Ordinance No. 723ORDINANCE NO. 723 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING OR REPLATTING OF LAND INTO SUBDIVISIONS IN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AND REQUIRING PLATS AND REPLATS TO CONFORM TO SUCH RULES AND RE- GULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROCURE THE ,APPROVAL OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF B:`,YTOt "JN; PRESCRIB- ING , I MAXIMUM PEN,`ITY OF TWO HUNDRED ( $200.00) DOL- LARS: REPEALING ORDIN, ",NCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING r°. S,',VINGS CLAUSE ,'ND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICrtTION ,',ND EFFECTIVE D,'= THEREOF. BE IT ORD,',INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B,.YTOWN: Section 1: GENM%L These regulations shall govern every person, firm, association or corporation owning any tract of land within the City Limits of the City of Baytown who may hereafter divide the same into two or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition to said City, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, streets, alleys, parks or other portions intended for public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto. Section 2: DEFINITIONS 2.01 City or the City shall mean City of Baytown. 2.02 Subdivision shall mean the division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more parts or lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development or transfer of owner- ship, and shall include re- subdivision. 2.03 Re- subdivision shall mean the division of an existing subdivision, together with any change of lot size therein, or with the reloca- tion of any street lines. 2.04 The word "Shall" shall be deemed as mandatory. The word "May" shall be deemed as permissive. 2.05 Plat shall mean a map or chart of the subdivision. It shall in- clude plan, plat or replat, in both singular and plural. 2.06 Commission shall mean the City Planning Commission. 2.07 Major streets or thoroughfares Thoroughfare Plan, same being mission and the City Engineer. are all streets so indicated on the on file with the City Planning Com- 2.08 Secondary or collector are those streets so indicated on the Thor- oughfare Plan, same being on file with the City Planning Commission and the City Engineer. 2.09 Minor or residential streets are all other streets not otherwise indicated. Section 3: PURPOSE, AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION: Under the authority of :article 974a of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Which article is hereby made a part of these (1) regulations, the City Planning Commission of the City of Baytown does hereby adopt the following regulations to here- after control the subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown in order to provide for the orderly development of the areas and to secure adequate pro- vision for traffic, light, air, recreation, transportation, water, drainage, sewage and other facilities. It shall be unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner of land to lay out, subdivide, plat or replat any land into lots, blocks and streets within the city without the approval of the City Planning Commission. It shall also be unlawful for any such owner or agent to offer for sale or sell property therein or thereby, which has not been laid out, subdivided, platted or replatted with the approval of the City Planning Commission subsequent to the passage of this Ordinance. 3.01 The City hereby defines its policy withhold all city improvements of the maintenance of streets and the lities and water service from all the platting of which has not been ning Commission. to be that the City will whatsoever nature, including furnishing of sewage faci- additions and subdivisions, approved by the City Plan- 3.02 No street number and no building permit shall be issued for the erection of any building in the City on any piece of property other than an original or a resubdivided lot in a duly approved and recorded subdivision without the written approval of the Planning Commission. 3.03 The attention of each subdivider is directed to Article 6626 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and any amend- ments thereto, which state, in part: "That in cases of subdivision or re- subdivision of real property no map or plat of any such subdivision or re- subdivision shall be filed or recorded unless and until tho same has been author- ized by the Commissioners Court of the County in which the real estate is situated, by order duly entered in the minutes of said Court, except in cases of the partition or other subdivision through a Court of Record; provided that where the real estate is situated within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or town, the governing body thereof or the City Planning Commission, as the case may be, as provided in Article 9 74a, Ver- non 's Texas Civil Statutes, shall perform the duties hereinabove imposed upon the Commissioners Court." SeCtsti?f F. t 1lJVLLQar_ 4.01 P1LJ 1�YIILVIYE Y PL�.T: Three copies of a preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for presentation to the City Planning Commission ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which approval is asked. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred feet to one inch (111 = 1001), or larger, and shall show or be accompanied by the following information. 1. Title of Plat Should Show: a. Name of Subdivision. (Check for duplication) b. Legal description of location of subdivision. c. Total acreage and total number of lots and blocks. d. Name of owner (and address unless given in letter of transmittal). If owner is a company or corporation, name of responsible individual such as president or vice president must be given. (2) e, Name of registered engineer or registered public surveyor. f. Scale: 1�1 = 200' (Consent of Planning Commission needed for smaller scale and then only if lots are more than 1/2 acre in area.) g. North point, Forth to be at top of sheet if possible. h. Date, each revision to bear new date. 2. ,-,6y ,bp: Key map to show relation of subdivisions to well -known streets, railroads, and water courses in all directions to a distance of at least one mile. Suggested scale, I" = 1 mile. 3. Boundaries: a. Ownership drawn in very heavy lines, with over -all dimen- sions and bearings. b. Lines outside of boundaries of proposed addition to be dashed. C, Provide a tie to a well established point for plats inside or to a survey corner if outside the City. 4. ,diacent Property: Name and adjacent boundary location of subdivisions, streets, easements, pipelines, water courses, etc., if acreage tracts, show as such. 5. Topography: eater courses and ravines, showing high bank and width of existing or proposed easements. 5. Special Uses: Designate any sites for churches, sewage disposal plants, water plants, business industry, of other special land uses. If proposed use is unknown, designate as unrestricted. 4here a proposed site for a school, park or other public facility is shown on the school, park or public building ;dace, to be located on the area taken in by the proposed addition, such site shall be reserved on the proposed plat for the proposed facility. 4.02 ACTION ON PRELD4INARY PLATS BY CITY PLANNING COM&IISS ION: 1. Following review of the preliminary plat and negotiations with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him, the City Planning Commission shall, within 30 days, act there- on as submitted, or modified, and if approved shall express its approval as "Conditional lkpproval" and state the con- ditions of such approval, if any, or if disapproved, shall express its disapproval and the reasons therefor. 2. The action of the on three copies of of either approval and /or referred to to the subdivider, Public Works. amity 'Tanning Commission shall be noted the Preliminary Plat, and any conditions or disapproval shall be attached to each plat. One copy shall be returned one copy retained by the Director of 3. Approval of the preliminary plat does not constitute accept- ance of the subdivision, but is merely authority to proceed with the preparation of the final or record plat, No work shall be done on the subdivision before the final plat is accepted and recorded. °.approval of a preliminary plat ex- pires at the end of 180 days unless a portion of the prelim- inary plat is submitted for final approval to the City Plan- ning Commission. If any major changes are required by the (3) City Planning Commission, the Director of Public 'Jorks may require submission of another preliminary ;plat. 4.03 Fifd, -,L OR IIECOf1D PL,,T: Two white print copies of the final or record plat and one rearoducible tracing of the final plat shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission after the preliminary plat has been approved and all required changes and alterations made. No final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plat has first been submitted. Such plats shall be filed with the Dir- ector of Public '.corks (City Engineer) at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which anpproval is requested. The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the follow - ing data 1. Plats shall be drawn upon sheets 24 x 35 inches to the scale of one hundred feet to the inch. 2. title .including name of subdivision, owner or owners, and licensed land surveyor or registered engineer or re- gistered public surveyor responsible for the plat, and the scale and location of the subdivision with reference to original land grants or surveys, the date and North point. 3. The certificate of the registered engineer or licensed sur- veyor who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land shall be placed on the face of the ,plat. 4. :', certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, easements, alleys, par's and playgrounds to public use for- ever, signed and acknowledged before: a Notary Public by the owner and lien- holdor of the land. 5. An accurate on- the - ground boundary survey of the property with bearings and distances and shoving the lines of all adjacent land, streets, easements, and alleys with their names and width. (Streets, alleys and lot lines in ad- jacent subdivision shall be shown dotted). All necessary data to reproduce the plat on the ground must be shown on the olat. a. Certificate of approval to be signed by the fsembers of the City Planning Commission shall be ;placed on the face of the plat. 7. Two sets of plans and specifications for water, sower, paving, and drainage prepared by a registered engineer, which must be ap_ proved by the Director of Public iJorlcs (City Engineer) prior to the boginning of any construction of the subdivision. 8. Before the final or record plat is approved, a bond equal to the estimated cost of the proposed improvements to the subdivision as prepared by the Owner's registered engineer engineer and approved by the Planning Commission shall be ;presented to City. Said costs shall include the cost of off -site construction necessary to serve the subdivision, but shall be less the City's share of any improvements. 9. A letter from the Director of Public Iorks (City "Engineer) or the appropriate drainage Commission addressed to the City Planning Commission stating that Mans for drainage of the subdivision are approved. 10. A 12tter from the servicing utility companies stating that the plat includes the easements required by them in the furnishing of utilities to this and future subdivisions. 11. Two copies of deed restrictions. (,I-) 4.04 r1CTICNI 011 FINAL PLAT BY CITY PL,�tEI_ NG CO�:iT ISS �CiV 1.. Following a review of the final plat, and when, to the satisfaction of the Director of Ablic Arks, all condi- tions and requirements have been met, the City Planning Commission shall approve the said plat. 2. Should the final plat as submitted, fall to meet the condi- tions and requirements of the Director of Public Vorks, then the City Planning Commission shall_ disapprove said plat and note its disapproval thereon, and attach thereto a statement of the reasons for disapproval. 3. Approval or disapproval of the final plat shall be voted by the City Planning Compissi ors within 31 days after su5missl on of said final plat. if no action is taken within this veriod, the plat is automatically approved. Section 5: G ," E _ L 3T "SID ' RDS FOU OUSDIVILICAS 5.01 ST l Ta i0:'. iL I YS yAQ1;. QTS- EXISTING OR P ROPOQ , "HD General; The street pattern of a neighborhood should provide adequate circulation within the subdivision and yet discour- age excessive through traffic on local streets. This may be accomplished by providing adequate major thoroughfares spaced at approximately one -mile intervals in accordance with the Thoroughfare Plan and secondary through streets within the neighborhood spaced at about half-mile intervals to provide reasonable access to all points in the neighborhood. 1. Major street locations, alignments, widths and cross- sections are to be determined by City Planning Commission and designa- ted on the Thoroughfare Plan and Thoroughfare Improvements Standard plats 2. Major streets as shown on the City's Thoroughfare Flan with a right of way width of less than 100 feet are to be in- creased to a width of 100 feet for a distance of 150 feet at the approach to a major street .intersection, with a transi- tion Haack to normal right of way over a distance of an ad- ditional 150 feet. :here such widening is provided, the building line may be held on an extension of the adjacent line so long as the setback is not less than required in Item 5.07-1 -a. 3. Ka_7or Street Curves 1. Curves in major streets are to have a center line radius of 2000 feet or gore with exceptions to this standard granted only by the City Planning Commission. 2. reverse curves are to be separated by a minimum tangent of 100 feet. 4. 11inor Streets: 1. test nor streets shall have a minimum right of way width of 50 feet. 2. Curves in minor or residential streets are to have a center line radius of 300 feet or more unless unusual circumstances prevent it. Under no circumstances shall the radius be less than 150 feet. 3. Secondary or collector streets arc to have a center line radius of 900 feet or more with exceptions to this stand- ard granted only by the City Planning Commission. (5) 5. minor street offsets, when Commission, must offset a center line. 6. Intersections approved by the City Planning minimum distance of 125 feet on 1. All streets, major and residential or minor, are to intersect at a 90 degree angle. Variations must be approved by the Planning Commission. 2. Acute angle intersections approved by the City Planning Commission are to have 25 foot radii at acute corners. 3. Street intersections with or extending to meet an existing street will be tied to the existing street on center line with dimensions and bearings to show relationship. 7. Cul -de -sac Dead -End Streets With Turn- Arounds): 1. Turn - arounds are to have a minimum right of way radius of 50 feet for a single - family use and 60 feet for apartments, commercial, or other uses, except that turn- arounds where other than curb and gutter development is used shall have minimum right of way radius of 60 feet adjacent to land to be used for single - family residences and 70 feet adjacent to land to be used for other than single - family residences. 2. Miaximum length of a dead -end street with a permanent turn- around, 600 feet. 3. Temporary turn- arounds are to be used where curb and gutter is not installed at the end of a street more than -400 feet long that will be extended in the future. Base of turn- arounds to comprise six (611) inch stabilized shell with asphaltic topping. 4. Note for Temporary Turn - ground: "Cross- hatched area is temporary easement tor urn - around until street is extended (direction) in a recorded plat." 8. Block Length: 1. Maximum block length for residential, 1200 feet, measured along the center of the block. 2. 1:1aximum block length along a major thoroughfare, 1600 feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Planning Commission. 9. Partial or Half- Streets: Partial or half- streets may be provided where the Commission feels that a street should be located on a property line. inside the city limits, the par- tial street may be dedicated, with a one foot reserve in fee along the property line. Outside the city limits, the fol- lowing note shall be used on such partial streets: "This foot strip is dedicated as an easement for all utility purposes including storm and sanitary sewers and shall automatically become dedicated for street purposes when and insofar as a foot strip adjacent to it is so dedicated." 10. Provisional one -foot reserve to be used along the side or end of streets that abut acreage tracts, as follows: (6) r °rOne -foot reserve dedicated to the oublic in fee as a buffer separation between the side or end of streets in subdivision Mats where such streets abut adjacent acreage tracts, the condition of such dedication being that when the adjacent property is subdivided in a recorded olat, the one -foot re- serve shall thereupon become vested in the public for street right of t,ay nurnoses (and the fee title thereto shall revert to and revest in the dedicator, his heirs, assigns, or suc- cessors). , ll, Temoorary Right of Jay: To be used to comply with Harris aunty Road Law requiring minimum street width of 50 feet, as follows: '�Cross- hatched stria feet wide to be temporarily dedicated for stroet purposes and rill revert to the adjacent lot owners upon and to the extent of the acquisition of feet for street purposes on the opposite side of the street." 12. Street dames: 1. Names to be continuations of existing street names adjacent to or on line, if they are not duplications. 2. Pr000sed now names gust be submitted to the Director of Pubiic ',,forks (City 112ngineer) plat, for checking prior to the submittal of final. 13. Engineering-Data (Preliminary plats to have ap Rroximate data): 1. Streets: a. Complete curve date (:.,L,R,P,C,P,R,C,P,T.) shown on center line or each side of street. b. Length and bearings of all tangents. c. Dimansions from all angle points and points of curve to an adjacent side lot line. 2, Lots: Comolete bearings and dimensions for front, rear and side lot lines. 3. 'dater Courses and easements: a. Distances to be provided along the side lot lines from the front lot line to the point where the side line crosses the drainage easement line or the high bank of a stream. b. Traverse line to be provided along the edge of all large water courses in a convenient location, pre - ferably along a utility casement if paralleling the drainage easement or stream. 5.02 111LEYS: !Then alleys are provided, shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. 5.03 SIDEWALKS: Four foot wide (49) sidewalks shall be provided in all subdivisions. Sidewalks will be required in front and street side of all lots. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Planning Commission, where a sidewalk along the side of corner lot would serve no useful purpose. 5.04 LOTS: General: The lot design of a neighborhood should provide for lots of adequate .width and death to orovide open area and to eliminate overcrowding. Lots should be rectangular so far as (7) practicable and should have the side lot lines at right angles to the streets on which the lot faces or radial to curved street lines. Lots with double frontage are pro- hibited except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Planning Commission. 1. ,ll lots shown on the plat will be for residential pur- poses unless otherwise noted. 2. Side lot lines should be perpendicular or radial to street frontage and the following note may be in lieu of bearings. ".',ll side lot lines are either perpendicu- lar or radial to street frontage unless otherwise noted." 3. Rear and side driveway access to major thoroughfares shall be prohibited. 4. Doubts front lots are prohibited except when backing on major:° thoroughfares. 5. Minimum Lot Sizes: a. 60 foot width. b. 100 foot depth, unless otherwise approved, c. Radial lots to have mini-mum width of 50 feet at the building line. d. Lot aroa minimum 6,000 square foot whore served by sanitary sewers. e., Corner lots with a width of less than 70 foot are to be 5 feet widor than the average interior lots in the block. f. Corner lots with a width of loss than 80 foot siding on a major thoroughfare are to be at least 15 feet wider than the average interior lots in the block. g. Lots facing or backing on a major thoroughfare shall be at li:ast 10 foot deeper than average interior lot depths. h. Lot width definition - average of front and roar lot dimensions. i. Minimum usuablo lot depths for lots backing on natural drainage easements - 70 foot between front lot line and drainage easement. 5.05 RESERVES ( L,',ND TO BE USED FOR OTHER TH,',N RESIDENTI.J_ PURPOSES) : 1. Reserves are to be labeled B, C rather than numbered as blocks and lots. 2. Minimum building lines are to be provided for reserves (see Rule 5.07 -c). 5.06 NUMBERING: 1. Blocks are to be numbered consecutively within the over- all plat and /or sections of an over --all plat as recorded. 2. ,'.11 lots are to be numbered consecutively within each block. Lot numbering continues from block to block in a uniform manner that has been approved on an over -all preliminary plat. 507 BUILDING LINES: 1. Residential: (a) Minimum 25 feet on front of all lots except as provided in paragraph (b) below, 10 foot on side of corner lots, and 5 feet on side of interior lots. (8) Except for provision (Section 2, Ordinance No. 637), which provides for a garage located not less than 10 feet from a residence may be located not less than 2 feet from a side or rear property line. (b) Lots adjacent to major thoroughfares, minimum 35 foot front building line when lots are facing or minimum 20 foot side building line when lots are siding on thoroughfares. 2. Apartments: Minimum 20 feet on front of all lots and 10 feet on side of all corner lots. 3. Commercial, Industrial, or other special uses other than (a) 'Jdhen adjacent !property has residential lots facing a minimum 25 foot building line is required. (b) Miinimum 10 foot building line on the front of all lots and 10 feet on the side of corner lots. 4. Transition building lines having a minimum angle of 45 degrees are to be provided where an offset in building lines is greater than 5 feet. 5.08 EASENIENTS : 1. Drainage Easement: (a) Location and width to be determined by the Director of Public 'Jorks (City Engineer) for plats within the city limits and the County Flood Control Engineer for plats outside the city or within the city adjacent to bayous or other drainage arteries for which Flood Control is primarily responsible. (b) Easements for drainage adjacent to lots, tracts, or reserves shall be noted: "This easement shall be kept clear of ings, planting and other obstructions tions and maintenance of the drainage abutting property shall not be permit into this easement except by means of drainage structure." fences, build - to the opera - facility, and ted to drain an approved 2. Utility easements to be worked out with the public and private utility companies. 3. Platting of public streets or easements across private easements or fee strips. (a) A copy of the instrument establishing any private easement shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. (b) Easement boundaries must be tied by dimensions to adjacent lot and tract corners. .there the private easement has no defined location or width an effort shall be made to reach agreement on a defined ease- ment. ' .Ihere no agreement can be reached, then pipe- lines shall be accurately located and tied to lot lines, and building setback lines shall be shown at a distance of ten feet from and parallel to the center line of the pipeline. (c) Prior to approval of the final plat, the developer or dedicator of any subdivision plat wherein public streets or easements are shown crossing private ease- ments or fee strips shall by letter to the City (9) Planning Commission assume responsibility for see- ing that any adjustments and protection of existing pipelines, electrical transmission lines, or other facilities shall be planned and provided for to the satisfaction of the holder of the private easements or fee strips and the Department of Public ':forks prior to the filing of the plat for record. (d) Prior to filing of the final plat for record, the following requirements must be met: 1. The developer or dedicator of any plat shall obtain from the holder of any private easement or fee strip within the plat crossed by proposed streets or other public easements an instrument granting to the public the use of said public streets or easements over and across said private easements or fee strips for construction, opera- tion and maintenance of those public facilities normally using the type of public streets and easements indicated. This instrument shall be delivered to the City Planning Commission to be filed for record along with the plat. 2. The developer shall furnish the City Planning Commission with a letter from the holder of the private easements or fee strips in question stat- ing that arrangements in pipelines, electric transmission lanes, or other similar facilities have been made to the satisfaction of the holder of the easement. 3. The developer shall provide the City Planning Commission with a letter from the Director of Public :forks (City Engineer) stating that arrange- ments for all matters pertaining to any necessary adjustments have been made to the satisfaction of that Department. 5.09 PARKS, PLAYGROUND AND SCHOOL SITES: 1. Parks and Playgrounds: (a) Park and playground sites shall be reserved as indicated on the Park Plan. Size shall be in accordance with the Planning Commission's Plan for the Park System. (b) Park sites within the city limits will be purchased, or a contract to purchase will be negotiated by the city prior to the submission of the final plat. If not, the subdivider shall not be required to reserve the land for such purpose except at his option. (c) It is requested, by not required, that park sites outside the city be reserved for two years for purchase at the developer's cost plus pro -rated cost of improvements. 2. School Sites: Location and size to be in accordance with the requirements of the school district. Section 6: SURVLY RQUIRLi.iLNTS : 6.01 Monuments, consisting of one -half inch iron pipe, or larger, twenty -four inches in length, shall be placed at all corners of the block lines, the point of intersection of curves and tangents of the subdivision. 6.02 One bench mark for each five acres of property or fraction thereof shall be permanently installed in an approved (10) manner, with their location and the elevation as shown on the plat. Permanent bench marks shall be five foot long concrete posts 61' in diameter trrith the top to be at least 12' below finish grade. 6.03 Lot markets shall be metal or concrete stakes, at least twenty -four (24) inches in length, placed at each corner of all lots, flush with the average ground elevation, or they may be countersunk, if necessary, to avoid being disturbed. Section 7: PAYMENT: 7.01 The subdivider shall pay all costs for providing the subdivision with streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision, and in accordance with plans and specifica- tions for such improvements approved by the Director of Public ':forks (City Engineer). In the event ornamental standards and under wiring of street lights are installed, the subdivider shall pay to the City an amount equal to five (5) times the difference between the annual rate for the street lights installed by the City and the an- nual rate for the street lights which are normally ap- proved in existing subdivision which are not covered by this Ordinance. This money is to be paid by the subdivi- der to the City prior to the beginning of construction of the subdivision. 7.02 CONSTRUCTION: The subdivider may award the contract for the installa- tion of the approved improvements and make payment di- rectly to the Contractor, or as an alternate, the sub- divider may present the approved plans and specifications for the approved improvements to the City Council and the City Council shall advertise for bids and award the con- tract and the subdivider shall pay to the City the cost of the contract. 7.03 INSPECTIOM: The installation of the approved improvements shall be under the inspection of the City Engineer or his repre- sentative and the City Engineer shall approve the in- stallation as being in accordance with the approved plans and specifications before the City Council will accept the subdivision or the improvements. Section 8 RHIMBURSE1.1ENT FOR 1J iPROVBI,. ENTS 8.01 All improvements required in a subdivision will be in- stalled at developer's cost, unless otherwise provided. The cost of utilities and /or streets which are required by the City to be larger than would normally be needed to serve the proposed addition will be partially reim- bursed. The reimbursable amount will be the difference between the cost of the facilities that would be adequate to serve the addition and the cost of the facilities re- quired by the City. A reimbursement contract will be negotiated between the City Council and the developer. Section 9 AS -BUILT PLANS The Engineer representing the the Director of Public '.Jorks, built- plans" for all paving, lines, and sewer lines within of each contract. (l 1) subdivider must present to reproducible complete "as-- drainage structures, water thirty days after completion Section 10: FEES AND CHARGES The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid into the general fund of the City of Baytown when any map or plat is tendered to the Director of Public :forks (City Engineer), and each of the fees and charges provided here- in shall be paid in advance, and City Planning Commission shall take no action until the fee shall have been paid. The Director of Public .forks (City Engineer) or his de- puties or assistants shall calculate the fees and charges in accordance with the following schedule: 10.01 Preliminary Plats, d'5.00 per plat, plus 1.25 per lot plus :1.00 per acre for other uses.* 10.02 Final Plats, .x10.00 per plat, plus 1.50 per lot. 10.03 The above fees shall be charged on all plats, regardless of the action -taken by the Planning Commission. * Any land within the boundaries of the plat that is not divided for normal residential lot, but is intended for apartments, commercial, industrial, etc. Section 11: ENGINEERING i,,ND CONSTRUCTION ST,�Zi,RDS FOR SUBDIVISIONS are attached hereto, as 'EXHIBIT A ", and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 12: Section 13: Section 14: Section 15: Section 16: fV.iL NDLIENTS : Any changes or amendments to this Ordinance or to the Engineering and Construction Standards attached hereto must first be submitted to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation. PEN, LTILS : ,any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance or failing to observe any provision hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten (:10.00) Dollars and not more than Two Hundred (.200.00) Dollars, and each and every day or fraction thereof, which this Ordinance, or any part thereof, shall be violated, shall be deemed a separate offense and punishable as such. REPEALING CLAUS:: All ordinances or parts of the terms of this ordinance however, that such repeal s such inconsistency, and in ante shall be cumulative of and governing the subject m SAVINGS ordinances inconsistent with are hereby repealed; provided, hall be only to the extent of all other respects this Ordin- other ordinances regulating atter covered by this Ordinance. If any provision, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end, all pro- visions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. liFF ECTI V L Di'.TE : This Ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk (12) is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this Ordinance to be Published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after the passage of this Ordinance. INTRODUCE-D, RL,W and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council this 23rd day of July, 1964. ATTI. S T : t r C Edna Oliver, My Clerk .PPROVBD: e (.;nancuer, L pity .attorney (13) e Z C. L. Ligg t, P -t. . , i.iayor Section 1; 1.01 1.02 'EXHIBIT A" ENGINi✓LRING AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR SUBDIVISIONS: POLICIES. Policies, terms and conditions to be followed in paving work and the extending of water and sewer lines are included in Ordinance No. 723, dated July 23, 1964. STRLLT3. All streets will be either reinforced concrete pave- ment on a compacted subgrade or a flexible base with an asphaltic concrete surface course on a compacted subgrade. Concrete pavement shall be provided with either an integral curb poured with the pavement or a separate curb constructed on top of, and doweled to, the concrete pavement. Flexible base pavement shall be provided with a combination curb and gutter section. 1, li nment Grade and Jidth: (a) Alignment:Alignment of streets shall be as hereinbef ore stated in GENERAL RZQUIR;�_11 NTS ,04D DESIGN STANDARDS. (b) Grade: Gutter gradients shall be a minimum of one - quarter (1/4) of one per cent. Crown sec- tions shall slope not less than one - quarter (1/4) inch per foot for asphaltic concrete and one - eighth (1/8) inch per foot for Portland cement concrete. The minimum drop around curb return will be one -tenth (1 /10) of one (1) foot. All gutter grades shall be above the de- sign water surface of ditches and storm sewers. ,11 grade changes with an algebraic difference of one (1,S) per cent or more shall be connected with a vertical curve. ( c ) "Jidth : i.;inimum width of streets shall be as follows: Street width back Classification Row '�didth to back of Curb i:iajor Streets 30t 60' Secondary or Collector 601 39' Residential or Minor 501 29' 2. Pavement Design: Pavement design shall conform to the following general requirements unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission and City Engineer. References to Texas Highway Department specifications regarding street work are references to the 'Standard Specifications for ;load and Bridge Construction; adopted by the State Highway Department of Texas, January 2, 1961, and kept in the City Lngineerts office for reference. (a) Concrete Pavement: Concrete pavement shall con- form to the requirements of Item 360 Texas High- way Department, Standard Specification. Con- crete pavements shall have a minimum thickness of six (6i') inches for I.yi.nor Streets and a (14) 1.03 1.04 minimum thickness of seven (7�1) inches for Secondary Streets, Feeder Streets and f:;ajor streets. Concrete pavement shall be rein- forced with 3 /8ths inch deformed bars at twenty -four (24 ") inches center to center each way. (b) Flexible Base Pavement: Flexible base pavement shall consist of a base course of the thickness and of the type materials indicated below for flexible bases, and shall be surfaced with one of the types of surface courses as follows: (1) Flexible Base Courses: Seven 7 ;' inches of compacted cement sta- bilized shell using one and one -half (ll) sacks of Portland cement per ton. Nine (9) inches of compacted crushed stone conform- ing to Item 242 Texas Highway Department, Standard Specification. (2) Surface courses: One and one -half ( lV2�' ) inches of Cold i.iix Limestone Rock )= asphalt Pavement conforming to Item 330 Texas Highway Department, Stand- ard Specification. One and one -half (il ") inches of Hot i}isix Asphaltic Concrete Pave- ment conforming to Item 340 Texas Highway Department, Standard Specification. One and one -half (1 %' ) inches of Hot i,iix Laid .1sphaltic. Concrete Pavement conform- ing to Item 350 Texas Highway Department, Standard Specification. 3. Curb and Gutter: Curb and combination curb and gutter shall be constructed of reinforced concrete. Cross - section and shapes shall conform to standards on file with the City Engineer. 4. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four (44) feet in width, and constructed of a minimum of four (4") inches of 4;,2' sack rock aggregate Portland Cement Concrete. ALLEYS: 1. Pavement T oe: .all alleys shall be paved with a mini- mum of six 6 ") inches of crushed stone flexible base, conforming to requirements for street paving, plus one (1�1) inch of asphaltic pavement conforming to re- quirements for surface courses. 2. Pavement :lidth: A minimum paved width of ten (104) feet shall be required for all alleys. 3. Drainage: Drainage shall be collected by swales out- side the edge of the base course where no concrete gutter is provided. Depth of swale shall be as re- quired for drainage with a minimum slope of one -half (1/2) of one (l per cent. DRAINAGE :'ND STOW-1 SZJERS : .adequate drainage shall be provided within the limits of the subdivisions. The protection of adjoining property will be considered in the review of plans submitted. 1. Size: Sizing of inlets, storm sewers, outfalls, cul- verts, and drainage ditches will be based on the following: (15) Design Storm: The design storm will be based on rain- fall intensity - frequency data published by the De- partment of .`.griculture by David L. Yarnell.. 1ntcrw ior drainage system will be designed for a storm with a frequency of occurrence of once in five years. The intensity of a 60 minute rainfall on this fre-, quency is 2.80 inches. major drainage ditches and structures will be designed for a storm with a fre- quency of occurrence of once in twenty -five years. The intensity of a 60 minute rainfall on this fre- quency is 3.75 inches. Runoff Computation: To determine the runoff rates for the various areas, the standard rational method will be used, utilizing the formula Q =CI.1, where Q = rate of runoff in cubic feet per second, C = run- off coefficient, 1 = rainfall intensity for the part- icular duration in inches per hour, and A = the drain- age area in acres. Drainage areas will be arrived at by considering location of high and low points on street grades, drainage divides in the area, and general configuration of existing and finished grades. Sizing of Sewers: Sewers shall be sized to carry the discharge (LJ derived from the above formula. Capa- city of storm sewers will be determined by the use of i.iannings formula on the basis of hydraulic grad.l. ients rather than the physical slope of the pipe. i,iinimum size of storm sewer shall be 15 inches. Sizing and Spacing of Inlets: Inlets shall be spaced so that maximum travel distance of water in gutter will not exceed 600 feet unless otherwise approved at all low points in gutter gradient. In- lets will be sized using an allowable capacity of one (1) cubic foot per second per foot of opening for a throat height of five inches. Ditches: Ditches shall be sized to carry the runoff derived from the above formula. 2. Design: Design of storm sewers, outfalls, culverts, and drainage ditches will conform to the following general requirements: I.'ianholes: T.,anholes (inlets or junction boxes) shall be provided at all changes in grade or alignment, sewer intersections, street intersections, and at a maximum of 1,000 feet on straight lines. If mono- lithic, reinforced concrete sewer lines are used, a manhole is not required where leads from inlets in- tersect the main sewer. Design of manholes shall follow acceptable engineering practice, and shall be constructed of brick or reinforced concrete. Inlets: Design of inlets shall follow acceptable en- gineering practice, and walls shall be constructed of reinforced concrete or brick. i�: Pipe for storm drains shall be concrete pipe in sizes as shown on the approved plans. Pipe twenty - one (21 ;1) inches or larger in diameter shall be rein- forced concrete pipe (11CP), tJTi: 076, Class 3. Pipe eighteen (1811) inches or smaller in diameter shall be plain concrete pipe (PC) �STi.: C14, standard strength. ':there, in the opinion of the City L':ngineer, added strength of pipe is needed for traffic loads over minimum cover or for excessive height of backfill, concrete ;pipe shall be C14 .7xtra Strength or (15) .I-STL.; C76, Class IV or V. Pipe shall have a minimum cover of not less than one (11) foot over the top of pipe. i. ;onolithic, reinforced concrete sewers may be used for storm sewers thirty -six (36;1) inches and larger. Ditches: Drainage ditches, where approved by the Planning Commission, may be used for outfalls to natural or major drainage channels. Ditches shall have a minimum grade of not less than 0.10 per cent and side slopes not steeper than 2:1. Gutfalls: Dutfalls from sewers and ditches into natural drainage ways shall enter at the grade of the natural drainage channel. If necessary, drop type outfall structures shall be used to prevent erosion. i. ;ajor Drainage Jays and structures: Design of major drainage mays through a ^subdivision and major struct- ures, such as box culverts or bridges, across a major drainage channel, shall be coordinated with the ap- propriate Flood Control District. 1.05 IJATZ;R fJVD SL.iL: SYSTO -d : The developer will be required to submit a certificate to the City Engineer certifying that the systems have been designed in accordance with requirements of the State Health Department, the Texas Board of Insurance Commissioners and existing laws. The developer of the subdivision shall provide all water and sewer lines necessary to properly serve the subdivi- sion. 1. Sewer Lines: (a) Location: -.]here the location of the sewer is not clearly defined by dimensions on the draw- ings, the sewer shall not be closer horizontal- ly than ten (101) feet to a water supply main or service line. Gravity sewer lines passing over water lines shall be constructed for a distance of five (5') feet each side of the crossing with cast iron pipe with no joints within three (31) feet of crossing. (b) i.;aterials: Sewer lines may be of the following materials: Vitrified clay pipe and fittings conforming to ASTI.1 -261-60T, Class II (Standard Strength) . zxtra Strength where required by City %ngineer. Concrete pipe and fittings conforming to ASU.,! C -14 (non- reinforced, Standard Strength), may be used only where velocity exceeds two (2') feet per second. extra strength where re- quired by City Engineer. Asbestos- cement pipe and fittings conforming to ,STLi .- 428 -63T plain or with expoxy lining where allowed by City Lngineer. Main /C may be used only where velocity exceeds two (21) feet per second. (c) Construction: Sewers shall be constructed ac- cording to City Engineer's specification as to trenching, bedding, backfill and compaction. (d) i. ;anholes: Manholes shall be spaced a distance not to exceed five hundred (5001) feet and shall (17) 13.06 13.07 be constructed in accordance with specifications of the City engineer. (e) Forced I.�ains: Forced mains shall be cast iron or asbestos- cement pipe and fittings, Pressure Class; pipe shall have either mechanical joints or rubber gasket joint approved by the City 2ngineer. 2. Water Line: (a) Piping: ?iping for water mains and connection shall be asbestos - cement cast iron or steel, Class 150, either mechanical joint or rubber gasket joint approved by the City engineer. The pipe and accessories shall be new and unused. All cast iron pipe and fittings shall conform to ,Imerican Standard M21.2, .'x21.6, or A21.8.' ' idl asbestos- cement pipe shall conform to ASTT.i 0- 296 -63T and shall be tested according to AS-Fm C- 500 -63T. HYDRANTS: Standard three way hydrants that have six (6") inches or larger connection to mains with a minimum of five (511) inches valve openings shall be installed. Hydrants to be spaced every 300 feet in mercantile and industrial districts and every 600 feet in residential areas so that every building within the City Limits will be within five hundred feet of a standard city fire hydrant. Fire hy- drants shall be located on six WI) inch or larger lines, looped with six (6;1) inch or larger lines. 1. Threading: Threading on fire hydrant outlets shall be suitable for use with City fire protection equip- ment. 2. Valves: At intersections of water distribution lines, the number of valves will be one less than the number of radiating lines (two valves for the connection and three for cross connection. STR:eT SIGNS: Street name signs approved by the City Lngineer shall be installed by the developer at all intersections in the subdivision (18)