Ordinance No. 710ORDINANCE N0. 710 ,;N ORDINANCE AMENDING rLN ORDIN:,11'CE, TO -WIT: "AN ORDIN.'XE AMENDING ;'LN ORDINANCE CLASSIFYING ALL POSITIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTAB- LISHMENT SND ADOPTION OF THE CL,'►SSIFICaTION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR RECORDS OF THE PLAN TO BE MAINTAINED; INTERPRETING THE CLASS SPECIFICATIONS SO ESTABLISHED; PROVIDING FOR TETE ',LLOCATION OF POSITIONS TO THE VARIOUS CL,iSSES; PROVIDING FOR THE RE-„LLOCATION OF POSITIONS WHEN DEITIES CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR APPDkL BY THE EMPLOYEE; PROVIDING FOR THE STATUS OF PRESENT EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR PERIODIC INVESTIGATION OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CLASS SPECIFICATION; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; RE- PEJ+L.ING ALL CONFLICTING ORDIN:tNCES; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THIS OR- DINANCE; LISTING CLASS SPECIFICATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF,” BEING ORDINANCE N0. 661, AMENDING ORDINANCE NQ. 165, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN ON THE 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1962, BY AMENDING APPENDIX I, SERVICE GROUP, POLICE - SO AS TO ADD A CLASSIFICATION OF POLICEWOMAN TO THE POSITIONS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE PUBLIC.iTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown passed Ordinance No. 661 on the 25th day of October; 1962, said Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 165, inter alia, clas- sifying the positions in the Fire and Police Departments of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, after careful study and consideration, the City Council deems it advan- tageous to add the classification of Policewoman to the positions of the Police Depart- ment; and WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission of the City of Baytown has recommended the addition of the classification of Policewoman; and WHEREAS, all the proper and legal procedural steps have been taken for the purpose of the addition to the classifications of the Police Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: That :',ppendix I, "Class Specifications for Positions in the Classified Service, Service Group - Police", is hereby amended and as amended shall include the classification of Policewoman. POLICE4 'MOAN - FIRST CLASS Distinguishing Characteristics of Work: Same ns Second Class. Examples of Work: Same as Second Class. Desirable Knowled e Skills and .lbilities: Same as Second Class. Acceptable Experience and Train in : Same as Second Class, except must have two years service as Second Class with the Baytown Police Department. Move- ment from Second Class to First Class shall be made upon satisfactory com- pletion of two years .as Second Class. Qualifications: Same as Second Class, Necessary Special ualifications: Same as Second Class. POLICEWOM«N - SECOND CL.iSS Distinguishing Characteristics of Work: This is general police work in the protection of life and property through the enforcement of laws and ordinances. .mployees are responsible for the protection of life and property, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, and the general en- forcement of laws and ordinances in <a designated area on an assigned shift. Work is performed in accordance with departmental rules and regulations and normally consists of routine patrol, preliminary in- vestigation and traffic regulation duties, which may be performed in cruiser cars, motorcycles, or on foot. Work involves an element of personal danger and employees must be able to act without direct sup- ervision and to exercise independent discretion in meeting emergencies. Employees may be assigned to work at headquarters on special assignments, which call upon specialized abilities and knowledge usually attained through experience as a uniformed policewoman. .ssignments and general and special instructions are received from a superior officer who reviews work methods and results through reports, personal inspection and discussion. Ex2moles of Work: .'atrols a specified beat or area of the City on foot, on n three-wheel motorcycle or in a radio cruiser to preserve law and order and to enforce motor or vehicle operations and parking regulations. Interviews persons with complaints and injuries and attempts to make proper disposition or direct them to proper authorities. Investigates juvenile delinquency. Checks parking meters for overtime parking violations and issues traffic tickets. ?irects congested traffic and school traffic as required. steeps necessary records and makes reports on activities. Gives directions and assistance to the public. Performs special guarding and other duties as required or assigned, including police matron and prisoner transportation. ..esirable Knowledge, Skill_s__and F,bilities: Some knowledge of modern approved principles, practices and procedures of Police work. Some knowledge of the geography of the City and location of important buildings. Some knowledge of State Unws, City Ordinances, and the rules and regula- tions of the Department. Working knowledge of business English and arithmetic so as to prepare routine reports (and to type at a reasonable speed). ,-.bility to understand and carry out oral and written directions. „bility to deal courteously but firmly with the public. r;bility to act quickly and calmly in emergencies. ..bility to work long hours and withstand physical strains of police work. ;ability to size up situations and people and adopt an effective course of action. ,.bility to develop skill in the use of firearms. r+bility to render first aid. Good powers of observation. Good general and social intelligence. Resourcefulness, tact, alertness, integrity and courage. ')uties will normally require walking and standing for lengthy periods of time. Duties may require severe physical exertion. Desirable Experience and Training: Education equivalent to that repre- sented by graduation from a standard high school. Some experience involving meeting and dealing with the public under vary- ing circumstances, Qualifications: Education: ,Minimum: High School Education or the equivalent. (qualify in mental aptitude tests. Personal interview to determine whether candidates personality is suitable for police work. Character and reputation to be of the highest standard, beyong question or reproach. Personal history investigated. .,ppearance: Manner and bearing suitable for police work. Social, %daptability: Ability to deal with all kinds of people, under different conditions. Necessary Special Qualifications: .kge: Minimum: 21 - Maximum: 35. Physical Condition: Candidates must be able to meet the medical require- ments, including height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in the Civil Service Rules. Section 2: Repealing_ Clause: X11 ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3: Savings Clause: In the event any section, sub -section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be declared or adjudged invalid or uncor:,tzt-._- tional, such adjudication shall in no means affect any other section, sub -section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, but all the rest thereof shall be in f4li force and effect as though the section,sub-section, clause or phrase so declared or ad- judged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part thereof. Section 4: Effective Date: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after the passage of this ance, INTRODUCED, IIE,►D and P.,SSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 10thday of October, 1963. Za • _� C. L. Liggett, M.D. , Mayor ,-,'1'TEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk ►1'PROUCD: George � andler, City :Lttorney