Ordinance No. 1,457ORDINANCE NO.1457 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST TO AN AMENDED CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF HOUSTON TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A RADIO REPEATER FACILITY ON TOP OF THE WATER TOWER ATJAMES AND NORTH SEVENTH STREETS IN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:That the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas,hereby authorizes anddirects the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Baytown to execute and attest toan amended contract with the City of Houston for the installation and operation of a radio repeater facility on top of the water tower at James and North SeventhStreets in the City of Baytown,a copy of said amended contract marked Exhibit "A",attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2:This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED bythe affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this 23rd day of August ,1973. TOM GENTRY,Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED: 5- 9 - 7 3 LE A S E AG R E E M E N T CO U N T Y 0? HA R R I S 5 KN O W AL L MS N BY TH E S E PR E S E N T S : Th a t th i s AG R E E M E N T , ma d e be t w e e n th e CI T Y OP BA Y T O W N , a mu n i c i p a l co r p o r a t i o n , si t u a t e d in Ha r r i s Co u n t y 3 Te x a s , he r e i n a f t e r re f e r r e d to as "B A Y T O W N " , an d th e CI T Y OP HO U S T O N , a mu n i c i p a l co r p o r a t i o n si t u a t e d pa r t i a l l y in Ha r r i s Co u n t y , Te x a s , he r e i n a f t e r re f e r r e d to as "H O U S T O N " ; W I T N E S S E T H : Fo r a n d in co n s i d e r a t i o n of TE N DO L L A R S ($ 1 0 . 0 0 ) , th e re ce i p t of wh i c h is he r e b y ac k n o w l e d g e d , an d ot h e r go o d an d va l u a b l e co n s i d e r a t i o n s , in c l u d i n g th e co v e n a n t s an d ag r e e m e n t s h e r e i n ma d e , BA Y T O W N ha s le a s e d , de m i s e d an d re n t e d , an d do e s by th e s e pr e s e n t s le a s e , de m i s e an d re n t u n t o HO U S T O N fo r ra d i o to w e r pu r p o s e s th e fo l l o w i n g de s c r i b e d tr a c t of la n d in Ha r r i s Co u n t y 3 Te x a s , to - w i t : TR A C T ON E Al l of th a t ce r t a i n tr a c t of la n d , co n t a i n i n g th r e e se p a r a t e pa r c e l s of la n d wh i c h ar e (A ) Re s e r v e Tr a c t , (B ) Lo t Fi v e (5 ) an d (C ) Lo t Si x (6 ) , al l lo c a t e d in Bl o c k On e (1 ) of R o s e La w n Ad d i t i o n to t h e Ci t y of Ba y t o v m , H a r r i s Co u n t y , Te x a s , ac c o r d i n g to th e ma p or pl a t th e r e o f re c o r d e d in Vo l u m e 11 6 3 on Pa g e 11 3 of th e De e d Re c o r d s of Ha r r i s Co u n t y , Te x a s sa i d Lo t - P i v e (5 ) an d Lo t Si x (6 ) be i n g th e sa m e la n d co n v e y e d to th e Ci t y of Ba y t o w n pe r de e d re c o r d e d in Vo l u m e 2^ 5 6 on Pa g e 13 of th e De e d Re c o r d s of Ha r r i s Co u n t y /T e x a s , sa i d tr a c t be i n g mo r e pa r t i c u l a r l y de s c r i b e d by me t e s an d bo u n d s as fo l l o w s , to - w i t : BE G I N N I N G at a 1/ 2 in c h ir o n ro d se t i n th e so u t h e r l y ri g h t - o f - w a y li n e of Ea s t Ja m e s Av e n u e , ba s e d on a wi d t h of 60 . 0 0 (G . C . S . 5- 1 8 - 7 2 ) fe e t , fo r t h e no r t h e a s t co r n e r of Lo t 7 an d th e no r t h we s t co r n e r of Lo t 6, Bl o c k 1, an d of th e he r e i n de s c r i b e d tr a c t , sa i d 1/ 2 in c h ir o n ro d is al s o lo c a t e d No r t h 21 ° 1 9 ' 0 0 " Ea s t , 19 5 . 0 0 fe e t an d So u t h 68 ° 4 l » O O " Ea s t , 50 . 0 0 fee t , fr o m a on e - i n c h ga l v a n i z e d ir o n pi p e fo u n d at th e so u t h v / e s t co r n e r of Lo t 1, Bl o c k 1, Ro s e La w n Ad d i t i o n . TH E N C E So u t h 6£ ° « l ' Q 0 " Ea s t al o n g th e so u t h ri g h t - o f - w a y li n e of Ea s t Ja m e s Av e n u e a. to t a l di s t a n c e of 40 , 0 5 f e e t to a 1/ 2 iw c h ir o n ro d se t .f o r th e po i n t of cu r v e of a cu r v e to th e ri g h t ; THENCE continuing along the south right-of-way line of East James Avenue following said curve to the rxgnt naving a radius of l6y.6?feet',a central angle of 22°J»0l00",at 9.96 feetpass the common north corner of Lots 5 and 6,at 61.27 feet pass the common north corner of Lot 5 and the said Reserve Tract,in all a total distance of 67.20 feet to a 1/2 inch rodsetfor the point of tangent; THENCE South 1|6°(G.C.S.5-18-72)01'00"East a total distance of ^8.21 -feet along the southerly right-of-way lineof East James Avenue to a 1/2 inch iron rod set at its intersection with the west right-of-way lineof Seventh Street for the north east corner of said Reserve Tract and of the herein described tract; THENCE South 21°19'00"West,along the west right-of-way line of Seventh Street a total distance of 68.30 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set in the north line of Lot 4,Block 1,for the southeast corner of the said Reserve Tract and the herein described tract,said 1/2 inch iron rod is also located North 21°19t00"East, 95.00 feet and North 68°4l'OO"West',17.00 feet from a 1/2 inch iron pipe found at the southeast corner of Lot Ht Block 1,Rose Lawn Addition; THENCE North 680iH'OOfl West,at 50.00 feetpass the common south corner of the said Reserve Tract and Lot 5,at 100.00 feet passthe common south corner of Lots 5 and 6,in all a total distance of 150.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for the southeast corner of Lot 7 and the southwest corner of Lot 6 and of the herein described tract; THENCE North 21°19l00"East a total distance of 100.00 feet along the dividing line between Lots 6 and 7 to the PLACE OP BEGINNING,and containing 0.31^9 acres of land. It is Understood and Agreed that said lease shall be subject to the following terms and conditions,to-wit: 1.Whereas BAYTOWN now is using the above described TRACT ONE as a site for a water tower with an elevated storage tank,a ground storage tank,and other appurtenances,it is Understood and Agreed that HOUSTON may use said TRACT ONE for the purposes of constructing,maintaining,repairing,operating,protecting and removing structures and equipment for the operation of a transmitting and receiving radiotower andfor the protection of the uninterrupted use of same,andmayusethe existing water tower as a transmitting and receiving radio tower.HOUSTON may place two antennas on top of andone anterna on the side of said elevated water tank'. -2 - 2.As an additional ccnsideration to 3AYT0WN'for this lease,HOUSTON agrees to improve the facilities of BAYTOWN within said TRACT ONE by and through the construction of a new multi- room building on the hereinafter described TRACT TWO;provided, however,during the term of this lease or renewal thereof or subsequent leases for the same or similar purposes,HOUSTON shall have the paramount right of useand possession of said building, HOUSTON may use said building to house electronic,power and other equipment and for such other purposes as are related to its use of TRACT ONE for radiotower purposes.The said TRACT TWO is more particularly described as follows,to-wit: TRACT TWO; All of that certain tract of land,containing an area of 661 square feet,located in Lot Six (6),Block One(l), Rose Lawn Addition to the City of Baytown,Harris County, Texas,according to the Map or Plat thereof recorded in Volume*1163 on Page 113 of"the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,said Lot Six (6)being a part of the same land conveyed to the City of Baytown per"deed recorded in Volume 2^56 on Page 13 of the Deed*Records of Harris County,Texas,said tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod set in the 'southerly right-of-way of East James Avenue based on a width of 60.00 feet,for the northeast corner of Lot 7 and the northwestcorner of Lot 6,Block 1,Rose Lawn Addition, said 1/2 inch iron rod is also located North 21°19'00" East,195.00 feet and South 68°^lt0O"East,50.00 feet from a one-inch galvanized ironpipe found at the southwestcorner of Lot 1,Block*!*,Rose Lawn Addition; THENCE South 21°19l00"West along the east line of aforesaid Lot 7 and the west line of Lot 6,a distance of 20.00 feet (G.C.S.5-18-72)to a point; THENCE South 68°4llOO11 East a distance of 5.45 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set FOR THE PLACE OP BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE South 68°4l'00"■East,a total distance of 32.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod setfor a corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 21°19'0O"West,a total distance of 12.00 feet tc a 1/2 inch-iron rod set for a corner of the herein described tract; THENCE .North 68o11'00"West,a total*distance of 9.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for a corner of the herein described tract; —3 — /^ ^ THENCE South 21°19t00"V/est,a total distance of7,00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for a corner of the herein described tr-aclj THENCE South 68°l41'OO"East,a total distance of 6.00 feet to a 1/2 inchiron rod set for a corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 21°19t00"West,a total distance of 4.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for a corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 68°4ltOO"V/est a total distance of 29.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rodset for a corner of the herein described tract: THENCE North 21°19'00"East,a total distance of 23.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 661 square feet of land. 3.HOUSTON will include in the construction contract a requirement .that appropriate liability insurance will be carried and that the contractor will save and hold harmless BAYTOWN from any liabilities whatever growing out of any damages or injuries to property or persons because of any fault or neglect of said contractor or his agents.HOUSTON may useany presently unused portion of TRACT ONE as a temporary construction area for the construction of the building on TRACT TWO. 4.Said TRACT ONE is now enclosed and protected by BAYTOWNfS chain link fence and locked gate,which BAYTOWN agrees to maintain. HOUSTON shall have the right of ingress and egress to TRACT ONE. BAYTOWN agrees to furnish HOUSTON with a key to said gate.Since subject radio facilities are to be used in part for public safety, BAYTOWN agrees thatinthe event that it does not maintain its fence and locked gate so as to provide the necessary protection, then HOUSTON may maintain same or may erect and maintain its own protection facilities. 5.Itis Understood and Agreed that throughout the term of the lease after the initial construction and installation,HOUSTON shall maintain its radio tower equipment,including but not limited to,the antennas placed on the water tower,the cables from same to the new building on TRACT TWO,the nevf building on TRACT TWO itself,its radioand protection systemequipment in said building, ■••SMBiSS-*•Wl^'il.1-'" 5-8-73 O L-D-File ^,067-A ^z$ORK:pc V \ the wiring from the-building to the power source,and such separate fencing as HOUSTON erects,and that BAYTOWN shall maintain all otherfacilities and improvements on TRACT ONE,including but not limited to,the water tower,the lights thereon,and its water controls and system. 6.The term ofthis lease shall be for fifty (50)years, beginning June 1,1973-After June 1,1993,however,BAYTOWN shall have the right to cancel this lease upon giving HOUSTON six (6) months written notice addressed to the CITY OF HOUSTON,Texas, Office of the City Secretary,City Hall,Houston,Texas. 7.All transmitting and receiving equipment operated by HOUSTON will comply with applicable federal F.C.C.regulations, including those related to television interference.If HOUSTON'S antennas or repeater station interfere in any manner with television or radio reception of citizens of BAYTOWN,thenupon BAYTOWN notifying HOUSTON in writing ofsame stating the nature-of the interference and the party experiencing same,HOUSTON will proceed to take all reasonable steps to correct same. 8.In the event BAYTOWN abandons theuse ofits water ■tower located on said TRACT ONE during the term of this lease, BAYTOWN agrees that HOUSTON,at its option,may (a)continue this lease on TRACT ONE and either continue to use BAYTOWN'S tower and assume the maintenance of same or construct its own tower thereon, (b)continue this lease at BAYTOWN'S new water tower site on BAYTOWN'S new water tower,or (c)cancel thislease. 9.During the term ofthis lease and for ninety(90)days thereafter,HOUSTON shall"have the right to remove any or all of its radio tower facilities and related equipment at its own ex pense.The new building on TRACT TWO shall remain as the property of BAYTOWN. -5- ORK:pc L.D.Pile M,067-A 5-8-73 0\ 10.It is Understood and Agreed that HOUSTON is subject ' to the requirements ofits Charter regarding appropriations,and that no funds have been appropriated to finance future contingent obligations after the initial construction of the permanent facilities, and that HOUSTON'S obligations hereunder for same shall be limited to appropriations made by the present or future city councils of HOUSTON. 11.Itis specifically provided that BAYTOWN will be per mitted theuse of the above mentioned antennas and repeater station, providing that the said use,in HOUSTON'S sole opinion,will not be inconsistent with nor interfere with Houston's use thereof. 12.This AGREEMENT shall become effective upon being executed by both parties. IN "WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument,in duplicate originals both of equal force,has on this the day of , 1973,been executed by the CITY OF BAYTOWN by and through its Mayor duly authorized by ordinance and attested by its City Secretary. g CITYOF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,LESSOR ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary of Baytown APPROVED: City Attorney Director of Public Works _6 - /*Sv IN WITNESS WHEREOF this 'instrument,in duplicate originals both of equal force,has on this the day of 1973,been executed bythe CITY OP HOUSTON by and through its Mayor duly authorized by ordinance and attested b-y its City Secretary. ATTEST: CITY OP HOUSTON,TEXAS,LESSEE City Secretary of Houston Louie Welch,Mayor APPROVED: /Earl 31 STartin,Director Real E&£ate DeDartment E.B.Cape,Director Department of Public Works Owen R.Kirchner Assistant City Attorney -7 - "rile ~-,Co/-A 5-0-73 /^™N COUNTY OP HARRIS § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for Harris County,Texas,on this day personally appeared LOUIE WELCH,Mayor of the City of Houston,known to metobe the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same forthe purposes and consideration therein expressed,as the act and deed of the City of Houston,the said municipal corporation,and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OP OFFICE,this the of __,A.D.1973. Notary Public in andfor Harris County,Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for Harris County,Texas,on this day personally appeared .>Mayor of the City of Baytown, known to me tobe the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged tome that he executed the same forthe purposes and consideration therein expressed,as theact and deed of the City of Baytown,the said municipal corpora tion,and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER m HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the of ,A.D.1973." Notary Public in andfor Harris County,Texas -8 -