Ordinance No. 6439
Section 1:
(a) In the event any person engaged in the plumbing business should in any way
injure any sanitary sewers, meter, meter box, or water work's pipe, or any
equipment belonging to the City of Baytown, in making connections or dis-
connections with same or doing any work upon the same, or should fail to do
any such work upon any such pipes or equipment in accordance with the rules
and regulations, the City of Baytown may refuse such person'further permits
until such time as proper recourse has been secured against such person do-
ing any such work.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation except a home owner
doing plumbing on his own home, to engage in the business of plumbing work
in the City of Baytown, without first having secured a State license.
(c) No person shall transfer any plumbing permit, issued to him under the provi-
sions of this ordinance and no person shall do any plumbing work except under
a permit issued to the person doing the work, and any transfer of said permit
shall then be and is hereby made illegal and void, and any person permitting
the transfer of any permit or permitting any work to be done by any other per-
son except those to whom the permit is issued shall be subject to forfeiture
of his plumbing license, as herein provided.
• Section 2: PERMITS:
(a) Application blanks for permits for sewer connections, installing or construct-
ing plumbing, shall be furnished by the City. The Plumbing Inspector shall
approve or countersign all applications for sewer connections before permit
shall be issued.
(b) Upon application from a Master Plumber, or Employing Plumber, or licensed
drainlayer for a permit card in duplicate, such card shall be posted by the
Master Plumber, or drain layer, in a conspicuous place on the job before work
is begun. No permit shall be issued until a building permit shall be first
issued, where such building permit is required.
(c) Applications for inspection must be filed at the office of the City Inspector
by the plumber on or before nine o'clock a.m. for morning inspection, and be-
fore two o'clock p.m. for afternoon inspection. No inspection will be made on
Saturdays, or on any legal holiday. Application for roughing -in inspection
must be made when roughing -in is completed and before any of the work is cov-
ered or made inaccessible to the City's inspection. Application for sewer in-
spection shall be made to the City Inspector when work is completed and before
• same is covered, except on long runs, which shall be inspected daily. Appli-
cations for final inspection shall be made when all fixtures Are apt nompl.e,o
and sewer is connected for use.
(d) Any person, firm or corporation engaged in plumbing work desiring to open any
street, alley, or make connections with the city sewer, shall not do so until
an.application has beenmade-to the Plumbing Inspector for a permit and a per-
mit to do so has been granted him.
(e) Any person, firm or corporation other than a home owner doing plumbing on his
own home, engaged in plumbing business desiring to construct or install any
plumbing fixture or fixtures in any building or house in the corporate limits
of the City of Baytown or outside of the city limits where the City of Baytown
is taking care of the sewerage, or connect any plumbing fixture ox fixture in
any building or house that may have been disconnected for any reason whatso-
ever, shall obtain a permit from the Plumbing Inspector before said work can
be installed, constructed or reconstructed, as the case may be.
(f) The minimum permit fee shall be Two (12.00) Dollars; a fee of One ($1.00) Dol-
lar for each of the first twenty-five (25) plumbing fixtures and Seventy -Five
($0.75) Cents for each additional plumbing fixture over twenty-five (25), on
all bathtubs, water closets, lavatories, urinals, sinks, drinking fountains,
wash sinks, catch basins, grease traps, acid traps, showers, floor drains,
refrigerator drains, or any fixture wherein waste is connected to sanitary
sewer, and also all gas --fired hot water heaters.
A fee of One ($1.00) Dollar for inspection of water line or lines; a fee of
Oiie ($1.00) Dollar for inspection of sewer line or lines. In case it becomes
necessary to make reinspection of a plumbing installation, an additional fee
of One ($1.00) Dollar shall be charged and collected by the City from the
plumber to whom permit is issued covering such inspection, the amount shall
be paid by the person to whom the permit is issued under the terms of this
A fee of One and 50/100 ($1.50) Dollars for inspection of gas connections to
and including ten openings plus an additional charge of ten .($0.10) Cents for
each additional gas connection.
Before the Plumbing Inspector shall issue any permit for any opening to be
made in any public street, alley, sidewalk, or other public place for the lay-
ing of pipes for drains, sewer or conduits, he shall collect for each permit
issued a fee of One and 50/100 01.50) Dollars.
Where additional plumbing fixtures are required or alterations are to be made
which cannot be practicably constructed in strict compliance with all the pro-
visions of this ordinance, a special permit in writing, may be issued by the
Plumbing Inspector for such work, if concurred in by both the City Engineer,
if there be one, and the Plumbing Inspector, if in their judgment the condi-
tions require it; but such additions or alterations shall be of a character
that will make the plumbing system in the building, as a whole, conform to
the spirit of the sanitary requirements of these rules. In no case will this
special permit be issued on any new work.
In remodeling work, the existing system of soil, waste, ventilating piping
need not be changed to conform to this ordinance unless same has been con-
demned by the Plumbing Inspector, provided, however, that any extensions or
additions to the present system shall in all respects comply with this ordi-
(a) In laying sewer pipes the plumber or drain layer shall lay them in the straight-
est and most direct line practicable from the opening in the City main or pri-
vate sewer to the end of the house drain.
(b) No sewer shall be laid with a less grade than six (611) inches in one hundred
(1001) feet, unless the City sewer or private sewer being connected to is not
• of sufficient depth to allow this grade, In such cases it shall be palled to
the attention of the Cityls Plumbing Inspector before sewer is laid. All
changes of direction must be made with 'I's or 1-8 bends.
0 1 1 •
(c} All house sewer lines laid in the City of Baytown shall be constructed of one
of the following materials: (1) Concrete or clay tile, bell and spigot, with
a self centering bell containing a preset mastic sealant. All pipe fittings
• such as 900, 450 Yts, etc., shall conform to pipe specifications. (2) Vitri-
fied clay or concrete tile, bell & spigot having a preset rubber or neoprene
ring which will seal and center pipe. All fittings to conform to pipe speci-
fications. (3) cast iron, (all to be bell and spigot). (4) asbestos cement,
joined with couplings of the same material as the pipe and sealed with two (2)
neoprene gaskets.
(d) All houses on slab foundation must have a four {4«) inch clean-out, adjacent
to house that is within two or four feet of house where it can be cleaned out
from either direction. Sinks and washing drains must have two (29 inch clean -
outs. All drain lines must be equipped with sanitary tee or vent tee and be
so arranged where they can be rodded out.
(e) Down spouts from buildings must not be connected to sanitary sewer lines, but
can be connected to storm sewers or to street gutters.
(f) All water lines must be in separate ditch from sewer linea, such lines to be
at least five (5t) feet apart. If water connections are installed in any gar-
age, or if a place is prepared for a washing machine, sewer connections must
be provided in such garage or place prepared for such washing machine, also
must be tapped and vented.
(a) All drains, waste or any pipe carrying or to carry raw sewage shall be cast
iron pipe, light lead or copper. Said cast iron pipe shall extend two (21)
feet outside building walls. Vents or re -vents may be cast iron, galvanized
steel or wrought iron. No wet vents or wet re -vents will be permitted. All
vent pipes shall extend eight (811) inches above the roof. If the roof has an
enclosed fire wall, then vent shall extend two (21) feet past roof. If vents
or risers are not vertical all must have a continuous rise of not less than
150, more if possible. Tapped tees will be permitted on all lavatories, sinks,
dishwashers, drinking fountains and small drains. Solder bushings and lead
stubs or brass nipples will be required.
(b) Fittings for drain and waste pipes shall be standard weights of cast iron and
openings and change of direction for fixtures shall be made by wyes, sixth,
one-eighth, or one -sixteenth bends. Sanitax-y tees, crosses and one-fourth
bends will be allowed on vertical lines only. Standard vent branches, inverted
wyes or plain tees shall be used in vent stacks for re -venting of fixtures.
In buildings of three stories or more in height, the fittings and pipes shall
be of extra heavy cast iron for every story except the upper two, standard cast
• iron will be allowed in the upper tiro stories.
(c) Waste pipes which are designed to carry acids which will cause deterioration
of pipes and connections shall be installed of approved acid -resisting metal
or metal alloy; and, if the acid is or is to be of such a nature as to be in-
jurious to the sanitary disposal plant, it must be treated to neutrality be-
fore entering the sanitary sewer system.
(d) Every fixture must be vented directly or by re -vent, and in no case will a
waste pipe enter the stack above a re -vent. The maximum distance between a
stack and a fixture shall be as follows: Water closets -'two feet (21), sinks,
three feet (31) and wash basins - five feet (51). All water closets shall be
vented thro;� h a "Y" or drainage fitting. No horizontal vent pipe longer than
two feet (2'1. will be allowed beneath a floor adjacent to the trap of any
fixture. Floor drains need not be vented, but must have deep seal traps.
(a) All ditches must be properly bottomed to a perfect grade before sewer pipe
is laid. No sewer shall be laid on made or filled ground in bottom of ditches
or otherwise, except as hereinafter mentioned. When sewer ditches are cut
• through filled or made ground the pipe shall be laid on two inch (29 cypress
plank supported by piling on not more than eight foot centers and of sufficient
length to sink deeply enough into the ground to make a solid foundation.
(b) The backfilling must be properly and solidly tamped, water tamped when possi-
(c) No vitrified clay or cement asbestos pipe shall be used nearer than four (0 )
• feet from the outside of the foundation of outer wall of any house either
approaching or parallel with such wall, or across ditches when suspended, and
in no instance will the tile sewer pipe be allowed under a house or building
of any kind. Where tile sewers now exist or did exist before the passage of
this ordinance,* under houses or buildings, or passing through property, or
connecting adjoining premises to a public or private sewer, and other build-
uildings or structures are to be erected over said tile sewer, such erection shall
be governed by the following:
(1) The sewer must be in good condition and not less than two feet six
inches under the ground at the shallowest point under the building.
(2) Only one connection shall be permitted from the new or remodeled
structure to said sewer and this connection must be made at some
convenient point, either outside or under the building, and other
branches run shall terminate at this one central point only.
(3) Such connections and such sewers will be governed by all other con-
ditions required in this ordinance.
(d) The City shall have the right at all times, through the City Plumbing Inspec-,
tor, to connect with and use any private sewer built on any public street,
alley or highway, or to reconstruct or close upon or disconnect any private
sewer which, from any cause, may have become a nuisance.
(e) No person shall deposit or threw into any sewer, manhole, catch sewer, any
straw, hay, shavings, tinners scraps, or refuse of manufacturers, ashes,* rags,*
garbage, or any other substance which may cause the sewer or drain to become
stopped. No person,* slaughter house, rendering establishment, chemical works,*
steam engine or boiler exhaust, or anything which, in the opinion of the City
Plumbing Inspector, may tend to injure, obstruct or cause a nuisance in sew-
ers, shall be permitted to connect to a public sewer, except through a catch
basin, or in some other manner satisfactory to the City Plumbing Inspector.
(f) If the drainage discharge From any slaughter house, chemical works or manufao--
turing establishment shall form a deposit obstructing a sewer, or if ashesp
manure, rage, or any other substance thrown into a sewer or sewer inlet shall
choke or obstruct same, the Plumbing Inspector shall immediately remove the
obstruction, and shall certify an account of the cost to the person, or persons
causing the obstruction, and if aaid person .or personas shall neglect or refuse
to pay said scan so certified to into the City Treasury within five days after
demand, he or they shall be guilty of an offense, and in addition thereto the
City of Baytown, in any Court having jurisdiction, may recover the amount of
cost thereof, including a reasonable amount for attorney -Is fees.
(g) The City Plumbing Inspector, or his authorized agents, shall have the power
to atop and prevent from dischargiag into any public sewer, private sewer,*
house -sewer or drain through which substances are discharged that are liable
to obetrua t or c lothe public sewer,* or in any manner injure it, or to -Ls -
9 cozzect ww sewer or house dredn, that may have been installed contrary to the
provisions of this ordinance or that received the drainage from a plumbing
installation not in accordance with this ordinance,* and to this end may, after
five dAys notice to the owner or owners thereof, disconnect any such private
sewer or drain and it is made his duty to do so.
(h) No downspoute, yard or street drain, or street gutter will be permitted to
connect to W sanitary sewer.
(i) All water closets connecting with the public sewers must have flusing arrange-
ments connected therewith, and if not provided after ten days notice it shall
be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to disconnect them.
(j) Every building shall be connected with a public sewer where there is any such
sewer in the street or alley adjoining such a building, or within three hundred
(3001) feet thereof. Where two or more buildings are located on one lot front-
ing one hundred and twenty-five (1251) feet or less on street, and this lot is
owned by one party,* one sewer connection to the City main may be used for all;
otherwise each building shall be IS¥dently connected, but in such cases
(s) Whenever a house sewer or drain is obstructed by tree rcots or found broken
or defective so that the sewage or drainage escapes from the sewer into the
surrounding soil or on to the adjacent premises, the Plumbing Inspector shall
condemn such sewer and order its repair or replacement with one of the
Materials listed in Section 31 Paragraph (c).
(t) All permits for connecting with public or private sewers are issued on the con-
dition that the owner takes all risk or damage that may result from water back-
acking up into premises from sewer. In order to prevent as much as possible the
settling back of water, self acting or other appzoved valve shall be used when
the common stem running to City sewer and to which the sewer from each house
connects shall in all Cases, where possible, be run between property line and
No person shall cut, tap or cause to be cut or tapped any public or private
sewer in which there exists a branch or junction opposite to the building,
lot, premises, or establishment to be connected. Information concerning the
location and depth of public and private sewers, and the position of branches
or junctions will be furnished upon request by the Plumbing Inspector. All
reasonable care will be taken to insure the correctness of information furnish-
ed, but such information will not be, in any case guaranteed, except when the
City colledts for stub connection at a given location and same is incorrect
and this causes additional expense to party making connection, then the City
shall, on a bona fide demand, reimburse said property for the additional ex-
pense involved.
No drain shall be finally completed so as to admit the waste from a building
to reach a public or private sewer until the plumbing in the building has
been approved by the City Plumbing Inspector as being in full accordance with
rules herein set forth.
No person shall run or cause to be run a sewer through from his lot or portion
of a lot, or from any structure thereon and connected with a sever on or from
another personts lot, unless an easement in favor of the City of Baytown is
granted by the owner of such other lot.
The owners of real property within the distance of three hundred (3001) feet
of any public drain, main or lateral sewer, shall upon notice in writing from
the Plumbing Inspector, make proper and permanent connection with said sewer,
and remove all surface privies and cesspool; and any person owning real pro-
perty who disregards or ignores orders of the Plumbing Inspector and shall
fail to connect with a sewer, or remove or fill up such privies or cesspools,
within thirty days after mailing of notice shall be guilty of a violation of
the terms and provisions of this ordinance and each day such failure shall
continue shall constitute a separate offense.
No person shall be permitted to make any connections to any sewer being con-
structed under contract of the City until such has been completed by the City,
and accepted by the City.
The man in charge of the sewer ditch must be present when the work is inspected
and have permit posted. He must have an accurate level and line and must give
such necessary information as may be required of him by the Inspector.
No person shall cover or cause to be covered, any house or building sewer or
any connection with a public or private sewer, without due inspection and ap-
proval of the same by the City Plumbing Inspector. In case of violation of
the provisions the Plumbing Inspector shall make the excavation necessary for
the examination at the expense of the plumber or drain -layer whose license
shall be suspended by the Plumbing Inspector until said expense is paid, and
the plumber or drain -layer shall be subject to prosecution for violation of
the ordinance as herein provided.
A running or "P" trap with a deep seal and fresh air inlet, meeting the ap-
proval of the Plumbing Inspector, shall be used when ordered on all buildings
when necessary to prevent sewer air becoming a nuisance to occupants of any
adjoining buildings.
(s) Whenever a house sewer or drain is obstructed by tree rcots or found broken
or defective so that the sewage or drainage escapes from the sewer into the
surrounding soil or on to the adjacent premises, the Plumbing Inspector shall
condemn such sewer and order its repair or replacement with one of the
Materials listed in Section 31 Paragraph (c).
(t) All permits for connecting with public or private sewers are issued on the con-
dition that the owner takes all risk or damage that may result from water back-
acking up into premises from sewer. In order to prevent as much as possible the
settling back of water, self acting or other appzoved valve shall be used when
(u),.. Bad faith or unreasonable delay in the performance of drain -layer work shall
be deemed a sufficient reason for subjecting the drain -layer so offending to a
® suspension of his license and each personp firm or corporation is held respon-
sible for the violation of these regulations by laborers and helpers employed.
by them.
(v) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation holding a plumbers'
license issued hereunder to transfer same or allow use of same, directly or
indirectly, by any person for the same purpose of obtaining a permit to do
any work hereinafter specified.
(a) All plumbing work and installation of plumbing shall be done in strict accord-
ance with the following provisions:
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to turn on water to any premises from which
the supply has been turned off by the authority of the City of Baytown.
(c) No person, other than the properly authorized agents of the Water Department,
shall be permitted to tap or make any connection with the mains or distribu-
ting pipes of the City Water Department. No person shall make any attachment
or connection to the pipes belonging to the City Water Department, or to pipes
® belonging to the consumers on any property nor to pipes nor meters, nor make
any repairs or additions to or alterations in any tap, pipe, cock, or other
fixtures connected with the service water pipes unless he have a written per-
mit from the City Water Department.
(d) The part of the service connection extending from the main to the curb, in-
cluding the corporation cock, the lead pipe, galvanized pipe; or cast iron
pipe or copper pipe, stop cock, and also the meter and meter box continues un-
der the control of the Water Department to be maintained by the Water Depart-
ment, and shall not be removed, repaired or tampered with e3tcept by order from
the Water Department.
(e) In all cases where private pumps are installed for the purpose of increasing
the velocity of pressure of the water, they shall not be permitted to draw
directly from the main, but must take the supply from a reservoir into that
which the water has already been delivered by ordinary waterworks pressure,
except by special permission from the Water Department.
(f) Installations for supplying boilers shall be made in such a manner as will
prevent the hot water'from backing into the meter. The owner of the premises
will be bold responsible for all damages to meters resulting from hot water
backing up into them.
(g) Each water connection shall be provided with a standard round way stop -cook
which may be placed within a cast iron box leading from the same to the ser-
vice pipe but such work must be done by the Water Department only. Supply
pipes for such premises must be equipped with an additional round way stop
and waste cock on private property to be used by plumbers, owners or occupants
for draining the pipe to prevent freezing and for turning off the water for
repairs to defective plumbing, and in addition, there shall be provided a
separate stop -cock for each water closet installed. In a•building having two
or mere apartments, each apartment must be controlled by a separate cut-off.
The water connection for each residence or apartment shall be not less than
three-quarters inch (3/4") galvanized pipe, which size shall not be reduced
before connection to first water closet or bath tub and hot water heater. All
cuts in water pipe shall be carefully reamed out to eliminate burrs and preserve
full bore of the pipe.
Water supply pipes to fixtures must be as follows: lavatory's 31811 pipe or
copper tubing; sink 3/8"; commodes shall be 1/2" pipe with a cut-off ahead of
the supply tank; showers and tubs 1/211 pipe. On commercial installations, the
pipe sizing will be taken from the State of Texas Plumbing Inspection handbook,
A11 water pipes shall have a drain from the lowest point outside building, or
other points approved by the Plumbing Inspector. All water pipes shall be so
installed and graded an as to drain at low points.
When pipes are supported from floor or ceiling joints they must be carried on
substantial hangers as hereinafter specified and the City Inspector shall not
pass on installation Cantil pipes have been securely supported and graded to
his satisfaction.
(h) All stop -cocks, faucets and bail cocks, or other water controlling appliances
shall be of good quality.
(i) Valves for water troughs ornamental fountains,,etc., must be provided with a
float valve to prevent overflowing, and the owners of same must keep same in
good working order.
(j) Service pipes intended for fire protection, or for supplying power for eleva- .
tors or other hydraulic motor#, shall not be tapped or used for the general
supply of the premises; such supply must be taken through separate service
(k) No service pipe for fire protection will be allowed on premises that do not
have a pipe for the general supply of the premises.
�1) No person shall apply water to any use, from that named in the written appli
cation for water, nor shall any consumer supply water to other persons or:to
other families, or suffer them to take water except for use on the premises,:`
for the purpose specified in the application, nor shall any person, after
® water is introduced into any building or upon any premises, make, or employ
any plumber or other person to make any tap or connection with the works upon
such premises for the purpose of altering, repairing, making extensions,: or
attachments for the purpose of furnishing water to other families or premises
without a written permit for the work from the Water Department.
(m) No person shall in any case make connections with the supply pipes of another
consumer of water unless, first, connection is made with consent of the owner
of the supply pipe, and, second, such connection is made on the sidewalk, or
in the street, and not on the premises of the owner of the supply pipes; nor
shall such connections be made in any case except on written application to
the Water Department, signed by the person desiring to make same,'and on the
,permit from the Water Department.
All persons are prohibited from connecting pipes whereby boilers generating'
twenty-five (25) pounds or more steam pressure are being supplied with water
direct from the City's water mains. All such boilers shall be provided with
a" tank or other receptacle of sufficient capacity to hold at least six hours
,,.supply of water, in case of a pipe district being shut off to repair water
lines, fire hydrants,' or make connections or extensions. In such cases the
City will not be responsible for lack of water for steam boilers or tor any
._other purpose.
n) Galvanized cast iron fittings ings four (4) inches and larger are not permitted.
The use of black malleable or black cast iron fittings is hereby prohibited.
(o) Water supplies to plumbing fixtures shall be equal in purity to water supplied
by the City Water Department and shall not be connected with unsafe water
supplies nor cross connected through plumbing fixtures to the drainage system.
(p)- Before water can be turned on the premises permantly the owner of the pro-
perty must show to the Water Department a written order from the City's Plumb-
ing Inspector, which shall state that the plumbing has been completed in
strict accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and is ready for the
water to be turned on; and any person turning on the water or procuring another
person to turn it on, without his order, shall be guilty of an offense.
Sectian _7: GAS FITTING: Including the installation, construction, reconstrutbo•
tion, adjustment and repair of gas house piping, lines, cutlets, attachment,
appliances, fixtures, apparatus and appurtenances, shall not be covered by or
included within the terms -of this ordinance or any section thereof and the
same shall not apply to the trade or profession of a gas fitter; provided,
however, that a gas fired hot water heater installed within any building or
structure is hereby declared to be a plumbing fired water heater to be plumbed
within the intent and meaning of this ordinance.
Hereafter, any one, installing or replaa3ng awater heater or any equipment
used for the heating 'or storing 'of --.hot', water.,.' shall first obtain a plumbing
permit from -the City of Be#town.
The cost of each water heater permit shall be one :dollar: ($1.00) which shall
cover cost of inspection.
Each heater must.be equipped with: (1).'The approved.stamp,.of the American Gas
.Association for ga's fired water -heaters or the .Underwriters laboratory for
electric water heaters:j_(2)'An:approved thermostat; (3) A combination tempera-
ture and pressure relief eve. This.valve must -be a reseatable type with a
maximum 2100 temperature relief and. a..-125: lb: pressure .relief. The. element
must be in direct contact with the bot water flowand n._ho case be more than
six inches (69 from the top of the ' tank in t"'he hot water side; . (4) The weete
pipe from the relief valve shall be galvanized iron and.no.,smaller than the
opening in the relief valve.' -It shall run. to within 10" of.the floor if in
a garage and if in a house, the pipe must•be wirried to the outside or other
suitable and safe place. Each heater must have a-manuai gas cut -W. placed
between the house line and the heater;
No fuel line shall be installed in any:, ttildirig. less -than 1" I. •D.�in diameter_
to the first opening. All risers or drops civet, be taken off'":3A ., pipes or
larger, two one-half inch openings off -of three quarter inch .pipe.
Each and every gas stove, range,.cboking.stove},hot water heater and othor gas
• consuming appliances shall be provided th a s"Jfable- stop. -cock directly
attached to the pipe outlet, -.in• such liocation- as •to be readily acisessibie ' st
all times.
All central heating systems and air conditioners will be connected with the same
size pipe as the opening on the fixture0'
Table top burners, wail ovens and 34 -gallon. Vater. heaters. miW. be ervpplied with
3/8" copper tubing, the length of which.shall not exceed 5 feet. .
Metal and asbestos shields shall be provided and maintained as protection of
any and all wood work, whenever.any portion 2'f..a heating appliance is heated
to fire risk temperature by contact*df' the gas flame or hot gas8ea. If shields
are not provided or used..a distance of seven inches must be.provided',between
the. herein appliance and any woodwork.
No heating appliance of..any.kind shall be connected to.:a flue or vent from a
different apartment. Furnaces - aad water heaters shall' be prpgid'ed wi'th.:vent
-connections at:least- as large as the `vent outlet on the applian:a
ce nd -same shalt
.extend up through .:the. roof . about: 11. inches. ' Where more than one appliance is
connected to a flue,. the area . of -said flue shall. be equa'1 ''to thee' ; combined areas
'of, the: vents entering tnto.it.
Gas appliance vents,"'concealed..inside of -wood.. partitiona;. or.und,6r,floore or
enclosed in'aaay.manner,".shall be* air• tight -and shall be made. of at least
twenty-two•.(22) gauge galvani�ed,.metal prapeac7y covered with heavy asbestos
paper,. and so arranged that -the', paper will not' get out of place.
Wood.'- partitions through whigh vent pipes' pass must be protected by a fire-
proof thimble.. In no case.can a'gas vent pees through any closet or pantry
used for the stowage of clothing or'anyomb
custible materials.
Water Waters and otheragas appliances having pilot burners must be provided
with down draft devices above the fixture$ in the vent near the appliance. An
exception to this reaa shall be' -cooking stoves having a very 8ma1-1 pilot used
for lighting the regular stove burners when they are manually turned on*
No vents for any gas appliance shall ever stop in a wall or as attic.
C ea=l Heating UnUA :
Before installing any central heating unit the owner or contractor shall ob-
• tain a permit for game.. The cost of this permit shall he One and 50/100
($1.50) Dollars which shall include Inspection Fee.
Section S:. .CAST. xRd
(a) Standard lengths of cast iron pipe shall be such as to lay five
including hubs, and shall comply with the table of average U.S.
® sbil and pipe known as.standard:
(51) feet,
weights; of
Size in inchesc- 1-1/2,_2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; 10 and 12..
In no case shall galvanized-iron.pipe.or wrought iron pipe be used for waste
or soil purposes whatsoever, other -than wastes for condensers and ice boxes.
or Steel The -following, vdights per, linear foot are req-uired for
galvanized iron or steel pipe:
Size in- inchMM
.4-:1 /2
Poods per Ljnea_.Foot
2. 25-
18i. ri.,6s'
Lead. Pd ins. ¢Qe„and�B s: Lead pipe, traps and bends shall be of the f61 -
lowing diidenai.ons 'and weights:
Sise in_I=hes
Pounds oer Lh%Ar ,F.
jd) Solder -Nir2la: Soldering nipples shall be heavy cast brass "Or of .brass- of
size -and thi&ness' equal to metal pipe to be .of full bore e&nd weight.not-less
than shown in*the.following table:
Inside Di t r: -- 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 29 2-1/2,- 4.
• (e) Brass Ferrules: Brass ferrules shall -be of good quality brass of composition
that will fuse. readily with plumber0' solder free .from sand holes, flaws, -or
other faults and.defects, uniform iri thickness and at least 4-1/2 inches:long,
of size and weight -conforming to the following tablet
Inside diameter -- 2, 3 and 4.
(f) Cleanouts,: 0n °soil or waste lines four ;(4) inches or more in diameter heavy
iron body brass trap screw olreanouts shall'be used,' -not less than four (4)
inches in diameter. All other cleanouts shall be.the.same diameter as pipe
size. All sink cleanouts must be left accessible to outside. The porper
size cleanout fittings shall be installed. at 'the foot of all exposed stacks,
also at changes of direction, whether inside or ou6side of building, except
as hereinafter tailed for. When base of -'btacks or. change of direction are
under masonry floors the base other work, Where wood floor construction is
used, and the building is too near grade line where.it is impossible to get
under same, then long sweep 1/4 bends in all cases -.will be used. No horizon-
tal soil or waste pipe shall be installed, wherein the length exceeds ninety
(101) feet, without cleanouts being installed as mentioned above.
(g) ittines: All fittings used in connection with cast iron pipes shall corres-
pond with them in weight and quality, and for steel 6r.wrought iron and steel
pipe, there must be standard cast iron fittings, tapped with a slope of one-
quarter ON inch to the foot for horizontal runs.
The above table is based upon a fixture unit having a trap of one and one-
half inches or less, and water closet being equivalent to four fixtures.
Fixtures having trap larger than one and one-half inches shall be estimated
as follows:
2 Inch trap equivalent to 2 fixtures
21 inch trap equivalent to 3 fixtures
3 inch trap equivalent to 4 fixtures
4 inch trap equivalent to 5 fixtures
(b) Trap Sizes: The size (inside diameter) of the trap and waste branches for a
given fixture shall never be less than is called for in the following tablet.
Kind of Fixture _Size DLak Size Branch
Water Closets
(h) Acid Waste: Waste pipes which are designated to carry acid that will cause
deterioration of pipes and connections shall be installed
of an approved acid
resisting metal or alloy.
• Section 9: SIZE,OF SOIL
Floor Drain
(a) Houst drains, soil and waste pipes shall be proportioned
in accordance with
the following table:
Ajaximum Size of Pipe Inches
No. of fixtures connected to
Soil Alone
Kitchen Sink, residence
Waste, or Soil and Waste Soil
Kitchen Sink, Hotel or Public
The above table is based upon a fixture unit having a trap of one and one-
half inches or less, and water closet being equivalent to four fixtures.
Fixtures having trap larger than one and one-half inches shall be estimated
as follows:
2 Inch trap equivalent to 2 fixtures
21 inch trap equivalent to 3 fixtures
3 inch trap equivalent to 4 fixtures
4 inch trap equivalent to 5 fixtures
(b) Trap Sizes: The size (inside diameter) of the trap and waste branches for a
given fixture shall never be less than is called for in the following tablet.
Kind of Fixture _Size DLak Size Branch
Water Closets
Slop Sink with Trap Combined
Slop Sink Ordinary
Pedestal Urinal
Floor Drain
Garage Drain
Catch Basin
laundry Tub, 3 sec. or less
Kitchen Sink, residence
Kitchen Sink, Hotel or Public
lavatory Wash Basin, Group 3 or less
Shower Bath
Size Bath
Drinking Fountain
Fountain Cuspidor
Safe Waste and Drips
Stall Urinals
S.J. or W.D. Urinal with Integral Trap
Through or Wall Urinal with Exposed Trap
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Size of vent pipe stacks, now connected trap vents, when not required,
loop and circuit vents, vents in general.
(a) The following table gives sizes of vent pipe stacks with maximum number of
fixtures that they shall serve:
Max. Developed No. of Traps Number of lupe Ruber of Water
Size Pie Length in Feet 1 " or Less Inches C1 set
1-1/4 12 1 (1 Lif Trap)
1-1/2 40 3
2 64 20
/2 90 30
3 175 60
3-1/2 250 112
4 - Unlimited 200
5 Unlimited. 250
6 Unlimited 480
(b) How! Coct d: Each vent pipe shall be
connected above the
highest fixture
into the adjacent soil -pipe, or extended
indepently through
the rAw_ All
avatar closets. shall be vented through a
"Y" or a drainage fit -ting_, of off
top of the horizontal part of the lead
or above the uppor line of hori-
zonte.l part of the same, except for circuit
vending and for
top closet shall
be leas than two (2) inches in diamter.
No horizontal vent pipe longer than
two (2) feet shall be allowed beneath a
floor adjacent to the trap of any
(c) Tr!M V=ta: Trap vents shall be contig was where possible. Where the vent
or revent pipes are continuous and traps acre veatil.atrd th.-ough the waste
fittinga, the center of the outlet of such fittings or lead "Y" branch shall
not be set below the water seal of trap; and the trap shall not be more than
the following distances from the waste fittings:
Distances from the Waste Fittings:
1-1/4 Trap 15 Inches
1-1/2 " 18 "
2" " 24
3 rr n 30 ++
4" " 36 "
(d) WAA It& & : When there is but one water closet located on a stack
and said water closet is three (3) feet or les^ ibom the stack, or in cir-
cuit venting, no back vent is required.
(e) Iao�sad CUeuJ : Loop or circuit vents when substituted for individual
trap vents for water closets discharging immediately into a horizontal branch
and thence into a vertical soil line and three feet or less from said hori-
zontal branch, must be vented as follovs:
One to Two Closets 2 - Inch Pipe
Three Closets 4 - Inch Bch
For more than Four Closets 4 - Inch Circuit Vent
shall be installed with 2 -inch intermediate vents
between each group of three closets, Vents shall,
In all cases be taken off the top of the flow line
with no greater angle than sixty degrees angle be -
teen the two ends.
(f) ,Vent PiWg.,-Termination: When soil, waste or vent pipes receive the dis-
charge of fixtures on any floor above the first, they must be extended'in
full caliber at least fifteen inches above the roof and wall away from all
shafts, windows, or other ventilating opaniags. When roofs are used as roof
gardens, laundry purposes and for auto storage, the vent pipes must be car-
ried up at least seven feet or higher, if not above the breathing zone. Pipe
opening within fifteen feet of wW window shall be carried up and continue
above the main roof and every stack in building or seven or'more stories
shall be full size throughout.
(g) Vents on Traps: All traps must be protected from syphonage and back pressure
and the drainage ventilated by special lines of vent pipes.All vent pipe
lines and main branches must be of cast iron, lead, steel., wrought iron or
brass* '
(h) Vents Placed Above Fixtures: Every vent pipe shall' -be run differently and .
• separate above its fixtures, in order to prevent its use as a waste.
(i) Vent Pines.:- : All vent or revent pipes when of steel or wrought iron
must beigalvanized and of standard size.
fittings on Vent__Pjog3 All vent or revent fittings must be cast iron or
standard galvanized malleable iron.
(k) Vent -Pipes to Run Direct: A vent line shall be, whenever practicable., a
direct extension of the soil and waste line.
(1}. Vent Piss - When�,� To ge C�nnnected At go=s The main vent riser having a
length of fifteen feet or more must be connected at its foot into the main
waste or soil line below the lowest waste outlet and at an angle not greater
than .fr.L*tyw-five degrees.
(m) All bath tub traps shall be eouUnuoue vented where prac-
tiotw-#& ..Then it is impossible to do so and loop or circuit vent ie used# it
shall be When
a "Y" fitting of not lose than two inches in diameter.
(n) I : No down spout, sheet metal, earthenware or brick shall be
use as a sewer ventilator or trap vent.
(o) &ZMAWs All pipes extending through roof shall be flashed with three (3)
pounds per square foot sheet leads flashing,to tarn into a hub and be calked
with spigot end of pipe,, or =tend to top of vent pipe and turned down not
less than one inch insido of pipe.
(p) Starks - When g2Mj Mr!r: There will be at least one fourrineh (411) stack on
each independent connection with a house sewer. This stack, shall, in all
casae,, be at the and of the longest horizontal line and where practicable a
Mi fixture shall be connected between closet opening and river.
SMma_11: sea to fid:
(a) All pipes oha11 be sounds cyli6drioali smooth, and of uniform thickness, free
from craeks, sand holes and other defects.
(b) Plpeg and gjt&krAa All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be ter.coated in-
side and outside, or have a coating oqually as good.
• (a) EIRe SMMJA gM HorIzonjAl I": Horizontal cast iron pipes must be sup-
ported every five feet by piers built of brick or concrete, or suspended from
joint or beam with hanger made of one-eighth inch by one inch wrought iron or
cast iron solid ring. Galvanized or vrov-Zr it iron pivms nUat be erpported
every ten feet with hanger as specified for cast iron pipes.
(d) piEg. -JIM&I Fo�VatIg2& A �„: All stacks or verticle pipes must be tied
or anchored at every second floor. When they run paralled with or against
the wall inside of building they shall be supported by clamps of one-eighth
inch by one inch galvanized iron and securely fastened to the walls at inter-
vals of no greater length than tea (101) feet for wrought iron pipe,
(e) PJRe Sunaorte far Leads Horizontal lead pipes must be supported the entire
length with a bridge of sufficient strength to prevent sagging and verticle
line shall be supported at intervals of not more than three (31) feet by lead
tags soldered to the pipe and securely fastened to the wall.
(f pipe 2&gMU &ohipi : Pipe hangers made of wood, wire, or sheet iron are
hereby prohibited.
(g) Fitti .. d hibite : Short T -Y branches and creases will be per-
mitted on verticle lines or -in a horizontal position when the branch is smaller
than the main. Long sweep one-quarter bends and long sweep T -Y's are permitted
in any position. Double huba and double and saddles fittings are prohibited
on soil and waste lines.
{h} 'Vittings to be So3A All fittings shall-be sound and free from defects,.. such,
as - splits,, 8andho es,, . pits, or any other .'defeat that Will detract from.' its
strength or serviceability, and no fittings other than in a'sound.and. whole,
• coaditiori4ball. be .used in argy soil, waste..or vent pipe. ,No paraf'in, Tositi,
coal. tar,, cement, , or 'other, compounds+,,of any kind will be'allowed to cover de-
fecte.. .If , defective., fittingsbe found they shall be removed. from the buildings
by the plumber,- upon orders. from the City Plumbing 1nepector~ :to. do. so.
-(J)' Joints' 11a Cast Iron Pipes: All-joints in cast iron soil waste or,- drainpipes
shall be filled with: packed oakum and-.molten lead and- hand closed and calkec1.
as- to. make them air tight. The quantity of lead used for each joint shall be
not.leas .than twelve ounces of fine soft ,lead for each- inch i�1 diameter of
the pipe...
Joint-a in Joint-Cggt Irola. P : Joints on screwed pipe shall be made-with'rod.or
'white lead. or other 'non-injurious, compounds.and..the burrs formed in.. cutting
carefully reamed out. .
(k); ii?+4 fgt_kad end 1rpa JU g: All jointa between lead and ,other metal pipes
shall "be ffiade with. plumbers Wipe. joint using-heavy brass oldeving nipple or
terxule.vhAn connecting theme
{�) SQInts, Prahibit�ad: No solder union, common malleable union; or slip joint,
• made with. union collar or_bfterwise will be allowed in any.. soi1, waste vent or
rev6nt- pipe' 4a - the sewer side of the trap and -then only when 'in or.-b-e1ow. the
seal of thil -trap.
(m) o n s, vi t` n raLrtXtVept A fixture Frith earthenware trap cot voted
direct3y v ii or waste pipe-shall have a- cast brass floorplate weighing
no•lesi than-eixteen`•ounees soldered to the lead bend or pipe and securely
.- faetened - to 'the floor.- When brass -or.. iron . is used for the haste pipes the
braae flange ehall•be acreved to the same and bolted to the trap flange. Joints
shall be. made gas tight with.'an ap�pro' ed gasket ot' graphite- aabestos�` sheet
•leads .oi . perteiet scree joint* . In wood 'joint .o=struet� on tho "connection. be'
`tw6en the eartbenarare shall have a .suitable leagi b. of * lead "pipe ..be.UTeen the..
vi ped joint and under the Bide of f laor, the .distance ,from the. tap of wipad
joint to top. of''Vinished floor must be not ,less. than three inches...
(ri) ..'Build = d t : A building 'or structure` •that has -been: moved from one site to
another.* ..or, c .*need from its orig-aal position, :.pr that :has -been damaged by
firep. shalt: be made to conform .to:'the prov#.sions of, this ordinance before again
connecting to the -sever unless eame-had been. inspeoted-by the .Plumbing 'Inspee-
tor prior to arty' additional plpmbi% work being. installed. If, upon inspection;
., the 'old piumbing",ia found to' be in good condition, the Plumbing Inspector. shall
::.permit' connection to the ewer..
{o}:.tt..::._siov Plurraed: Openings for waste and. vents for future
connections must be plugged.with.metal plugs, screwed or'caiked,-and when-of
]aacl shall be, soldered to- maki` them air and water .tight.. The use 'of' piaster
of aXr kind .for -this purpose 'is. prohibited.
(p.). Water. Cr s CoMectid: No plumbing fixture, device or construction
shall .be' installed which: will. provide a cross connections -between a 'di stribu-
ting'.system of-water.for drinking and domestic purposes and a drainsge Byetem,
soil or waste pipe so as -to permit or make possible the back flaai of sewage 'or
waste into _ the. water supply system.
(q) Was Witer,'-Etc. . The throwing - of _ arr waste water or 616ps : on- the ground or
premises within three .hundred feet of a public sewer is hereby prohibited.
Section: -12:-
(a) Traps, _Et�_ YEvery trap shall be self-cleaning. No trap which depends for its
:seal uVon concealed interior partitions, or .the action ofLmovable parts, or.that
has an. interior partition that in: case bf• a 'defect would; permit the passage of: '
sewer Air, shall be used. Each trap shall be well supported -.in. a position
truie. wiih respect to- its eater seal. Brass traps shall aiot -tie less.-than -No.. .
-20-'Brown and Sharpe: gauge-
Cast metal .lavatorf traps,--.shall be provided with trap screws .of two,uAion• joints
the free opening for which °shall be not less ' than two-thirds of ;tha- size ':of U61
trap. Trap scireww- shall-: be ,.connected and applied .as to form, no 6bstructifln in.
th6° trap"OAt rr cay'-.:nor.• provide �a recess for, -deposits.
Th6 -interior• walls of oast traps, unless machined, shall- be zQ,,qubject: to' 6-04d
blast- so'Ahat :all -0-points or obstructions. are removed.
s;rpshall be. 'made of 1?Each,.laystory`-guge. tubing, �and•must withatazid• a cold
water pros Ours oi.'tweiityb-five pounds to the square, inch. applied .continuously
for not_ lea sAhan"'one- minute without showing aszy leakage or;;M*Ung:`
(b)- Fixturg...Trays ...-Except as. otherwise •herein provided, every itixture. in'a, pleb-
ing qx - drainage .system shall be separate3�y trapped:- and ventilated. Trope-: �sha1.1�
b.e� plaeed.'as cloae t6 the fixture as; practicable and 'in no case,,more than. two
feet. distagt�-from the. waste outlet of:..the fixture No fixture`' shall ::ave .V.-
more., than: -oiietrop.
{a}r. Tr ps Xor-RaQ _ sbs : Each bath tub shall be provided ' with di=. trap, ,either
of-.•lead .or. braeawith a 'trap screw .not. less than three inches. in .dieter.:
Tr&pa.'ofi: bath tube shell'-be placed in:iwwh.a maaner'that' the eleaimuts.phall:
-ineasible -place. The outlets' from dr=AI-aps shall' UA sud:.clome'
up ,op the."uhder, -side of the floor in ,order that: the 'rater seal el *Ih '11/o at..
7:east ttira_:inghes in depfli, In and outlrat must not be°Tess thaa.S+r'�/2". in .
di4r teir Outlets. for dream traps shall-.be'.placed in .such a -mamar #,hat. the:
trap�`Oover: will not leak. sewage air: or :sewer gam.".-:Ca:at :.iron :"Pp 'tarps will '
tie allowed 'oq'tubwhere there is a concrete elab Yloor;.`
(d)' 0rease•'Tra %'.'** ,All.hotels, restaurants,' boding :houseas: so&`tauntains or
other public cooking places, shall provide:. suitable: re"s A444ft satlsfactory,
to the Plumbing inspector through which ell ,waste er :cdtiiaining grease
. .
shall pase:'before discharging into ,the drain.or. sewer':
(e)• anti-Syphon Traps: An approved deep seal.:trap,,mag be.pexmitted,in special '
cases where, in the opinion of the City Pi mb.ing Inspector, other forms of.,
V6 tilation- are ,impossible.
(f) ohibited Trans: Baok water traps floor d'rainey or traps having covers,
hand-holds'-'or a eaaouts which are held is.: place by Muga or;,bolts are prohibi-
ted,. The' intent of and-meaning of "bolts" in ,this :sectioin does not excl de
brasa:.whan four 'or :more: are used to hold trap covers 'in place.
S (g } Tri' . jd� FountaL�Etc: Traps for soda: fountains,.. drain from pumps;..,
refri&r;atcrs,:.;creamery:'and,.milk-room wastes x etc., must be connected through
a -catch. in properlytrapped with suitable iron .cover and to be placedas
.near•'Mirb re. gas passible,
(h) Bl.ow.[i" -Tank fvr. B]ers : No .,connection shall - be made through which steam,
.hot water, or. other "hot liquid, hot gases or hot vapors,- may .be disebarge.s
into ally pii .!o•-or private sewer,:. appurtenance thereof, .except through Conder
si tg'�lank ,of dimension6 and construction approved in each case by,.the -Plumbing
Iriepector 'in. ad4inr a of-L.the rformance of the work. The discharge pipe, of
the candenee4t iaueti .conineet with the sewer on the sewer side . of tie kiouse trcp.
A vapor ,or 'relief '-pipe : of. ample: size shall be wrought iron, steer or: cast iron
with rust. or' screwed .Joints'. Tn. a f if teen pound or less low prgssuie.• ste,am
o3 � hot. water; system the . eondtenk- ma~y be omitted but the Waste conheoj iqo .meat
otherwise`comply with:ahe abode regulation or discharge;,tb-an open tank.or.
asupplied .With water.. -
(•i). Floox Draiztst' Floor drains: shall be .connected by means of a-deep':seal trap
as; -follows
Ali -traps : shall have a seal of. minimum depth of five {5") inches..
(k) Traps for Stables Garages and La diiesi Stable wash racks or urinal recep-
tacles in stables shall not be connected with any sewer drain or lateral, un-
;. less a suitable catch basin trapped with deep seal is provided to prevent the
obstruction of said sewer drain or lateral by sediment or solide carried with
washings. Where any petroleum and/or volatile matter is dischar-edp no waste
matter shall enter the sewer system of the City of Baytown, unless and until
such owner and/or owners have installed a sand trap for the purpose of pre-
venting any petroleum and/or volatile matter from entering into said sewer
system. The trap to be used for this purpose must be approved by the Direc-
tor of Public Works and/or the City Plumbing Inspector, and such sand trap
constructed as set forth in the diagram attached to Ordinance No. 3410 said
ordinance having become effective on July 8, 1956.
(1) Catch Basins, Floor Drains, Etc.: Catch basins, floor drains and subsoil
drains if below sewer grade, shall discharge into a sump or receiving tank,
the contents of which must be lifted and discharged into a drainage system
above the cellar floor by some approved method. Where directly connected to
sewer, they must cut off from the rest of the plumbing system by a brass flap
valve on the inlet to the catch basin, and the trap on the drain from the floor
of other drains will only be permitted when it can be shown to the satisfaction
of the Plumbing Inspector that its use is absolutely necessary and arrangements
are made to maintain a permanent water seal in the trap.
(e) Condemned Fixtures: The City Plumbing Inspector, with the approval of the
Council, may condemn and order the removal of any fixture that is defective
or that does not comply with this ordinance.. No fixture shall be installed
and no fixture shall be reconstructed or reinstalled where it does not meet
with the requirements of this ordinance.
{f) Yard Closets: A yard closet shall be installed in a suitable building not
less than four feet by four feet and eight feet high, set up on a substantial
(g) Water Closets - Away From -Building: A yard closet which is located away from
buildings, but on a house sewer connection, having a four inch vent may be
provided with a two inch vent and shall conform in all other respects to this
(h) Tanks and Flush For Water Close s and Urinals: Water closets must have separ-
ate tanks or separate flushing valves of approved pattern.to discharge not less
• than four gallons of water each at one time.
Section 13: Plumbing and Drain a Fixtures:
Plumbing and drainage fixtures shall be constructed of non-absorbent materials
that are not easily cracked or broken and to which soil will not adhere so
firmly that it cannot be removed by flush water. Fixtures shall be set open
that is perfectly free from enclosing wood -work or other casing that would shut
off light and air. Water closets and urinals shall be well supplied with water
for flushing.
Shower Bath: Every shower on second floor or above, in residential work shall
have installed a non -corrosive water -tight pan constructed of four pound sheet
or sixteen ounce copper having a depth of not less than six inches.
Wood Fixtures - Where Permitted: Wooden wash traps or trays, wooden troughs
or sinks with metallic lining shall be allowed only for dish sinks in hotels
and restaurants and for soda fountain sinks.
• (d)
Prohibited Materials for Fixtures: The use of galvanized steel, sheet metal,
woods or any, absorbent materials for urinal troughs or bowls is prohibited.
(e) Condemned Fixtures: The City Plumbing Inspector, with the approval of the
Council, may condemn and order the removal of any fixture that is defective
or that does not comply with this ordinance.. No fixture shall be installed
and no fixture shall be reconstructed or reinstalled where it does not meet
with the requirements of this ordinance.
{f) Yard Closets: A yard closet shall be installed in a suitable building not
less than four feet by four feet and eight feet high, set up on a substantial
(g) Water Closets - Away From -Building: A yard closet which is located away from
buildings, but on a house sewer connection, having a four inch vent may be
provided with a two inch vent and shall conform in all other respects to this
(h) Tanks and Flush For Water Close s and Urinals: Water closets must have separ-
ate tanks or separate flushing valves of approved pattern.to discharge not less
• than four gallons of water each at one time.
Urinals in toilet rooms used by the general public must have automatic flush
or flush valves to discharge enough water at one time to keep them in a sani-
tary condition. If automatic tanks are used they must be kept in a constant
operating condition.
The use of loose key or spring key cocks for this purpose is prohibited.
i) Water Scor Water Closets: All water closets and other plumbing fixtures
must be provided with a sufficient suppV of water for flushing to keep them
in a cleanly condition. When water pressure is not sufficient to supply freely
and continuously, all fixtures a house supply tank must be provided of suffic-
ient size to afford an ample supply of water.to all fixtures at all times.
Such tanks must be supplied from pressure or by pump as may be necessary. Tank
must be covered so as to exclude dirt, dust and grease.
Sectio 16:
Inspector: When the word Inspector is used, it shall be understood to mean
the Chief Inspector of Plumbing or his duly authorized assistant, and all
powers conferred by this ordinance upon the Chief City Inspector of Plumbing
are hereby, likewise conferred upon his assistant, and such assistants and
each of them may likewise exercise all such powers.
Vaster Plumbers: A "Master Plumber" is hereby defined to be any person skilled
in the planning, supervising, and installation of plumbing and familiar with
the rules, laws and regulations governing same, and who has been licensed in
the manner provided by this ordinance.
JourneXMR Plumber: A "Journeyman Plumber" is hereby defined to be any person
other than a master plumber who is engaged in the practical installation of
plumbing and who has been granted a license in the manner provided by this
Power To Condemn -Work: The inspector shall have the power to condemn any work
hereafter installed when, in his opinion such work is likely to create a fire
hazard, endangering life and property, or unsanitary conditions affecting the
health of the community, in which any of said work may exist.
House Sewer: The term "Sewer" is a genu al term for a system of horizontal
piping used to convey the drainage from any building or buildings site to a
public or private sewer.
Private Sewer: A "Private Sewer" is that part of horizontal piping of the
house drainage system extending from the house drainage system extending from
the house drain to its connection with a main or private sewer and conveying
the drainage pipes inside the walls of any one or more buildings located on
the same lot.
(g) Auxillan Sewer Vent: An "Auxillary Sewer Vent" is an additional vent stack
assisting the main vent which passes through the roof indepently.
(h) Outside or Yard Water Closet: An "Outside or Yard Closet" is one that Is in-
stalled in a building detachArl from tba main bui.1di ng and shall not be i rt --
stalled above the ground floor.
(i) House D ain: The "House Drain" is that part of horizontal piping of the house
drainage system which receives the discharge from all soil, waste or other
drainage pipes inside the walls of any building and conveys the same to the
house sewer or main drain on the outside of the foundation walls -of such
(j) D:a2: A "Trap" is a device so constructed as to prevent the passage of air
or gas through a pipe without materially affecting the flow of sewage or waste
water therein.
(k) Tra�-Depth of Sea! : The '9)epth of Seal" of,a trap is the height of a water
colimn"measured between the point of over flow and the dip or division level
separating the inlet and the outlet arms of the trap.
(1) Main: The "Main" or any system of horizontal, vertical, or continuous piping
is that part of such system which receives the discharge of back vents from
fixture outlets directly connected with the main or through branch pipes.
(m) Branch-, The 'Branch" of any system of piping is that part of the system which
extends horizontally at a slight grade from the main to receive fixture outlets
not directly connected with the main.
(n) Stack: The "Stack" is a general term for any vertical line of house drainage
piping inclusive of the main and its branches.
(o) Soil Pipe: "Soil Pipe" is any pipe which conveys the discharge of any fixture
except water closets, and conveys the same to the house drain.
(p) Vent Pipe: A "Vent Pipe" is any pipe provided to ventilate a drainage or
plumbing system of piping and to prevent trap syphonage and back pressure.
(q) Soil Or Waste Vent: The "Soil or Waste Vent" is that part of the main soil or
waste pipe above the highest installed branch of fixture outlet connection ex-
tending through the roof.
• (r) Circuit Venting: A "ClIrcuit Venting" is a system of venting by which the
syphonage and back pressure on the seal trap is prevented by extending the
branch soil or waste pipes and connecting them with a bent stack main, in con-
junction with the main soil waste vents, completed and forms a continuous air
circuit or vent for each branch line so installed.
(s) Loo, t: A "Loop Vent" is a circuit where the branch or branches of soil
or waste pipes on any floor, having no other fixtures or branches installed
above them, loop over above the fixtures and reconnect with the main soil or
waste lines.
(t) Continuous Vent: A "Continuous Vent" is formed by a vertical continuation of
the waste line constructed in accordance with Section 9, paragraphs "a" and
(u) Plumbing. Drainage and DrainlMina: When the term "Plumbing" is used in this
ordinance they shall not include any work done or materials used in installing
constructing, reconstructing, adjusting, connecting, remodeling, or repairing
any system of piping for the transmission of gas for fuel purposes, but they
shall include all gas fired hot water heaters, all water piping and any system
of drainage whereby fuel waste or supernumerous water, gases other than fuel
gas vapor or other fluids discharged through a pipe or pipes from any and all
buildings pits, boxes, filter beds, or other receptacles, or into any natural
or artificial water course flowing through public or private property or used
or to be used in ventilating any house sewer or fixture or appurtenances con-
nected thereto.
Section 15: Inspections on Plumbing Work Installed In All Buildings:
(a) There will be three (3) inspections on plumbing work installed in all build-
1. When the underground work is complete and before any part is covered;
2. When the rough -in is complete and before any interior walk or callings
are covered;
3. When all fixtures are set, connected and water is turned on.
If the insactor is not satisfied with the visual inspection on the above
numbers (1r or (2) inspections, he may have the plumber in charge to close all
openings in the lines and fill the line with water four (4) inches above the
floor line or to the plate or ceiling line as the case may be. On large jobs,
two or more inspections may be necessary to expedite the job.
(b) When all plumbing work is fully completed and the building is ready for occu-
pancy and upon receipt of request to the Plumbing Inspector for final inspec-
tion, such final inspection shall promptly be made by the Pliunbing Inspector
or his assistant.
If the inspector deems it necessary, a peppermint or smoke test shall be made
under his instructions.
(c) The inspector mast also inspect all sewers and connections made with the City
mains and branches of said sewer. Sewer or connections must not be backfilled
until said sewers or connections have been approved by the Plumbing Inspector.
(d) No part of any plumbing or drainage system shall be convered until it has
been inspected and approved. If any part is covered before being tested and
approved it shall be uncovered at the direction of the Inspector.
(e) When additional plumbing fixtures are installed or the style or location of
any fixtures is changed, or where changes are made in the piping system, the
work shall be inspected.
(f) In case said plumbing or drain -laying has not been done in compliance with
this ordinance, either because of bad or imperfect work, or bad or imperfect
material, or both, the Inspector shall refuse to certify said work and shall
report, in writing, to the City Council of the City of Baytown, and to the
person for whom the work is being done, the cause for not being able to certi-
fy work inspected.
(g) Should any plumber or drainlayer refuse to complete his work in accordance with
• the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of said Plumbing Inspec-
tor to report said fact to the owner of the premises and to the City Council.
Until such time as said work has been properly completed.
(h) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or agent, receiver,
or trustee, to cause or permit any job of plumbing or make any connections with
or opening into any private or public sewer, or to do any plumbing in connec-
tion with any property owned, managed, or controlled by such person, firm or
corporation, agent, receiver, or trustee, unless the plumber doing said work
has been licensed, as required by this ordinance, and has been received of a
permit from said city, as by ordinance required, to do said particular plumb-
ing, and any person, firm or corporation, agent, receiver, or trustee, causing
or permitting any such work to be done in violation of the provisions hereof
shall be guilty of an offense and in addition to such penalties as are imposed
by ordinance of the City of Baytown, shall have the right to out off the water
supplied to such property by it through its pipes and refuse to turn on and
furnish water to said property until the violation of this section has been
corrected to the satisfaction of the City Plumbing Inspector and City Council.
(i) Bad faith or unreasonable delay in the performance of plumbing work shall be
deemed a sufficient reason for subjecting the plumber so offending to a sus-
pension of his license, and each Master Plumber, or employing plumber, is held
responsible for the violation of these regulations by his employees.
Section 16: Certificate:
Upon the completion of installation of plumbing and before the use of same is
permitted the plumber shall have final inspection made and obtain from the
Plumbing Inspector a certificate stating that the installation has been made,
inspected, and tested in full compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
This certificate shall be turned over to the owner of the property so plumbed.
It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to issue all such certificates
if he finds all requirements of this ordinance have been complied with. It
shall be unlawful for any owner, agent, or other to allow the use of any plumb-
ing installed until a final certificate has been installed.
Section 17: Qperative:
(a) The terms of this ordinance shall not be construed to operate against or upon
any plumbing contract or contracts which may have been entered into under the
existing ordinances, if the performance of the work under such contract or corms
• tracts has been undertaken and is unfinished at the time of taking effect of
this ordinance.
0 --1 - -, 1 1
Section 18: Penalty:
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordnance
or failing to observe any provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten
($10.00) Dollars and not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, and each
and every day or fraction of a day during which this ordinance, or any part
thereof, shall be violated, shall be deemed a separate offense and punishable
as such.
Section 9: Repealing Clause :
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this
ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be
only to the extant of such inconsistency, and in all other respects this or—
dinance shall be cumulative of other triinances regulating and governing the
subject matter covered by this ordinance.
Section 20: Savings Clause:
If any provision, exception, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause
or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of
circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void, or invalid,
such invalidity shall not affect the validity, of the remaining provisions of
this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances,
and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable.
Section 21: Effective Date,-.
This ordinance shall take effect from and after Ten (10) days from its passage
by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof
by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official news—
paper of the City of Baytown at least twice within Ten (10) days after the pas-
sage of this ordinance.
INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a ma rity of the City
Council of the City of Baytown, on this the, -/ day of ,
Al C 1 — Mayor
L4::�-4LL - LL:a -
Edna Oliver — City Clerk