Ordinance No. 539ORDINANCE' NO. 539 ' �. AN` ORDINANCE OF THE CITY..COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF - BAYTOWN, TEXAS, CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN- T0 .. THE REAL AND. TRUE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON NORTH MAIN STREET FROM •,THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. OF.' 'FAYLE •STREET TO THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE. OF CEDAR. BAYOU ROAD, IN THE CITY OF I BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ; -" -AS -,TO SPECIAL BENEFITS Td - ACCRUE,' BY • VIRTUE OF , THE IMPROVEMENT THEREOF, -AND AS TO ,-THE, ACCURACY, SUFF ICIENCY' AND VALIDITY OF THE €?ROB ` ' CEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION .WITH'. -SAID IMPROVEMENTS, . AND :THE ASSESS MENTS. TO BE LEVIED .. COVERING THE COST THEREOF; OVERRULING -AND DENYING: ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED;- FINDING-AND.". DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS - TO EACH PARCEL. OF, . ,'PROPERTY=' AND 'THE- .OWNERS THEREOF IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT :OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT- AGAINST SAME; - - FINDING 'THE.'REQULARITY OF ALL 'PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO° FIXINQ THE ; ASSESSMENT LIENS AND -THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS,.FIXING CHARGES - AND . LIENS'••AGA INST -SAID FROFERTIES: ABUTTING ® 'SAID STREET AND- THE • TRUE `OWNERS THEREOF FOR : PAY- MENT -OF PART OF THE COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS;, PROVIDING 'FOR THE ISSUANCE OF .ASSIGNABLE. ASSESS 4ENT .CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR -COLLEC= TION; AND-PROVIDING FOR. THE'EFFECTSVE'DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS; 'the' City Council of -the City of Baytown, -Texas,, has heretofore,. by - Ordinance No." 494, . enacted on • June 12, 1958, y aeterininedT'ehe ,neceesity 7for ancl� or`dere,d "the improvement of North Main Street' from `the. South Property Line Fayle Street to the North Right -of -Way line of 'Cedar.Bayou Road, •by raising, _ grading., filling, widening,- permanently ,paving or repaving same, by the construction, reconstruction, repairing and realigning concrete curbs and gutters' in' the manner and where -the City: Engineer determines that. adequate -curbs and-gutters are not now installed•vn proper grade and line; and by- eonstruction of such drains and other incidentals and appurtenances as deemed: necessary' by said Engineer; said improvements -to be in• accordance.wit,h the Plans acid Spetifica- SV ; bons 'which Nave heretofore been prepared -and filed by the Qity . Engineer and approved,by',the City Council 'and WHEREAS; by vittue of:, its low bid for construction :of, such improvements on the said North'Main Street, the' City .Council,' in behalf of the City of Baytown, has;heretofoiv entered " int - a contract �} with Brown & Root,, Inc,:-, for `construction o,f said improvements; and W"REAS, said City Council hag•• caused the City EnQineer'rto w, 'prepare ands f]et estimates :of the casts of. such mprovementsi :and ' .. r estimates, of the 'amountg P e x front:,foot proposed to be assessed' 'aizainst the` pi^opertean abutting: said street to" be' improved and, ., the true owners there of and -said City, tngineer has.'herei'ofore, filed "said estimates and a- statement- of. other' matters relating �. thereto with said :City, Council. and same have #:been ,received, examined and approved by said governing body.: and t ; -• WHEREAS`,= by ordinance- dated April 9', 1959;' the: City Council of--the-City of Baytown, ordered_ that 'a hearing. be ` given to the': real and true owners; of'. property .abutt�:ng upon thei said North' Main Street ® ;within• the limits .'epeeifi6d,j and, unto ai_1 per so na. owning .ar claiming• any such abutting' property or- interest therein,- and to,'all; others v owning, caiming or interes:tea in said 'property •`or: any. of said matters as 'to' assessment and as to the 'amounts proposed .to.. "bre assessed against each parcel of..; such abuttirig :property and the real and'.true owners! thereof, .and. a's to.' the specials benaf3ts�'.td� such abutting 'prope,rty, and.she oWndlrs thereof by means of 'said 'improvements.; for which special as'sesement.a are to`,be •l:evi•ec�', aril as to�:theo accuracy,; uff iciency - -, regula ' $y and •validity .of• the proceedings apd aontraets in connection T r. with said, improvements and proposed speaial:asseesments=,.and concerning j. _ ;gny matter or- thing connected' !'therewith,' said hear�.ng to.,,. ''be held at - ® the City, Hall o,f the .City � of Baytown, .Texas -, at 7-1:00 o' c1o.;ak' P :A'1.' on. the ]3th day of May, 1959.. at which,.tme all persons;: firms, corpora Lions -'or estates - orrming or claiming any 'such abutting property, and, theft agents.or attorneys or persons,,intereated in said proceedings ,• might -appear, in pe:rsori :or by 'counsel and offer evidencez and•' = WHEREAS, said `ordinance' further ordered and directed; the City Clerk of- hey City of B ay'- to�rn, Texas, to give; notice' of said 6 3 ,, hearing, by publication;_ as provided for_ and. ,in .accordance with the terms ° . and provisions: of rChapter 106 .of the Acts. of the' First .Called Session, of the .Fortieth Legislature ot'.the State.,of ;Texas, known and' s,hOi n ®;+ n s: Annotated Civil Statute$ of Texas ;f and' : as.,Article 1105 -b. of Verno_ • ' ^ ' Ste. - J • ' ' } - i , t. •2 ... WHEREASi-said not"ice4 -as ordered .and directed by said City Council: and as required by�'said ' law, has been properly given by :publication thereof, three- times, :to wit: On three, d fferent days -' in a• newspaper, of .general circulation irk- the City 'of- Baytown; , Texas, the , first of. , said' pub;licatione trade more ' than ten days prior to the, date of :r said hearing; said.-notice further given by mailing by first- class mail,, ;postage prepaid; . a copy or substantial. copy of . said notice: to 'the respective owners of the various-and sundry parcels ; of property abutting, upon said - portionL of N0 'orth` Main Street; to . Vii. �.•_,_ • 'heir - respective, usual,: or beat `±nailing` addresses; said notice as; giveri :having.'- described the nature of the i tnprovement9 for which , assessments were .p'ropo'sed to- be levied .and to which said notice re-.• „ lated, hay.,ing.,stated the 'portion . of said 'street ,to be improved,. _., the estimated amounts per front- foot, proposed to'be_,assessed against the. owners - of abutting properties and such, properties on ,said portion, f ' -of said -street- with reference to which. the heailhg mentioned, in said not ice. was to be held, `and having "stated the eat itnated total , :cost of the ,improvements . on saild.portron of said street, and having stated , the time Arid place •at which 'said 'hearing should °b -e held, and said, , t ;6 uly. feet %and ;comled with all � pro '.;ynotice' havin�� a espeet { visions of law requisite. ands pertinent thereto; ana WHEREAS;, after due; regular and proper' notice :thereof, all as' provided '•by jaw, ' said hearing,: of which notice was• so given,, was - opened 'at -7:00 o'clock P.M:, on May -13, 1959, at the City. Hall in the City of Baytovin Texas, pursuant ta- the notice hereinabove referred ' :to, at which time opportunity was given to--all 'of said referred to persons, firms; corporations, estates or other owners of such . abutting, properties, their- agents 'and attorneys, -to'' be- heard andL to offer evidence, as to wll matters in connection -with such ordinances and notice, at .which time the folldw�ing4 appeared and: the following -state - ments and testimony were given., 'to wit: WHEREAS,. at said hearing,` all,,parties'. desiring., or; in- -any manner wishing to be heard concerriing any of .the matters mentioned. in said ordinance ordering and 'f1xing 'the . date• of said hearing'-. and , in said published notice, :and as to" `any: other matters con'- 'netted, with said proposed improvements, ;dontradt' and assessments. , and:* the amounts ahe,reof,. were' heard., and all matters 'as to the _ a accuracy, sufficiency, regularity and validity,,; and all matters of '•error, equality and other matters connected' with. said improve- ments,•'Contract 'arnd,asse6sments having been', 'heard, -considered : -' and correct6d, and =said ,CityXouncil:- having..hear,6 evidence -as-. to the - - special benefits to' said-,abutting property and each pare -el ® ;atiereof and to they res pective owners' thereof, in the enhanced ' '�`^ P., -i i� -'~ - . r .� : .' y fir- 'r7 _5 �; ° ;. -. ! ?? � � };� • '•' Vie_ , ` . . value of; said property by means .of such improvements, and said City Council having• given -a- full and fair. hearing to4 all 'parties' , making or desiring -to* make arty. protest 'or ' ob jections , or_ to offer- y testimony and having examined. and corisi:dered'ail.' evidence, 'matters and -testimony) We' red And , having found that'_ said -• pub lished'- notice is- '- valld• and is in, full 'accord' -with the require- -merits- of law; arid ceedinga with•- reference to ffak i* ;the WHEREAS a -1�1 � ro - improvements above mentioned have ,been regularly,..h in compli ante with the law,, and- All prerequisites to the fI xing of . the asaessmerit liens j.against. the' propert.es hereinafter listed and'' the personal liability of the respec. e,,owners thereof -tiave been performed,, :and. upon completion of said improvements, and acceptance thereof by the 'City of,:-134 ytown assignable certifi - - cates,'should be •isdued iri, evidence of- said assessments and.11ens and the ': liability of the' true owner . or owners of said properties ;whether eor-r_eetiy named -or not., all -as ,provided' by laws : NOW,' , THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL, 6 TH$, CITY' • OF:' BAYTOWN: + - 4. - _, - - - ' - t J � •ji Y` ` :.q x �•� - � r � a_ ri fi- -'•1'' � �`,E � T' _ •+...*2 �'. �l � y ". ry` d ' �l Section l That the benefit heat ic be closed.�and than ` such. • - ' - - . .• -City - Courici finds that each and. every parcel of .propert Y '- abutting �xpon ,North' Maui- Street :within the limite. _defined will .. bo. enhanced in value acid speciall bane Y f iced "n• pan am ount' in excess, of ."the • amount ' of the coats• of sa id:improvements'proposed. to be. assessed against ach e of said parcels of p i 'Property abutt ng said; street within said` limits defined ;and wagainst the re'al:.and` true owners'- thereof; and. against any'railroad..occupyng said street 5 and the owners .thereof and'. that . a hl ab;jections and protests .should. t. f be, and the same are.hereby;,overrulled and denied. Section 2.. ,The City-Co Unc 1' finds -and :declares'that ali , proceedings -with .re�terence% to , the: making of improvements, as herein, '< stated on North,Ma nj•Street•in the City of Baytown have been duly ' and regularly had An compliance -with. the 'law; that .'axh prerequ sites- to `the entering :into :said 6 _htract `for -such kwork and im rovement® p, prerequisites to .the fixing of•the assessment liens against the properties hereinafter listed arid the 'personal liaibipity of ' the?res ectiv e ' owners thereof�; . w_hether. named. or , not, have been•in• alh' things "performed. and• complied with ,• and said City ' Councih" f�erther. ti finds at d - :declares that, - ,all. "Pereoris interested, t Ave been. given ' a- full.'•' and'- fair hearing ;`. that there is "not to be. assessed'- against such ®4 abutting. prlopert and the owners thereof more than all of :the 'costs of -the construction of curbs and "j gutters 'and 'ni'ne- tenths (9%10) of , the cost „cif constructing the improvements. other than ;curbs and gutters;` that adjustment -and -apportionment, -of -costs among, all prop -•` erties •anc3 the owners, thereof .have been made in full -eompliance. .with' the. .law so as _to 'produce a substantial equality of benefits received - and. burdens imposed and that , the special hene'ts to each ;parcel of , Y , . property and _the owner thereof in the • _enhanced', valu6. ''thereof by means,. of said improveme ntp is .in each.' ihOtance'.in excess of = amount of 'the a ssesstnent`made ` a v, ga.inst-sa4d,parcel;' of propefty,;A d its,: owner. • - .• ` -. •r is .' - .. R' '`. 'Section 4; That', said •'several amounts, together- with, inter -• est,.:expense.'of' collection; and .reasonable` attorneys' fees, If incurred, . shall be and 'the same are hereby- , ;d'eclared to -be ,a first and prior lien on and .against r said •re�spectivet abutting' prop erties, -and'. said amounts so 2ssesse ' d, ogether with said other '.items; shall_ be and, the `same .are.,he reby deolared :to be;:peraonal "liabilities acid charged agatri the true wners "of so id properties, f respectively,; h,etiher named or not;. >all, as provided -fn and by said Article fl, .5. -b of.; Vernon'.s Annotated, Oivi1' Statutes of 'Texas aforesaid;- and Bud 'assessments` shall,: <_be collectible- with •interest, expense, of collect"onb�_� and reasonable' attorrieys+ fees, ' if incurred,.:. and} shall _be - Pirat' and prir liens ' ornzttieG property assesBed,, superior' .1 - to all�oth'er �`l eris'and- 'claims except state,,rcounty and, city ad valorem ,taxes and shall "be ' . , ,. personal .liability and 'charges. against the said` otvner,s of the 'prop° rty, , aso.essed; ., that.-,.said-sums, so assessed s shall 'be- ,payable a.6--:f(5 to wi.tr: In, six equal, annual". install -menus one- installment payable 'within -thirt y days' .a-fter, -the .'cgmple r - , - tion of 'said- improvements and the acceptance; thereof by he .City' Council of the'.Cty of :Baytown; one installment one: year rfrom the' date of aueh acceptance oe instlment tWo year's from. the date of such `acceptance; one'•install' me nt : tM,ee years from the date 'of such :zcde*ance, one ,installment four. from the 'date of -.such acceg4 r fence;. , and one',nstallment five years - f"rom'the, date of, such "acc.ep- tpndT with interest thsreon from -such datb • of 'acceptance. a t the ` rate ;of si.x ('6 :per . cent per annum;; payable' annually,Y and if default'' eha11 be made`in. the payment of. any interest or principal when due, the whole 'of said assessment, upon. 'such, default; .,shall at -once 5 become due, and :payab:le at '. the - option of'aaid. contractor; Brown .& Root, ,Inc., or its..assgns. provided Bald property owner.'sh_ all have• the privilege of paying any Installiments before maturitt b _ . ' y y. payuient of principal and accrued interest. =. 'Se'ction- That for' the purpose of `evidencing said assess- trienta, the liens 'secu� : the' several- sums payable• by said property ovrners' and- the, time-.and, terms, of; payment;. •and. to "afd;''inr'trie enforcement ;thereof•, ass' gnable- 'ce'rtifjeates:' shall, be. issued by. the City of Baytown "tq., the contracto°, oi_a`saigns, .upon _F comp et on and - 'acceptance` of said 3mproveme.nts; whi4h certificates shall be - executed by_`the Mayor' and' atte.ted,by, the .City':Glerk -`with the' corporate: seal affixed,s and 8ha11 pe - payab -le_ to said' ' • contractor.. or assigns; said certf #'gates sha3;1 declare ;the said amounts; and. 'the ytime and terms of payment: thereof,. the •rate' of interest'..payable: thereon, the description of ,the 'respea'tIve :prop- ernes against wt iich'wthe •aforementioned assessments have been levied, ' 6d.fIcient to identify - same,, and same `:'shall contain. the , name±'or names of the apparent• owners hereof t i :� Said certificates'- shall fu her set forth a evideizce' .the . . assessments �Zevied and eh all declare' the - lien .-upon the -respective properties and the �:iability, of t4O true. owner. . owners thereof, , ' :whether correctly named or not, and shall proucte that: 'if ..default ` be made an th e payment thereof, escae shall be enforced,' by a suit_ i- any 'court having jurisdibtion. fry cifi tes eha� l-. further provide: that if r And �the•'sa id. ert ca 1"default be mane in ,the payment of• any installment , of principal or, ' ` n ' c'ontractor intsrest thereo rwhen due then at the option of said as9i�np, beI ng;the� owner and..hblderthereof, the whole of said assessment shall ,become.: at once due and- payable 'and -shall be' ti��collect3bl.e rl. ith, interest, expense, of }_d_61 ;l "ctlon and a, ..reasonable "attorMey -'s fee; if 1 incurred .S•aid:,:certffidates' shall further,�recite,r, that the- ��roceed.ngs *t th, reference to .taming the improvement&Aherein- refer•.red to r' have been ragui iai ly. had' in coiripliance , with' the law, and that a31 f ` pre .requisites to the firing of the assessment =lien against the