Ordinance No. 671ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DRILLING, COMPLETION AND OPERATION OF OIL WELLS AND OF GAS WELLS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND ESTABLISHING RESTRICTIONS THEREON; REGULATING THE DRILLING, COMPLETION AND OPERATION OF SUCH [HELLS WITH - IN THE CITY; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES REGULATING THE DRILLING, COMPLETION AND OPERATIONS OF OIL AND GAS WELLS WITHIN THE CITY; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBINI'G A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECT- IVE DATE THEREOF. Section 1: Statement of Purpose and Intent of this Ordinance. N. The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, finds that there has been and there is a likelihood of additional drilling and production opera- tions for oil and gas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown requiring that operations for the drilling and production of oil and gas within such area b,� regulated because of the fire hazards created by such operations, as well as the menace of falling derricks, unsaniiary conditions, contaminated water supply and all similar and like threats to the lives, property, health, safety and welfare of the public in general, for which the police power of the State delegated to this City is to be and is hereby invoked in aid of the enforcement of this Ordin- ance, Section 2: Definitions: A. For the purpose of this Ordinance, and for all purposes under this Ordinance, the following words and terms, wherever and whenever used or appearing in this Ordinance, shall have the scope and meaning hereinafter defined and set out in connection with each: (1) The word "PERSON' shall include both the singular and plural; and shall mean and include any person, individual, firm, partnership, association, corno:-ation, club, society, co- operative, trust, municipal corporation or political subdivision whatsoever. (2) The word "WELL" skidll include and mean any hole or holes, bore or bores, to any sand, formation, strata or depth, which is or are drilled, bored, sunk, dug or put down for the purpose of either exploring for or ascertaining the existence of any oil, gas, liquid hydrocarbon, or any of them, or for the purpose of producing and re- covering any oil, gas, liquid hydrocarbon, or any of them, (3) The words hereinafter defined shall have the following meanings when used in this Ordinance: (a) Oil is any liquid hydrocarbon, regardless of gravity capable of being produced frcm a drilling unit in liquid form at the well by ordinary production methods and which is not the result of the condensation of gas after it leaves the reservoir. -1- L (b) Gas, as referred to in this Ordinance, means natural gas including all of its constituent elements, which elements include (but not by way of limitation) gasoline, condensate, distillate, butanes, propanes and other hydrocarbons. (c) An oil well is any well which produces one barrel or more of oil, as hereinabove defined, to each 100,000 cubic feet of gas, as hereinabove defined. (d) A gas well is a well producing gas, as hereinabove de- fined, and which produces no oil as hereinabove defined, or less than one barrel of oil to each 100,000 cubic feet of gas. (e) Workover - for the purpose of this Ordinance, working over a well shall be considered to be the act of re- entering a well for any purpose after it is initially completed or abandoned, other than for well servicing. (f) Well servicing includes installation or servicing of artificial lift equipment and the removal of tubing obstructions such as paraffin and sand. (4) The words "REGULATED AREA", subject to the exceptions herein- after contained, shall include and mean all lands within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, (5) The word "PERMITTEE ", shall mean the person to whom is issued a permit for the drilling and operation of a well under this Ordinance, and his or its administrators, executors, heirs, successors and assigns. (6) All technical or oil and gas industry words and phrases used herein and not specifically defined herein shall have the meaning custom- arily attributable thereto by prudent operators in the Oil and Gas Indus- try, Section 3: Well S acin : A. In order that the purpose and intent of this Ordinance, as stated in Section One (1) shall be carried out and future drilling for oil and gas within the City of Baytown may proceed in an orderly manner, and for convenience and clarity in identifying the location of approved or proposed drilling locations, drilling units shall be described by use of the State Plane Coordinate System (Lambert) for the South Central Zone of Texas. For this purpose, the corporate limits of the City of Baytown have been divided into Blocks containing 640 acres and being 5,280 feet square. All BLocks or portions thereof, which are located within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, are listed and described in an Exhibit Mzrked "X' styled "Lambert Coordinates Describing 640 Acre Blocks with- in the City Limits of the City of Baytown" of record in the City Clerk's office to which reference is here made for all purposes. The boundary lines of each Rlock shall be contiguous with all adjacent Blocks, as shown on said Exhibit "A ". Each Block shall be identified, as shown on said Exhibit "A" by the number of Blocks distant it is located along the Lambert Coordinates North and West, NortL and East, South and East, or South and West from the intersection of Coordinates 3,276,000 East and 708,000 North, which intersection is about 600 feet West of the City Hall of Baytown. For example, N2E2 will identify the Block which is the -2- con-` .B" ock North and the 6econd Black East of the intersectioc i of Coordinat�:� 3,276,000 East and 708,000 North. drilling unit for oil within, the corporate limits of the City of Baytown shall contain 40 acres and be 1,320 feet square. Each oil drilling unit shall -r;t: ,wholly iaithir) one of the Blocks described in said Exhibit "A" and the f oui° boundar Linea of 3ach oil drilling unit shall be contiguous to all adjacent oil drilling uniteF. teach of the Blocks, as described in said Exhabit "A ", steal? wr,ntain 16 oil. drilling Luaus and each oil drilling unit shall be identified by numbers, starting with the Northwest corner oil drilling? -nit of each Block and reading from left to right for four rows, as illustrated in the example appearing on <. plat marked Exhabit "B" styled "Example - Illustrating; the Manner in which Mac: 640 Acre Block within the City of Baytown is Divided into 4C Acre Oil Drilling Units ", of .record in the City Clerk's office, to which reference is here made for all purposes. The boundary lines of each oil drilling unit may be furthr;r described by Lambert Coordinates, as `ilustrated in the example appearing in Exhibit "B". A drilling unit for gas within the City of Baytown shall contain 640 acre:> and be 5,280 feet square and the boundary lines of each such gas drilling unit shall be congruent with the boundary lines of one of the Blocks described in said Exhibit "u". B. (1) Not more than one oil well shall be permitted t,o be drillec. completed and operated in each oil drilling unit and it shall be un "lavful and a violation of thes Ordinance to drill, complete and operates more thaxi one coil 4;3-11. in each oil drilling unit. (2) hnything in Subparagraph B, (1) above of this aectior. 3 to the contrary, if on the effective date of this Ordinance there exists oya any oia drilling one or more producing oil. wells, one additional oil well may be drill.ec:, completed and produced on the same oil drilling unit under the terms and provi,:;i ins of this Ordinance. (3) Not more than one gas well shall be permitted to be dri.l1.:(', completed and operated in each gas drilling unit and it shall be unlawful and -3 violation of this Ordinance to drill, complete and operate more than one g8s7 vr:-L? In each gas drilling unit. (4) Anything in Subparagraph B. (3) above of this :::FCtion 3 to the contrary, if on the effective date of this Ordinance there exist;; on any ga:S drilling unit one or more producing gas wells, one additional gas ,roll may b -3- drilled, completed and produced on the same gas drilling unit under the terms and provisions of this Ordinance. (5) A substitute oil well may be drilled, completed and operated in each oat drilling unit and a substitute gas well may be drilled, completed and operated in each gas drilling unit iil the event the prior existing iol well or gas well, drilled after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be abandoned. (6) A substitute oil or gas well may be drilled, completed and produced on the same proration unit in the event an oil well which was producing, or capable of producing, on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be abandon- ed. A substitute gas or oil well may be drilled, completed and produced on the same proration unit in the event a gas �jc ll which was producing, on the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be abandoned. No substitute well, provided for in this Subsection B, (6) of this Section 3, be drilled to a deeper reservoir then the deepest productive reservoir of the well for which such substitute well is drilled. (7) Except ns provided above in Subsection B, (6) of this Section 3, an oil well cannot. be substituted for a gas wel3 and a has c,►el1 cannot be substituted for on oil we'L.l. (S) The provisions of this section shall not prevent a well from being conpleted in more than one producing horizon; multiple completions in the same well bore are expressly authorized. In the event a well is completed in one or more oil zones and one or more gas zone through the one -well bore, a permit must be secured from the City of Baytown for both an oil well and a gas well. (9) In the event a well is drilled under an oil well drilling permit and the permittee for any reason wished to complete the well as a gas well, he must first secure a gas well drilling permit at no additional charge. (10) In the event a well is drilled under a gas well drilling permit and the permittee for any reason wished to complete the well as an oil well, tie must first secure an oil well drilling permit at no additional charge. G. In the event an ap�.._ication for a permit for the drilling, com- pletion and operation of a well either for oil or gas shall be made by any person not owning or holding leases of oil or gas rights, or drilling oontracts from the owners of all lots, blocks or parcels of land includedin or embraced withil a drilling unit ( as such drilling unit is described in Subsection A of this Section 3), a permit shall be issued to such applicant, his heirs, successors -4- and assigns, only upon tLe following conditions, in addition to such other ditioris as may be provided for in other section of this Urdinance, to --wit: he permittee shall be free to eater into such contracts and agreements with the ownwes of such other lots, blocks or tracts as he may be able to rake. If agree- ments are not reached with all owners of lots, blocks and tracts withi.n the drill- ing unit, then the owner or owners of any given lot or lots, block: or blocks, tract: or tracts shall have the right or option, by notice to the permittee given in writing within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a permit for a well on the drilling unit involved, either (1) to tret his interest as a working interest and contribute toward the actual cost and expense of drilling, completing and operati.r3,_ said well with all mecessary appurtenances currently each month in the proportion.. that "Uhe number of square feet in area owned by him in the drilling unit bears the total number of square feet in area owned by him in the drilling unit nears to the total n,.amber of square feet embraced in said unit, and thereupon receive the same proportion of the oil produced and saved from such well., or its value: at tliie well, at the option of the permittee, and a like proportion of natural gas producer,, saved and utilized or sold, or the value of same at the well, at the option of the permittee,, or (2) to treat his interest as a royalty interest and receive, delivered free of cost in the pipe line to which the well may be connedted, a share of all oil. produced and saved 1`1­om such well equal to oiie- eighth (1/8t1h) of the proportion of the whole quantity of iol and casingheas gas so produced and saved that the number of square Peet in the area owned by him bears to the total number of square feet in such drillL g unit, or at the election of permittee, to receive such proportion of the value at the well of the oil so produced, and to receive a like proportion of the gas and casinghead gas produced, saved and utilized or sold, or at the election of permitted, the market value at the well of such proportion of gas or casinghead gas produced and sold or used off the premises, or, for gas sold at the well, such proportion of the amount realized from such sale. If any owner does not exercise the right and option above pro- vided, the obligation shall then be upon the permittee, his heirs, successors and assigns to make settlement with such owner on the terms provided in Option (2) above, providing for the payment of a one - eighth (1 /8th) royalty. If the owner of a lot or lots, block or blocks, tract or tracts shall exercise Optaozi (1) ab«tif. and treat bin interest as a working Interest, as therein provided, the pern:itteo shall be entitled to reimburse himself for such owner's proportionate part of th� cose out of such owner =s proporationate part of the iol, gas and casingheas gas, or the value thereof, before making deliveries of products or settlement for the value thereof. If Option (1) is exercised by the owner of any lot or lots, block or blocks, tract or tracts, such owner tihzj.11, , within ti .:;: me tarovided for notice t Forth, file.14te the Director of iuLlie Works.and Engineering a 'bonci Dr uoh.5v co: i.gatipr1 ex::c°uted,by, such owner- as principal and, by an, authorized sta.ety company as surety, in =.which sn-_ n principal and surety agree:,:'bind and obli., themselves to pay, to •thc - periilittee, his heirs, successors and assigns, currently � ch month, that proportion of the actual and necessary cost and expenses, involved in -the drilling, completion and' operation ,,of such well that the number of sc1uL_,i,c elibracod-t:ith].n thc lot or lots; block or blocks, tract or tracts of such c,,ner bears to thf: total number of ;3c±uarc i'cLelt in su lh drillini unit, such 'bond to be approved by the City Attorney and halci key the Director of Public: 'Work;.,­ and. Engineering: for the benefit of-the beneficiaries therein. Fer::ait., Ghall be issued in all cases and shall be subject to the pt4­o- visions of S:ction 7 hereof and 'upon "the condition that -the permittee, his heirs, successors and assigns, shall make sdttlement in, accordance_with..the:provisions thereof. D. In case there be applications filed with,the Director of Fublic A. Works and 'Engineering and pending at the same time, for permits :.o drill a well. . in any one drilling unit, as des=gnated in Subsection `, of SectHoia 3 of this Ordinanc,.z by more than one appl4cant;.that application shall be granted, if atherwi .t. s ufficient, which sh.-.11 be made by the person holding the greater area of the land, vi.thin the drilling unit by ownership in fee, or by lease or other contract Ash ,!he owner or owners, pert?sitting the drilling thereon for oil or gas., 1. she interests of persons other than the permittee uho hold oil and gas leases oi, equivalent.contratcb,.in any drilling unit,a.as designated in Subsection A of Sectiori 3 of this Ordinance, shall be treated as part of the. total working interest of said drilling unit, and such other persons holding such in- terests shall each make the following election w th permittee within thirty(30) days from the date of the issuance of a permit with respect to a drilling unit= Either (1) agree in writing with pern:ittee to contribute their share of,' -a11 coats ...and expenses, properly allocated to said well. and drilling tw.it.'by peimittee in accounting. practice, currently each. month in the proportion that thy, number of A? square feet inthe area held by them or each :of ,then in the drilling unit bears to the total number of square feet -embraced in said unit; and within said thirty "30) clay per Lnd,, executti. a.::;_ file ,- .th. tho Director az Da alic ':1or=�Q �SnG &�,gineering i bond w %w i an authorizes uu:;°ety:,company as surety in �.:n amount ra- Presenting that portion of the estima 0d maximum cost of the well. that- the area of land held in fee simple under lease or other contract by the principal bears to the whold area of the drilling unit, conditioned that the principal in the bond will pay to the permittee and his assigns such proportion of the cost of drilling; and operation thereof, such bond to be approved by the City "ttorney and held by the Director of Public Works and Engineering for thebenefit of all persons in- terested; and thereupon said persons so acting shall be entitled to participate in the total irorking interest under said unit; and said persons so acting shall have the right upon reasonable notice given to the permittee, upon the furnishing of stroage tanks of facilities for handling the same, and upon the payment of or securing the payment of their share of the royalty interests and any overriding royalty or oil payment interest thereon, to receive in kind their propertionate share of oil and gas produced and saved from the well in said drilling unit and allocated to the working interest of said well. Or, (2) if such other persons., orany one or more of then, fail to elect under (1) above within said thirty (30) day period, then he or they shall be deemed to have elected to agree that permittee shall be entitled to reimburse himself currently each month from such other persons proportionate share of the proceeds of sale or production in kind for twice the amount of such other person's proport -Jonate part of the costs and expenses as set out in Option (1) above. Provided, however, that permittee and such other persons, or any one or more of them, shall be able to alter the obligations as set out in this section by an agreement made by them in writing; provided such agreement is not repugnant to other rules and regulations set out in this Ordinance. Section 4. APPLICATION AND FILING FEE A. Any person desiring to drill, complete and operate a well for oil or gas within the regulated area of the City of Baytoum shall present an application in duplicate therefor to the Director of Public Works and Engineering, which application shall be in writing, addressed to the Mayor of the City of Baytown, be signed by the applicant of some person duly authorized to sign same for the applicant, and shall state: (1) The date of said application; (2) The name and address of the applicant and if the applicant is a corporation, the state of incorporation, and of applicant is a partnership, the names and addresses of the general partners; (3) The number of the drilling unit, the particular lot and block number of tract in the drilling unit on whit, the proposed well is to be located and the exact location of the proposed well by .Lambert Coordinates; depth of the well; (4) The type of the well, wh &ther oil or gas, and the proposed 7- (5) The proposed complete casing program of the well; and (6) The exact and correct number of square feet in the drilling unit over which the applicant has control of oil rights or gas rights, to the end that the application will show what proportion and what parts of the drilling unit the applicant owns in fee, or holds under lease or drilling contract from the owners, and applicant shall be required to own in fee, or hold under lease or drilling con- tract from the owners more than 20 acres (hereinafter in this sub - paragraph (6) called "Required Acreage ") of the acreage within a drilling unit before a permit may be issued; provided, however, in the case of a gas well at least the required acreage shall be located within whichever 40 -acre oil drilling unit, out of the gas drilling unit, on which said well is to be drilled. (7) Attached to the application for permit letter shall be: (a) A plat prepared by a duly licensed surveyor showing the exact location of the proposed well with respect to the drilling unit boundaries and with respect to the boundaries of the lot or block on which applicant has secured the rights from the owner to drill; designation of lots, blocks or tracts owned or controlled by the applicant within the drilling unit, and the distances from the well location to all parks, streets, alleys or other public property, residences, commer- cial buildings and structures situated within two hundred (200') feet of the well location. (b) A copy of Railroad Commission Form 1: B. Each application shall be accompanied by a cashier's check in the amount of Two hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars, made payable to the City of Baytown, Texas, which shall be a filing fee. Each supplemental application shall furnish the information and conform with the requirements set forth in Subsection A of Section 4 of this ordinance, insofar as the same are relevant to the authority requested therein, but need not be accompanied by any additional filing fee. Each application or supplemental application shall be filed by the Director of Public Works and Engineering and kept as a part of the public records of the City of Bay- town, Texas. Section 5: FILING OF APPLICATION OR SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION AND NOTICE': A. An application to drill, or a supplemental application, shall be filed with the Director of Public Works and Engineering for action in issuing or refus- ing to issue a permit. B. Notice of the filing of each application shall be given by the applicant _g_ to each owner and lessee of lots, blocks and tracts within the drilling unit described in the sgplication now awned by or under lease to the applicant as such ownership is disclosed by the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Such notice shrill be in words and gigures, as follows: Notice is hereby given that � acting under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of hN ORDINlM MULATICII TIC DRILLIM, COMPLETION .r_IJD OPERATION OP OIL MLS AND OF G '.S :ELLS WITHIN TIC, CORPORATE LIJUS OF THE CITY Or DAYTOUN, TEXkS, AND ESTNBLISHING RESTRICTION THEMON, being Ordinance No. , and any and all ordinances amendatory thereof, did on the --- day of file with the Director of Public Works and Engineering of the City of Baytown an application to drill, complete and operate a well for oil (or gas) upon Lot No.--- _ Block No._ , (or other appropriate description), City of Baytown, Texas, as per map of record in `dolume Page , Plat Records of Harris County, Texas, in Drilling Unit No. and located by Lambert Coordinates for the South central zone of Ten as at the intersection of Coordinates_._ East and North. At least ten (10) days prior to the granting or refusal of an application, a copy of such notice shall be mailed by registered mail at expense of the applicant, addressed to the last known address of each owner and lessee of lots, blocks and tracts in sail drilling unit not owned by or under lease to the applicatint; and a copy of such notice shall be published, at the expense of applicant, in every issue of a daily newspaper of the City of Baytown, Texas, for ten (10) days prior to the data of the granting or refusal of sue!! application. Proof of such publication shall be made by the printer or publisher of the newspaper by affidavit filed with the Director of Public Yorks and Engin- eering and shall be prima facie evidence of such publication. The applicant shall file with the Director of Public [corks and Engineering an affidavit showing (a) the same and last known address of each owner and lessee of lots, blocks and tracts to whom nolide is required to be gived as hereinnhouFe provided, and (b) the manes of each owner and lessee of lots, Mocks and tracts to whom such -9- notice is required to be given and whose addresses are unknown to applicant. Section 6. WELL LOCATION A. No well shall be drilled and no permit shall be issued for any well to be drilled in any location within a drilling unit which located nearer than two hundred (200) feet from any residence or building without the applicants having first secured the written permission of the oimer or owners thereof, nor shall any well be drilled within any of the streets of alleys, parks or other public property unless authorized by an ordinance duly passed by the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 7_ NECESSITY OF CON'T'RACT WITH SURFACE MINER A. Neither this Ordinance nor any permit issued hereunder shall by interpreted to grant any right or license to the permittee to enter upon, use or opcupy in any respect for tae drilling of operation of any well on any surface land except' by the written contract of the surface owner unless the pernittee obtained such right in an oil and gas lease, or other contract; nor shall it limit or prevent the free right of the oimer to contract for the mount of damages, rights or privileges with respect to his own land and property. Section S. ISSUANCE OR REFUSAL OF PEP,MIT A. If, after such application of supplemental application is filed pursuant to this Ordinance, it be found by the Director of Public Works and Engineering to comply in all respects with terms of this Ordinance;, and the drilling and operation or deepening and operation of a well is not prohibited by the terms of this Ordinance, then the Director of Public lJorks and Engineering shall issue a permit fcDr the drilling and operation or deepening and operation of the well applied for. The ;ranting and issuance of a permit for a well on a drilling unit, as provided in this Ordinance, shall automatically operate as a rejection and denial of all other pending application or applica- tions for a well or wells to be completed upon the drilling unit involved, or any portion or portions thereof. In the event the Director of Public Works and Engineering should deny the applicant a permit to drill or Mepen a well, an appeal to the City Council may be made by such applicant by filira.g written notice of appeal with the City Council. Such appeal shall be heard by the City Council within thirty (30) days after the filing date. Fb. Each permit issued. under this Ordinance shall (1) by reference have '14 orporated therein al-1 provisions of this Ordinance with the same force - •10-.. and effect as if this Ordinance were copied verbatim in said permit; (2) specify definitely the location of the well and the number of the drilling unit in which the well is to be located; (3) specify that drilling shall begin within ninety (90) days from the date of the permit or said permit shall be forfeited; provided however, such forfeiture shall not affect the right of applicaht to apply for a- nother permit; (4) specify that such permit shall remain in full force and Affect until sai4 well is abondoned. C. Said permit shall not be issued until the provisions of Section 9 and 10 of this Uydinance are complied with. Said permit, in duplicate originals, shall be signed by the permittee. One original of the permit duly executed, shall be delivered to the permittee and one original of the permit, duly executed, shall be retained and filed by the Director of Public Works and Engineering, and , when so filed, shall constitute the pernittee's drilling and operating license and the contractual obligations of the permittee to comply with the terms of such permit, of the bond hereafter mentioned and of this Ordinance. Section 9. BOND A. If the issuance of a permit be authorized, game shall not be issued until the applicant shall file with the Director of Public Works and Engineering a bond, executed by the permittee as a principal and by a good and sufficient corporate surety company Licensed to do business in the State of Texas as surety, and whose name appears on the current list published by the United States Treasury Department of accepted sureties on Federal bonds, conditioned that the principal obligor will drill and operate said well in strict accordance with the terms of this Ordinance; that the principal will remedy any and all damage to streets, curbs, gutters, water lines, fire hydrants and other public property, occasioned in any manner by nis or its drilling of said well. Such bond shall inure to the benefit of the City of Baytown; shall be in a form to comply herewith, and shall be in the amount of Fifty Thousand and No/100 ($50,000.00) Dollars, and shall be approved by the City kttorr.ey. A permittee shall not be required to post additional bond if he has approved bonds on file with the city as required by this Section 9 totaling One Hundred Thoudand and Nof 100 ($100,000.00) Dollars. B. Failure to keep said bond in full force and effect, in accordance with the terns hereof shall cause a revocation of the permit and shall be unlawful and punishable in accordance herewith. Section _10.__ PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE -11 -- A. Said permit shall not be issued until the applicant shall also file with the Director of Public Works and Engineering of the City of Baytown a memorandum copy or certificates of a policy or policies of public liability and property damage insurance, issued by an insurance company or companies authoriz- ed to do business in the State of Texas, to be approved by the City Lttorney, the amount of which policy or policies of insurance for liability for bodily injury or death of one person shall not be less than One Hundred Thousand and No /100 (100:000.00) Dollars, and for any one accident, not less than Three Hundred Thousand and No /100 (43002000.00) Dollars, and the amount of such policy or policies for damage to property of others shall not oe less than One Hundred Thousand and No /100 (:100,000.00) Dollars. The terms and conditions of such policy or policies covering such operations are to be such as to assure persons, firms or corporations against loss by liability imposed by law by reason of any accidental personal injury ordeath to any person other than the assured or his employees, or by reason of any such loss or damage to property of any person, firm or corporation other than assured or his employees. Each policy of insur- ance shall contain a provision obligating the insurer to give the City Council of the City of Baytown written notice of cancellation not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of cancellation. Application shall, upon request of the Director of Public Works and Engineering, submit the original or a certified copy of any policy for inspection at any tune. B. Irrespective of the requirements as to insurance to be carried, the insolvency, bankruptcy or failure of any insurance company carrying insurance for any application or permittee hereunder, or the failure of any such company to pay claims accruing shall not be held to waive any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Application shall pay promply all premiums for such insurance in strich accordance with its obligations to its carrier or carriers and to maintain the above described coverage in full effect so long as the permit shall be valid and alive. C. Failure to keep said policy or policies in full force and effect, in accordance with the terms hereof, shall be unlawful and shall be punishabel in accordance herewith. Section 11. RIAWFUL TO PERMIT ESCAPE OF MUD ETC. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit to escape mud, water, oil,, slush or other waste matter related to the drilling or operating of any oil and/ or gas well into any adjoining lots upon which permittee does not -12- have Lease;:: s =r other contractual rights to use the surface, or upon leases not owned by pernittee or into the alleys, streets, gutters or sewers of the City of Baytown; and within fifteen 05 ) days after th4Fe completion or abandonment of any oil or gas well9 the mud and other similar matter and a material used in connection with the drilling and operations thereon shall be removed from the premises. Section 12, ITHOL7 A PETUIT L. It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person acting either for himself or as agent, employee, independent contractor, or servant of any other person, to commence to drill, to drill, or to operate any oil or has well within the regulated area of the City of Baytown or to work upon or assist in any way in the prosecution or operation of any such well without a permit for the drilling and operation of such well hav ing first been issued in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 13, BEEPER. DRILLILG A. Unce any well has either been completed as on oil or gas Produc- er or abandoned as a dry hole, it shall be unlawful and ai' offense for any person to drill such well to a greater depth than that reacted in the prior drill ing operations without the permittee, as to such well, obtaining a supplemental permit after filing a supplemental application with the Director or Public :forks and Rigineering specifying (1) the glen condition of the well and the casing therein; (2) the depth to wh;.ch it is proposed such well be deepened, and (3) the proposed casing program to be used in connection with proposed deep- ening operation. In any deeper drilling or any deeper completion, or any deeper production operations, the permittee shall comply with all other pro- visions contained in this Ordinance and applicable to the drilling, completion and operation of a well or wells, but no additional filing fee shall be required. Sect io I WELL WORKOVEFi.._ Any person operating any well or wells for oil or gas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, may perform any well workover operation:., except drilling deeper, without a prior permit, provided the operator complies with all safety rules set forth in thes Ordinance and no additional filing fees will be required for such work; however, no well workover shall be started or performed without first informing the City Manager of Baytown. It will not be necessary to inform the City Manager when well servicing is to be performed except for swabbing operations. -13- Section 15. RULES FOR DRILLING AND .PRODUCING OPERA MNS A. All persons engaged in the drilling and operation of diil and /or gas wells within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown shall comply with the following rules and regulations: (1) In order to enable the holder of each permit to move oily gas, ,rater or other products to or from each drilling unit within the city limits of the City of Baytown, the holder of each permit issued under this Ordinance for the drilling and operation of a well for oil or gas in the City of Baytown shall apply to the City Council for an easement on, over, under, along or across the City streets, sidewalks, alleys and other City property in the City of Baytown for the purpose of construction, laying, maintaining, operating, re- pairing, replacing and removing pope lines so long as production or operations may be continued under any permit issued pursuant to this Ordinance; provided, however, such permi.ttee shall (a) not interfere with or damage existing water, sewer or gas lines or the facilities of public utilities located on, under or across the course of such rights of way; (b) furnish the Director of Public Works and Engineering with a plat shaowin the location of such pipe lines; (c) con- struct such lines or cause same to be constructed out of new or reconditioned pipe in accordance with directions of the Director of Public Works and Engineering and properly cased and vented if under a street; and (d) grade, level and restore said property to the same surface condition, as nearly as practicable, as existed when operations for the drilling of the well were first commenced. (2) Any violation of the law of the State of Texas or any rules, regulations or requirements of any State or Federal regulatory body having jurisdiction in reference to drilling, completing, eq#ping, operating, producing, maintaining or abandoning an oil o-x gas well or related appurtenances, equipment or facilities, or in reference to fire wall, fire protection, blowout protection, safety protection or convenience of persons or property, shall also be a violat- ion of this Ordinance and shall. he punishable in accordance with the provisions hereof. (3) No persons engaged in drilling or operating any well shall permit gas to escape or be vented into the air unless said gas be flared and burned. All gas flared or burned from a torch, pipe or other burning device, within the City of Baytown must be done in such manner so as not to constitute a fire hazard to axly property; and the location of the torch, pipe or other burning device, the construction thereof, the mair:tenance thereof, and the operation -114- thereof shall at all times be in full compliance with such regulations as may from time to time be issued by the Fire Chief of the City of Baytown. (4) It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to use or operate ixi connection with the drilling or working over of any well within the city limits of Baytown, an# wooden derrick or steam powered rig, or to permit any drilling rig or derrick to remain on the premised or drilling site for a period longer than sixty (60) days after completion of abandonment of the well. All engines shall be equipped with effective mufflers. (5) Two dual - controlled, fluid- operated blowout preventers with working pressures equal to the maximum anticipated wellhead pressures shall be used for all drilling or completion operations involving the use of drill pipe or tubing after the surface casing has been set. The mechanical operation of the preventers shall be checked every twenty -four (24) hours and shall be tested with pump pressure with enough frequence to insure good working order at all time. (6) Only portable steel slush tanks for mud or water shall be permitted in connection with the drilling and working over operations of any well. (7) t�my person drilling or operating a well for oil or gas shall make adequate provisions for the disposal of salt water or other impurities which may be produced along with the oil or gas in such a manner as not to contaminate the water supply of the City of Baytown or destr9y vegatation. (8) No well shall be drilled or working over in the City of Baytown without the bore hole at all times being filled with drilling fluid of a weight and viscosity as a reasonably prudent operator would use to keep the well under control at all times. (9) It shall be unlawful for any person in connection with the drilling or working over operations of any well within the City of Baytown to conduct any swabbing operations or to take and to complete any drill stem test or tests except during daylight hours. Drill stem tests may be conducted only if the well effluent during the test is produced through an adequate oil and gas separ- ator to storage tanks, and the effluent remaining in the drill pipe at at the time the tool is closed is flushed to the surface by circulating drilling fluid down the annulus and up the drill pipe. The City Manager of Baytown shall be informed before drill stem testing or swabbing is performed so that a city representative may be present during such operations. (10) The operator of any well in any field or area within the City of Baytown, Texas, shall be required to set and cement a sufficient amount of surface casing to properly protect all fresh water sands as specified by the -15- Texas Water Commission and the City Manager of Baytown. A minimum of twelve hundred (1,200') feet of surface casing shall be set. The surface casing shall be of new or reconditioned casing and shall be set and cemented in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders of the Railroad Commission of Texas for the field area in which the well is to be drilled. Cementing shall be by the pump and plug method and sufficient cement shall be used to fill the calculated annular space back of the casing to the surface of the ground. Tf returns to the surface of the ground are not realized, then a temperature survey must be conducted to find the location of the cement and necessary work performed to provide continuous unbroken cementing from the shoe of the casing to the surface of the ground. The cement shall be allowed to stand for a period of twenty -four (24) hours before drilling plug. If more than twelve hundred (1,200') feet of surface casing is required, in lieu of setting the full amount of surface casing required to protect fresh water sands, the applicant may use the multistage cementing process on the next casing string. In using the multistage cementing process, sufficient cement shall be used in the stage cement job that is equivalent to the volume of the annulus from the cementing tool to the surface of the ground. Should the cement not reach the surface of the ground, a temperature survey must be conducted and if the survey shows that the top of the cement is less than one -third (1 /3rd) of the distance from the shoe of the surface, casing the surface, then corrective measures must be taken. Any applicant using the multistage process must file with the Director of Public Works and Engineering a copy of the Railroad Commission of Texas letter granting such permit and an affidavit from the company performing the cementing, Failure to file either of these shall be unlawful and shall be punishable in accordance herewith. In any well drilled in any field or area within the City of Baytown, the producing string of casing shall be of new or reconditioned pipe which has been tested and withstood the maximum anticipated pressure to be encountered. Cementing shall be by the pump and plug method and sufficient cement shall be used to fill the calculated annular space back of the casing to a point at least six hundred (600') feet above the shoe or the productive zone, whichever is applicable; and the cement shall be allowed to stand for a period of twelve (12) hours before drilling plug or until a compressive strength of 500 psi is obtained. After cementing, the casing shall be tested at a pressure in pounds per square inch calculated by multiplying the length of producing string by two - tenths (0.2), being maximum test pressure re- quired. If at the end of thirty (30) minutes the pressure shows a drop of (10) per cent or more of the above required test pressure, the casing shall be condemned. After corrective operation the casing shall again be tested in the same manner. -16- (11) Before drilling and setting casing in any well for oil or gas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, the permittee must contact the Director of public Works and Engineering of the City of Baytown, and Texas Water Commission and obtain letters stating where the fresh water sands are to be found in the area or field in which the well is to be drilled. k copy of the Texas Water Commission's letter must be filed with the Director of Public Works and En- gineering and the permittee must set sufficient surface casing as required. Failure to file a copy of the Texas Water Commission's letter shall be unlawful and shall be punishable in accordance herewith. (12) All completed wells within the City of Baytown shall be equipped with Christmas tree fittings and wellhead connections, with a rated working pressure equal to or greater than the surface shut -in pressure of the well. All wellhead connections shall be assembled and tested prior to installation by a fluid pressure which shall be equal to the test pressure of the fitting employed. (13) Whenever any well is abandoned within the city limits of Baytown, it shall be the obligation of the permittee to plug such well in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Railroad Commission of Texas and to take any and all additional provisions or precautionary measures prescribed by the State of Texas or the Railroad Commission of Texas in connection with abandonment and plug- ging of the well. It shall be the further obligation of the permittee or the operator of the well to cut the surface casing off at least six (b') feet below the surface of the ground and to place at least a twenty -five (25') foot cement plug in the top of the casing and to weld the top of the casing completely shut. The resulting hole in the ground must be completely filled to the surface of the ground and duly tamped. (14) It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to use, construct or operate in connection with any producing well within the city limits of Baytown any crude oil storage tanks except to the extent of two (2) steel tanks for oil storage, not exceeding 500- barrel capacity each, and so constructed and maintained as to be vapor tight and each surrounded with an earthen fire wall at such distance from the tanks as will, under any circumstances, hold and retain at least two and one -half (2 -1%2) times the maximum capacity of such tank. A permittee may use, construct and operate a steel conventional separator, and such other steel tanks and appurtenances as are necessary for treating oil with each of such facili- ties to be so constructed and maintained as to be vapor tight. Each oil and gas separator shall be equipped with both regulation pressure relief safety valve and a bursting head. -17- (15) Any person may install equipment for the purpose of secondary recovery or pressure maintenance operations or for automatic lease operations provided that such person must comply with all safety requirements of this ordinance and of the Railroad Commission of Texas. (lb) It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown to install any fired vessel or open flame nearer than One Hundred Fifty (150') feet to any well or storage tank. (17) all wellheads, tank batteries, pumping units and equipment appurtenant thereto within the City of Baytown which are located within a densely populated area, as determined by the City Manager, or nearer than One Hundred (100') feet to a public street, shall be adequately protected by a fence so constructed that it will prevent easy entry; however, any wellhead, tank battery, pumping units or equipment appurtenance thereto which are located on any lease, tract or farm, which is fenced in its entirety will require no additional protection other than that commonly used by prudent operators. Fences to prevent easy entry shall be approved by the City Manager or his delegates. (18) The premises shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, free from rubbish of every character, at all times, during the drilling operation and as long thereafter as oil and /or gas is being produced therefrom. All permit - te's premises shall be kept clear of high grass, weeds and combustible trash or any other rubbish or debris that might constitute a fire hazard within a radius of One Hundred (100') feet around any oil tank or tanks, or producing wells, or to the limits of premises, whichever is the lesser. (19) No prime movers shall be permitted within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown for the purpose of pumping wells, except electric motors; provided, that non - electric motors may be used, in the event of an unusual hardship, with approval of the City Manager. (20) Printed signs reading "DANGER, NO SMOKING ALLOWED" or similar words shall be posted in conspicuous places on each well, storage tank or battery of tanks, within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown. (21) Material, equipment, tools or pipe used for either drilling or producing operations at the well shall not be delivered to or removed from the well site except between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7;00 P.M, of any day except in case of emergency. (22) It shall be unlawful to block or encumber, or close up any streets or alleys in any drilling or production operations, except by an ordinance -18- duly passed by the City Council permitting a temporary closing of a street or alley. Section 16: RELEASE FROM BOND: A. If and when any permit shall terminate and become inoperative as in this ordinance provided, or if and when the permittee shall file with the City Clerk written notice of his election to surrender his permit and abandon the premise, covered thereby, then if no claims or lawsuits under the bond or bonds shall be pending or have been filed within six (6) months after said permit shall have ter- minated, become inoperative, or written notice of election to surrender has been filed, the City Clerk shall return the bond or bonds furnished by the permittee in connection with such permit; and if claims are pending or are filed within such time upon the satisfaction or defeat of such claims or lawsuits, such bond or bonds shall thereupon be returned to the permittee. Section 17: NOT APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN WELLS: A. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, none of the provisions of this ordinance except Sections 9, 10 and li hereof and para- graphs A (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (12), (13), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21) and (22) of Section 15 hereof shall ever be construed as applying to the operation of any producing oil or gas well located within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown which was drilled and completed prior to January 1, 1950, or to the equipment and its operation (producing or otherwise), installed in connection with such well on the leased premises; and provided, further, without limitation on the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to re- quire a permit for any producing oil or gas well now located within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown which was drilled and completed prior to January 1, 1950, or for the continued operation, reworking, sidetracking, plugging back or abandonment or deepening through the aepest productive reservoir to which any such well was previously drilled. Section 18: SPACING PROVISION NOT.APPLIC4MLE TO PIEf{ EMENT -TYP SALT DOMES: The well spacing provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to producing areas which heretofore, prior to effective date of this ordinance, or may be in the future defined as piercement type salt domes by the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas. One field, namely Goose Creek, within the City limits of Bay- town is presently defined as piercement type salt dome. The 40 -acre drilling units within the Goose Creek Field which are exempt from the spacing provisions of this ordinance are listed in an Exhibit marked "C', styled "Lambert Coordinates Describing Oil Drilling Units Within the Producing Limits of the Goose Creek Field, "and such Exhibit being of record in the City Clerk's office, to which reference is here made for all purposes. Section 19: REPEALING CLAUSE: All ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore passed or enacted by "the City of Baytown regulating the dril'.ing, completion and operation of oil and/or gas wells within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown are hereby expressly repealed. Section 20: SAVINGS CLAUSE: If any provision, exception, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of cir- cumstances shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordin- ance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 21: PENALTY: Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance whether herein denominated as unlawful or not, shall be deemed a misdemeanor and any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Two Hundred ($240.00) Dollars. Each day of the continuation of such violation shall be considered a separate of- fense, and be punished separately; and any person, agent or employee engaged in any such violation shall on conviction be so punished therefor. Section 22: EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from the date of its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the of- ficial newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after the passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, on this the 14th day of February, 1963. Al Clayt6A, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk