Ordinance No. 5450
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Pa3, Pr . 545
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TEXAS, RECEN3P_C X10 �li',C?c —r1! HC- THEE
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:MF ZITIMIZY.IT lIv `e n1' PfJTY, THE ,CP�'r I='?t PEItFv
SAID 11^11RX; i. rP►CVIrdG H FC►ii 7 S►ICI] S E =0I1:L E -SaESS-
17 �MEUI.
E IT LNDA111"FED EY TIC CITY i.vUBOIL OF ti.'• " 71A nT;
Section l: That the work of intprovinr Fawthorne Street, from the Last
property line of Earrymore Blvd. to the !Jest property line of 3arnegie Street,
and Eurbank -Street, from the East property line of i-arrymore -lvd. to the Vest
property lire of Carnegie Street, in the City of_aytorin, Texas, CJy raising,
grading, filling, widening, permanently paving and repaving sane, and. Cry the con-
struction, reconstruction, repairing or realigning of concrete curets and gutters,
and by the construction of such drains and ot!_er neoessary incidentals and appur-
tenances as deewed necessary by the City Engineer, said per,.anent paving consist-
ing of an adeqeate asphaltic wearing surface upon: a s4'i;stantial concrete base,
-rota of such type, construction, materials and thickness as have been deer,ed ade-
quate and proper by said City Engineer, and all of said improvements being as
provided for in the Plans and Specifications therefor which 'Nave heretofore been
orepared ty the City Engineer and as have been approved and adopted by the ;pity
:ouncil; and all of same having been performed 'and completed in full accordance
with all the terms and provisions of the contract dated February "6, 1959, ,e-
tween said :pity of Eaytown, Texas, and Gulf Eithulitbic .om ?any; said City Engi-
neer having ineasured, examined and caused to be tested the finisned improvements
l-y the means and in the manner provided by the terns of said contract and the
Mans and Specifications, and havincl found that such improvements have been con -
s'ructed and completed in full compliance with all provisions o" said contract
and said :lairs and Specifications, and said "City Engineer havinC approved and
accepted said rjork and -smorovements and having 'oereteyfore issued his certificate
of rinal ksceT)tarce, and so cert4fied to said 3ity :oancil an recommended that
It accent and receive said work and Vie improver:�erts as constructed and completed
by said "Gulf 3-ithulithic :,ompany, and said work and improvements %aving been exam-
ined and found _,,r the i ayor and City :ouncil of said ";ty of 'aytown, Texas, to
• •
have been performed and completed in full compliance with said contract and said
Mans and Specifications therefor, said work and improvements are hereby foun
by said City :.otuhc_l to have been performed and corinleted Ly said gulf Dlithuli-
tihlc Oorntpa �y, in full compliance with the terms and provisions of said contract
and said Mans and Specifications therefor, and same are hereby accepted and re-
ceived by said :,ity Council of the :,ity of Baytown, Texas.
Section 2: That the i:ayor and �"ity Cleric of the >:,ity of --aytowr_, Texas,
are hereby authorized and directed to execute and issue to Gulf ithulit :hic Voah-
;zany, Special Fssessrrent Certificates evidencing the assessments levied against
the properties improved abutting upon said portions of Hawthorne ;;-S� 7-urbank Streets
and against tae real and true owners t_lereof, which, by the ter, -,Is of said contract.
the City of raytovin, Texas, has agreed and obligated itself to issue and deliver
to said Gulf 'Sithulithic Company, in accordance with the provisions of the rela-
tive proceed_ncrs heretofore had and adopted by said City C- Ov:cil; said Special
f.ssessment Certificates to be executed in the name of said City by its i.Jayor and
: ity Clerk and impressed with the seal. of said City, and dated as of the date
'hereof, and such officers are hereby authorized and directed to e:cecute said car -
tificates ir their official capacities on Lehalf of said 10jity, and deliver same
to Gulf 'ithulitaic Company, said Special E_ssessment ;, ertificates :having hereto-
fore been prepared and ;printed, a copy of Which is on file with the City Clerk,
the fora and contents thereof being hereby approved and adopted.
Section 3_: This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of
its passage by a majority of the City Council of the City of 'aytovin.
?i., �.�;]C'r, C. Ey and �f:SSED ';y a majority of the :,otuhcil of the City of
.aytown, Texas, on this the 28th day of i "ay, 1959,
.,. =rI -tt, mayor
J� -fJ'f
Edna C-liver, City Clerk