Ordinance No. 896ORDINANCE 'CIO. 896 AN DRDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF BAYTOWN ESTABLISHING MINIMUM BUILDING STANDARDS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, ZQUIPMENT AND REMOVAL OF BUILDINIS AND STRUCTURES FOR INDUSTRIAL ANTI) COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOW ; K EAL110 G iDINhNs;03 INGONSISTEN NEREiJITH; CONTAINING A ai =I.;GS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. E,HR_EAS, the Southern Eulldiug Code Congress has promulgated a certain 4or•k known as the Southern Standard sui.lding Code, 1965 10t ±on; an.-! ERA #S, the City Council of the City ol Baytown believes that such rues and regulations would an advan :ajeous to Paytown; and QHER&Q , the laws of the State of Taxas provide that such standards may Do Kopoed by reZesanca; :i0a, KZREFO E: Q IT ORDAI`"*J.. nY THE CITY Ow' UTS;1?, OF T712, CITY OF 'AY'TOIr?`a , TE:0"S : Section l: That nhe Southern Standard Building Code by the Southern Buil.ting Code congress, 105 Edition, K which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now .... lad iii tie office o.'_ the city clerk of the atty a.' Baytown and the no ,2 is u ire,y adal rej RnO Incorporated as ' Cully an if set forth at ivn 3th +lyre:n, and =a= the `c^:ta on wh!nh chic ordinance shall iaka eiLocL, the pro ^isions thereto .shall hn '_ant ol.l.inj in the constracC old, alteration, ?lulp4f int" and removal of buti.dings and structures for Ladustriat and comsaerciai cotasurucrton within the City limits of th:_ city & 4yt.own. _ Section 2: Nothing in this ordinance or in the code h,reby adopt_e:f shall be conatrueO to axiect: any suit or proceedings now pending in any court, or any right6 acquired or itabilitk incurred, nor any cause or causes of action occrued, or e i= x:i.i g, and r any set nr ordinance renna tee hernhy. not shall_ any right or remedy K any character he lost, impaire:l, ''i.". a _meted by Ohio ordtnancl- 0ctionj if any provi ion, except#an, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, 00061 ar phrass of tslin ordinance or Cho application ��: ;Ime to any Pel- son o ti : `l �j... 1rC:umstgnces, Kali d.'or any season to hold anconst'_tliL`{onal, void or invalid, sonh invalidity shall not a feet tho vait0ty of tie remaining pro- vision; o;_ i=4:s 30:E.aaFlaa or the i.r application to other person, or set: 0 circl.m- rnceo 3t, 0i; _4.. all } =_t:•:%-i ions ol t ;ls ar;3 r:;ar?ce are Oeclarel Vo he severable. -3- Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provideu, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of Such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the sub- ject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 5: Any person who shall violate any provision or provisions o this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than T. o Hundred ( ".00.00) DnlUrs. Each day of the continuance ot such violation shall be considered a separava Kfense. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect prom an; ai:ter ten (10) days after its passage by thy City Council. The City Clerk i.: h`•rsby curette, to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to W published i.n the ofEic al newspaper of the Ci.cy of aayLowu at leas: ice witli s Lon (ii) says after ita pasaage. ei;TE-f',DUCEI,, READ and PASSED sy the afnirmative vote o,= a Majcrivy a the City Council o{: the City of Baytown, thin the 26th day of :Actwer, A.D. , 1967. Seahorn Cravey, Mayof- ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED: r enrgo "handler, City Attorney � ���