Ordinance No. 1,586ORDINANCE NO.1586 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.886 TO INCLUDE CERTAIN AREAS LOCATED WITHIN THE EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT NO.1 ;REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH;CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSEAND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Baytown adopted Resolution No.460 setting forth an Industrial District Policy forthe City of Baytown on January 10,1974;and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Baytown adopted Ordinance No.1525 on January 10,1974 setting forth a disannexation procedure to comply with the Industrial District Policy;and WHEREAS,certain areas have been disannexed from the City of Baytown in ac cordance with the provisions of Ordinance No.1525 and are now in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown,andthe City Council of the City of Baytown has determined that it will be in the public interest to include this territory in Industrial District No.1;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:That the hereinafter described unincorporated areas (described in Exhibits A,B,and C attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes)now lying within and subject to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown,Texas,arehereby designated part of Industrial District No.1. Section 2:Repealing Clause:All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistentwith the terms of this ordinances are hereby repealed;provided, however,thatsuch repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 3:Savings Clause:If any provision,section,exception,sub section,paragraph,sentence,clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances,shall forany reason be held unconstitutional,void or invalid,such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared tobe severable. Section 4:Effective Date:This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passagebytheCity Council of the City ofBaytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative voteof the City Council of the City ofBaytown,this the 25th day of April 1974, ALLEN CANNON,Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: EDNA OLIVER,City Clerk APPROVED: -i > JON f.'PFENNIG,Assistant City Attorney City Attorney -2- EXHIBIT "A" TRACT NO.1-EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANT AND FACILITIES SITE NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITY OF BAYTOWN: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of Harbor Street with the north line of the Houston Lighting &PowerCompany tract in the City of Baytown,Wm.Scott Upper League,Harris County,Texas,said POINTOF BEGINNING being further described as situated south 32°19'westadistance of 49.5 feet from the point of intersection of the aforesaid street westright-of- way line and the north right-of-way line of Dayton Street,and said point of intersection of streets described as lying north 20°28'west a distance of 74.6 feet from the northwest corner of Block 1 in Airhart Addition,Wm.Scott Upper League,Harris County,Texas,and said point of intersection of the afore said point of intersection of the aforesaid street property lines being known as point No.35 in the City Limits of Baytown,formerly Pelly,as adopted by the City Council of Ordinance dated April 17,1947,said point of intersectionbeing further identified by Exxon Refinery Coordinate System as beingnorth 5954.95 and west 1026.11 andlyingon the southern boundary lineof the Exxon Company, U.S.A.Baytown Refinery Plant Site; THENCE,north 32°18'east into the private property of the aforesaid Exxon Baytown Plant site with a line parallel to and 1.04 feet easterly from the centerline of a private road identified as East Avenue and its southern projection for a dis tance of 1795.04 feet to the centerline of a private road identified as Humble Street; THENCE,north 57°42'west with the aforesaid centerline of Humble Street, 1043.49 feet to the centerline ofa private road identified as Baytown Avenue. THENCE,north 32O18!east with the aforesaid centerline of Baytown Avenue, 1636.17 feet to the centerline of a private roadidentified as Fannin Street within the Baytown Refinery property; THENCE,north 57°42'west with the aforesaid centerline of Fannin Street, 1075.40 feet to the centerline of a private roadway identfied as San Jacinto Avenue; THENCE,north 32°18'east approximately 1756.8 feet tJ the intersection of the centerline of the aforesaid San Jacinto Avenue and the south right-of-way line of the Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road; THENCE,south 86°13'west a distance of 61.87 feet along the south right-of- way line ofthe Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road to a point,said point being the inter section of the east propery line of the Consolidated Chemical Property and the south right-of-wayline of the Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road; THENCE,south 32°18'west along the east property line of the Consolidated Chemicalproperty a distance of 101.89 feet to a poin*:for corner; THENCE,north 32°18 minutes east a distance of 629.26 feet:to a point on the south right-of-way line of the Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road,v:id continuing on the same course a distance of 12.37 feet to a point for cornai,said point being ten feet perpendicularly from the south right-of-way line of the Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road; THENCE,north 86°13*east,ten feet from and parallel to :hs south right-of-way line of the Wooster-Cedar Bayou Road a distance of 187.95 f'.et to a point for corner on the centerline of San Jacinto Avenue as projected across the Wooster- Cedar Bayou Road; THENCE,continuing northerly with the centerline of the aforesaid San Jacinto Avenue and its deviations approximately 1392.9 feet to an anp.le point,said point being identified by the Humble Refinery Coordinance System as north 12,558.00 and west 3,100.00; THENCE,north 57°42'west,605.83 feet to an angle point; THENCE,north 32°18'east,300.00 feet to nn angle point; THENCE,north 57°42'wast 849.25 feet to an angle point; THENCE,north 32°18'east 1234.27 feet to a point inthe southwesterly right- of-way line of Decker Drive,said point beingidentified by the Exxon Refinery Coordinate System as north 14,102.27 and west 4,555.08; THENCE,northwesterly with the southwesterly right-of-way line of Decker Drive to the point of intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Decker Drive with a line which is parallel to and 100 feet southerly and perpendicular to the north line of the Wm.Scott Upper League; THENCE,westerlyparallel to the north line of the Wm.Scott Upper League but southerly and perpendicular 100 feet distance therefrom to point,said point being situated south 00°40'east 100 feet and north 89°20'east 100 feet from the point of intersection of the north line of the Mm.Scott Upper League and the east line ofthe Steinman Tract; THENCE,south 00°40'east parallel to the east line of the Steinman Tract but perpendicular 100 feet distance therefrom toa pointopposite an anglepoint in the Steinman Tract east lineand continuing south 21°10*west parallel to but easterly 100 feet perpendicular to the east lineof the SteinmanTract to the northwest corner of Defense Plant Corporation 47.81 acre tract now ownedby the Union Carbon Company; THENCE,south 87°44'east a distance of 674.0 feet; THENCE,south 02°16'west a distance of 461.0 feet; THENCE,north 87°44'west a distance of 701.50 feet; THENCE,south 02°16'west a distance of 739.0 feet; THENCE,north 87°44'west a distance of 579.54 feet to the southwest corner of aforesaid 47.81 acre tract,said corner being situated 100 feet easterly from the eastline of Sweeney Subdivision; THENCE,southwesterly over and across a 100 foot stripowned by the Exxon Corporation to the northwest corner of Defense Plant Corporation 81.34 acre tract; THENCE,south 20°56'west with the west line of said Defense Plant Corporation 81.34 acre tract 1741.61 feet to the southwest corner of said 81.34 acre tract, being situated in the north right-of-way line of Cedar Bayou-Wooster Road and perpendicular 40 feet from the East line of the Sweeney Subdivision; THENCE,southerly over and across Cedar Bayou-Wooster Road to the northwest corner of Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract; THENCE,south 20°52'west with the west line of said Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract at 491.91 feet the most western corner c::the Defense Plant Corporation tract and continuing on said line to the point of intersection of said west line of Defense Plant Corporation 58.299acre tract projected south 20°52'west andthe northeasterly right-of-way line of Mfizi.et Street Road; THENCE,southerly with the northeasterly right-of-way line >f Market Street Road to the point of intersection of the northeasterly right-.-if-way line of Market StreetRoad and the south line of the Defense Corporation 53.299 acre tract projected north 87°44'west; THENCE,south 87°44'east past the southwesterlycorner of t--.e Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract,continuing south 87°44feast 1733.75 feet to the west right-of-way line of the HoustonNorth Shore Railroad; Thence,south 11°43'west with the west right-of-way line of said Houston North Shore Railroad to a point,said point further described as lying north 32°19'east 715 feet from the north line of the Houston North Shore Railroad 8.8 acre easement projected north 57°41'west; -2- THENCE,over and across Houston North Shore right-of-way line of which center- line is situated south 32°19'east 854.64 feet,north 57°41'west 6885.5 feet, north 32°19'east 619.62 feet,north 11°43'east 133.9 feet from the northeast corner of the Houston Lighting &PowerCompany tract,to the west line of Exxon Refinery property continuing on a line situated north 32°19'east 715 feet from the north line of the Houston North Shore Railroad 8.8 acreeasement to the point of intersection with the north line of said Houston Lighting &Power Company tract; THENCE,easterly with the north line of said Houston Lighting &Power Company tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT NO.2 -EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANTS AND FACILITIES SITE NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITY OF BAYTOWN: BEGINNING at the most westerly southwest corner of the Harvey Whiting Survey, being also the northwest corner ofthe Wm.Scott Upper League; THENCE,northerly along the west line of the Harvey Whiting Survey to the south right-of-way line of Baker Road; THENCE,easterly along the south right-of-way line of Baker Road to a point of intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of the Missour Pacific Railroad; THENCE,southwesterly along the easterly right-of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad,being also the westerly property line of the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation property,to a point of intersection with the northeast line of the East Canal of the San Jacinto River Project; THENCE,in a southeasterly,south and southwesterly direction along the westerly property line of the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation property andthe east line of the East Canal of theSan JacintoRiver Project to the south line ofthe Harvey Whiting Survey,same being the north line of the Wm.Scott Upper League; THENCE,in a westerly direction along the south line ofthe Harvey Whiting Survey to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT NO.3 -EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANTS AND FACILITIES NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITYOF BAYTOWN: BEGINNING at a 3/4-inch iron rod in the south right-of-way line of Park Street, formerlyknown as First Street,at the northwest corner of Busch Terrace Sub division according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 9,Page 10,Map Records,Harris County,Texas: THENCE,south 31°55'west (called south 34°west)with the west line of said BuschTerrace Subdivision 125 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1,Block 1 of said Busch Terrace Subdivision; THENCE,south 58°05'east (called south 56°east),parallel with and 125 feet south of the south line of Park Street,1,118 feet to the northeast corner of Lot A,Block 5 of Busch Terrace Subdivision; THENCE,parallel to and100 feet west of the west line of AirhartDrive (formerly known as Baytown Avenue)south 31°55'west (called south 34°west)1,855 feet toa point in the southline of Dorris Street (formerly known as Goose Creek Avenue)for the northeast corner of Lot 4,Block 38of said Busch Terrace Subdivision; THENCE,south 32°08'west (called south 33°47'west),along a line bisecting blocks 38,43,and a portion of 48of aforesaid subdivision,1,339.1 feet to t.point on the boundary between and 19 feet south of the most northerly common corner of Lots 1 and 20,Block 48of said subdivision,said point also being on the project centerline of a private road identified as Fannin Street of Exxon Company,U.S.A.,Baytown Refinery; THENCE,north 58°05'west (called north 56°west),at 1,112.83 feet pass the west line of the Busch Terrace Subdivision,in all 2,182.43 to the point of intersection of the centerlines of Fannin Street and Baytown Avenue in Exxon Company,U.S.A.,Baytown Refinery; -3- THENCE,north 58°05f west (called north 57°42'west)along the centerline of Fannin Street a distance of 1,075.40 feet to the point of intersection of the centerlines of Fannin Street and San Jacinto Avenue in Exxon Company,U.S.A. Baytown Refinery; THENCE,with the centerline of San Jacinto Avenue north 31°55'(called N.32° 18 E.)east 1,756.8 feet to a point in the south line of Park Street; THENCE,with the south line of Park Street north 85°51'east 165.89 feet; THENCE,south 4°40'east 211.34 feet; THENCE,south 58°00'east 26.87 feet; THENCE,north 85°40l east 303.22 feet; THENCE,north 31°55'east 37.97 feet; THENCE,north 85°51'east 73.51 feet; THENCE,south 58°05'east40 feet; THENCE,north 31°55»east 272.0 feet to a point inthe south line of Park Street; TRACT NO.4 -EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANTS AND FACILITIES SITES NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITY OF BAYTOWN: COMMENCING at a 4-inch iron pipe at the northerly corner of Block 1 of the Airhart Addition to the City of Baytown; SSS;SSoS'SihtSi^to apoint in the north boundary of the Missouri SsT.lt feec; ^?STSJ°nf T3id CoT a curvilinear distance of 572.6 feet to the POINT OFBEGINNINGofTract2describedherein; THENCE,continuing along said 4°curve to the left 1.83 feet to the point of tangency of said curve;' THENCE south 83°25'west 132 feet to the point of curve of a curve to the right having a radius of 599.12 feet; THENCE,along said curve to -he right a curvilinear distance of 218.36 feet to the point of tangency of .said curve; THENCE north 75°35'west 111..o feet to the point of curve of a curve to therighthavingaradiusof599.12 feet; of said cirv1;Said ""^'"^^^182'"fe£t tO the p0±nt of Agency the centerline of West Avenue of Exxon Company,U.S.A.,Baytown Refinery. Centerline of ""West Avenue 715 feet to no^hf^ui 57°42f east>Parallel to and 715 feettance"%^^^iff^tio^a S^T"^^^^**#t-ot-ny a dis- THENCE,south 85°56'west 129.2 feet; THENCE,south 83°33'west 129.3 feet; -4- THENCE,south 73°20'west 129.3 feet; THENCE,south 65°31f west 129.3 feet; THENCE,south 3°10'west43.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT NO.5 -EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANTS AND FACILITIES SITE NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITY OF BAYTOWN: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way easement and the centerline of the Exxon Company,U.S.A.,Baytown Refinery street known as West Avenue: THENCE,north 31°55'east with the centerline of said West Avenue 715 feet to a point; THENCE,north 58°05'west (called north 57°41'west)1,600.35 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way easement; THENCE,with said railroad right-of-way easement south 11°21'west (called south 11°43'west)348.11 feet to a point; THENCE,south 5°40'east 100 feet; THENCE,south ll°49f east 100 feet; THENCE,south 17°58'east 100 feet; THENCE,south 24°07'east 100 feet; THENCE,south 30°16'east 100 feet; THENCE,south 35°58'east 85.69 feet; THENCE,north 10°23'east a distance of 20.00 feet to a point north 37.5 feet perpendicular from the main line track of Missouri Pacific Railroad; THENCE,to the left along a curve to the left having a radius of 917.43 feet acurvilinear distance of 323.30 feet to the point o£tangency of said curve; THENCE,south 58°05'east.709.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT NO.6 -EXXON CORPORATION BAYTOWN PLANTS AND FACILITIES SITE NOT NOW IN CITY LIMITS OF CITY OFBAYTOWN: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of that certain58.30 acre tract conveyed to Humble Oil &Refining Company by the United States of America,by deed dated April 19,1944,and recorded in Volume 2941,Page 218of the deed records of Harris County,Texas; THENCE,along the south line ofsaid tract north 87°44f went 1,749.92 feet to a point in the north right-of-way line of Bayway Drive; THENCE,with said right-of-way line of Bayway Drive south 30°23'east 492.3 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 1,196.28 feet; THENCE,along said curve to the right,a distance of 384.52 feet to the point of tangency of saidcurve; THENCE,south 11°58'east 666.2 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 5,680.0 feet; THENCE,along said curve to the left a distance of 188.36 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; THENCE,with said right-of-way line of Bayway Drive south 13°52f east873.65 feet to the point or curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,096.28 feat; -5- THENCE,with said curve to the left a distance of 614.57 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; THENCE,south 44°33'east 646.63 feet to point the curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,096.28 feet; THENCE,along said curve to the left a distance of 740.73 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; THENCE,south 83°16*east 949.85 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 1,196.28 feet; THENCE,along said curve a distance of 566.17 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; THENCE,south 56°9'east 475.5 feet toa point in the north right-of-way line of foresaid Bayway Drive; THENCE,north 31°55f east 1,268.1 feet toa point inthe south right-of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way easement; THENCE,with said south right-of-way line north 58°05f west 3,024.2 feet to the point of curvature of curve to the right having a radius of 977.43 feet; THENCE,along said curve 293.78 feet to a point; THENCE,south 10°23f west 19.14 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way; THENCE,north 39°6'west 100 feet; THENCE,north 34°2f west 100 feet; THENCE,north 27°51'west 100 feet; THENCE,north 22°15'west 100 feet; THENCE,north 16°23'west 100 feet; THENCE,north 10°30f west 100 feet; THENCE,north 4°42'west 100 feet; THENCE,north 0°58'east 100 feet; THENCE,north 6°35'east 255 feet; THENCE,north 10-32■east48 feet to a point in the west right-of-way line oftheMissouriPacificRailroad,said point being further described as being 715 feet north of the projection of the Missouri Pacific Railroad northright-of-way line that bears north 58°05'west (called north 57°41'west); THENCE north ll-2l»east (called north 11«42«east)486.1 feet to a point in the •zest right-of-way line of Missouri Pacific Railroad; THENCE,south 87°44f east 100 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. -6- EXHIBIT "B" BEGINNING at the northwestern corner ofsaid 3.6 acre tract, THENCE,north 89°34'east,along the City Limit Line of the City of Baytown,a distance of 60.40 feet to a point for corner; THENCE,south 00°26'east,a distance of 432.74 feet to a point for corner; THENCE,south 89°34'west,a distance of 60.40 feet to a point for corner; THENCE,north 00°26'west,a distance of 432.74 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT "C" BEING a tract of land containing 36.798 acres,more or less,situated in the William ScottUpper League,Abstract No.66,andthe William Hilbus Survey, /P*,Abstract No.336,Harris County,Texas,and being a portion of that certain 1 52.274 acre tract of land conveyed to William B.White,Trustee,by H.D. Jones,et al,by deed recorded in Volume 4248 at Page 80 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and beingmore particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the said William ScottUpper League, also being the Southwest corner of the Harvey Whiting League,A-840; THENCE,North 89°14'41"East along the common boundary line of the said Harvey Whiting League andthe said William Scott Upper League,'a distance of 576.10 feet to the West line of a Humble Pipeline Company 8.194 acre tract; THENCE,South 0°45'East,with the West line of said Humble Pipeline Company 8.194 acre tract,a distance of 1,563.98 feet to an angle point in said West Tine; THENCE,South 21°10'West,continuing with the West line of said Humble Pipeline Company 8.194 acre tract,a distance of989.55feet to an angle point in said West line; THENCE,South 53°09'West,continuing with the West line of said Humble Pipeline Company 8.194 acre tract,a distance of 165.13 feet to a point in the most Southerly South line of the above mentioned 52.274 acre tract; THENCE,North 88°59'West,with the most Southerly South line of the said 52.274 acre tract,a distance of 461.97 feet to the most Southerly South west corner of said 52.274 acre tract,said corner being located in the East line of the James Strange Survey,A-71,and the West line of the said William Scott Upper League; THENCE,'North 20°50'East,along the common boundary line of the said James Strange Survey and the William Scott Upper League,a distance of 1,077.65 feet to the Northeast corner of the James Strange Survey and the most Southerly Southeast corner of the said William Hilbus Survey; THENCE,North 68°45'West along the common boundary line of the said James Strange Survey and the said William Hilbus Survey,a distance of 398.918feet to a point,said point beinglocated South 68°45'East, jpn a distance of 769.382 feet from the most Westerly Southwest corner ofvsaid52.274acre tract; THENCE,North 22°19'East,a distance of 509.081 feet to a point locatedinaboundarylineofsaid52.274 acre tract,said point being locatedSouth68°40'East,a distance of 769.361 feetfrom the most Westerly Northwest corner of the said 52.274 acre tract; THENCE,South 68°40'East,a distance of 194.638 feet to an interior corner of the said 52.274 acretract,said corner being situated in the common boundary line of the said William Scott Upper League and the said William Hilbus Survey; THENCE,North l°09'West along the common boundary line of the said William Scott Upper League and the said William Hilbus Survey,a distanceof1,015.40 feet to the POINTOF BEGINNING,enclosing a tract of land containing 36.798 acres,more or less.