Ordinance No. 847r� .�} Z120.21% T'ICAL±. t'1::s� 1' aV > >S-0 - t.. LUa'::'{ U. -_„„.. n. max.. _`, T7 •9j.:.y .. YC..c_Pi 1, _. ..� T " "G "'I M:. s..•Y t x0"01 -T+ *, a T �vaSl.X:V . ii4-. i1r «1.'l.Y� a_. -..L 4 ...,... ._.....�...._.�j F -:stir .'..•'.�'.. -- .: iJ »t 1:....a ?. .[f..:�...'e SJ�»� i.rIC'S.. -C 3.O 11:21... .R. —.� 1! T G4 ^Ai.�'. T A' -,".-D .i.,fL .'a C1,' n» ...r .r�.:`�. 3. �i �-.L`Y..�z r A. 3...�.._:� -,.t _�..5i �_�_d Sf.S Yi.... .. ..:i �.�.`�i uLr_':' J .i. -:-' OF a�..�.....+t: ..L+i . :i .ate... _ .. Y- ,r a 5'k' -•nv,r iR r-, «r> n i:� � _'' _...��; _ .?Z . _. AN lIYY'�iL F... _. Cad � ,� �a ,�,-, �C:S.'_Z�+T. -.:vti_t��`•pp //+.; ,- ..�..,...,�+' -y tr4, �: �:r �� ..� z. �rw,.- 7T��''Y1i�� xr.`�a._'?.�.... ,� _.� .., .,.ro uJi ii: wi Lr JC_I-1 r —— 1.�... �..� �... ✓� Yu�.sA -4T r�.:..` . - -n:�J �C..v 4�A.'. LJ�.• Jr` a. w.. .. is vs .'Ir- "if ;. -1 _L_. A- ID 7,7, 2 1. ,. .. a�.a.. w_. s. i:�.. ..i...r• �, :sL1,e -. .:.JA w+.vl isJwY r 2.-Ew g `w :�vr_.:.�..a.�.'_ni l•,a WT a `J :..�� :4: �tti. ?'i a �b i _ C'x _., _ ^__ i i "r r. ? 12:7 : All ii d "T'Ri A.L L.'Ld `.Y .. _. •.�ao 1-L JAY, i��l •-'SiI LM1r 5.. . -�_., ii,.,r _ >L: a.:, �r._..._.1' �.,r. F.._iJ, Y,l�u:t(�i l gp ��y5 SA Fr GS CI•:ti � i i . ^s s ��J a. t . ,. .�. ; _. s._w. �.i./�.a t'+;ry!�:.5 mgs�a.ri ii.J...an+ T`� :Y r�t'.j S�v..,� ...+.:J (1� 241} • V V) .i i.'r1:i'i. guy i �ir:L y L� IL f i I'OL.eJ 4VI-I+ w -'3VIDIVG FOR EE i::~�ul.�� IVE IT BY i:`Yi• 4ili U'ar TILL' i.11 V^ BY. .L TI `v 1tyl vccticn 1: Electric l "G;r;;m,;: xherW is hcreby created an Electrical Ecard, c::Yich shall Consist OIL, five (5) The m =Liss of Chic xoard shall be res:.dents of tz:. City of EsytGtn- and shall be a�p'aiutad by ti: City Council. At no tima durin- t ie activity of this Board shall `ny t-vo `u;: a representative of the sa:_e fi= or orSanization• The five (3) ,_c z tia::s shall be as follows: Position 17o. 1: An .:lL ctrscal pre i2 ,tly employed by th'r: City's eau: _c i °t lity Company. Position No. 2: Ala 1- ct-rical Coatr:scWc, . Pas'tion llo. 3: A Jx:,rn -ayr —m c:lvct;:ici^n. Pc::ition Sio. 4: A w.:t'er Sign viectrician, or Master Electrician. Position *_do. 5: A of the City Council. The first appointments to the S cctrical -cz2rd harcaby created shall be made �...adi.�taly upon the passa;;W of triis ordinance. 1.1 =,tubers small serve for a period of c <e (1) year, or until January ls; follawir_� a?point::i�nt, except, beginning with posi- ti--'r.:. oiler and two, two positions sbc11 s-;rvz for two years, rotatin U co secu- ti• c-'Iy. Any of the 1 -Dard s:.411 be sebl; ct to rc ;oval at the will of the City Council a:3 he shall not receive co:-- )onzation for his services. ^. ^tick: 2: Duties: It shall vv the duty of such Electrical Board to e:k :lye ad .` a s rpn:3 gtxaZi €icatio�:; oP ell parsons ap;�iy?,.�r, for licenses hare�sr_uer and it certify Co the Elactric l 1__�;7.ector suer: anplic:mts as are found by tl.e Electrical 'zi L'x°d to sati:;factory :: a:iJ::*:.Ck u, J: stress wm' -d ability as caieatrtcL.^....., azA iliarity cjita and Qf the r.ulns a d r :zlations zoveimi & ilectrical C:l ,.m LL.LJ..4L.Li1~ Land coucf ru"t _Zn C;i',°hin t:i3 C/f �::Q' e t + i _hL i n the yy ya. +..� • y Y 4 �. C.�4LLJ.:..E;1t y�.I�a J Lai State Li ti.. �.._s._�. d� c.0 ch a2plicz it parsins sr_".2 [i�fi: Y�.3.i ?i3 �..S,.��� the i:.�:.... aatcr of .he licer- -Z- for TAI Lt h chiractar Qz li.C.e_nsc' for - �faich !,3 i'La.; qualified. (2) V-ta zlWCtric a I ctor 0!- a I be S- _Mary of th a Klactric a I Bo -a r6 aid. 4, zccord of all e'xamirdal a U-Le raz-ult�; L's r tO� Z'.-.ar wit% such oth::�r rai;crds zs thy: -,Dard my direct. Fulda SH-oll ba 1=311y --p?zc:)-riuted and buds tQd fro. the 02m�rnl Fund for the City for the use of in Carr -?t" its �utl-2& ftzlu��ia' typn- nd pn a-Ll-qg i,, a ir f mina- c-r ozHor aac-,3S--::y e.-panses. Ev'ry 'pzzson dasirta- a licc": "Le the terns of this ordinamca is rec,uire! to apNtar before tl,.e --jeczri=1 and pa��o aa examinntion for the class of liC2n-La !-.e Jesircz. (4) All npplicznLs G1-sLll file with the Secr tart' of th�a B0=1 Writto-:t zt such times aa the ElectrIcal _c2r, =y In tl vant. t1a ap?licaZt the examim-ation, a.-ifter payin- t'L-,a firo" examl-r.3tion fee '07 Lhis for the licanse dasirad, such rhz:11 ie forfaited as coxzn; for holdit- such c-:.�inEtion. (5) —L-he Electrical the ti= and place of and prescribe t1-2 rules for exa-ainations to 'Da held by it. Also), it Yrfty hold e=-mi=Lions at such Lim--s am it m-ay d--am Z:irt' provick;d tl.at It s-all fix dates for regular c-maminations at 1_':=t every Six (6) months. (6) An applicant 01-tall take his firol; c xa-1,ir-3 Lion after filin-- application on thc: first datc set "'�or or- forfait the L�a- he has paid. Any applicant ,j.-o -_Fzils an c-. &ml-T�ation will not ba ur-aU the expiratioa of rzi=ty (;0) d ays. Applicants clesirirZ shall 'pay the first ex--min-atio-n fc-c L-Y Z'ais ordinanae for the liccn,-�.a desired ani in tha event the applicant fails such re- said fce shall b�- fow�'altcd -,z co5ts for holding the re-examination. , The award :=Y' at its farther examin-a amy applicant :f 1-.2 failed to pass three 3: and A7apoin mcnts-, T�%e c"Or2n to fill the Of ficz c 210ctrical Imsracter shall be of good amoral charnctc-r, :;:!all ba porsa;:Sad of such abi'Lli4y --,; is raquizite for the Parfo1-1z'--:.C'2 or dt-wicz anz! thall have a 04" tl'-�,- approved by Uaderwrizur'a in tie equip=,ant; shall 'e � St.all j - at Z),j of v•zz�e' in approved M-atho"21L 034 cc-'!vtZuct'-0-1 for safety to parse-Lis and ?roparty ths- 1'17Ltioi-al- E12azz�ical az rovizscl; at laast five y-L, z 0= 'S as --loctrical A, or in the i. ; ',:Matloz of electrical equip--- rzt, or in of suz-h eirp-,rience, Z-;!11 'Da ia zalcatrical or ca-inaerin.,' Zr 'vera;it-y t'-Ia C-_'ty as havirZ rzC:.,,-Lr3- �2 s7 u;.--- for �;�-zadu�ticn and s%A! LUVO too WO Ynors H -'rzCtictl a trical FwaRnm 4: Dutias A Tianwrim! It zhall be the duty of tha 11actrinn! ly3pcator to aafoocc t1a yzo7isiona of this ordinstea. As AM, uper� appliention, srant pwaits for tic Ustn1lation on alonratio-a of elezzrical 2quiywant, shall CJ w7 inO'?CCtiCnG of iris ta all ar, provided is this ct-a racoriz oZ all pzr: -_it5 is _;c",,, La.-:gectic-zz � »- L-1, L;:2a a-:-! oth 'r official wcra in I'Ath thaa Provisions of thi5 fill di- cxcrcis;. a --!I electricLl con ctruction and SL atrical an- to carry oik their basinzss or 'z ::.'t +_' =.:3: tlza provisions A ;M In inn %ce. Yz also kee-3 ou file a list Of alact:rical Lsz,�zzd by or fo-_- jndcrwriter�s L-,1oratorias, Inc., list ';%_11 be accersibla Z,:-: ,,­Lzbiic :.=1=3 reStAar of f ica hours. Ea h,7,ld m--� .bership in thn A&S :ociQtiu= of Electrical lm3pactorG and th.e 11ira ?rctectim A.SSL'Ciz;LS�-'a with th-, con:xrit of the city ou _'n.y electrical of to ithich he tip :y be zp2ointed ZrA Onzil ba allm'2d allnacass.ary in cozaectiza with such activitiez. Thu Sl':;Ctrical is z:. e'�,-,Ioy, after race wing the approval OE th_' City ary c1crical asoistar'" necaos-'ry for the PrzPar Con' uct OLE his Office the _:Lzp ticz of ::'­­ztrical installations, as fcr iz, Chi!) orJi-a-z-aca. It Gliall b•,;- unia-.iful for t;� c ZlCctricanl 1-a,,:)Qctar or any of hie, aszlstuntu to irx the �uiiimens of the or r.aintemance of clectrical aqui nt' :11.{Im that by tHa City of anJ they shall have no -in any in Ll:_-k in tha City of --t �'xLy tip._ sz_" h Foction J. Author!, V Fincorhem! Ty 7 %swr: The Electrical IrzsepC!c tor s'_o11 C_zvzi t'ne rirht, during raw=M Kum, to entmr any buildinS or ?remiaG:3 in the dis- cUrIz of his official duties, or W the purpme of making any iaspection, or tost of the Bactrian! or its Anctrical aquipmant is found, by An Mccrical to be &4n,�crousto Farzons it it AfewLiva or Mectively i::L;t_--11cd, tho lirm Or for t'a be notified in nzLd , II . 1 ---.--y chznz:�:6 or re7'-'IrL of tl-'a Elcctri tc 3 iZ .,Lan (1�) dLyz, or ar.y that t3 u' -LciftF.,d by the Uzi 1. no_ Ce' t%e Uzztrical 1L'_.'-P,:tC;L07 sh, 11 aut'LlQvity to or C'ree-f i:%a of ;Z.IC!Ctrical equipmar.t. In cazt2s of for -,:o sz -_,-.rcparty or where cic-cinzical equip- Llzcrf2, :C witx the of t1le :�nvc; t"z auZlnorLty to of 0.2 arq electri- cal uquipmz"t. Any pirson azoricvwd LY IM action 0:i: %:1._ LICLCtrical xnsjp. ctor =:,Y' Wltlniu (2) +z=Yz; aizc_ r such actioz, u,-' in vritin2;, a revicw of Lha Alcatrical Tun pector's action, WjUj the 2jaztZical Zrard, Vje Z, �ec j 20:.zd WKY, within ZHU= (15) daya aker the HIMI Q oaid petitior. ',,czr vn:'I Ce:er=iza raid ap)",I. T'he Electrical LaIrd 00 1 hz;vc to sustziD' Mra'lify or ravarsa the action of the 21saWcH "u:' pa U_t1i s ch action :,aa bz, aa t-,ker. by the MeWcal. Zoard, the action of the Electrim! IL z_tor shall be efz-z�ctive. The Electrical inspzatcr may delepre azy of i,is p3werr' or d%ities to any of his assistance. Section 6: !Qster vi VinvanY5 tic, Ann r entitle t""e holder to Conczaac kor and =Lzp in tha businoss of ill_-C"�Illinz' oz:l;Ctinz or rZipairing Metrical Mrsa, coMactarl, Z.:.CI.L'Ung' ducta. raaa"zqa or cc.a-.:'Iit maz.irary, Waratua, OvLeco, viatcm: or in truin2nta litic:z the rct.'uii"czz:ants of th ; xOUGLal Electrical 00_1�5' and the pror';i3ion.;" Ci tLis orMonce. APPIRCHOn fOr a lKwaWa CS a lWar 11actriclan shall b�� jr, to Lhz .;Iectrical :-,Zar"L :pia ZI fo-z a by zuca Board and eL'Clh 51_,nII La aaacm,-,anlad by .7a of '-,'L--A Dollars, Vnich ba t:) thc;iz ctualiMaticzo to install, Ka;air, alts:,- azz maintain e%zzric�j MCUICS LMI requWal undur tha teras and caniMcn, Cr chit QrManna; as t :. inzor- ?I_-zlz eno SpSaMCCUCCU. VON to nalarvioa tvras 0.1 inztn!1z2tinnz inr a pa =r z unz.,7: ordinn-.CL-. :Soar,: zo Ma Elactriall shall be lac;ld ut the eiscr:'- t-vo (2) per Lz ', v.ot fc::a and ias-ue c��ztificz-.�zc Z:hc-7.a- Or to all tj;Iv==tS WID &M UAW a ja•aH, Z=21 of- (73) ::.I that in no onza AM a licems in mantz,� Z;--Itil by t'!3 W Lha Ra of fifty (,SO,Cb) ✓vilars to W: ::%,,:ry Zinc ur-LC.L.-. iii Cannally file Wit-a tho ::lCCtriCnlI S,:+.2rr-, I:Cnd, Mh Lswnt; i v the sum c, tAnL SO&I ;....awn WIM com2,ly i,,i all tthz� Dravinioas of WS orei=ca =1 all rVICa and by aucharity !or 102. (7) Muz! zalar any Minter Jzlectriciaz'z LiczmLa Ln:til to hill hava amna'M to and evu-,-Y of hi3 m2laycm an! this inzarmce oh&! b: in accardamca with the pzoviziaas 02 tM A,--t of ":-1,2 ftat�.: lazzz. ILQ c-.-�:-nt of *50,030.00 for L�Iy OW ....cc!_ .._v. ON 125,105-03 C,--: ly Ganazz Mumma tha Smont of for injury a= fastractim- Oi in- ba wKWan by �!a, %ccreditc-d c=jpa-y U-,:Iar the Suporvision of tic ISMS of OZ t,: a o2- Taction 7.: YzAaf- 1110c.0"Clyn: 20, ,noviz ion a of this s, ctlon aply to Emma r.,no un-c�rtuLc OL and/or inztallntfon ef --Iz;ctric Kpa, conluctors W of li,,,%ting and for lir.% t - f r"S '7ith hi" 'n .';as tubcz- Any porzaa qualify inS undar this Section LInall be kn, "�,� Iza Coatrnz=r" zn�' -hall not ba rwq-,I.,zcd to be a 7,1.a.;ter Eiectrician. Am -ZIcctrical Uji MtracLor shc1l hz pormitted to manufacture, in.�tall GU 5 uz,4 wiri_ as is C v # a to outlina or Lrsiczt t3 Ln existing circuit ov circuits t%,.. t ba= by t1h,- f3z ComaccMan Of Cis INCUR 1021 Wvcrad hY the Pe !:_t SlIo--lid Lhta cr Olt Ja ._M ._M Of Lho 10--d to hz� t Clen a C111cold to mko MVIMkIn th. mcamwmr cnnm�tv. Mocowinal Siga Czatramm A"11 ha prmt=a to injosil the =za:;.:z-�y Lnd ROM& Val W/ar Satlina IQUing Z'-'c-ztriCLI "Orzoactor shall wyloy only prw?nrly rajuarno =1 A;nrantice z1actricismo ta PCrOYM Zzy ULN r•gMIM2 a ?Z=:It U7�dZr C::�tiUA. 0) Por the purpo.; of this saction an "isoland" ssi"M cutli=' 11jAW3 initzilaticM shall bu •12001 z: = in wl-�ich :�:ttzr nQr r,,C..7 .ny PnUt Of thc cu or or -'nrt of w0d Vir, ssi�rna or cutli-'�:- Ohall Vainass M a 1101tar Sinn SISCOA`ant he Mal: to '-Icc-�rjeal a SiSn COnCracLar's Qcss3i co s i0sued a-- A NO af on (110.) DWIRza rill &e paid to the 1:uiltiin° a,2n.:it dMilvary Q Cny 12s'-er Ucf=a-, tlaa rvppjic&-at whall MY tO &Z ._y ;if; WrOIC ORM, a Acs of M=y-fiv• (,125.01;) Doila-:s. ' '2 lv �-n? 12.54')) r, I . (E) Wary --lactricion 0111 nnnually file u'ith ch�-a 21-cctric'-"! LIZ& an Wecnity •M, with y=1 ant cufficinns Wilarm, COMMOnQ that zuch pQrnn in all relpacto Lai all ruins and hereof. surety, in the Cf ca;-� Thau"=I Mil Caz�?ly wilL.7h '-provisions Q! zoo plations pronul-fatce by autbarity (7) All ;mh: perf--_-:.�d c7cd aall rMeri Lei , npi. ;aratus, devices, or c�7ulpgnnt used still conform to thn Ml requir-,Y-4,j�nt2 of LIhis ora=s�rj:�c. �My sloctrOM 03M built ok- Tcxa5, and to be lnst4�11oi wit'-L-! -c vi` h:zvc a by M ZWori::'al lnczp��ctor tar! 3izn J!, Gut of the shop. SIZaa ccistruated CUWO�'. LI'a City of 'Z-':KaS' but wi-"hi-1 th.: :ity he Oubject to tha wwa rules and reLulatio-aL a3 zipply to L-y otl-,c:�7 zlzctric8�1 r=t,�ria:s. (5) 170 permit shall be MUM UnAcr any Kanter sign t2cil ka Shall have t f- U1110YU00 prvyizi=4 of tto 130=5 Act Of th-, 2'ta�':� of Of Zor C.--y Ona WcLeunc an! 015,03-CO far prk�,,Crty d---a-.". to Eta L=an: 0�:- �Or in ury or ba IMMUM ly unu'r Th e i Pl-' 7 Zlhz or 0-a _ca z i Ey f t. ic all 7 L c lzrn 1"aa Z L:,ay 1;� zr-, 7 o� 0' v1. s Z, . ,.. ,..Z. 1 or -n E _,Z LI o a , 'a n :,.1y Lit z. d.., o-I a a-.d in L13 ',,a 4:; 11 ba, 7 a aa a I—'-- j :4 1 z fig a I '; z SL r c r z i n o i- 4h. +. by a a'- Constant of -Y it Q Z! l; c z r i z i an .iila I b D1 , 1_.,l: a Q v h,��, 1 3 L i c!--- -n ;L s iL Lima= oval! Oncitio the SWOr sz,:,-of to fl,.) as n7i electri--J"an t:-o -' !r fte -101",-L r or 2.1 -t h Licc:-,za. c��s 'had, zoz lc,-2 id 1-;001=tory proof of qUAMCaMIZO to tho UnctrAwl E=Ld, diro-wtly 4-rcczadi-a:�, elaz-�� K nDylications for AsLallizZ wirms, confuctor, zjr,� _,JCctrjCSj aiCZ Ji a i r i C a 1 a" r C; :;, Z! r p U r fe c, 5 -- r, n LIC, a 1. 'L L's z for zhic 1,:a of ri✓a Dolicxs (2), -- ShOil ba Ti:�n WOrm aM 0a mmau ... ! trivalyria pmMit any bz i45U--.d, 3OCZ E07 a period of 0r 20Z t!--c Of any on.., : Ln applicM—z can i:�f �-'wo furn1j1 liarification of C MWO 0: a Trc�VQ'IL'-5 per.,__t Of 0% &0=00 IMM IQ= HOW VnOL%Cr %,Jarlmit CLIn IUC Zo tl-,a pylvilwo horcia, ti CCO persons anlwtwhing a0=0-L! as defined in this erdinvaca, UOTer tho direct an& W10anz Mazvizicc % of a lice--sad alecCricicm or a :;fact rician, and vho how haan proparly rq;iztard wich the Electrical be (2) It z�all be any perow, to L-=�,�c�rtalza aay %.=k aa z:n ApprznUce Einacrician unleca swca p,:: eca shall hnvO fir8t re2iSLa-:ed ,Ath t,,z Eloc--rj- .nj receival h1a carAlAzatu Wom said as --a Apprz-aticc- Zlactrician. zor such CartMeMs Olzall lxlr_dc th 1:1catric-al Boa-�dl Oa fui=�� J4-o-.:.ad by sAd Ward. Sh'all be acca"'Iyaaica by a latt--'V a nlectrician Hacmad uzfer the PrOvIaLoaa of this ozdLaamcc, cis aD?11cnnt A= rezistration and also Wating what ths Said licenzed .AI w.--loy t'z2a Caid apylicant Ap_,Icmzicc (3) 1>20re dalivezy of any rzgistraticm CarcHicate thz s1,all T,-.,.,y tffl 1.)y Z:Ird, UMIr the PrCVLS!0zn CZ zhiz crdio=an, Mall a=?Iua on 31z�t, in; &I Qua 0�.- 1SSU 'ca or (2) by t1te Zlectrical. Upon OPPMOZIna art Paywant of tha Usgured fca, it �.s :4�zrtlqer provicied tnat r. liscC::a,,:a laxad for an W, no HN G) ownthr -Iiall be rane-vzi e: -zcpt upon (S) in the event cc lots of any tj?c CaMficate, a 'qupiicata 4artificzat3 lzy in 'Ly It"ja 21actricni zaazd aftew P21nLoc Of a fee of Fifty (�•01.53) Cc:%t:;. (4) it is farthar 2rov3ons thac all :Iz.':Vor V&-hic1c:3 uszd by '-La stcx a-ncl Kaour Sion Unctricians, in the of their wcrk, must on do3rL of :;z;h truckz and/or vclhicics. Timion 12: Wannow & WAM-un 10 liccnoc- or cartivi- =1 ..--Co=dnnae with Oka prMsUns Q Lixi3 ordinance chall be a5si2aabla (2) z-laatrical ;c7% X31 bz 'CY any per5on nit the hold;r of re perzon, fir= 0z ccrp�Drztioa Shall omplay any Mhor yerson for dain5 elactriaM U:IICz'- !7C--:00n propoaci� to be i3 Va holder Of the PrcpQr or Fsculan 13: Wnlo:%or an Royagntion of Mcvnys: Any license of x clasz; nay to QzLyandad or revohcd by tha Icard of Electrical Zmnaminors zhould tlac 7. 3L!zr violztc any 0;-: Lhiz (2) M licanse- to s2zpaWad or rcvokid unlasa the lLCczS':;CL C'nall. !"�'V4- 4iv-u L,-, opportunity to S2 20a= tM ba c".f tlnich he have 1-.'l: -d at leazt, MU UU) days written notice oyanjQj=g tha charZiz zZainst hi=. Any such ---avocation or suzyanion of a licansa shall not affcac any criminal qrosecuti.on hareun.lzz or ,- re- ii�aa for (3) Any perso:-' llcc-a'e 'zz�a ravoked c-Inall not: is -air, ' . :al livazWd WON a pariod & oz4 (1) yoar -Erzm t:1,u of stch 14: A n C -: 70: 2140Z hurain C---zCairC-" 8':,ZII PZ7CI-:fl. -'t Z::ay bc�r.-- GAY 1 ' 11:-z CL.,-- provided, thac Kc. --hall file W-'�H i:he City zlcctrica! W-I.Irovcd Aas: and opacifWaSWIF A= SLANY Utz City 21catrical ZZ to nin MIA7 zo Untall ONCZAM UAL!, zpply for aN a in awaRmw Vich Ma =601Mw ".';ply for iLn"?eCtio-a cn'� incMinion by nn 1,-nz;,.a c, --, bzhin'- Lis c" and r-0 i-!! asyist hL-- in =ay C'-' y On Lc inlyeat all Alocmcal wirsnz, ap;=21m or equip::--at fo�: tii-o:: :Lwa of 11.2 Sawice of the Kontric 0,10C sarvics Or any i7z C1.zanzical WaMY for Wts, Wat �- izside of or attdcl:�C't to 7%2ild- ��tructuras within Laa City limics =1 to look after t'he lnwL, nulls CA resalati'--= to usma. (1) 1-'o Omni! to rewirad for or or tha davicca to AWAIS reewp2weRs �,ctich hava b�cn pn.i:�-,,�-n.�.ntiy AM ✓L =aquirm-, wurh Sucla as =21=A3 flash &A on switOwn, rwaynAcs wA Onp w:-j -ts o 2 c-I alectricol aaparwuu, applilaccS, tl:e ::a Parmit SAMI 1z z2juir& for Qz 1zera- SMI of WAS3 MyZa0stus, 00VOws9 c2pilinces C. Cquio=nt �'Or A&Z'I S20VIci or wnwral 200w ;rMativa serwizz !-a CG: ':'ayln-�' 01: 1=111101ca, zScapt Saw CM:tniazl ION is icy: a t'-e Priz� -'ry si(i-a CZ Ljurca V01=2= avar 50 wzlf. - of �30 wattZ5. (0) W PSIMIlt SA II in wagainsw fzr tho 1w;,za 1 Lnticn, ZI'L:C--7a- MKZI, Lp2lrlwn, Qvicw, n;)IInncw; or to irstal-1,16 �y Ln electric public carvion Or the U12 of C=pzmy iz tho W11 01 LA10=0a 32 hi.0001011 1010 rarvic, WAZ ny whM an A &ny wiri, on a 11hor 0 V 171 Q M C=y7syQ &;.-�Lzibution oyzt,�--, CE ct�,ar th�.:, ZS heraimbefory prCV005, by 0-f this (5) Ya PaInAt oval! La rnqulzed for ttz inwalintio-n end of cfc—Linz AS" de"Or 1�0= "ah na&t iO by CI'Ja Lt�t-h3rity of MOCK and in acawdance rKh tic CJ":' 0-r SQM wwarnaLwo's 11canze w gallons (7) 110121 :0 .-._..s 1.0 raqw0ul for W.w cz of :a-a�' C':. a ion, diztri'c'utica '-3r Zhu 1ANOS, SP;ar==w, G'-- be inaw.11.0 ZZ rapAred in =01own 1:Y UM tho of the 7d y s at to rl o -A L IT a ad i 1.F 74 J tz, 3 0f t�- 4- 4::::i i C-Z y - -; , - 7 C7 I all Z:CF, ar 0 c Z. -.-I S 01 vtl ra c� L: e.;.:, 4..i L I—S b C, 04 G Lr u t a a 3 V .:v_ L' c cl i3 c tZ.-z tad . '2:, z �c Li i ca 1 ..,...:D_ C.: - a c"ect-fcal wl---Ilr.�, a�-.,LxaZus Cc"v1-- Cr� by P- 1 bs fk� c-.1 i-, --�act ion by t'ac E lac-trica 1 cr h iL S i-,n :ant , t:� c the rul-L! 5 zi:icl ic-zs p--c- tlnc� .--z: L; Lc ,- I is sus a fizal ci�!rt: fic,'I ta 0-4: z : i C: --v i 1,' Y i a W that t .ii r.2. C'. c r fixtures 'a a v ia lo min L a CJ rac- -.,31 C2 4f i c z-- c 0 z c z.. ii.Sll rl Z frcm Ot 0f M- r C c) k rm c r corp ora t:L c n a al I i a,7 th,c Such equip=-nt 1ohall --*-nc cc,-- --atill it bc;a-n, 7JY Z,!-Lctrical L hours, cf n=d holidw;c, h-�va c in rz 1, '-,;' - , a tl 1 c i f n L, f c 2 t -- Lcnz D Z�, 1; cj f: G- L� ',7 ly t h G f 11 z r -L i I.e. L:1 L, c It r c Z: t 1--:i 11 t- a E� 4th 4-.- c t r i c 1 i;1_0[ t r -'- z .l Y 2 . _--C t4- C f ir a 1 �-- 12 i c C: _:.^ 7; lva z.c: o C, n. c t aa d I L: - i -- h I c 1, C. c ur r C. MP?aZatus, 0= vi=�nz= for n qzr:& of not inj, nT:sratuo or f innew-c zre i--,% such -,:-ly bw Ea-LAy aa U---";Qat ZVO Uwe. F-ation 17: Tno-acnVa 7:-7y Tha EUstrical or any and np?'�'Zatuz Of uzin" • for IQW. Vat or Powar, in:Ynatic-o to b-- withL- fo-zzy-aijht (43) '7 clactrical or zYP!QzWQ UWQ far aLy pur�zol to or on zny �AWL::� is, irz tlhc ch�� N-lzrical Hopectax, un=fa cr Q a lenzarocz cowlMon, or installe-�' tcntrzry =) Oka jz=W;�--S 01 zl-is ardinanca, h: chall cluna wric :--n notice to be- :".creed On t _n ';i'-] Loch a conducLcy, allanatus, or =>!Wnca, to discontinue ti.:. vsa cz -0 ccrr;at tha dafacAvc conditicn, havaid or violation of this ordinz-.,,ce ton -az he my da -rc , i, ': r y. 121M L11=01, a graza 02 will S.',. izz-1c i--- a Places. 7 , . , ­ (2) to '1--L", tailing cf. .-,3-nforL- vith, such notice, tha is F?Cr- )y t.i a::a to cauas the elcacxical Lervica -'Z un'�az� cr erc ✓� disconnzata oz cut o by to zlc'tctric S"�rvicc; allowing Lbeta fort', ci.,:�Iv (4Z) e--acuta zruzlh c-?' 7itiw! to TOny A copy of this no-�ice shall be fu=ienCAS to t:ding such dMetkyj conductor Or a! c 3 to r=�.Lv quiri= CuLi Cif dz:f . ;tt;�, haznz,.!a o'.: of L'-.is orcdi nca are Z'-­'-�!r'� s r,, in Casa G! 0---al-Lan-cy' or propz cy, c,= u'hi-,ra claccrical aqui7mant may 3 nccra2zra with the %ork 02 M, Zicurical HaVLator or tie Pi o% hzve to di: cv=act innAlataly and w0ho'L =Ctice to azyor.':' or 'Zo cauza tln� F"Oultz 20: C- JCC- t:: trUC t jC ar"-�Iiwsaw 1:101 in the ani A elletri=! U10 Q, ElyalMus or for ut'-Uz�.tica Off for H20, too! or Pawn, RAW tha Ii-mita of City of ✓r:;: Lo XUA OPOC ice. ! ralon ald -=Y be wi ly to ar,_: C: z L, C m i Z; t: C :r Cn j 3. c'. C; c, z finis 0 az- C z u Or or, rar PrIva—u- bt:llld- In _!, 2 op irvivu ef tr i.CLI prc-ar"Y. --ry v. C C, L::L �7 a. z I I o t b Z---y C, three wire, or C3 ap-roved _0a n2utral to 1,-e `C:-,= wila Gal-vice S*-,;,211 wich a m!ni-z,.­_- size of thi:ee-_cc­ztIS Ll IZ V C, -a -,.ivan -C-1, feet, lerw to,, of cut d G;°. n triCal CCr:, a � C FEW C 1,; around rod :�_y Ibc oz: G/211) "Its C:i hot (T� ry c cn,=, c: c ba3z?5 zl.::- ba notice -0 u under any zz:capt Or n= be U.;e unda =-z , Z: 1z use'" e1c4n-1": fcr U C- ic a p_rtic. 1 0 UW Al joism SIM to cTiss:02 in. any hm; USS = Z' jinclUn vcz; UO2 preEsaLl cojnjacors mcy &C U002- -;M I nah L n i. :�t:Y-Six G6 Ln"L��z vc:-ti--al -2 cmtrcla zMa cZ t%o uzoo, Mzra K--i111 be a uj,it vlzh a Owntzolling mitch within sin (01) fact of stLjrna'? Ana Suc",-, cTjtC,. LC re ad t ily ( 12 ) A 11 vi i r a z - ;., . - ,, ", .: I j_. -, _.- �. '-, t'-) -_ ,: C t I C:1 S z e i f- t � -'-"Z ( I S I I ) '.' In ... -- r-7.. -. 01in5iny on japimlal by z""A M' G- -") L-1-ch cl . CID) little SAIMS Lill mquirc snapica t�o (2") Lnch clazza,-,za uy GO) 2211 On rL-'y b" Cc.nnc:.-Lad in a jamsiza bin with to aaz�hozixml (13) All L11cetricH wall, o2zopc fo= 1W. of lc-.-Ps mLnor r ' c- requina 11=03 and Wmah L2 laid M in Ma=CL. (!�) WL11 M madw only Qna mati'lic'd by P�'rzom 0,-- -'ar��Onz rovansibla for mr% pcHornw, MY work r"Porsna tmabie to inspect due to 10"21 Wom" Or I" n0c "21' Or MOM41 2 AM carry an cmtrn ch, r,,y c, Any wiring, will no I"! be C"Awn"S If and Van _MS WrQZ; L; 'zo 'L7n parti-Illy AzCd or di";Lurb'ld cha Zola, to L ro"1 in t1 w=, on C=10 or LG. mi'd Ccncrai; T-aic'h 1 i'- . zir( - Ct awn=t viol 13a wouns. All fact of zttft scuttl-z holu or a lvw� =nd AM,! 11�10:n'x 'L ccrf.duit, y Sl= aun'n. 2,,,�:- C,- 1, r, in th�� C-°7 C 3 to a -V, -ny 1-c S' C': :. r Cis' pul-,` IJ O2= J All Gd;n- 17 iny; — the approval of tlaa C-L c 1 .. ... .... . f $2.v 0 .10 5. 1.53 cr 7. ...J_. Zip _% �..:.._.._ _ i.flo .00 t .25 L c :,. f z f 15 Up w. 5, 3.403 7-,l c" 1 2.53 r t t Jetar- 'Da lc:z;z k- 17i n r. 5.4v of a Zn .5. C3 2-j -tvi L-I�-Cticn 2 C i ^_0 7 C.- A !�Z Z Y -CL- of a I cd prc�v it and vziz to Other Z,:.ZLOMO Cr se �;, to t;AG ordina, cz ar-, to j",-y p-,-z%;CnL —.-Lo Viola e any rr V , z - , -CL or Pro- v 7 ce shall frcm- Lnd GO) --.-r r r..L:y Cf City Clerk -L� vct,--rLby ais to be -)Ubl -LYS - �- --,- '-, -:. �-..-. , -..� Oy � --- iv VO Z 0 rJ `t i3.:. 71 �k�� �/�a�xCCo,�) it