Ordinance No. 544is • 0 a 544 F:Id LRDj!�:F= CF THE =,iTX i:3EII +1 I: '=.F TfrE CITI! OF I`IAVU.'ii`I, TiiP5. , KECEIVII\G. AID AC- iC T1� [?C 'K F T firD LE�T'' [(��I i;'fp,VEi EP .ST r��iII`1�T T� FC7'LLC'E' :�I1{G �l4 1 .. E•�l.0 FCPTI;i P� 4:L EE.ST JAI- �7 j lV l'1UE IN NEE %ITl' :F I.1'TC['1PI; �"_tT£`_?�FIZII\G r` :ice GInE TiAG THE E;_EC,J£I 11 AF9 IS3UJ,1.jCE CF S. E ._E:L f SL p. Nr 4EC T , INC. , T1' C�l*TPti� LtP FERFOR0, 1G SAID 11022; A,MOVIHG F:CR'' CF SUCM SFECIM E.SSES5H':F1F CE :TIF'I:.AT11S; Ellin" I :WICIWj FOE Ti' EFFECIVE ufiE MMECF'. BE t '11RCP F-CCD EY THE CITY CCGNOIL Tc , CITY ��r� 31-1"101 Section I; Tlzat t1je work of i� proving Last Sa;��es :ven :e, fror :� the East property line of State tghway No. 146 (Alexander Drive) to a point which is 761.7 feet :asterly frorn the ;'west property line of Cedar Lane, within the :.ity of Baytown, Texas, by raising, grading, filling, widening, permanently-paving, end repaving saLie, and by the construction, reconstruction, repairing or realign- ing of concrete curbs and gutters, and by the construction of such drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances as deeried necessary ?Jy the City Engineer, said perr�anent paving consisting of reinforced concrete pavement upon a properly prepared suhgrade, of such type, construction, materials and thick- ness as deeimed adequate and suitable by the City 7ngineer, and all of said in- provements being as provided for in the Flans and Specifications therefor which have heretofore been prepared by the City Engineer and as have ;Jeer approved and adopted by the City Council; and all of sane having been performed and completed in full accordance with all the terns and provisions of the contract dated Aug- ust 14, 1956, tetween said City of E.-aytown, Texas, and Erovin Lio::t, Inc.; and said City Engineer having oeasured, exarined and caused to to tested the finished improvenerts I:y the means and in the reanner provided by the terns of said contrac' and the Plans and Specifications, and having fotnid that such improvements have teen constructed and completed in full compliance Litith all provisions of said contract and said Plans and Specifications, and said City ;rgineer havinc! approveG and accepted said work and iniprovernents and having -heretofore issued his Certi- ficate of Final acceptance, and so certified to said City Council and recocirnended that it accept and receive said work and the improve; -nents as constructed and com- pleted by said Erotvn u Moot, Inc., and said wort: and improvements having been examined and found by the iayor and City Council o= said City of =aytown, Texas, to have been performed and completed in full compliance with said contract and • • is F- I L said Plans and Specifications therefor, and same are hereby accepted and received by said City °:,ouncil of the ,ity of iaytown, Texas. Section 2: That the mayor and City Cleric of the City of = aytown, Texas, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and issue to Erovin. & Root, Inc., Special f:ssessment Certificates evidencing the assessments levied against the properties improved abutting upon said portions of East James Avenue and against the real and true owners thereof, which, by the terms of said contract, the City of uaytown, Texas, has agreed and obligated itself to issue and deliver to said r•rovm & Root, Inc., in accordance with provisions of the relative proceedings heretofore had and adopted ty said City Council; said Special f.ssessraent Certi- ficates to be e.cecuted in the name of said City by its i- -!ayor and City Clerk, and Uipressed with the seal of said City, and dated as of the date hereof, and such officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said certificates in their official capacities on ;lbehalf of said City, and deliver same to said Erown U moot, .inc., said Special Assessment Certificates having heretofore i�een prepared and printed, a copy of which is on file with the City :,'lerk, the forrk and contents thereof being : hereby approved and adopted. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its passage by a majority of the City Council of ti.e City of 7�aytown. If2ii ^.DUCED, FIEZO and Pf::SSED by a majority of the City Council of the City of :aytown, -exas, on this the 28th day of Play, 1959. i �?ST : C Edna diver, City Clerk -2- F ' . p Lett, r.�ayor