Ordinance No. 899Ot(D IMNCE NO. � AN CiCDMA CF. OF ME CITY COUNCIL (3i' THE CITY OF SAYT04N DESIGNATING A PART OF THE AAA LOCATED WITHIN ITb EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, AS AN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, ;SAME TO BE 1U4OW€v AS MYTOWN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT NO. 3, AS FrROVIAED FOR BY THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT OF 1963; REPEALING OffDi'i`2kNCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAPNING A SAVINGS (.i.AM: A UD PRO'VU)ING FOR THE AFFECTIVE DATE': HEREOF. ':�! RF_kS, fvh„ "i UWCi.pal Anna .ion Act' o 1963, being House Bill 13, Acts oc the 56th �Aai.�?ature, s~c:gular Session, 1953, Ar�_.cle 97cla, V rron'& Annotated Teixay Sterute;i, expucasly provj,)k_,y in Article I, 5 -acz .or 5 thereo'_, .tor the estabiif;hfuenr. o= Lneustrtaal A stricto by muni_ci.paltr4es ,."Uhtn rhei.r e.ctra- t:rrrieoriatl. juti Jiict: can; an' than ::i.ty Council o; th, `>vicy of Baytown annt:: ;ca sake advantage o such law �."o: the a., uruFal advantages Pao tnc u.+t.i•ies and the C L LZt Ms ca : ieytcatara; and `,.'tt!a'RZAS, ai ter caaratul stu.ly ant$ consi. erati.on, Counel l has c'eterwirew.; ._F shall be an it is !.r. the put'lic tnr�iesai to 'estgnat a portion of its ektcocerritortal sar s0i.ction as an ind=gLcta., d!.stra.et . 'o I,w Pr,-aLe4 time to time, au the Ci.[ -y Council may dnes, to Z�e in Ehe t.,:st merest o said City; ?t�oiv, THEt2EF(PRE: -E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CGLIC ;CIL 0. THE CITY OF b YTO'1,41: affection 1: The he =_:eiraa..Ler deucrLbod uRattacorpOraLed raTeaa nua ly'.ng a.thin end ,auc ;yet co t.ho :a,etracerr!.toriai ju- ,1_011ction a;: the .'.ty p 6mytown, Texas, es estaabli. she -i uy tk Te: -za::. Mun t_,'.paal. nrle,(a cion Act ar: 1'� its here�.v designstaA as an in< uz!.rl.al Aketrict as +,h.� Ci.'- :y Of 7szytow°n, EGIlvl V-4, at a point on the u,isti_ng Laity limii, i ri- o :.b,� CLry at, urayttawn, sai.i point a� ng more fully desertbed ab the point or InLersvetion o.�_ xhe Nest shank o Cedar Bayou Stream and the NorthpLa.sL:�rlyrlght- o: -.vay tine o* "Tri -City Bezc=.i Road, fWA Tri -City .ia,:h road also being 1'ntm Msrl;.,t Road 3o . 2 15-14 THENCE, in a Southeasterly .- ireCLIon along ch:, worth =asterty righa -or -way Nino off- Farm ,Market Road 2354 a distance o- 9,460 1:eet to a point for cornet; TKENCi , in a Southwesterly direct Lon, parpend Lc:ular 1-o th -._ lox.h �aa:tei:ly right -, -way Line of Farm Market ]toad 2354, a distance of appro. ;.i,mstt.ly 6') s4:ji L� a point , or corn,:-,r on the Southeasterly right -ea: -way ?in'! 0.: Farrx ark .L Road 2354; TllENCE, in an Eascerly, NorLheasterl.y and irortht_-rl.y #irs�ction along, the Southerly, Southeasterly an. Eaitcarly right- of -4ay Ittae o: ch: 'arm market Road 2354 to a point For corner at the _nterseet_i.on o=` the East right- o;_ - .48y line oz "arw '!aarkeL road 2354 and the North tight -ot -way 11ne of R cc Faro*. Road projected Ctastwsrr! across the t=taic! Farm MaaF:kez.- Roar! 235-+; THENCE, in a Wasteerlp direction along said North right- of -,.ay projection of Rice ;'area Road to a point for corner on the W4st right -off -way lice of th,, Farm Market Road 2354; THENCE, in a Northerly direction along thz West right- of -vay lines of Para Market Road 2354, crossing Farm Market Road No. 565, an:i continuing along they West right -of -way line of Farm Market Road Vo. 2354 to its inners „ction :atth the South right -of. -way line of Interstat:-� gighway No. 11; THENCE, in a Westerly direction along than South right-o' -way ll.ne oZ Interstate Highway No. l0 to a point �'oyr corner at its intarsaction ?.th the West. bank o' Cesar Bayous Stream; THENCE, in a Southerly direction along the West hank of Cedar Bayoo Stream, folloeeing the meanders of th3 Stream, to Lhe point of intersection oe the said West bank of Cedar Bayou Stream and the Northeasterly right -o - ay line of the Tri -City Beach Road, sail point being the POINT OF BEGINNI14G. Section 2: The industrial district hereby designated and .stablished shall b,j known as "Baytown Industrtal District No. 3 ". Section 3: It i; hereby declared to be the purpose of the City Counctl oe the tatty ow Baytown to treat with such area, trom ti.ate to time, as zuch Council may deem to be in th -= Nast interest of the ClAy inclining the power to enter into contracts or agreements a:..th thi. owner or owners of land to such Industrial District to &uarantee the continuation o -j the extraterritorial status of zuch District an., i,-s tmwuniry from annexat ii.on by the C[ty nor a per" od o-1. its.- not to :rrsce+ai seen (7) years and upon such other t:arm__ aad con.-ilerations and :ha pas -ties might deear, appropr'.atae. Such contract or agreeerment hall Ire! evi.dented 1,n vrlting and sway be renewed or ee ;:tended for _,ucceas ive p ? r ios1s not to e, coed seven (7) y!:ars each by the Council and the yawner or owners of land in ;•each Iniustrial District. It is reco�nired an' harerb7 declared than rhere are now no contracts or agreemecac_q oi' such naturr. in z�xistenee. Section 4: Tht City Council ax' the City o� Savrown, Texas, hereby re- s:rvea and preserves all rights and poles of the City of Baytown r .ch respect to such indusurial. Di 4trict, except an h.-rein :,xprea illy otherwise -A sted. Section 55: Shaul;` any port too of the arvs herein dessignated as an InJusecrial . District ba not actually situate3a -:thin th,s extra -err t. orial juris- U --tion a' the City of Baytown, Texas, and notthereafore capabl,2. o� Being 7.o designated, such fact shall not: ai'ect the validity of wl;is designation as to zhe remaining po.•tions oti eait -ea. Sact;on 6: Re- ealtng Clause. All. ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consisLene .sic', t:h-,- terms oi- r4ia�, ordinances are hereby repe&',d, prcnri.ded, however, that :,uch repeal shall 5e only to the oxtz.nt or ,uch tnconV scanty, an' in all -9- other respects this ordinance shall he cumulative of other ordinances regular °;as acrd governing the subject matter cov,�red t;y this ordinance. Section 7: Savin a Clause. If any provision, =xception, section, sua- section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase oL this ordinance or the application Of some to any parson or set of circum2,tancees shall t'ar any reason b:- h:tld uncon- s%.ituttonal, voil or inv*lid, such iavaltdtty shall not affect the validity or the remaining provisions o3 thti ordinance or Chair application to other pernon.s or sets or circumstances and to t.hts aw, , all provistons oZ this ordinanca are declared to loo severable. Section g: Ef=fective Date. This ordinance: -5hall take ef _ect R -'rom and after ten (1.0) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Cleric `:.s hereby directed to give notice hexeo� toy causing th,.., caption o" this ordinance to be publfshed in the o,`ftcial nevapaper of the City o" baycown at Lfast twice within ten (17) daY6 after the passage of" thi i ord i.nance . INT.W. DUC:D, READ an` PASSER by the affirmative vote Q� a. majority 01 -`she City Coun:70 o.: the City oc Baytown on this 26th day of October, A.J., 1967. ATTEST: Seaborn Cravey, Mayor e-' Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROM : George Chandler, City Attorn;,3y