Ordinance No. 897ORDINANCE NO. 897 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOVN ESTARLISMTNG MINI1 MIM PROPERTY STANDARDS COVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, EQUIPMENT AND REMOVAL PF ONE AFD TnK IT ITS RESIDENTIAL LIVIN7 QUARTERS KY ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION'S '�IINIDIIUM FROPEPTY STANtARDS FOR ONE AND TWO LIVINQ UNITS"; REPEAL&C ORDINAVCIS 1000- SISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAVRING A SAVINIS CLAUS&; BOVIDING A YKALTY AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. 'TFRZAS, the Department of lou inn anj Urban Development K thn Faderal Housing Admia0traclon has promulgate; a wortal" worn ksowa n - 0sun Property Standards for One and Two Living Unit?; on:' I ,,71E,6&AS, th.� ^fty Council of the City of Ray.own oelieves that such rules and regulations would ba advantageou5 to haycown; and the laws of th, State K Texas provile that such standards may ba adopted icy rejerence; NOW, THEREFORE: ? ; K ORDAINED SY THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF &AYTOV9, TKAS: Section—: That the Minimur Property Stan Jand s Zor une an! T o living Units by the Federal ;-lousing Administration, tieing known as RA in. 500, reprinted January, 1063, of which not less than whree (3) copies have been anj :art's now tiled in the office 0j thn city Clerk K Lha Kcy of nayLowrk and thv- sawe t6 h,i.eby adopted and incorporated a3 oully as i 7 mat ford: at length 0re Z, an i _row the date on ohich this ordinavon shall take ?CFvct, the proVsionn thirnin nhall 0 controlling in Kh> construction, alteration, eouipmeDt and removal w one anj two units residential livtng quarters within the City 100A of Lhe ifty 0 7aytown. Sec0on-2: Nothing in this ordinance or Ln tho code herehy adoptei shall he conAtrued to apfact any Suit or proceedings now pending :.a any court, or any rights acqutrad or 106tlity incurred, nor any _:muse or causal m actiop accrued, or exist ng, undor any act or ordinacce repea_ed hersby. bor shall any 01hr or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or wfected oy tK5 ordi"ance. 3eC000 3: 11 any pr6vtsjon, except Foil, section, sunsectLon, paragraph, seamace, clause or phrase of this Drdinance or the a?plinatto" of Sam, 1D any person or set ol circumotances, shall for any reason 0 helA unconstitutional, void or tnvalii, such invalidity shall not atfect tbo validity 0: uke reyaluik3 ?ro- vi3Lous sk thts ordinacce or thwLr application to sthar pQrGons or swu of circum- scavcas aud to this ono all provision& K LhLs ordinancc =8 Jeclaran Ln ba severable. Sncctonl: All ordininnys or parts of ordinances Incongistent: alth the terms of this ordinance are horeby ripealed; provided, however, that such repeal shnil be only to tho extent of ouch Qconslni:ancy W in Ell other respenn this ordinance 5011 be cuoulatimp 0� othQr orKn8nces regulating and governing the sub - sect matter covered vy this ordinance. Section 5: Any person Oho shall violate any provision or provisions of this ordinance 001 he gailty K a m0deanancr and, upon conviction, shall W puniEhed by a fine K not more than Tdo Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. EW day of the continuance o! such violation shall bn oons dere! a separate o2tense. Section. 6: 0K ordinance Mall Lake Kfect from and after ter (10) days after its passage b7 the City Council. TV notice hereo; by caus Ung 02 capoLnn V Ch is official newspaper K the City K Vvyno,n at its passagp. XNTROD"CID, READ and PASSED by Lbe MY Clerk 's hereby 'iramed to Ove ordinance to be pullished in th, Wit :Wtcy ";thin ter (11) days after affirmative vote of a najnrity of the My Caun&! o- the City K Yoytown, this the 26th My n- Mahar, D., 067. Seaborn Cravey, 'Nayor ATTEN: Edna Oliver, City Clark APPRDVED: George thandler, City Ittorney 1)