Certificate of Substantial Completion to Van Cleve ConstructionCERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AIA DOCUMENT C704 OWNER AKCHiTLCT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER c □ a General Contractor is to submit a letter requestin^inal inspection and a list of items to be completed or corrected. PROJECT:A Municipal Facility for City of Baytown (name,address)Nt Main at Wye Drive CONTRACTOR:Van Cleve Construction Company,Inc. TO (Owner) r City of Baytown Baytown,Texas ~T ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR:General Construction L J CONTRACT DATE:May 23,1972 DATE OF ISSUANCE:June 5,1973 PROJECT OR DES.CNATED AREA SHALL INCLUDE:The Police and Court Building found to be substamiaiiyhasbeenreviewed which is also the date of commencement of all warranties and guarantees required by the Contract Documents! DEFINITION OF DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portionthereof is the Da.e certified by the Architect whenTin7IStSufflC'ently,omP'e*<in "CO****with the Contract Documents,so the Owner may occupy thwo^odesignatedportionthereoffortheuseforwhichitisintended."<-<-uPy me work or bf.completed or corrected,prepared by the Co/Wtor "tV'-nT.;"";"0".e to include any 'terns on such list/oes notpleteallWorkinaccordancewiththeContractDocuments. Davis &Burge,Architects-Planners.Inc.CARCHITECT'L g^1 verified and amended by the Architect,is the responsibility of the Contractor to com- wiil complete or correct the Work on the from the above Date of Substantial Completion. Van Cleve Construction.Inc. CONTRACTOR "" Jar/es W.Davis,AIA appended hereto within June ft,1973 DATE BY days The Owner at 8:00 D.F.Van Cleve r DAT the Wor^or designated City of Bavtown OWNER and will assume full possession thereof (NOTE Owner s FritzX-anharn.City Moraimenance'heat'u'iiities ^nd —DATE the Contractor for legal and insurance counsel should determine and review insur.nce requirements and coverage) ^^ONE PACE DAVIS &6URGE,ARCHITECTS -PLANNERS,INC. 401 WEST DEFEE TELEPHONE 422-8393 BAYTOWN,TEXAS 77520 July 6,1973 Mr.F-ritz Lanham City Manager City of Bay town P.O.Box 424 Baytown,Texas 77520 Dear Fritz: The Police Building was accepted thirty (30)days ago and we herewith recommend release of the remaining funds,subject to satisfactory correction of the discrepancies noted on the attached list.These are items which existed at acceptance time or have shown up since acceptance. It is my understanding that you will report to Council on July 12,1973.I will have a final recommendation for you prior to that meeting. Thank.youso much. Sincerely, DAV^&BURGE,ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS,INC. Davvs-fAIA I JAD/at Enclosure MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS bAYTOvVK POLICE BUILDING LIST Of:DISCREPANCIES Juno 5,T973 -July 5,1973 1.EXTERI OR SITEV7OR K a).Complete exterior site work. «*b).Backfill to level with too cf curb at all locations. c).Remove loose debris,wooc,concrete,etc. MASONRY ^a).Remove,discolored rrortar and re-point to blond all exterior masonry.(This is very predominant atthe oast end of the building.) Remove excess grout from race brick,particularly at north side. Quote credit on brick wing wall not built near Judge's office. TERRAZZQ a).Remove stains where cane,grease,etc.,were left too long. b).Grind floor or otherwise treat to obtain even finish,particularly at doors to corridor.• 4.VINYL ASBESTOS FLOORING AND BASE a).Clean,wax,and burr"discolored vinyl asbestos tile,particularly at Records.,_ £*-*b).Restick base where unglued."""* c).Straighten base where crooked. d).Remove nuts and bolts holding base at some corners.\ e).Certain vinyl asbestos floor tile is coming up—needs to be more carefully glued, 5.MISCELLANEOUS a).Front doors will not lock or unlock.(Have to be propped open.) b).Door stop from Records to Tel.Reception Room does not stop door. c).Roof"leaking over Patrol Lt.office. d).Insulation missing in many sections ofthe building,and sagging in others. Needs to be thoroughly checked and corrected. ie"#e).Correct carpet work where rough. f)«Ice maker at.kitchen leaking.(Door needs adjustment.) 6.E LECTRIC A L-MEC HA NICA L a).There is one defective light fixture at Coffee Room. b).Outside licr.ts ccrr.e on at 3:30 a.m.—should come on at dark. c).Bearings on far.motor near Asst.Chief's office seem to be "out." 7.HARDWARE a).Training Room door hardware not working. b).2 locksets on backwards at Court Clerical section.■j>* c).Hardware at 2pipe chases,(Jail Section)not working. d).Catch is required on gate at Court Room. 8.JAIL EQUIPMENT a).Jail door from Booking Area to Jail does not open or close electrically,but requires heavy manual effort instead. DAVIS &BURGE,ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS,INC.