Ordinance No. 2,023Id ORDINANCE NO. 2023 6''i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 2 --"ADMIN- ISTRATION," ARTICLE IV, RULES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES, SO AS TO REPEAL THE PROVISIONS THEREOF AS PRESENTLY CONSTI- TUTED; ADOPTING "CITY OF BAYTOWN PERSONNEL RULES" DATED MAY 27, 1976; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Chapter 2 -- "Administration," Article IV, Rules for City Employees, by repealing the provisions of Article IV as they presently exist. Section 2: Those certain rules entitled "City of Baytown Personnel Rules," dated May 27, 1976, prescribing rules, policies and procedures concerning employees of the City of Baytown, of which no less than three (3) copies have been and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Baytown are hereby adopted. A copy of said rules is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and incor- porated as fully as if set forth at length herein. Section 3: Savings Clause: If any provision, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of the aforesaid "City of Baytown Personnel Rules" or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of Id the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of the Personnel Rules of the City of Baytown are declared to be severable. Section 4: Effective Date: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 10th day of June 1976. TOM GENTRY' M6yor ATTEST: EILIEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED: FEEL 7CHARDSON, City Attorney -2- E X H I B I T "All 67 9 CITY OF BAYTOM P E R S O N N E L R U L E S MAY 27, 1976 6 CHAPTER It PROBATION �. Probationary Period 1 8 Purpose 2 8 Failure of Probation 3 8 Appeal of Failure of Probation It 8 i TABLE, OF CON'1 2NTS CrLfd'TER 1 Section Pane INTRODUCTION Objective 1 1 Equal Opportunity Policy 2 1 Applicability 3 1 Dissemination It 2 Amendment 5 2 Division of Responsibility 6 2 CI AP`l' EER 2 NLTHOD OF FiUTDIG VACANCIES Vacancy Identification 1 3 Announcement of Vacancies 2 3 Promotion Policy 3 3 Temporary Promotions 4 3 Tra,: ,fors 5 3-4 Nondisciplinary Demotions 6 It Applications 7 4 Evaluation 8 i+ Disqualification 9 1E-5 Referral. and Selection 10 5 CHAPTER 3 APPOILIiMMT Authority 1 6 - Basis 2 6 Type Maergency Temporary Appointments 1 6 Nepotism 5 6 Residence 6 6 Medical Examination 7 7 CHAPTER It PROBATION �. Probationary Period 1 8 Purpose 2 8 Failure of Probation 3 8 Appeal of Failure of Probation It 8 i w t CWTEER 5 Section 11'ar,7 PERFOMMANCE EVALUATIOI.1 Performance Evaluation Report• 1. 9 Purpose 2 9 Counseling 3 9 Reconsideration 11 9 CHAPTER 6 CL.ASSIFICATIWN Plan Preparation and 16,aintenance 1 10 Effect of Reallocation 2 10 Official 'T'i'tles 3 10 CHAPTER 7 C01,1PE_TSATTON Basis 1 11 Administration of Range/Step Salary Schedules 1 .11-12 Overtime 3 12 Insurance and. Retirement 1t 12 Longevity 5 12 CHAPTER 8 ABSENCE Holidays Vacation Sick Leave Military Leave Emergency Leave Administrative Absence with Pay Authorized Leave idithout Pay Absence Without Leave Pregnancy and Maternity Injury on -the Job CHAPTER 9 1 13 2 13-14 3 15 11 16 5 16 6 16 7 16 8 16-17 9 17 3.0 3.7 CONDUCT Attendance 1 18 Work Standards 2 18 Political Activity 3 18 Solicitation 1t 18 Outside Employment 5 19 Physical Fitness 6 19 Perso n.,L Z. Appearance 7 19 Financial Obligations 8 19 ii CHAPTisM 13 PERSONNEL FILES AND REPORTS Personnel Files 1 25 Status Changes 2 25 Personnel Reports 3 25 iii CH1':F".lUR 10 Section Pane DISCIPLINE,, A!"PEALS, AND GRIEVAiiC S Grounds for Disci.plwnary Action 1. 20 ,� Types of Disciplinary Action 2 2O' l •; jiritten Reprimand 3 20 Suspenolon 4 20-21 Reduction in Pay 5 21 Demotioi, & 21 Dismissal 7 21. Appeal of Disciplinary Action 8 Pl-22 Grievance Procedure 9 22 CiihpliER 11 NONDISCIPLINARY SEPARATION Resignation 1 23 Layoff 2 23 Incapacity 3 23 .Retirement 1E 23 CHAPUM 12 REMSTATMENT Following Layoff 1 21{ Following Separation for Incapacity 2 24 Veterans 3 24 Restoration of Seniority Credits h 24 CHAPTisM 13 PERSONNEL FILES AND REPORTS Personnel Files 1 25 Status Changes 2 25 Personnel Reports 3 25 iii l CITY OF LI_Y'.OI.-;! SOil;lEL RUL'x CIU:P` ER 1. ,tea I117110DUCTION Section 1. Objective 'ibese rules are desi„red to bring to the Ci service a high degree of understanding, cooperation, eff:i.c:i.ency, and v_Aty through sy:sfieraat.Lc , uniform application of modern per .onnal prac tice:i. Objectives of the City personnel ins nagement system, which inclue1es these rules, are: a. to promote and increase efficiency, responsiveness to 'the public, and economy in 't:he City ser -,-ice; b. to provide fair and equal opportunity for qualified persons to enter and progress in the City service in a manner bas�:!d on merit and fitness as ascertained through fair and practical personnel management methods; c. to maintain recruitment, advancement, and tenure practices enhancing 'the attractiveness of a City career and encourag- ing each employee -to give his or her best effort to the City and the public; d. to maint-ain consistent, up-to-date position classification and compensation plans based on the relative duties and respon- sibilities of jobs in the City service; e. to promote high morale among City e.,:ployees by fostering good working relationships and by providing uniforn personnel policies, opportunities for adveneement, and consideration_ of employee needs and desires. Section 2. ERual. Opportu::ity Policy Affirmative action shall be taken to ensure equal employment opportunity in the City service. Discrimination against airy person in recruitment, examina- tion, appointment, training, promotion, discipline, or any other aspect of personnel administration because of political or religious opinions or affiliations, membership or nonmembership in employee organizations, or because of race, color, national.origin_, marital status, or other nonw!cit factors is prohibited. Discrimination on the basis of age or sex or physical disability is prohibited except where specific age, sex, or physical require- ments constitute a bona fide occupational qualification necessary to proper and efficient administration. r Section 3. Auplicability These rules apply to all City employees exce:st ~here inconsistent with the proper application of the ;tate -Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Law. A person on retainer or under contract is not considered to be a City employee in the absence of a specific agreement to that effect. _1_ Section 4. Disserl inwtion All City employees shell be informed of the e:_istence of these rules.and each departr,ent shall keep a copy available for .reference by its employees. Section 5. Amendment These rules may be chaired, supplemented, or superseded mit any time as provided by 'the City CouncUL. Sec `ion 6. Division of Responsibility With the exception of matters reserved 'to the City Council, the general and final autho-rity for personnel management rests with't hl e City Manager. The Personn:l Director is delegated the responsibility for developing, administering, and interpreting personnel policies and procedures as they apply to all depart pents and employees, subject to review and approval by the City Manager. The Personnel Director shall advise management in' all areas of personnel administration, including employee -management relations, training and career development, and employee health, safety, and morale. Each department head is responsible for enforcing the provis':ons of these rules and related policies and procedures by cooperating with the Personnel Director on all matters pertinent to hi, or her department. -2- Id Ci:.N.r'.:'k-R 2 METHOD OF FILL'£:�G VACA111C lES 81 Sect -ion 1. `l2CuiSC�y S�LErit:LflCaf .C^ Department het3.C's shall notify the Personnel. Director when vacanc.Les occur r. I or are imminent by using personnel requisition forms provided for the purpose. :sect Ort ? . Ann--, unce`?ent; o1. VEtca_rc-7 es The Pt.rsonnel Director shall public'. y annouz:ce by appropriate means all vacanc.-Las to be filled in the City service by other than a&-inis"Ira Live transfer, temporary promotion, or reinstatement and shall maintain a list of annoLLicea vaca neles for public ins-nect'loI:. Each announcement, insofar as practicable, ,hall specify the -title, salary, and nature of 'the job; 'the required qualifications; whether competition is open to the general public or restricted to City employees; the type of selection procedure to be utilized; and the deadline for and method of application. Each anzouncenent shall contain a statement affirming City commitment 'to a policy of equal employment opportunity. Sect -Lon 3. Promotion Pol.L(Y. A promotion is the assignment of an employee from a position in one class Jto a position in another class having a higher maximut:I salary. `-� It shall be City policy to provide promotional opportunities whenever possible. A selection process may be limited to qualified City employees or such empl.oy&�s may be givers preference in application and/or considera- tion. Opportunities for promotion across organizational lines scall be maximized. Section h . Te* or..�v Promotions The City Manager may authorize a temporary promotion to ensure the proper performance of City functions if a position is vacant or its regular in- cumbent is absent. Tployees so promoted shall be additionally cormensated for 'the duration of their temporary assignments in amounts to be determined by the City 14anager. Temporary promotions shall not be used to circumvent normal selection pro- cedures. The employees involved shall not acquire any status or rights in the classes to wh':ch temporarily promoted except as provided above. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the assignment of higher - OF level duties to an e n l.oyee without additioral compensation. Authorized additional compensation shall be paid only in cases of formal temporary promotion effected in accordance with these rules. Section 5. Transfers A transfer is the wssi nsvent of ar. employee :from one position_ to another. - 3- A transfer not involving promotion or demotion may be effected at any time for acb:i::ni:st-.cative convenience or upon recluest of -t:he employee -to the departme__t head, if intradepartmental, or the Ci -'k -,y Idana� cr, prov:i deci that tl;o is ati lified to _ -i-for::: the duties of the position to which transfer is contemplated. f Transfers may be made administratively or in conjunction with an annottncf�-d selection process. Transfers between classes or between dE partnents shp l becoit:e effective following approval by -the Personnel Director and City Manager. Section C. 11ottdiscinl.inf.try Demotions A demotion is the ass!gi-iraent of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class hava_?v a low-ar i'_' xii-101 ? sa?a,ry. With the approval of the City Ma rager and if qualified to perform -the duties of the Lower level position, an employea may be adraini�>trativ� ".z- demoted at his or her own request or as an alternative to layoff. Such demotions shall not be considered disciplinary actions or disqualify -the employees involved from consideration for .later advancement. Demotions effected as alternatives to layoffs may be fully or partially rescinded at any time. Section 7. Y_i c;_tions Applications for initial employe:.::tt, promotion or other type of transfer, and reinstatement shall be submitted as prescribed by the Personnel Director. Only applications officially received in the prescribed manner shall be considered. All informna'.i.on submitted in connection with applying for City positions is subject to verification. Section 8. Evaluation The Personnel. Director shall determine 'the most appropriate means of evaluating applicants against job requirements to identify the best qualified. Reference checks, interviews, nedical examinations, back- ground checks, performance tests, written tests, and/or other screening procedures may be used as appropriate. Applicants shall be required to provide any i.nforma-t:ion and undergo any ex,uninations necessary to demonstrate compliance with prescribed qualifica- tion requirements for the positions involved. Section 9. Disqualification An applicant shall. be disrual.ified from consideration if he or she: a. does not meet 'the qual_:ification s necessary :for performance of the duties of the position involved; 67J 8 b. has made a false statement of material fact on the application fora or supplements thereto ; C. has comwit'ted or attempted to coim,!dt a .fraudulent act at any stage of the selection process; d. is an alien not legally permitted to work. Any applicant may be disqualified from consideration upon other reasonable growids relating -to job requirements. Section 10. Referral and Selection The Personnel Director shall develop standard operating procedures for the referral of applicants to departments for final selection. The procedures shad provide for selecting officials to report the disposi- tion of all referred applicants and -the reasons therefor. -5- PA CFAPT APPOI:Id`- MEP]T im Section 1. Au�tho Except as othervr.ise provided by Charter or ordinance, -the appointJ.nFI; authority for a:E 1 City positions- shall be the City I4µnager. Sect:i.on 2. Bas1.s Appointments shall be made based on the qualifications - of applicants as as;certained through fair and practical selection methods. Section. 3. Tyoe Appointr;�nts shall. be designated either regular or temporary. A regular appointment is ordinarily of indefinite duration and may be made to a full-time or part-time position. A limited term regular appointment may be made in unusual circumstances. Regular appointments are subject to the rules Bove=-^ni ng probation. Temporary appointments are ordinarily limited -to a period of not more than six months, and may be made to full-time or part-time poaitior:s re- quiring continuous, seasonal, or intermittent performance. Section Temporary Appointments k'nenever an emer;� cy exists which requires -the services of personnel who are not other�!se available, the City Manager may immediately appoint such personnel for a period not to exceed 30-%vorking days tirithout regard to normal recruitment and selection requirements. Section 5. Ne -_011 -ism Pio employee may directly or indirectly supervise or be supervised by a member of his or her immediate family. An immediate family includes husband, wire, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, father-in- law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddau4hter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. The City Manager may apply the nepotism prohibition in the case of other organizati.onwl and/or personal relationships when failure to do so would be detrimental to the City. Section 6. Residence There shall be no absolute residence requirement for City employment ex- cept as may be provided by law. Employees likely to be called to work in cases of emergency may be required to reside within reasonable commuting rang,�:s of their places of work. -6- 67,x„ Section 7. Medical A person sel.ected for initial appointment or reinstatement shall. undergo a thorough medica-1 examination at City eyp::nse in a manner prescribed -n� by the: Personnel Director. R ploy. c:nt shall bu contingent upon successful completion of 'Lhe medical exaT!inatior_ in relation to the standards of fitness required for the posit -ion involved. The City i.1anaoer, acting on information provided by medical personnel, shal.l be -the final auLhorlty in determining medical su:itabil it;Y for etrplo;nrent. With the approval of the City Manager, a department head may require that a current employee successfully undergo a medical exa-iu.r_a.tion to deternli ne fitness for continued employment or for promotion or other personnel action. Id CH,A,PTM!,1 l► PROpiA`i WONT Uect'.ion 1.. Period / lhrery person :inii.i ally appointed to or promoted under a regular appointment shall be required -to --� a probettionwry period of six months. Section 2. Pur -Doze IN ir. -the City serva c e successfully co,:-,-- beoa.rtraent heads and supervisors shall use the probationary period -to closely observe and evaluate the ;,ork and fitness of employees and -to encourage adjustment -to their jobs and -the City service. Only those; employees who meet acceptable standards during; their probationary periods shall be retained. Section 3. failure of Probation An employee shall fail probation when, in the judg ent of the department head, the employee's fitness anti/or quality of work are not such as to merit continuation in the ;job. Failure of probation may occur at any time within the probwtiona.ry period and shall not be considered part of the disciplinary process. An initial appointee who fails probation iaa.y be separated from the City ser ,-ice. If desirable and feasible, the employee may be adminiotratiYely transferred to a more suitable position. A nearly -promoted employee who `-� fails probation shall be returned to his or her former type of job and shall be eli-Ible for consideration for later advancement. Department heads shall ensure the thorough documentation of all cases of failure of probation. Section 4. A'aneal of Failure of Probation An employee failing probation shall have no right of appeal except on the grounds of discrimination prohibited by law or these rules, in which case the employee may appeal in writing to the City Manager within five working days following notice or failure of probation. The decision of the City b.anager shall be final. -8- CHAPTER 5 t �IMFURI MANCE EVALUATION Sect" -ion 1.. Perfo--r-:i ince lsvaluatj_on P., -Dort The work perf orr, a-ce of each regular, employee shall_ be evaluated in accordance with procedures develoned by the Personnel Director. An em-�'Loyee shall be evaluated annually during the anniversary month on hi;.-, or ht -.x employment or last prorotion and also upon change of super- visor unless an evaluation was made within tee pre'rious thrS�> onths.. Spee ic�.l evaluations mto be made if authori-:ed by the depa_rtraeca t heed and/or the City Manager. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at the midpoint of, their probationary periods and again izin ediately prior to the completion thereof'. Section 2. Purpose Performance evaluation is designed to help supervisors and employees measure how well work is being perforated and to provide a tool for management decisions regarding training, assignment, promotion, and retention of employees. Section. 3. Counseling Employees shall be _,..• )vided copies of their own performance evaluation reports. Evaluators shall individually discuss the reports with the employees and shall counsel them regarding their careers and any inpro:re- ments in performance which appear desirable or necessary. Section h. Reconsideration Employees dissatisfied with -their performance evaluations may seek re- consideration by using established grievance procedures. WS 6 CIMPTim o Cf,ASSIF!CATION Section: 1. Plan Prea_ra tion and 1•`_a nten_a-(:e Subject to approval of the City Iiana;;,er, the Personnel Director shall pr,:. -- pare and ad.,idnist,Ur a classif' .cation plan for the City service based on analysis of the duties and re.soonsibilities of positions. Positions sh tll be allocated to. a.pp_opri.ate classes. based on objective factors. At, employee may request that his or her position be reviewed for proper classification by using established grievance procedures. Section 2. Effect of Reallocation An employee in a position which is reallocated from one class to anoti,!r shall be entitled to continue to serve therein with unimpaired status if the duties and responsibilities of the position are not significantly changed or if the employee substantially meets the qualifications prescribed for -the new class. Section 3. Official Titles Official class -titles shall be used in all personnel matters. Workin or functional titles may be otherwise used as appropriate. --1.0- id CHAPTER 7 COMPENSATION 6 Section 1. Basis The Personnel Director shall prepare and administer a comprehensive compensation plan for City employees subject to required City Manager and City Council approvals. Employees shall be paid salaries or wages in accordance with the compensation plan, which shall include one or more salary schedules. In positioning classes on salary schedules, consideration shall be given to prevailing rates of pay among public and private employers; the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees in the classes; and other relevant factors. Section 2. Administration of Range/Step Salary Schedules Range/step salary schedules shall be administered in accordance with the following rules: a. A new employee shall normally be compensated at the minimum step of the approved salary range. In exceptional circum- stances, the City Manager may authorize hiring above the minimum step. If such authorization is based on general recruitment difficulties rather than on unique qualifications of the new employee, pay for that classification shall, with City Council approval, be increased to assure that other employees with the same classification are not compensated less than the new employee. b. A newly promoted employee shall ordinarily be compensated at the lowest step of the approved range which would provide an increase in pay over that received in the previous class. An employee being laterally transferred shall ordinarily continue to receive the same salary and shall retain the same eligibility date for pay increases. c. Subject to budget limitations, merit increases within ranges may be granted as specified in the compensation plan upon recom- mendation of department heads and approval by the City Manager. Careful consideration to the ability and production record of each employee shall be given. d. No employee shall be paid more than the rate established in the approval compensation plan, except that an employee whose job was downgraded by reclassification or changes in the labor market, through no fault of the employee, may continue to receive his or her former rate of pay until a rate on the new salary range equals or surpasses the old rate or the employee's job changes. e. An employee voluntarily or involuntarily demoted for any reason shall be compensated on a step of the new range as administra- tively determined. -11- f. A former e.riployee reinstated pursuant to provi.sioas of these rule: shall be- compensa -e:i on a step of the approved rangtt as adini.ni. a trat-i.vely c,eternined. Suction 3. % Overtime, •whcrt ordered for -ti:•: n:c:nance of cssen.i l City furicUons, shall be allocated as evenly as - oasible anong all employees qualifi-ed to do the work. Employees covered by the overt:i.: e provi:;ions of the lair Labor St.tndard-; Act as cu!iended shall receive o-re::•tIm-_ co:ip`nsation in accordance tiler' with. f ployees exempt from the overtic provisions of the Fair Lebon Standards Act as am -ended, except _or department and division heads and". other personne1 d:sISna.ted by the C-ity Mana;er, shall receive equivale:.-4 compensatory time oft with the wpprozul of the department head. Section 4. .T-nsurance and Retirement Eligible employees shall receive insurance and retirement benefits as prescribed. in -the applicable progg�aics. Section 5. Lmmn i'tY Regular full-time non -Civil Service employees• shall be entitled to two do'.:iars ($2.00) per month for each year of service to the City, not to exceed twenty-five years. Longevity for Civil Service employees shat be consistent with the rites provided by Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ar,:. 1.�O`gq. Regular part-=time and temporary employees shall. not accrue longevity. -12- id CiIAPl' iZ 3 AT-,-)E-"-NCE Section 1. iiolida New Year's Day, Good Friday, I.4emorial Day, Independence Da;•, Ln.bor Day, Thwnks4 iving Day, Chr s tra -s Day, one additional flouting ho:l.id.ay, and such other days as n. -.y be declared by the City Council shall bt; observed. as official hol-idays for City employees in accordance with the follovi.n,; rules. a. As many employees as possible shEtIl be Ewen each hoUday off consistent- with the maintenance of essential City functions. b. Full -gime regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays. c. Part -tire and te.zporary employees may be granted unpaid holidays. d. A regular employee who works on an official holiday as directed shall be paid for the -time worked at the regular rate in addition to regular pay or shall be given equivalent \� compensatory time off as administ,•atively determined. e. If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall. be observed, and if a holiday falls on Sunday, the following I.!onday shall be observed. f. An employee in authorized or unauthorized leave of absence without pay status on the holiday or on the scheduled work day immediately preceding or following shall not receive pay for the holiday. g. Employees desiring to observe religious holidays not coin- ciding mith official holidays mey be given time off without pay or may be authorized to use accrued vacation Leave. Section 2. Vacation E{igular full-time non -Civil Service employees shall earn vacation_ leave as follows, except that continuing employees earning vacation leave prior to Cctober 1, 1975, shall earn no less than 15 days per year: -13- Years of Ser:rie Vacation ner Year Q_ o -- 6 10 days .83 da. f:, 7 - 1.i, 15 days 1.25 days 15 - 22 20 days 1.67 days Over 22 25 days 2.08 days Regular part-time and temporary er:xployf es shall. not accrue vacation leave. Civil Service employees shall earn vacation leave as follows - Year: of Services Vacation 'oer Year i,orthly Accrual 0 - 7, 15 days 1.25 days 19 - :? ` 20 days 1.67 days Over 24 25 days 2.08 days Vacation leave shall be administered according to the follovAng rules: a. Vacation leave shall not accrue for any month during which an employee is in pay status for less than half the stand- ard number of paid days for his or her type of job. b. Vacation leave may be taken in one-half shift increments with proper supervisory approvals at any time following employment. c. Employees shall.be encouraged to use a substantial portion of their vacation leave each year. No employee may accrue more -than 30 days of vacation leave except in extenua•ting circumstances as determined by the City i.fanager. d. Department heads shall schedule or approve vacations giving due consideration to 'the needs of service and the interests of the employees. Vacations may be split. e. Vacation leave shall be charged only for tide during °rich the employee would ordinarily have worked. City holidays will not be charged against vacation time. f. Employees being laterally transferred, promoted., or demoted shall retain accrued vacation leave. g. Vacation leave shall not be advanced to employees except in emergencies with the approval of the City Manager. h. Employees with at least six months of continuous servic:: who are separated for any reason shall be paid for any accrued vacation leave up to a maximum of 30 days. i. Vacation leave credits are not transferable between employees. 6A, Section 3. Skit L! r avo Regular lull-•t'is;e o nfipla�rees shall be allowed sick leave with full pay in accordance ;with the follo7ai.ng rules: a. A full-time employee shall earn 15 days of sick leave per year at the rate of 1.25 days per month. b. Sick leave shrsll not accrue for any month during which an employee is in pay status for less than half the standard number o_ paid days for his or her type of job. e. Accut•lat on o; sic:. Leave credits for use during employ.nenL- shrall. be unlimited. Sick leave credits will not be restored upon rehire. d. Sick leave may be taken in increments equivalent to two hours of work because of personal illness, injury, legal quar•artirie, or routine health care appoint.inents Sanich cannot reasonably be scheduled outside of working hours. e. The City Manager or Department head may request and obtain veri- fication of the circumstances surrotridbicc, any use of sick leave. f. Accrued vacation leave may be used to supplement sick leave. Pay shall be discontinued when authorized leave is exhausted. �+ Sick leave may be advanced to employees with the approval of `�- the City Manager. Payroll Adjustierts for any advanced sic. leave shall be made upon separation. g. lui employee who becomes ill. or injured durirg a vacation may re- ouest that the vacation be terminated and the gime of the illness or injury be charged to sick leave. h. Employees with at least six months of continuous service w1io are separated for any reason shall be paid for any accrued :sick leave up to a maximum of 90 days. If an employee is employed more than once by the City, he or she shall be paid for accrued sick leave based upon the balance remaining of the 90 -day rnaxicaum. i. Sick leave credits are not transferable between employees. J. Department heads, after ascertaining the exact circumstances, may grant a regular employee up to three days of sick leave per calendar year in the event of a disaster, serious injury, or serious or contagious illness within -the employee's immediate family or household. I. ediate family is defined as in the provision concerning nepotism. k. Regular part --time and temporary employees shall not accrue sick leave. 6 Section Wil.i'tary :Leave shcal:L be granted in accordance with applicable State rand Federal. la;;s. Employees nrepari•: to -take authorized military 1-er,vV• shall furnish their dc.p :: ttr: ni heads -with copies of military order -3 or other appropriate certlification . Section 5. Vmur?ency Leavy. DepaI'tt'::nt; heads, ca%'te-r ascertaining the exact circu;.iaLances, may a regular employee up to three wo, -dArl; days per calendar year of pa:aci emergency leave in the evert of =w death within. the employE:a's i!lxrz�di.ata family or household. Emergency lea -,.re shall not be cbarged against vacut-lor_ or sick leave. Immediate family is defined as in the provision concernir•.,,/ nepotism. Temporary employees may be granted unpaid emergency leave in . the above circumstances. Section 6. Administrative Absence With Pa An employee ordered not to report to work or veno cannot report for work becau.,e of inclement weather or disaster may be granted administrative absence with pay by the City Manager. / Employees shall. be graarted sufficient administrative absence wi.th pay, when necessary, in order to trate in an official. election. Tmployc-es called for jury service shell be granted ad_ "Lnistrative absence wi.•tia pay during such service and shall retain any fees paid by 'the courts. L:anployees excused or released from jury service shall report to their work stations in accordance w t:a denfartmenta? instructions. With the approval of the City Isla^ager, a department head may grant an er.pl.oyee administrative absence with pay for purposes o£ attending a professional conference, convention, training activity, legislative proceed-ing, or civic function or meeting, or for purposes of coordinating with governmental and private agencies and entities in the interest of the City. Section 7. Authorized Leave I•Tithout Pay In circumstances not falling 'tdtrir_ other provisions of these rules, -the City Manager may authorize an employee to take leave without pay under such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable. Section B. Absence Without Leave An employee failing to report for duty or remain a't stork as scheduled without proper notification, autlior;za-tion, or excuse shall be con- sidered absent- without leave and shall not be in pay status for tho time involved. -16- Absence without :Leave constitute.,; abandonment of dut'i.es , which may rrsi.l. t: in dismissal. Section 9. Pref,nanc:T n::tL I4a:ter. nity A pregnant employee. is expected to maXe her own decision, in consultation with her physician, as to when she will cease working.3axcent in erer1;c Ci_'S, at least 10 working days' written notice of cessation of work shall be rc- quirec?. The aforementioned notice shall. include a statement of the omplu„r -e's intentions concerning, resvzmption of work. If pregnancy prevents an employee from properly performing, her duties or creates a hazard -to persons or property, the City may invoke the provisions of these rules concerning separation for incapacity or may 'take other. appropriate administrative measures. Employees with illnesses or disabilities arising from pregnancy or maternity shall be entitled to benefits on the save basis as employees with other -types of temporary illnesses or disabilities. Section 10. Inlury on the Job An employee injured in the :Lint.- of duty shall receive Workmen's Compensation and injury leave benefits under terms and conditions prescribed in the \� applicable programs. Vbrl-men's compensation benefits shall be supplemente'' by the City as necessary to ensure that a disabled employee re.:ei,vcas full salary for six months. Thereafter, any supplemental benefits sha1.1. be reduced as prescribed in the applicable programs. -17-- CH P 9 Co-,' TTV V -r/ vim... Section 1. Attendances 649 Lmployf:es shall lie at their places of wort: in accordance with City and departmental policies and regulations. Depaxtr.,Lent hearts shall establish work schedules and maintain daily employee attendance records. See -tion 2. Work Standards It shall be the :luty of each employee -to ruintaln high standards of cooperation, efficiency, and economy in his or her work for the City. Department- heads shall. orgattize and direct the work of their departments to achieve -these objectives. If the work habits, attitude, production, and/or personal conduct of an employee fall below appropriate standards, supervisors should point out the deficiencies at the time they are observed. Counseling and warning the employee in sufficient time for improvement should ordinarily prec;edc.. formal disciplinary action, but nothing herein shall prevent immediate formal action, as provided elsewhere. in thane rLiles, whenever the interest of the City requires. Section 3. Political Activity Excep+ as may be otherwise provided b;; law, the following restrictions on poli."ical activity shall apply to City employees: a.. City employees shall. refrain from using their positions for or against any candid=ate for public office in any jurisdiction. b. City employees shall not use working hours or City property to solicit or receive any subscription, contributions, or political service, or -to circulate any peti-tion•or campaign literature on behalf of any candidate for public office. c. City employees shall not enc -age a in any political activity, with or without remuneration, that would constitute a con- flict of interest with their City employment. Section 4. Solicitation Solicitation of funds or anything of value for any purpose whatsoever shall be permitted of or by City employees on -the job only with the express approval of the City Manager. No employee ray be required to rake any contribution nor may an employee be penalized in any tray in connection with his or her employment according to his or her response to a solicitation. -18- 6 Section 5. Outsirle R�nplo�,fi:�:�� An employee shall not: engage ri outside employment, including self-- employment, where such cnployrv-!nt would constitute a. conflict: of :intererL or would advers.:1.y affect the employee's Performance it: the City service. ' Outside emplo;�rent m t be re:norted to and approved by the department-. head. Section r). Phys:i.caI Fitness It shall the responsibility of each employee to maintain the stand- ards of physical fitness required for- performing his or her job. Section 7. Personal_ A.Dnearance All employees, regax-dless of work location and degree of public contact, are expected to dress appropriately and in good taste and are expectt:d to maintain a good general appearance at all times. Section 8. Financial Obligations All employees are expected to keep their personal financial affairs in good order. Failure to pay just debts, including. taxes:, may constitute i grounds for disciplinary action if job performance is impeded. -19- 63 1 C.L-U1?".71'r.'R 1.0 DISCIPLINE, APP! hhS, AI•!D GRI:IE,vANCl'.S &-'ction 1.. Gro"Inds for T1 c i ��..' Ac -tion The C:i.lt:y Manager or designee thf x eof may t%-ke disciplinary action agaicrs't an employee for.• jus'. cause. Just cause shall be related to the job involved and s*.: -.'U include but no•t be limited to illegal, unethical, abusive, or li:tui.ni £legs; violation of City rules, rogula_-- tions, policies, or procedures; '.1S1:00rdi :'+:4ian; inefficiency; neglect or abandonment of duties; paxt:i.ci pation in prohibited political ac tiv i t r or solic:i.tsti.on; abuse of illness, injury, disability, or other benefit!:; tardine:,s or absence v-1-thout leave; falsification of official_ docu:cent or records; 1z ;i.ri�, or beim under -the influence of dru(;S or intoxicating beverages vhl iri on duty; waste, darrAge, or unauthorized use of City property or supplies; unauthorized use or disclosure of official infor„ra- tion; and unauthorised or iniproper use of of"i'icial authority. Section 2. Ty'nes of Disciplinary Action Formal disciplinary action taken shall be consistent- with the.nature of the deficiency or infraction involved apa the record of the employee. Formal disciplinary action shall include written reprimand, susU�,:rs_ion, reduction in pay, demotion, and dismissal.. Any of -the foregoing types of formal disciplinary actLon may be invoked for a particular de t'i.clency or infraction, depending upon the exact circumst.,.aces. An employee may be formally warned at any time that he or she may be dismissed or otherwise disciplined for further unsatisfactory perfo.-ma ce and/or conduct. Nothing herein shall prohibit -the adiministra-..ion of informal disciplinary action, such as oral reprimands, for just cause. Section 3. Written Reprimand In the interest of good discipline, an employee may be reprimanded in writing. The written reprimand shall describe the deficiency or in- fraction involved and shall. state the likely copsequences of further unsatisfactory performance and/or conduct. A copy of the reprimand shall be kept in the employee's off-icial personnel file until one year has elapsed without other formal disciplinary action being taken. Section 4. Siisnens_on j' In the interest of good discipline, a department head may suspend an �-/ employee without pay for up -to 30 calendar days :in one calencla- r year. A written notice of suspension *rust be given to the employee which describes the deficiency of infraction involved and which states the likely consequences of further unsatisfactory performance and/or conduct. The suspension shall be porranently noted in the employee's official - personnel file. -20- Vher. an employee i.5 under investigation for a crime or official misconduct or is zogaiLin<<, hearing or trial in a criminal mratter, hc. or she may be suspnded without pay ['or the durzat:ion of the procee:i.-- ings alien such suspension would be in the bent: interest-, of the: City � and t -he public:. If the i.nvesti_Uation or procee,;!3ngs clear the F3P..ployt:e, he or she shall be eligible for reiristatement under such terms and conditions as May be specified by the City l4anager. Section . Reduction in Pay In the inte.•est of good discipline, an employee's pay may be redlict-d within rael e. E3 written notice of reduction. ::rust be given'to the employee which describes the deficiency or :infraction :involved and which states the likely consequences of further unsatisfactory performanr.e a f i/ or conduct. The reduction shall be permanently noted in the employee's official personnel file, but the employee shall not be disgnalifi.:c' from consid:ration for liter pay increases. Section &. Demotion In the interest of good discipline, an employee may be demoted. A written notice of de_rnotion rust be given to -the employee:.- which describes the deficiency or infraction involved and which,states the likely consequences of further unsatisfactory performance and/or conduct. '-i The demotion shall be permanently noted in tine rzrtployee's official personnel file, but the employee shall not be disqualified from con- sideration for later advancement. Section 7. Dismissal In the interest of good discipline, an employee may be dismissed from the City service. A written notice of dismissal must be given to the employee which describes the deficiency or infraction involved. Section 8. Appeal of Disciplinary Action Formal disciplinary action taken under 'this chapter may be appealed in -vriting directly -to the City Manager within five working days following notice of the action. The action may be stayed pending decision on the appeal or may take effect at any time after issuance of the notice as determined by the City Manager. Upon request, an e~ployee against whom disciplinary action is 'taken !' shall be entitled to appear personally before the City Manager, w:i.t:'I ✓ or w?thout council. All parti.es shall have the opportunity to present and cross examine iritnesses who appear. The City Manager, following careful investigation, shall. have broad authority to approve, di& pp_'�jve, mollify, or rescind any disciplinary actions taken or proposed. The City Manager shall render a final written decision. -21- 65 There shall be no right of apjae?1 for probationary employees excrrt on the grounds of discrimination prohibited by law or •t-hesn rules. Seel -Jon 9. Grievance rrocedure Faeroloyees shall be encouraged to informally take any job-related complaints or problems to their im:nedlate supervisors. Foll.owi ng informal discussions an e'.nloloyee reiraining dissatisfied with a vorki n;- condition, or some other aspect- of emp:Loyln`nt not subject -to -the agile,%.L procedure, may submit a written grievance to his or her immediate super- visor within 15 calendar days after the taus::! of the grievance aris,c!S or becomes known to The employer. It ::hall be the responsibili-ty of the immediate supervisor to study the: grievance and attempt 'to resolve it within 10 calendar days. Furthr::r discussion with the grievant shall be encouraged. If the grievance can- not satisfactorily be resolved *lAthin 10 calendar days, the imrlr-�'.ia le supervisor shall refer it with co=eats and/or recommendations to the next; higher level of supervision. The Department Bead will be the last person in the department -to whom an unresolved issue will be taken. If the matter is still unresolved, it shall be taken 'to the Personnel Director. The Personnel Director shall investigate the Matter and sub- mit a suimra.ry of findings anti/or recommendations to the City Manager as soon as practicable. The City Manager shall make further investigation as he may deem necessary, follo.ring which he shall render a written decision which will be final and binding on all parties concerned. Any intimidation, coercion, or threatened reprisals used to violate the intent of this procedure by any parties involved shall constitute. just cause for disciplinary action. -22- Id Ci IO?TrR 3.1 310I1DI aCli T,L,:ARY Ss':PJUIIPf,'!0_*._, Section I. An employee may leave the City service i n good s Candi ng by submi. t t; i.r: his or her resignation in -the prescribed r•anner at least 10 working; days. in advance. The City Manager may waive any portion of the notice. period. Section 2. Layoff' An employee L:ay be :i.s.:id off because of chances in duties or organiza- tion or for lack of work or funds. Whenever possible, an employee• laid off from -the City department shell be transferred to a suitable position elsewhere. Mienever possible, at least- two ~reeks' notice shall be given an employee prior to layoff. Layoffs shall be carried out on the basis of demonstrated job performance and efficiency, with the most proficient employees being retained the longest. Seniority within City service may be used -to determine the order of layoff among employees with substantia?ly equivalent records of job performance rind efficiency, with the most senior employees being retained the longest. Temporary employees shall be laid off before regular employees performing si.r:i.lar duties. Layoffs shall not be considered disciplinary actions. Section 3. Incaoaci.ty An employee may be separated .for incapacity for medical reasons when the employee as an individual no longer meets the standards of fitness required :for the position. A finding of incapacity shall be made through individual medical determ..inatlon by competent authority as prescribed by the Personnel Director. Separation for incapacity shall not be considered disciplinary action and shall not operate to deny an employee the use of any accrued illness, injury, disability, or other benefits. Section I;. Retire-ent Eligible employees may be separated by retirement in accordance with applicable programs. Permanent employees sh=all be retired from employment _ on the last day of the calendar year in which their sixty-fifth (65) birth- day occurs. An employee's retirement may be deferred by his or her consent and with -the approval of the City ATL.r_ager and the City Council provided the employee is able to pass an appropriate physical examination. Retirement deferments shall be granted on a year to year basis. -?.3-- id CHAP` IE'R 3.2 REIN S`P AT!'d"UVT Section J.. Popo,-.:i.nn L-0/Of A pArson who trams ].aid off, including a former temporary employee se�parat� d upon coirletion of duties, may be routinely recalled to wort -it any tip r7, provided the person renakas qualified to perform the duties of. 'the positien. Section 2. rol?.o:rin jSe arab on for liLeaua^.i't A person who w_.s separated for incapacity fray be reinstated :in his or her forr.er type, of position within one year following separation, provided the reason for the :incapacity has been removed to the satisfaction of the City, the person remains otherwise qualified to perform the d.uties of 'the position, and reinstaterientt, would be in -the :interest of the City. Section 3. Veterans Dftployef�ts who left the City service in good standing 'to enter on duty with the armed forces of the United States shall be eligible for rein -- r, state.7ent in accordance with applicable State axid Federal laws. Section }1 . Restoration of Seniority Credits Restoration of seniority or service credits upon reinstatement. shall. be prohibited. -2h- 67.3-8 CHAPTER 13 PERSONNEL FILES AND REPORTS Section 1. Personnel. Files The Personnel. Director shall. maintain the official personnel f.i-les for all City employees. Unless otherwise provided by 'law, pe:rsorinel f.i'les and in-forna"ion shall be confidential ani may not be used or diviJ.ged for -purposes unconnec-ted with the City personnel management system except with the perr_i scion of the involved. Nothin{ herceiit sra11 prevent the disseLunation of inpe:%s ona.l statistic '.1 inforra`'on. An employee she.1.1 have a right of reasorable inspection of hia or her official personnel file under procedLre:s prescribed by the Personnel Director. Section 2.. Status Changes Department heads shall report changes in personnel status of their employees in accordance faith procedures developed by the Personnel Director. Section 3. Personnel. Reports - The Personnel. Director shall prepare such rosters, narrative reports, statistical summaries, and other reports as are necessary or desirable to provide useful information to the management. -25-