment, upgrading,
demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or
termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for
training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post, in con-
spicuous places available to employees and applicants fnr employment, notices
setting forth the requirements of these nondiscrimination provisions.
2. The Contractor shall state in all solicitations or advertise-
ments for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor that all quali-
fied applicants shall receive consideration for employment without regard to
race, religion, color, sex or national origin.
3. The Contractor shall send to each labor union or representative
of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con -
tract or understanding a notice, advising the labor union or workers' repre-
sentative of the Contractor's commitment to equal employment opportunity and
affirmative action and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places
available to employees and applicants for employment.
4. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable equal oppor-
tunity laws, rules, regulations and orders.
5. The Contractor shall furnish all information and reports and
will permit access to its books, records, and accounts for purposes of in-
vestigation to ascertain compliance with equal opportunity and affirmative
6. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the equal
opportunity conditions of this contract, this contract may be cancelled,
terminated, or suspended in whole or in part; the Contractor may be declared
ineligible for further contracts and such other sanctions may be imposed and
remedies invoked as otherwise provided by law.
7. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee
or applicant for employment because of physical or mental handicap in regard
to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is quali-
fied. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance
in employment or otherwise treat qualified handicapped individuals without
discrimination based upon their physical or mental handicap in all employ-
ment practices such as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or
transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination,
rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training,
including apprenticeship.
B. The Contractor shall not discriminate in employment against any
person because of his or her age or specify in solicitations or advertisements,
a maximum age limit except and unless it is based upon a bona fide occupa-
tional qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement.
9. The Contractor shall include all clauses "1" to "9 " inclusive
in every eligible subcontract or purchase order so that such provision will
be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 1
10. The Contractor agrees to institute a complaint procedure to
test implementation under this part and otherwise comply with all laws and
regulations applicable to the employment of the handicapped which are hereby
Page 8 of 12
80427 -14j
incorporated by reference. Without limitation, this shall include: (1)
establishment of an affirmative action program; (2) appropriate promulgation,
internally and externally; (3) annual program review and monitors; and (4)
designation of program responsibility.
D. Real and Personal Property
The Contractor agrees that, as owner, lessee, assignee or managing
agent of real or personal property, it shall not refuse to rent, lease, sell
or otherwise deny such property to any person(s) because of race, color,
religion, sex or national origin; nor shall the Contractor discriminate in
the terms or privileges of the rental, lease or sale or in the furnishing of
services in connection therewith. Advertisements, solicitations, notices,
statements, or circulations pertaining thereto will not limit, prefer or dis-
criminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
E. Minority and Female Entrepreneurship
Consonant with and in furtherance of equal opportunity under law, the
Contractor agrees to consider and make reasonable use of minority -owned and
female -owned businesses in the procurement of goods and services, in the use
of real and personal property, and in contracting for construction. In all
instances, affirmative emphasis will be given to minority -owned and female -
owned businesses in the procurement of goods and services, in the use of real
and personal property, and in contracting for construction. In all instances,
affirmative emphasis will be given to minority -owned and female -owned busi-
nesses offering comparable quality and value. The Contractor will similarly
require equal opportunity /affirmative action on behalf of minority -owned and
female -owned businesses in its financial agreements.
Section XVII. Environmental Protection
A. The Contractor certifies that no owner or operator of a facility
which is utilized in connection with this contract, has been notified that the
facility has been listed on the EPA List of Violating Facilities pursuant to
40 C.F.R. § 15.20 (1976). In the event that the Contractor fails to comply
with clean air or water standards at such facilities, the grant may be can-
celled, terminated for default or suspended for such failure, in whole or in
part, and the Department may refrain from further contracting with the Con-
B. The Contractor agrees to comply with all the requirements of
Section 114 of the Air Act and Section 308 of the Water Act relating to
inspection, monitoring, entry, reports, and information as well as all other
requirements specified in Section 114 and Section 308, respectively, and all
regulations and guidelines issued thereunder.
C. The Contractor agrees to notify the Department promptly of the
receipt of any notice from the Director, Office of Federal Activities,
Environmental Protection Agency, indicating that any facility utilized or to
be .utilized under this contract is under consideration for listing on the EPA
List of Violating Facilities.
Section XVIII. Uniform Relocation
The Contractor shall comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and
Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C.A. § § 1415, 2473,
3307, 4601, 4602, 4621 -38, 4651 -4655, 49 U.S.C.A. § 1606 (1976, 1977 and
Supps. 1978) and with OMB Circular No. A -102 Revised, 42 Fed. Reg. 45845 -45887
(1977), Attachment M of which provides for fair and equitable treatment of
persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally assisted programs.
Section XIX.
Flood Disaster Protection Insurance
If Contractor chooses pursuant to Section IV(A)(2) of this contract
to expend funds for necessary renovation or modification of existing facili-
ties or their basic infrastructure, and if the facilities renovated or modified
Page 9 of 12
are located in a conmiunity where flood insurance has been made available under
the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 12 U.S.C.A. 5 § 24, 1709 -1 (Supp.
1917); 42 U.S.C.A. F 4001 -4003, 4012a, 4013 - 4016, 4026, 4054, 4056, 4101,
4104 -4107, 4121, 4128 (1977), and if the location of the facilities 1,F,5 been
identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
as an area having special flood hazards, the Contractor shall purchase flood
insurance in an amount sufficient to cover the sums expended or to be expend -
ded in renovation.or modification of the aforementioned facilities.
Section XX. Non- expendable Personal Property and Procurement Standards_
The Contractor shall comply with Attachments N and 0 of OMB Circular
No. A -102 Revised, 42 Fed. Reg. 45888 -45891 (1977), in regard to non- expendable
personal property and procurement standards, as if the Contractor were a
"grantee" for purposes of those attachments.
Section XXI. Political Activity
None of the performances rendered hereunder shall involve, and no
portion of the funds received by the Contractor hereunder shall be used for
any partisan political activity (including, but not limited to an activity to
further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office) or any
activity undertaken to influence the passage, defeat or final content of
Section XXII. Conflict of Interest
A. The Contractor shall establish safeguards to prevent its staff
members, subcontractors, or employees from using their positions for a purpose
that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain
for themselves, or others, particularly those with whom they have family,
business or other ties.
B. The Contractor covenants that he presently has no interest and
shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect which would conflict in
any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed
under this contract. The Contractor further covenants that in the performance
of this contract no person having any such interest shall be employed.
Section XXIII. Nepotism
A. The Contractor shall not hire a person in an administrative
capacity or staff position funded under this contract, if a member of that
rIII person's immediate family is employed in an administrative capacity by the
B. Nothing in this Section relieves the Contractor from compliance
with the State nepotism law, TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN. art. 5996a (Vernon Supp.
C. For purposes of this Section, the term "member of the immediate
family" includes wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother,
brother -in -law, sister, sister -in -law, son -in -law, daughter -in -law, mother -
in -law, father -in -law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, stepparent, stepchild;
the term "staff position" includes all staff positions funded under this con-
tract, such as foremen and supervisors of weatherization projects, and the
term "administrative capacity" includes those persons who have overall admin-
istrative responsibility for a program, including all elected and appointed
officials who have any responsibility for obtaining or approving any grant
funded under the Act as well as other officials who have any influence or
control over the administration of the program.
Section XXIV. Sectarian Activities
No funds received hereunder shall be used directly or indirectly to
aid in the construction, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility
which is used or will be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of
religious worship.
Page 10 of 12
80 -141
Section XXV. Termination
A. Under the terms of the Department's grant from the United States
Departments of Agriculture and Interior, the Secretaries of those Departments
have the power to terminate Department's grant effective upon notice of
termination, if activities that are funded by the grant have not been carried
out in compliance with the grant. This contract shall terminate in the event
that the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior so terminate the Depart-
ment's grant; the termination of the contract shall occur on the same date as
the termination of the Department's grant.
Upon receipt of notice of termination from Department, the Contractor
shall discontinue further commitments of funds pursuant to this contract, can-
cel all subcontracts scheduled for payment with funds received pursuant hereto,
and within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of termination supply the
Department with a final financial statement, and repayment of any unused por-
tion of funds advanced or a request for reimbursement for allowable expendi-
tures incurred in the program before termination, in accordance with Section
IV(B) of this contract.
B. Each of the parties hereto shall have the right, in such party's
sole discretion and at such party's sole option, to terminate and bring to an
end all performances to be rendered under this contract by notifying the other
party hereto in writing of such termination at least thirty (30) days prior to
the effective date of termination.
C. If neither party exercises its right to terminate pursuant to Sub-
section B of this Section XXV, and if the Secretaries of the United States
Departments of Agriculture and the Interior do not terminate the Department's
grant so as to bring into effect Subsection A of this Section XXV, this contract
shall terminate in accordance with Section III or XXVII(C), whichever first
results in termination.
Section XXVI. Compliance with Act, Regulations, and Other Applicable Law
A. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Act and
with the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
B. The Contractor shall conduct its activities funded under this
contract and shall comply with the terms of this contract in such a manner as
to prevent or to correct a breach of the Department's contract with the United
States Departments of Agriculture and the Interior to operate YCC projects
under the Act.
C. The Contractor shall comply with Federal Management Circular (FMC)
74 -4 and Office of Management and Budget Circular (OMB) No. A -102 Revised, 42
Fed. Reg. 45828 -45891 (1977), Office of Management and Budget Circular (OMB)
Circular No. A -95, 38 Fed. Reg. 32874 (1973), and all revisions thereof, to
the extent and in the manner determined by the United States Departments of
Agriculture and the Interior to be applicable to the Contractor and which con-
cern the utilization of funds, the procurement of goods and services, the
operation of projects, and the maintenance of records, books, accounts, and
other documents under the Act.
D. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinan-
ces, codes, regulations, rules, and other law of the state and local govern-
Section XXVII. Legal Authority
A. The Contractor assures and guarantees that it is a'public or non-
profit private agency or organization which has been in existence for at least
five (5) years and that it possesses the legal authority, pursuant to any
proper, appropriate and official motion, resolution or action passed or taken
Page 11 of 12
80427 -14m
"living! the Conl t.or le(lal Withority t , nrlt.f�r into th�S conir��ct �J to per -
f4 rr the servic"he Contractor has ol,l igated itself t� tlerform ur�u
co er this
n trac t.
B. The person or persons signing this contract on behalf of the Con-
tractor warrant and guarantee that he, she or they have been duly authorized
by the Contractor to execute this contract on behalf of the Contractor and to
bind the Contractor validly and legally to all terms, performances and pro-
visions herein set forth.
C. The Department shall have the right, at its option, to terminate or
temporarily to suspend this contract if there is any dispute as to the legal
authority of either the Contractor or the person signiiry this contract to enter
into this contract. The Contractor is liable to the Department for money it
has received from the Department for performance of the provisions of this
contract, if the Department has suspended or terminated this contract for the
reason set aside in this section.
Section XXVIII. Oral and Written Agreements
A. All oral or written agreements, relating to the subject matter of
this contract and which were made prior to the date of the contract's execu-
tion, between the Contractor and the Department have been reduced to writing
and are contained herein. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement
of the parties hereto for purposes contemplated herein.
B. The below enumerated and denominated attachments of the number of
pages indicated are hereby made a part of this contract.
1. Attachment I, Contractor's Performance Statement,
( 2 pages)
2. Attachment II, Contractor's Bi- weekly Financial Status
Report, ( 1 pages)
3• Attachment III, Contractor's Weekly Summary of Participant
Characteristics, ( 1 pages)
4. Attachment IV, Contractor's Form for Request for Payment,
( 1 pages)
5. Attachment V, Contract Amendment Form, ( 1 pages)
Fritz Lanham, City Manager
City of Baytown
Affairs Approved and accepted on behalf of the Texas Department of Community
Ben F. McDonald, Jr.
. Executive Director
Texas Department of Community Affairs
This contract is not effective until signed by the Executive Director
of the Department.
Approval Recommended:
Division Di rec
Resource Management Cen
Legal Coun
Fiscal Dire
Deputy Dire
Page 12 of 12
80427 -14n
1• The Contractor will operate a
project camp employing at least Nonresidential
a period of - 27 vouch of both sexes for
___ 7 _consecutive weeks during the summer of 1978.
The project' will be called Ba town Ba1V Cam
will be operational in and /or around Ba town, Texas and
2. The Department will be in charge of enrollee referral recruitment '.
coordination and shall furnish the Contractor with a list of qualified
Youth aged 15 through 18 years, and Contractor shall employ youth,
with proper supervision, under this contract from such list. The
number of enrollee positions shall be filled and maintained filled
throughout the project period.
3• The Contractor shall employ youth as employees and shall require
participation in three parts of work projects to one part environ-
mental education for no more than 40 hours per week; i.e. thirty 30
hours of paid physical work and ten (10) hours of donated �environmenttal
4. The Contractor shall provide supervisory and instructional personnel
in the ratio of at least one staff person for every eight youth.
Contractor shall establish and maintain a health and safety program
for the duration of the project.
5. The Contractor shall compensate each youth employed under the terms
of this contract according to one or proportion of the pay rates below:
$2.65 per hour
$65.50 per week
Contractor shall have enrollees complete forms to waive withholding
income tax, but F.I.C.A. taxes should be withheld from above compen-
sation rates.
6. The Contractor shall insure a planned rotation of youth among the
various task functions for the purpose of providing each youth with a
broadly diversified environmental work experience encounter through
participation in the program. Work project activities shall include:
Work projects will include( but not be limited to):
1. Construction of playground areas. (To include assembly and installation
of play equipment, benches, etc.)
2. Landscape work to include bed development, actual planting, fer-
tilization, weeding, etc.
3. Construction of picnic areas - work to include removal of
brush, pouring cement pads, assembly and installation of tables
and barbecue pits.
4. Site preparation in various parks to include brush, tree and stump
removal. This will allow our parks to become more accessable by the
publ i c
5. Erosion and drainage control along various ditches within our
park system.
8042? -14o
7. Travel for project staff employees will be authorized and reim-
bursed in accordance with the regulations issued by the employing
agency. In the absence of such regulations or any ommission,
therein, travel regulations as applied to employees of the State
of Texas shall apply.
8. It is mutually agreed and understood by and between the parties
hereto that:
a. the purpose of the Act is to further the development and
maintenance of the natural resources of the United States,
by the youth upon whom will fall the ultimate responsibility
for maintaining and managing these resources for the
American people. The Departments of Agriculture and Interior
have stressed the following three equally important objectives
of the Youth Conservation Corps as reflected in the law:
1. Accomplish needed conservation work on public
2. Provide gainful employment for 15 through 18
year old males and females from all social,
economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds; and
3. Develop an understanding and appreciation, in
participating youth, of the Nation's natural
environment and heritage.
b. These objectives will be accomplished in a manner that will
provide the youth an opportunity to acquire increased-self-
dignity and self- discipline, better work relationships with
peers and supervisors, and build lasting cultural bridges
between youth from various social, ethnic, and economic
C. The Secretaries or their representatives are to be allowed to
periodically inspect the conduct of the program by the State.
8. 7 -14p
n i i n1nt•ir-iv 1 i 1 [11 -nLLI%L 1
SECTION I- Contract Information
1.Contra,:tor's Name & Address: 2.Contract # 4.Contract Period
3. Report # 5.Type of Camp
C] Residential
C1Non- Res idential
6.Report Period
7-Date Report Prepared 8.Program Title I YSD USE ONLY
Date Report Received
SECTION II- Status of Funds by Cost Category
Non -Fed.
Non -Fed.
Non -Fed.
Non -Fed.
I - General
2-Staff Pay
4 *Food
5.Project Costs
Travel &
7. Program
EI•This Mo.
Cumil l .
To Date
hudy,:, , ,i
I ! Balance
„' 1"14 iii- certification:I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report
is correct and that all outlays and obligations are for the purpose set forth in
the contract agreement.
Report Prepared By:
Date Report Submitted:
Date Signed:
Typed Name of Authorized Official:
1. Name & Address (Camp or Project)
2. Report Period
Date Report Received:
3. Contract Number
4. Report Number
5. Date Report Prepared
6.a. Sex Fema re
6.b. Age 16
" Income
American Indian
Native Alaskan
Spanish (Chicano,
Cuban, Mex. Amer.
Puerto Rican, etc.)
Below $5,000
Between $5- $10,000
Between $10- $15,000
Above $15,000
Education 7th
(Last grade 8th
in school) 9th"'
6.e. 12th,—
7. Total Number of Youth Participants
8. Number of Youth Leaders Male
Signature of Authorized Official
9• Check One; if B or C A.None
Accident please explain in .Minor
Report(s) space provided below .Major
10. Number of Terminations 11. Terminations
During this Report Period Cumul. to Date
Male Female Male Female
Age 16
10.a. lg
Ethnic Black
Group Spanisl
10.b. Other
10.c. Reasons
for Separation
Better Job
Family Plans
Date Signed
Jomotroller's Form 3A06.1.01 (Rev. 9.77) e
a. Trans Code 1b.BatchNo. I c. Agency No. d.
1 3 4 6 7 332 9
16 1 1 24
g. Agency NamTEXAS DEPT. OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS h. Order Date I. equlsr
P.O. Box 13166. Capitol Station. Austin. TX 78711 137 42
'. Invoice Date I k. Voucher Arno unt 1. Payee Reference No. m. Boar
10 15 43 40 49 S9 60 73 74
D J n. PM q. F. S. t. U. V.
16 23 24 Fund FY Cost Camp. Agency Amount
o. Comptroller's Vendor I.D. No. p. Agency Voucher No. No. Center Object Object
2326 27 31 32 35 136 41
47 60 61 67
1a ( �j I x. Pay To: (Name, Address, City, State. Zip)
fAgency Use)
Invoice No.
63 74
"'DELIVERY aa, bb' cC' UNIT dd.
i certify that the above services were rendered, or goods received, and that
they correspond in every particular with the contract under which they were
i, do Procured and that the invoice Is true, and unpaid.
hereby certify that I am
(Title of person certifying) Name Title
and that I am duly authorized to make this certif ication for and on behalf of
(Name of payee company /elalmant)
1 further certify that the attached invoice is correct and that it corresponds
in every particular with the supplies and /or services contracted for. 1
further certify that the account is true, correct, and unpaid.
Data Approved for Payment
Name Title
Name I
Board of Control
Contract With
Amendment No.__
The Texas Depart of Community Affairs, an agency of the State of Texas,
hereinafter referred to as "Department" and ,
hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" do hereby agree and contract to
amend their original contract and agreement identified below as specified
Original Contract Identification
Date of Execution:
Period of Contract:
Maximum Department Obligation under original contract:
Department and Contractor hereby agree to an amendment of page ,
paragraphs to read as follows:
day of , 1978.
Approved and accepted on behalf of the Texas Department of Community Affairs,
an agency of the State of Texas, this day of
Ben F. McDonald, Jr.
Executive Director
Texas Department of Community Affairs
This contract is not effective until signed by the Executive Director of the