Ordinance No. 714n CEDIN.- :NC`s, NO. 714 ,tN O?DIN,,NCE, R CEIVING r.ND ,.CC EPTING T€', WORE OF IMPEOVING tE,3T FjXLE ST,',!ET, IN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, WITHIN THE LIMITS H,K INBELOW DEFINED, P'Ef:FCIMED BY WKUR M. MISCHER COMP - -NY; KTHORIZING _ND DIRECTING TH! I33ULNCE OF SPECInL ASSESSMENT CIRTIFI&T: S IN CONNECTION THE FEWITH; ,ND PE OVIDIN F% THE !FFiCTIVE D&E THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY TMS CITY COUIlCIL OF TH7 CITY OF BkYTOWN: Section 1: Thot the work of improving lost Fryle Street - from the East property line of State Highwry No. 146 (Alexander Drive) to the West property line of X nubin ^l street within the City of Baytown, Texps, by the construction of concrete curb 2nd gutter, or its equivalent, ^nd oppurtenances ^nd incidentals to such improvement as provided for in the Plans and Specifications therefor which have heretofore been prepared by the City Engineer and as have been approved and ~dopted by the City Council; and all of some raving been performed and completed in full accordance with _ll the terms and provisions of the contract d^ted September 12, 1963, between slid City of Baytown and Walter M. Mischey Company, and s ^id City Engineer having me ^sured, examined .and caused to be tested the finished improvements by the means and in the manner provided by the terms of srid con- - tract and the Flons And Specifications, and hiving found thpt such improvements have been constructed -end completed in full compliance wiV all provisions of said contract rnd S id flans and Specifications, and said City Engineer raving heretofore issued his Certificate of Final rceeptance, and so certified to s?id City Council ~end recommended that it accept rnd receive said work and the improvements as constructed and completed by said Walter M. [Tischer Company, -end said work and improvements having been examined and found by the Mayor and City Council of said City of Baytown, Texps, to have been performed and completed in full compliance with slid contract and staid Plans ^nd :specifications therefor, said work and improvements ire hereby found by said City Council to have been performed and com- pleted by s?id Walter M. Aischer Company, in full compliance with the terms and provisions of said contract and spid Plans and Specifications therefor, a.nd same are hereby accepted a,nd received by said City Council of the City of Baytown, Tex; s. Section 2: Th "t the Mayor Pnd the City Clerk of slid City of Baytown, are hereby authorized and directed to issue to the City of Baytown, speciel assessment certificates evidencing the assessment against property improved :butting upon said street within the limits above defined, and ,against the real and true owners thereof; said assessment certificFtes to be executed in the n7me of the City of Baytown by the W yor and City Clerk thereof and impressed with the seQ of spid City, and d2ted as of the date hereof, and such officers are hereby Futhorized and directed to execute said certificates in theil official capacities on behalf of s id City. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from Pnd after the dote of its passage by a: majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTMUCID, end PiX7D by n majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, on this the 19th day of December, 1963. ATTST : Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED: Gqbrge Chandler, City -ttorney �G. L. Liggett, M.D., Mayor