Ordinance No. 501U
Section 1: Intent And Pur ose Of The Ordinance. The,City Council of the
City of Baytown, acting pursuant to Article I, Section 9, of the Charter of
said City, hereby declares that it is necessary that the hereinafter described
territory lying adjacent to the City be annexed and the existing boundary limits
of the City be extended to include such territory. The purpose and intent of
this extension of the boundary limits of the City of Baytown is to take care
of said City's present needs for additional territory and the reasonably anti-
cipated future growth and expansion of the City.
Section 2: That the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, be
enlarged and extended as hereinafter set out so as to include within the boun-
dary limits of said City within the following described lines, to -wit:
BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Easterly line
of Bay Villa Subdivision in the William Scott Upper League,
and the Northeasterly shore of Scott's Bay, said point of in-
tersection being situated South 31 degrees 46 minutes !'lest
460.9 feet from the Northwest corner of Bay Villa Addition,
® said corner being located in the Southwesterly right -of -way
line of Market Street Road;
THENCE, in a Westerly direction along the shore line of Scott's
Bay at mean high tide to the Southwest corner of Lot 10 Block K
in the town of Wooster;
THENCE, Northwesterly along the !'lest line of Lot 10, Block K
in the town of Wooster to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 in
the Block K of the town of Wooster;
THENCE, in a Southwesterly direction along the South line of
B1ock'K in the town of I'Iooster to the Southwest corner of said
Block K;
THENCE, continuing on an extension of the South line of Block K
of the town of I'Iooster to the intersection of a line which is
2500 feet Easterly at right angles from and parallel to the cen-
terline of the Iiouston Ship Channel;
THENCE, in a Northerly and Westerly direction with the line
® which is 2500 feet at right angles and parallel to the center-
line of the Houston Ship Channel to the intersection of the mean
high tide line of the East shore of the San Jacinto River;
THENCE, in a Northerly direction with the mean high tide line of
the East shore of the San Jacinto River to tha intersection of a
line which is 200 feet Northerly at right angles and parallel
to the North right -of -way line of State Highway No. 73;
THENCE, Easterly with the line which is 200 feet at right
angles from and parallel to the North right -of -way line of
State Highway No. 73, to the intersection of said line with the
centerline of Goose Creek Stream;
THENCE, i,n a Southerly direction with the meanders of the cen-
terline of Goose Creek Stream to the intersection of said cen-
terline with the North line of the Harvey tYhiting League;
THENCE, Easterly with the North line of the Harvey 11hiting
League to the Northeast corner of the Harvey Whiting League,
said corner being in the "lest line of the J. W. Singleton Sur-
THENCE, Northerly along the said West line of the J. IV. Single-
ton Survey to the Northwest corner of said Survey;
THENCE, Easterly along the North line of said J. W. Singleton
® Survey to the Northeast turner of said Survey;
THENCE, continuing on a line which is the South line of the
Benjamin J. Barrow Survey and the North line of the D. M.
McFadden Survey to the intersection of said line with the mean
high tide line of the West bank of Cedar Bayou;
THENCE, Southerly with the meanders of the mean high tide line
of the West bank of Cedar Bayou to the intersection of said
line with the North property line of the Cedar Bayou Methodist
Church property;
THENCE, Westerly with the North property line of the Cedar
Bayou i,lethodist Church property to the intersection of said
line with the East right -of -way line of the Cedar Bayou - Bar-
ber's Hill Road;
THENCE, in a Southerly direction with the East right-of-way
line of the Cedar Bayou - Barber's Hill Road to the intcrsec-
tion of the centerline of Pond's Gully;
® THENCE, upstream in a Northwesterly direction with the meanders
of the centerline of Pond's Gully to the South line of the J.B.
Spurlock 72 acre tract of land, said point being also the point
of confluence of said Gully with the Harris County Drainage
THENCE, Westerly with the North line of said J. B. Spurlock 72
acre tract to the West right -of -way line of the McKinney Road,
said blest right -of -way line also being the West boundary line
of the Christian Smith Survey;
THENCE, Northerly with said Hest right -of -way line of the
McKinney Road to the intersection of the Southeasterly right -
of -way line of State Highway No. 146;
THENCE, Northeasterly and Easterly with the South right -of-
way line of State Highway No. 146 to the point of intersection
of said right -of -way line with a Southerly extension of the
East property line of the Cedar Bayou Baptist Church;
THENCE, North 9 degrees 30 minutes (Hest with the Southerly ex-
tension of the East line of the Cedar Bayou Baptist Church pro-
perty to the North right -of -way line of State Highway No. 146;
and continuing with the East line of said Church property to
the Northeast corner of said Cedar Bayou Baptist Church pro-
THENCE, South 80 degrees 30 minutes West with the North line
of the Cedar Bayou Baptist Church property, a distance of 359
feet to the Northwest corner of the Church property;
THENCE, South 9 degrees 30 minutes East with the West line
of the Cedar Bayou Baptist Church property approximately 72
feet to the North right -of -way line of State Highway No. 146;
also being the Southwest corner of the Cedar Bayou Baptist
Church property;
THENCE, Westerly with the North right -o£ -way line of State
Highway No. 146 to a point which is opposite, at right angles
to the centerline of State Highway No. 146, the point of inter-
section of the centerline of Bob Smith Road and the centerline
of State Highway No. 146;
THENCE, North to a line which is 100 feet North of and parallel
to the North right -of -way line of Bob Smith Road;
THENCE, l'lesterly along said line which is 100 feet North of and
parallel to the North right-of-way line of Bob Smith road to
® the point of intersection of said line with the ['lest right -of-
uay line of the Cedar Bayou - Lynchburg Road (being a continua-
tion of North (lain Street in the City of Baytown) ;
THENCE, Southerly along the I`lest right -of -way line of the
Cedar Bayou - Lynchburg Road to the North line of the J. G.
and 11nnie Schilling 210.6 acre tract of land, being also the
South line of Aron Brothers 210 acre tract of land;
THENCE, in a Westerly direction along the North line of the J. G.
Ginnie Schilling 210.6 acre tract of land to the East bank of
Goose Creek Stream;
THENCE, continuing over and across Goose Creek Stream to the
i'lest bank of Goose Crock Stream, also being the Easterly line
of the Busch Estate;
THENCE, Northwesterly with the meanders of the ['lest bank of
Goose Creek Stream to the North line of the William Scott Upper
® THENCE, Vesterly along the North line of the William Scott Up-
per League to the intersection of said line with the East line
of the Steinman tract, being also known as the C. Fortner 38
THENCE, Southerly with the East line of the Steinman tract to
the Southeast corner of the Steinman tract, being also the
Northeast corner of Sweeney Addition;
THENCE, South 20 degrees 7 minutes I ^lest along the East line of
the Svaeeney Addition a distance of 26,660 feet to the Southeast
corner of Sweeney ;ddition, being located in the North line of
the Cedar Bayou - Vlooster Road;
THENCE, South 21 degrees 3 minutes West over and across the
Cedar Bayou - T °looster Road and continuing South 21 dogrees 3 min-
utes West with the Plest line of the humble Oil & Refining Com-
pany, a distance of 536.9 feet to the Northeast right -of -way line
of Market Street Road;
THENCE, South 20 degrees 44 minutes West, over and across Market
® Street Road a distance of 114.4 feet to the Southwest right-of-
way line of Market Street Road;
THENCE, Southeasterly with the west right -of -way line of Market
Street Road to a Northeasterly corner of Bay Villa Subdivision;
THENCE, South 31 degrees 46 minutes Ilest along the East line of
Bay Villa Subdivision to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
11 11
is Section 3: That the above described additional territory and area so
annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, and the property so added to
said City shall bear its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the City of Bay-
town and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privi-
leges of all the citizens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, regula-
tions and provisions of the Charter of the City of Baytown.
Section 4: That if any portion or portions of the above described terri-
tory is validly included within the territory limits of another city or town,
then such portion or portions of the above described territory is hereby ex-
eluded and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown,
and the boundary limits of said city are hereby amended to conform to the boun-
dary limits of such other city or town or such other cities or towns along the
area of conflict.
Section 5: That if any portion or portions of the above described terri-
tory may become included within the limits of another city or town, by reason
of a valid annexation ordinance heretofore introduced before the Council, Com-
mission or other governing body of such city or town, then such portion or por-
tions of the above described territory is hereby excluded from the limits of
the City of Baytown and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City
of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown are hereby amended
to conform to the boundary limits of such other city or town or such other
• cities or towns along the area of the conflict.
Section 6: That if any legal impediment exists preventing the valid an-
vexation of any portion of the above described territory to the City of Baytown,
then such portion of the above described territory is hereby excluded and the
remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown and the boundary
limits of said City are hereby amended to conform to the territory so annexed.
Section 7: If any provision, exception, section, paragraph, sentence,
clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or
set of circumstances or to any particular tract or parcel of land, shall for
any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall
parcels of land included in the territory hereinabove clescribod in Section 2
not affect the
validity of the
provisions of
ordinance or
application to
other persons or
sets of
or to
other tracts
parcels of land included in the territory hereinabove clescribod in Section 2
® of this ordinance.
Section 8: That this ordinance upon and after its introduction shall be
published and finally acted upon in the manner provided in Article I, Section
No. 9, of the Charter of the City of B3ytocvn.
IPNRODUCED, READ and PP,SSED by the affirmtive vote of a majority of the
City Council of the City of Baytown on this the 10th day of July, 1958.
Edda Oliver, City Clerk
R. H. Pru tt, Mayor