Ordinance No. 753ORDINANCE 110.753 41 ORDINANCE FI;,ING AND DETi U.1INIiZ THIS RATES .d,]D CHARGES FOR LOCAL EXCHANGE TELEPHONE SLRVICE AND KISCiLLANEOUS SERVICES OF THE GENERAL TELEPHONE COi TANY OF THE SOUTHMST IN THE CITY OF BAYTO.lN, TEXAS; DISCONTINUING THE OFFERING OF FOUR PARTY SERVICE AFTER DECEABER 31, 1965, FIXING CERTAIN EXTENDED AREA SiRVI& RATS; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTMT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE • PRL- SCRIBING i.i,�ili. U.a PLN,,LTY OF T'.!0 HUNDRED (0200.00 DOL- LARS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVI DM FOR THE RATES HEREIN ESTABLISHED; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION THEREOF. 1HLREAS, the City Council and the administrative personnel of the City of Baytown have made a definitive study of the rates and services of the General Telephone Company of the Southwest; and JHEREAS, many meetings and discussions have been held between the City officials and the officials of the General Telephone Comp- any of the Southwest and they have reached a conclusion as to the rates and services which should be adopted within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown; and '.:HER,3AS, said meetings and discussions between the Utility officials and the City officials are summarized in a letter, dated. ;ay 28, 1965, addressed to the i. ayor and Kembers of the City Council of the City of Baytown, from hr. Don S. Holdridge, Vice President of said Utility and a copy of said letter is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes; and dHEREAS, an ordinance has been agreed upon between the offic- ials of said two corporate Bodies; NOW, THEREFOR , BE IT ORDAIM BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOAN: Section 1: That hereafter, General Telephone Company of the Southwest shall be, and it is hereby authorized to charge within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, the following schedule of principal rates for local exchange telephone service and such other charges and rates for miscellaneous service not inconsist- ent with this ordinance as are included in the Telephone Company's Texas General exchange Tariff, and it shall be unlawful for said Utility to charge any higher rate or rates for service of the types and classes hereinafter set forth: Class of Service honthly Rates Business Individual Line Service 0 14.00 Two Party Line Service 11.00 Extension 1.75 Residence Individual Line Service 6.50 Two Party Line Service 5.50 Four Party Line Service 4.50 extension 1.00 SCHEDULE OF i dSCELLAHLOUS RATES AND CHARGES TEXAS SERVICE: COMECTION, LOVE AND CH 'nG.:3 Service Connections New `service Instrumen- Ave in- C moves to talities in side Same New Premises Place Premises BUSIMS SE RVICis: i gain Station and Trunks 17.50 03.00 x3.00 Extensions and PBX Stations: Inside same building as main station or PBX Switchboard. 3.00 3.00 3.00 Outside building in which main station or PBX switchboard is located 4.00 3.00 3.00 ISID i1CL SMICES: .:ain Stations 5.00 3.00 3.00 ixtensions: Inside sane building as main station 3.00- 3.000 3.00;, Outside building in which main station is located 4.00 3.00% 3.00` No charge will be made for installing or moving resi- dence extensions if in- stalled or moved at the same time as main station. Other Service Char es Restoration of service discon- tinued for nonpayment 52.00 Change of name or change of subscriber where no lapse of service occurs and no final bill is to be issued 2.00 Change of telephone number at subscriber's request when grade of service is not changed 3.00 .,ISCELLAMMUS SERVICE. AND EQUIP AEAT RATS PE.R WSTALLATION OR BUZZER SYSTG,S: iAO141TH :. CVE CHARGE A. Push Button 1. Single, each .15 .75 2. On Pad, each .15 - -- B. Push Button Pad, each - -- •75 C. Buzzer, each .15 .75 CORDS A. Line Cords 1. Nine (9) ft. cords, each - -- 3.50 2. Thirteen (13) ft. cords, -�- each 4.50 3. Retractile cords, 70" --- 4.00 - -- 4.50 15' -- -- 5.50 -2 RhTE PER 10toTH B. Handset 1. Between transmitter -re- ceiver a handset base unit, 54'' 2. mine (9) ft. cord EXTRA DIRECTORY LISTINGS: A. ixchanges under 1,000 stations 1. Business, each 2. Residence, each 3. Nonpublished B. Exchanges over 1,000 stations 1. Business, each 2. Residence, each 3. Nonpublished JOINT USER SERVICE: A. Business - Fifty Percent (5QK) of one -party business rate, ex- cluding differential charges. Note: This service furnished on one -party business lines, only. KEY TELEPHONE SYSTE S: .25 .50 .50 .35 .50 A. The following rates are in addition to the regular and nonrecurring rates and charges applicable for associated services: 1. Pick Up, per station, per line .35 2. Holding a. Per line equipped, with- out wink hold .50 b. Per telephone equipped .35 C. Per line equipped, with wink hold 1.25 3. Signalling a. Combined Code and Se- lective Signalling Unit .75 b. Buzzers, each .15 C. Push Sutton, each .15 4. Key Button Illumination, per set •50 5. I. anual Intercommunication Line, each 1.25 a. Dial Intercom Line, each 5.00 B. A service connection charge of $5.00 will be made for each 1 -6 button key handset installed in addition to the SCC for the station class of service C. Refer to General Exchange Tariff for additional features available. If installed after initial installation of key system. -3- 10STALLATION GPI :OVE CHARGE :1.00 5.00 7.50* R,1TL PLR IMTALL,:,TIGH OR L10NTH LOVE CHARGE, BILE AGE: A. The following mileage charges apply to individual line and party line services (except rural multiparty service) fur- nished to subscribers within the corporate limits but beyond the initial rate area, airline measure- ment per 1/4 mile or fraction thereof. 1. One -party stations, PBX E PBX trunks, each .75 - -- 2. Pour -party stations, each .35 B. Extension lines (between gain station or PBX switchboard and extension) 1. Between points in the same building - -- --- 2. Between points in different buildings but on the same premises per 300' or frac- tion thereof .25 - -- 3. Between points not in the same building nor on the same premises, per 1/4 ;;pile or fraction thereof 1.00 - -- C. Tie Lines 1. Between points in the same building 1.00 $7.50 2. Between points in different buildings on the same pre - mises, per 300' or fraction thereof (minimum monthly charge =3.00) 1.00 7.50 3. Between points not on same premises, per 1/4 mile or fraction thereof (minimum monthly charge 03.00) 1.00 7.50 D. Private Lines: 1. Not connected to Central Office switchboard, per 114 mile or fraction thereof (minimum monthly charge :4.00) 1.00 - -- 2. Telephone instruments, each 1.50 7.50 PRIVATE BRf11ISH EXM: NGE S13RV1Ow: A. Kanual Systems: 1. Switchboards - Cordless Type: a. 5 trunks L 12 Stations, each 12.00 - -- b. 5 trunks L 20 Stations, each 15.00 - -- 2. Switchboards - Jonmultiple Cord Type: a. 0 -40 lines, per pos. 20.00 - -- b. 41 -50 lines, per pos. 22.50 - -- c. 51 -SO lines, per pos. 25.00 - -- -4- -5- RATE PER INSTALLATION OR LIONITIH won CHARGE d. 01 lines L over, per pos. 035.00 - -- 3. Switchboards - Lultiple Cord ty e: (a� Per switchboard position 50.00 - -- (b) Jacks, multiple, in ex- cess of one jack for each station or trunk line: (1) Per strip of 10 jacks .40 - -- (2) Per strip of 20 jacks .60 - -- 4. Stations, Private Branch See Service Exchange 1.75 Connections lives L Changes 5. Station lines, each 1.25 3.00 B. Dial Systems: 1. Switching Equipment - Nonex- pandable: a. 3 trunks L 12 stations, ea. 25.00 - -- b. 5 trunks L 20 stations, ea. 40.00 - -- c. Leich 40 - Honexpandable (1) 10 x 40 PABX with battery eliminator 74.00 - -- (2) 10 x 40 PABA with standby batteries 09.00 - -� Hote: The above systems include forty -line equipments, six selector-connectors L the indicated power supply. d. Leich u0 - donexpandable (1) 20 x CO PABX with battery eliminator 145.00 - -- (2) 20 x 80 PABX with standby batteries 183.00 - -- Note: The above systems include eighty -line equipments, twelve selector - connectors the indicated power supply & attendants' turret. 2. Switching lquipoent - expand- able: a. Line equipments, installed, each .75 - -- b. Selectors, each 4.00 - -- c. Special Selectors, each (l) Includes digit absorbing pad control features 5.00 - -- d. Connectors, each 4.00 - -- e. Power equipment. Electrical energy to be furnished by customer., (1) Two digit systems - 6 Amp, 50 Ampere Hours' Reserve 35.00 - -- (2) Three €. four digit systems 12 Amp, 100 Anpere Hours' Reserve 70.00 - -- f. Dial Stations (1) Restricted L nonrestricted, See Service each 1.75 Connections hoses L Changes g. Trunks between mechanical equipment and attendant's See Service cabinet on customer's prep- Connections ises, each 1.00 Eoves `. Changes Attendant's Cabinets: (1) Cordless, each 13.00 - -- -5- RAW P t 00TH (2) Cord board -floor type (multiple or nonmultiple, per position) $50.00 (3) multiple appearance of dial lines, in excess of one jace per line: (a) Per strip of 10 jacks .40 (b) Per strip of 20 jacks .60 h. Tie Line Terminations: (1) Rate per month and installa- tion charges will be based on costs and circumstances in each case. C. Central Office Trunks: (1) Regular central office trunks, one and one -half times one -party business rate. SIGNALS A. extension bell, each .35 B. Extension gongs, each .75 C. Extension bell, relay operated: 1. Indoor type, each .75 2. Outdoor Type, each 1.50 D. Horns, relay operated: 1. Indoor type, each .75 2. Outdoor type, each 1.50 SPECIAL SEAzVIC.: .';RR:°,ivGEi.:.?:HT: INSTALLATICA OR MOVE CHARGE: See Service Connections ;.:oyes L Changes 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 A subscriber may have a business one -party service and a residence one -party service with the same line number, provided both service locations are within the sane exchange area. ::here both locations are within the same central office serving area of an exchange, the one -party rate for each service applies. .!here the locations are within different central office serving areas of the same exchange, the one -party rate for each service applies, plus foreign central office mileage for one of the services as covered in the Foreign Central Office and f=oreign Exchange Services section of this General Sxchange Tariff. Section 2: That hereafter no additional charge shall be made for colored telephones. Section 3: That after December 31, 1965, no new four party service will be installed and no existing four party service will be moved to a new location. Only four party service in effect on Decem- ber 31, 1965, shall be provided by the Telephone Company. Section 4: That the rates and charges stated above will apply in the City of Baytown, Texas, until extended area service is ;provided between the City of Daytown and the follo.aing named areas of the Houston ketropolitan Qchange: Central Zone, Channelview) Deer par'.. and La Porte. Upon establishment of said extended area service, General Telephone Company of the Southwest shall be authorized to charge within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Toxas, the following schedule of ;principal rates for extended area service and such other charges and rates for "iscellaneous services not inconsist- ent with this ordinance as are included in the Telephone Co:pany's Texas General !xchange Tariff: Class of Service Business Individual Line Service Extension -3- Konthly Rates 0 19.00 1.75 Class of Service l:ionthly Rates _r:di vid_ta1 Line Service ; 7.75 Two Party fine Service 6.00 "Xtension 1.25 Section 5: That General Telephone Ccmpany of the South -,,est agrees that the rates set out under Section 4 of this ordinance shall 6e binding upon it and that no request shall be -.-,,ade for additional rates for a period of at least thirty (30) months after the establish - ment of said extended area service. Section 6: That the rates and charges provided in this ordin- ance shall be the riaximura c".arges applicable within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 7: That upon establishment of the extended area service as set out herein such extended area service will be furnished in lieu of purely local exchange service, it being intended that the Telephone Company shall not be required to provide extended area service and purely local exchange service upon a selective basis. Section B: That the termis of this ordinance shall, upon writ- ten acceptance of such terr:,s by the Telephone Cor .,ipany, be and becoFie a contract betvreen the City and the Telephone Company, and their respective successors and assigns. Section 9: That after the expiration of the period covered by the contractual rate schedules herein prescribed, nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed as limiting or modifying the rights, powers or privileges of either the City or the Telephone Comp- any with reference to establishment under the law of schedules of telephone rates and charges within the :ity of Saytown, Texas. Section 10: Repealing Clause: .ill ordinances or parts of ordin- ances inconsistent ti,�,ith the terms of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject ratter covered by this ordinance. Section 11: Savin s Clause: If any provision, exception, sec- tion, subsection., paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordin- ance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void, or invalid, such invalidity shall not effect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or set of cir- cumstances and to this enc., all provisions of this ordinance are de- clared to ' 'be severable. Section 12: Penalty: Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a r.,isdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten {x10.00) Dollars, nor .r:zore than Two Hundred (,?00.00) Dollars. ach day of the continuance of such violation shall be considered a seperate of- fense and each and every day shall constitute a separate violation. Section 13: Effective mate: This ordinan from and after ten �10 days from its passage by The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice caption of this ordinance to be published in the of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten age of this ordinance. ce shall ta'ce effect the k".ity Council. hereof by causing the official newspaper days after the pass- IiITRODUC D, READ and P:-�SS: D by the affirr.ative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas on this the 26th day of . "ugusty 1965. �7 c. r' _ Seaborn Cravey, Liayor ATT'=ST: APPMVED: ( T C� ��'q C irdna Oliver, ity Cleric � 2C "o-,ti"``�" _. George City :lttcrrey -i- "EXHIBIT A" GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of The Southwest P. G. Box 1001 San Angelo, Texas 76902 May 28, 1965 Honorable ;t4ayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Baytown, Texas Re: Telephone mates and Services Gentlemen: It has been a pleasure for representatives of our Company to discuss matters relating to the telephone service and rates in our Baytown exchange upon two recent occasions with representatives of the City Council and with your City f4anager and your City Attorney. As a result of such discussions, I believe there is a better understanding upon the part of all of us of the current and prospective telephone situation for Baytown. At the conclusion of the second of such conferences, the representatives of the Telephone Company made certain representations about future service and outlined a proposition con- cerning telephone rates for future service. 14r. Barnes requested that these rate suggestions be reduced to writing and incorporated into a letter which would briefly outline some of the facts concerning present and future communications services as they had been revealed to the representatives of the City. That will be the purpose of this letter. You brought to our attention a number of different kinds of complaints concerning our exchange service, a number of which have been remedied by service improvements within months recently past or will be remedied by programs which are now in various stages of completion. In an effort to reduce service outages which occur from time to time as a result of water's seeping into minute holes in telephone cable during rainy periods, we have embarked upon a system of cable' pressurization. Dry air, under pressure, is forced into the cables keeping the interior wires dry and also making possible the detection of holes before they can cause a problem. This program was initiated about 18 months ago and should be completed this year. A regrading program (making straight lines available to individuals served by party lines) has been under way for several years. It has Page 2 ay ? °, 1965 resulted in a substantial reduction of held orders for upgrades in service. This program is to be continued. The following activities in furtherance of it are in various stages of engineering, manu- facture and /or construction: (1) Est major central office equipment addition, engineer- ing for which was started three years ago, will be completed in 1966; (2) Another major central office equipment addition is being engineered for installation as soon as possible with the view to complete elimination of four -party service within the initial rate area by December 196-0; (3) A program to upgrade rural service from eight - party to four -party is underway, actual regrading scheduled to begin in June 1966 and to be completed by December 1963. The regrading programs mentioned above require not only substantial additional central office equipment but also a large amount of out- side plant construction to make available additional cable pairs for the additional services. This construction is in various stages of completion and will be coordinated with the related central office additions. "Je realize, of course, that one of the items of major interest to you is the establishment of extended area service between Baytown and the central zone of the Houston 1%-Ietropolitan exchange. Numerous meetings have been held by your Council with representatives of this Company at which some of our problems in connection with the establish- ment of this service were discussed. Ue are happy to report that substantial progress has been made toward the ultimate establishment of such service. The conduit system for the long distance and extended area service cables from our offices to the San Jacinto River has been engineered and contract let for its construction. The construction is due to be complete by October of this year. Land has been purchased in Baytown for additional building facilities which will house the additional central office equipment associated with extended area service and with the establishment of direct distance dialing and the retention of toll operations in Baytown (which we expect to do coincidentally with the conversion to extended area service with Houston central zone). Since the principles of a new method of settlement for the combined costs of said extended area service have now been worked out, we can Page 3 iti,ay 28, 1965 now hopefully predict that the service will be initiated late in 1967 or very early 1968. No actual contract between this Company and Southwestern Bell Telephone .3ompany has been executed as yet, but we are informed that a contract embodying the revised settlement principles to which this Company has agreed is in the process of preparation and that we can anticipate its early receipt. As is indicated by the foregoing, we have not held back awaiting agreement on principles but have proceeded with the necessary planning, engineering, ordering of equipment, etc., to the end that there will be minimum delay in the establishment of the service after the final execution of the intercompany settlement contract. ilhile your representatives were in San Angelo upon the occasion of their last visit, we gave them a number of copies of certain financial information showing the property values, revenues and expenses asso- ciated with the rendition of Baytown telephone service upon a number of different bases: (a) for the year ending December 31, 1964; (b) adjusted to show a full year's operations at the levels of December 31, 1964; (c) adjusted to show a full year's operations at the estimated levels of December 31, 1965, and (d) adjusted to show a full year's operations at the estimated levels of December 31, 1968. Since those figures more or less speak for themselves, i will not impose upon your good nature by discussing then except to say that, as they reveal, we anticipate doubling the amount of money which the Company will have invested in Baytown telephone service during the period December 31, 1964 to Pecember 31, 1968, Your representatives indicated upon the occasion of their visits that they believed the rates being charged for services in Baytown are excessive. We had long discussions with them concerning the operating figures which they will have made available to you. We discussed both present rate structures and those which might, under varying circum- stances, be required upon conversion to extended area service with Houston. At the conclusion of our rate discussions, the Company proposed that your Council adopt a two -phase ordinance to which the Company would agree and which would be binding .upon the Company for the period of its term. Under such ordinance there would be an immediate adjustment in Baytown rates in the form of abolition of the 25� monthly recurring charge for colored telephone instruments. As was explained, this would amount to a reduction of $3.00 per year for each of the 6,000 colored instruments presently in use in Baytown. It would, also, of course, make color telephones available to other subscribers without any recurring -mo-nthly charge. In this letter connection, it would have to be understood that, should a very larg.e.number of Baytown subscribers suddenly and simultaneously request a change to'c61ored Page 4 Liay 28, 1965 instruments from black ones, a delay of a number of weeks would be involved to provide the necessary inventory and make the change -outs. The second aspect of the suggested ordinance would set the basic station rates for service after conversion to extended area service. Such rates would be the same as the present Bell second -tier rates in the Houston Lietropolitan exchange, and the Company would commit itself to charge no higher rates than those for a period of thirty (30) months after the date of conversion to extended area service. As the figures which have been made available to you indicate, that agreement would commit the Company to render the expanded service at a return of less than six per cent (6,�) for a period of at least thirty (30) months after the service was inaugurated. We feel that this offer of the Company is a fair one and that the telephone subscribers in Baytown would be well served by the Council's enactment of the suggested ordinance. In closing, I would like to apologize for the length of this letter. In spite of its length, however, it leaves a great many things unsaid which I would like to say. Therefore, I would like to suggest that, if you so desire, I could come to Baytown upon a mutually convenient occasion in the near future to discuss all of the matters mentioned herein. 'Je have enjoyed meeting your representatives and discussing telephone matters with them. I hope that you will see fit to arrange an opportunity for me to meet with all of you. Very truly yours, /s/ Don S. Holdridge DON S. HOLDRI DG . Vice President Revenue Requirements cc: Han. Robert Barnes Hon. George Chandler Hon. Fritz Lanham