Ordinance No. 1,725ORDINANCE NO.1725 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, APPROVING THE PROPOSAL OF THE LAW FIRM OF FULBRIGHT &JAWORSKI DATED OCTOBER 18,1974,A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PARTHEREOF FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES,AND RETAINING SAID FIRM FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO BE RENDERED IN THE NEGOTIATIONS AND PROCEEDINGS WITH THE TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD,THE CITY OF HOUSTON,THE SAN JACINTO RIVERAUTHORITY,AND OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS TOOBTAIN A SUPPLY OF SURFACE WATER FOR THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,CON SISTENT WITH THE TERMS,RATES,AND FEES SET FORTH IN SAID PROPOSAL AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas,deems that it would be in the best interest of the citizens of the Baytown area to have experts in the field of water law to represent the Baytown Area Water Authority and the Cityof Baytown in negotiations to obtain a supply of surface water for the Baytown Area Water Authority andthe City of Baytown;and WHEREAS,thelaw firm of Fulbright &Jaworski is noted for its expertise in the field of water law;and WHEREAS,the Baytown Area Water Authority and the City Manager have met with representatives of the law firm of Fulbright &Jaworski and discussed the possibility of that firm representing the Baytown Area Water Authority and the City of Baytown in negotiations and proceedings with the Texas Water Development Board,the City of Houston,the San Jacinto River Authority,and other interested persons to obtain a supply of surface water for the Baytown Area Water Authority and the Cityof Baytown;and WHEREAS,thelaw firm of Fulbright &Jaworski at the request of the Baytown Area Water Authority Board andthe City Manager has submitted a written proposal of the terms under which this firm would represent the Baytown Area Water Authority and the City of Baytown in this regard;NOW THEREFORE, BEIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:That the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas,does hereby approve the proposal of thelaw firmof Fulbright &Jaworski dated October 18,1974,a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A"and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes,and does hereby retain the said firm to re present the Baytown Area WaterAuthority and the City of Baytown in negotations and proceedings with the Texas Water Development Board,the City of Houston,the San Jacinto River Authority,and other interested persons to obtain a supply of surface water for the Baytown Area Water Authority and the Cityof Baytown,con sistent with the terms,rates,and fees contained in the proposal of said firm. Section 2:Effective Date:This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown,Texas. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this 19th day of December,1974. TOM GENTRY,Mayor ATTEST: (V> EDNA OLIVER,City Clerk APPROVED: -2- EXHIBIT "A" FULBRIGHT &CROOKER BANK OF THE SOUTHWEST BUILDING HOUSTON,TEXAS 77OO2 TELEPHONE (713)224.7070 CABLE PULBRIOHT HOUSTON -TELEX 79-2829 1140 CONNECTICUT AVE..N.W. WASHINGTON.D.C 20O3S TELEPHONE (2C2)223-1168 TELEX 89-2602 S2,LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS LONDON.WC2A SUE TELEPHONE (01)409-3208 TELEX 22-738 October 18,1974 PASEO DE LA REFORMA 3SS MEXICO 8.D.P. TELEPHONES S-28.S4.0S 8.28.72-68 TELEX 0I7.74S2S The Honorable Board;of Diroctors Eaytovn Area Water Authority ,,.v •.-.-.•.— 2401 MarketStreet j .,... Baytown,Texas 77520 •••-■■■,•......(■•..•"■■;"• Gentlemen: Ad a rosult of our prior diacusnionn,we nrp vritingthislettertor.«t.forth thu basis for our compensation forprofessionalservicesrenderedandtoberenderedasBetforth below. At the present ti^e,it ie contemplated that or.r services will involve v.\oetinge with thn r.onrd of nir«cto>-3 of the Daytown Arta Water authority ("AAWA"),representatives of 3?/.7A,and o£ficiaiu of tho City of »ayfco'-m (the "City") and advice,consultation;and negotiations and proceedings to obtain a supply of surface water for TrtVA and the Citv, v/ith the Te:ca3 \:nhct Devoloywaont Board,the City of Houston, the San Jacinto Iliver Authority,and othor interested persons. Therefore,wo understand that we will be retained to represent BAV'A with reapect to contracting with tho City and issuing r.-v^bond3,including isiuing our market opinion on SAWA honus. The log.-a services described above will bo .ion-on a tir-o ch.nrao borj.n for w'»ich records will La I.opt by our las*fim.The tir.e charge basis vdll be $73 per hour for time devoted to the work by partners in tho law firm,$60 per hour for tine devoted to the work by attorneys vho are not partners hut vho hovorore than five years'experience, and $50 per hour for tirce devoted to'v/or.H by all other attorneys.Adw.iivLcjttrntive cervic^r,porforrtod by our Adtr.inis-trativo Assistants »)ill be billed at the.rate of $20 par hour, Tha fivifrjr oxir norvicen in cormnction with thoproceedingsrolatindtothei»jnuancn of siich !-onds by r>A'7A,including our nnrkwt)opinion,will be handled through your' fiscal and finaii«incr,advisors,and will bo based upon the usual fees for such services. The Honorable Board of Directors October 18,1974 Page 2 ■V7 Actual expenses incurred byus for your account, excluding travel expanses within Harris County,will bereimbursedbyyou,andare not to be considered as apart of our compensation.!our fees and expenses will be^billed ivonthly for payrent in accordancewith procedureswnicn are mutually agreeable. . This agreement way be terminated either by you or by us at any time,ijn which event,of course,we expect tobepaidanycompensationearnedtothedateofauchtermina tion and to be reinbursed for any expenses which may have been incurred tothat tine. We ask that you ratify and affirm the services which have been rendered prior to this date,wnich include advice and consultation,and representation before the *exas Water Development iioard.After tiie passage oftne necessary authorization bythe Board of Directors of BAWA anathe City Council of theCity,we ask that a copy of this letter be executed by the President of the Board or Directors or I,IU* andby the City Itanager of the City of Baytot/n m tne respectivespacesprovidedbelow,ar.d that a copy of the letterana certi fied copies of such authorizations be returneu to us tor our £iJ.e, Very truly yours, Theforegoing agreement is hereby accepted on be half of the Bay townArea V/ater Authority,pursuant to autho rization of the Board of Directors,andthe Eaytovm Area Water Authority acknowledges and ratifies prior services. "!BAYTOWH AREA WATER AUTHORITY Date By . ,,—president,Hoard of Directors The foregoing agreement is hereby approved on be half of the City of Baytown,Texas,pursuant to authorization of the Mayor and City Council,and the City of Baytovn agrees to pay all fees and disbursements on behalf of the Dayton Area Water Authority until suchtime as the Authority hat? sufficient funds thereior. CITY OP By__ City .Manager