Ordinance No. 2,0626898 ORDINANCE NO.2062 AN ORDINANCE OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBAYTOWN, TEXAS,ACCEPTING THE STREET DEDICATION BYTEXAS OLEFINS COMPANY;DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE SAID STREET DEDICATION WITH THECOUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS,Park West Plaza,an office park,is being developed on a tract or parcel of land out of a part of Lot 25,Block 27,Highland Farms,a subdivision situated in the William Hilbus Survey,A-336,Harris County,Texas;and WHEREAS,as part of this development a street extending into and dead ending in the office park has been constructed consistent with City of Baytown engineering standards;and WHEREAS,the developer of said Park West Plaza has dedicated said street,which would be a continuation of Little Road across Decker Drive,to the City of Baytown for public use;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:That the City of Baytown formally accepts the street dedication from Texas Olefins Company,being the owner of that property,said street being described in Exhibit "A"and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2:The City Clerk is hereby directed to file the street dedication with the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas. 6899 Section 3:This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED bythe affirmative vote of the City Council on this 12th day of August ,1976. TOM GENTRY1^Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P.HALL,City Clerk APPROVED: NEEL RICHARDSON,City AttorneyRIU -2- 6900 EXHIBIT "A" FIFTY FOOT R-O-W (LITTLE ROaD EXTENSION)6901 THE STaTE OF TEXaS: COUNTY OF HiiRRIS: A tract or parcel of land out of a part of Lot 2?,Block 27,HighlandFarms,a subdivision situated inthe William Hilbus Survey,A-3§6, Harris County,Texas,according to map or plat thereof recorded in Vol.7 at Pages 60 &61 of Harris County Map Records,said tract of land described as follows; BEGINNING at a 5/8"steel rod at the Southerly R-O-W line of Decker Drive (Spur 330),being the Northwest corner of Texas Olefins Co. Tract"A"(1..025 acres)and the Northeastcorner of Texas Olefins Tract "B"(1.l+1+9 acres),said beginning corner further described as being South 63deg.57 rain.*fO sec.East a distance of 289.35 feet from a 5/8"steel rod found atthe point of intersection of the West line aforesaid Lot 25 "with the Southerly R-O-W line of Decker Drive (Spur 330); THENCE South 01 deg.00 min.36 sec.East along the West line of Texas Olefins Co.Tract "A"(1.025 acres),the interior East boundary line of Texas Olefins Tract "B"(1.M+9acres)and the West line of herein described 50 foot R-O-W a distance of 397.25 feet to a 5/8" steel rod for a common corner,the interiorcorner of said Tract "B" (1.Mf9 acretract),the Southwest corner of Tract "A"(1.025 acres) and the Southwest corner of herein described tract; TKSNCE South 87 deg.19 min.25 sec."East along the South line of r Tract "a"(1.025 acres),the most Southerly North boundary line of Tract "B"(1.M+9acres)and the South line of herein described 50 foot R-O-W,a distance of 50.10 feef to the Southeast corner of herein described tract; THENCE North 01 dog.00min.36 sec.West along the East line of herein described 50 foot easement,saidline parallel to and 50 feet at right angles from the West line of tract described,a distance of 369.67 feet to a point forcorner at the North line of aforementioned Tract "a"(1.025 acres),said corner being the Northeast corner of tract described and situated at a curve formed by the Southerly R-O-W line of Decker Drive (Spur 330);•• THENCE in a Northwesterly direction a distance of 31.25 feet along the Southerly R-O-W line of Decker Drive and along the arc of a curve with a central angle of 23 deg.29min.and a Radius of 271^.79 feet to the end'bf said curve; THENCE North"63 deg.57 min.*fO sec.West along the Southerly R-O-W line of Decker Drive,and the North line of tract described a dis tance of 27.29 feet to the "PL.-iCE OF BEGINNING",enclosing withintheboundarylinesdescribed(19239.215 sq.ft.)O.¥t2 acres of land. SURVEY completed July 19,1976. CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF HaRHIS: I,J.B.NELSON,REGISTERED PUBLIC SURVEYOR NO.1703,DO HEREBY CERTIFY TH3 iiBOVE AND FCREGCING FIBLD NOTES CONSTITUTES THE RESULTS OF A SURVEY MaDE UNDERMYDIRECTION AND SUPERVISION ON a 0Alf2 ACRE TRACT OF L^ND OUT OF a PaRT OF LOT 25,BLOCK 27,HIGHLAND FARMS,WILLIaM HILBUS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.336,HiiRRIS COUNTY,TEfciS,.-.LID THAT THE LINS3,BOUNDiJllES AND LANDMARKS BOTH NATURAL AMD ARTIFICIiiL,ARE ....CORRECTLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. WITNESS MY HaND AND OFFICIAL SEAL,aT OFFICE IN BAYTOWN,HiiRRIS COUNTY,TEXAS,THIS 19th DAY OF JULY A.D.1976. f/S.B.KELSON REG.PUBLIC SURVEYOR NO.1703