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Ordinance No. 446
AN ORDIN04CE DEFINING THE FIDE LIM= 4F THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; REPEALING MINANCFS IN CIDNFLICT THEE" VITH; FROVIDING A SEMMILITY CAUSE; AND CONTAIN" ING L'HE F'FECTIVE D E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CQUNCML QF THE CITY OF BAYTOM MION it Fire Limits. For the purpose of fire protection and building regulations relative thereto, the territory of the City shall hereinafter be divided into two areas or zones to be known as Fire limit Areas No, 1 and No. 2, having boundaries as hereinafter provided, 'Whenever in the building code of the City, or in any ordinance hereinafter enacted for such purposes, Fire limit Area or Zone No. 1 is referred to, it shall mean and include the territory hereinafter described as Fire Limit Area or Zone No. 1, and that whenever Fire limit Area or Zone No. 2 is referred to.io any such ordinance, it shall mean and be held to in» elude the territory hereinafter designated as Fire limit Area or Zone No. 2. SECTION 2: Fire Limit Area or Zane Noel, The boundaries of Fire limit Area ,or Zone No. 1 shall be as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the North rightwof"way line of East Gulf Avenue with the 'Nest right- oofwray line of South First 0 . Street; THEM, in a.Northerly direction along the said West rightowofsy line of South First Street to the point of intersection of said line with the North right«*of -away line of East Texas Avenue; THF�, in a Northerly direction along the 'Nest rightwoofmray line of North First Street to the point of intersection of said line with the South right"of"way line of East Wright Avenue, for corner; THEE, In a Ile sterly direction along the South right —of -gray line of East Vright Avenue 150 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Block 4. Thomas Wright Addition; T�Ef at right angles in a Northerly direction parallel with the Nest boundary line of North First Street to the point of intersection of said line with the South right«oof -gray line of East James Avenue, for corner; THENCE, in a Westerly direction along the South right"ofe4my line of East James Avenue to the point of intersection of said line with the Nest right— ofmway line of North Commerce Street; THENCE, with .a Westerly extension of said line located 140 feet South of and parallel to the South right000f -eay line of west Sterling to the point of intersection with the Vest right "ofo4my line of Decker Drive; THEE. in a Southerly direction along the West right -of"Way line of Decker Drive following its curvature to its point of intersection with the North right"ofamway line of West Texas Avenue Extension; THEM, in a Southwesterly direction along the North rightwof«4sy line of Market Street Road to the intersection of said line with the Northerly extension of a line bearing N. 1205t west described in deed from Mrs. Georgia Pruett* et al, to the City of Goose Creek for street purposes dated December 11,, 1944. reference to which is here made; THEM* in a Southeasterly direction along the extension of said last described line and along said line to the North right- wf-4sy line of Test Gulf Avenue extended; THEM, along the North rightmof"way line of 'Nest gulf Avenue extended in an Easterly direction.to the Southeast corner of a 4.08 acre tract of land out of the Price Pruett 204.63 acre tract in the Harvey Vhiting Survey conveyed to Sears, Roebuck & Company* THENCE, along the East line of said 4.08 acre tract of land owned by Sears, Roebuck & Company to its point of intersection with the North right« ofeoway line of Vest Pearce Avenue extended; TIM , along the North right -of "way line of Vest Pearce Avenue ex" tended in an Easterly direction and continuing along the said North right» ofwway line of Vest Pearce Avenue to its point of intersection with the Vest right— ofewway line of South Commerce Street; THENCE,, in a Southerly direction along the Vest right000f -may line of South Commerce Street to the intersection of said line with the North right" of —way line of 'Nest Gulf Avenue, for corner; THEM„ at right angles in an Easterly direction along the North rights* ofooway line of Vest Gulf Avenue extended to the point of intersection of said line with the East right- ofeaway line of South Cormrce Street being the South- west corner of T. & N. O. Railway Company property; m-Et in an Easterly direction along the North rightesofowway line of East Gulf Avenue to the place of BEGINNING. MION 3: Fire limit Area or Zone No. 2. The boundaries of Fire Limit Area or Zone 1o. 2 shall be as follows: (A) BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the 'Nest right«wof -may line of Main Street, formerly known as Wooster- -Goose Creek County Road, with the North right000f -may line of Market Street; THE , North 54o 03* west along the said right-ofe4way line of Market Street to a point which is the west right«»of"way line of a street formerly known as Avenue "A ", now designated Market Street, for corner; THE, at right angles in a Southerly direction along the East right »of -may line of Huggins Street to the South rightM©fe*way line of the alley in,.Block 6! East Baytown Subdivision, for corner; THENE, in an Easterly direction along the South rights»ofo sway line of said alley to the East right -of -way line of Louisiana Street; THEMM, in a Southerly direction along the East rightoofesway line of Louisiana Street to the intersection of said line with the South right" of -moray line of an alley in Block 8 in East Baytown Subdivision, which alley adjoins on the South mots 1 to 17, inclusive, of said Block 28 facing on Market Street; i , in an Easterly direction along the South right- oof"tay line of said alley in Block 28 in East Baytown Subdivision to the intersection of said line with an extension of the East line of Lot 12, Block 28, East Baytown Subdivision, for corner; THE1 , in a Northerly direction along the extension of the East line of said Lot 12, Block 28, East Baytown Subdivision, and continuing along said line to its intersection with the South right --of —way line of Market Street, which point is also the Northeast corner of said Lot 12; T in an.Easterly direction along the North line of Block 28, East Baytown Subdivision, to the point of intersection of said line with the West rightasof mway line of Georgia Street, for corner; TWO", at right angles in a Northerly direction along the 'hest right» ofeegray line of Georgia Street extended to the point of intersection of said line with the North rightwof4ay line of Vest Main Street, which is also the South line of Lot or Tract 55 of "Baytown Business Addition "; THENCE, in an Easterly direction along the North right- ofmaway line of 'Nest Main Street to the point of intersection of said line with the East line of Lot or Tract 53 of "Baytown Business ,Addition," which point is also designated as the Southeast corner of the tract of land conveyed to and now occupied by Britton"Cravens Lumber Company and which is also the Southwest corner of a tract of land occupied by the Knights of Columbus Hall; THEM, North 340 30# East 303.16 feet to a point; THENCE, South 190 56* East 84.46 feet to a point; THEM North 600 40t East parallel with the South right- oofewway line of Market Street Road to a distance of 281.95 feet, for corner; THENCE, at right angles in a Southerly direction to the intersection of a line which is located 150 feet South of and parallel to the South rightwof*► way line of Market Street, for corner; THENCE, in an Easterly direction along said line which is located 150' from and parallel to the South rightwoofeway line of Market Street Road to the point of intersection of said line with a line bearing North 120 05t 'West described in right—of—way deed from Mrs. Georgia Pruett,, et al to City of Goose Creek dated December 11, 1944; THE NE, in a Northwesterly direction along said last described line and THENCE, in a Northwesterly direction parallel with Decker Drive and at all points a distance of 100 feet from the East right«►of«away line thereof, a distance of 1200 feet; THENCE, at right angles in a lbsterly direction at 104 feet crossing the Easterly right4mway line of Decker Drive* to a point which is located 150 feet West of the Westerly right -ofomway line of said Decker Drive; THENCE, at right angles in a Southeasterly direction parallel with Decker Drive and at all points 150 feet Vest of - the westerly righteeof -way line thereof to the point of intersection with the North rightwofaray line of Test Texas Avenue Extension; , THE1 R in a generally southwesterly direction parallel with the North right »of -may line, and following the meanderings thereof, of MKarket Street, and at all points 150 feet North of the said rightmoof -way line thereof to a point which is 100 feet East of the East rightmof "way line of Airhart Drive, formerly known as Maple Street, which point is also located 150 feet North of the North right- of"way line of Market Street ;. THEM, in a Northerly direction parallel with the East right»ofwway line of Airhart Drive to the South right"ofo4ay line of Cedar Street; THF=,O at right angles in a westerly direction to a point in the South right -mof -pray line of Cedar Street which is also the Northwest corner of lot 16, Block 13 of Airhart Addition; '1'HE10E, at right angles in a Southerly direction,,-parallel with the West right "of,mmy line of Airhart Drive,, and at all points a distance- of 100 feet therefrom, to a point which is 125 feet North of the North right»of -eway line of Market Street; THEM, in a Westerly direction parallel with the North. right- of"way line of Market Street and at all points a distance of 125 feet therefrom, to a point in the West right*oof -gray line of the alley in Block 5, Airhart Addition; THEM, in a Northerly direction along the Vest right -oof -may line of said alley to the South right -oof -may line of Cedar Street, for corner; Tk j",# in a 'westerly direction along the South right000fwway line of Cedar Street and the Westerly extension thereof to a point of intersection of said line, as extended, with the West right -of"way line of Main Street, fore - merly known as the Wooster " Goose Creek County Road, for corner; THEM, in a Southerly direction along the West right"of�wway line of Main Street to the place of BEGINNING. (B) BEGINNING at a point in the 'Rest right*oof"way line of South First Street which point is located 104 feet South of the South rightmof -way line of East Texas Avenue; THEi, in an Easterly.direction with a line which is located 140 feet South and parallel to the South rightmof1wway line of East Texas Avenue to the Intersection of said line with the East righto-of�wmy line of Eighth Street; TNCE, in a Southerly direction along the East right »of -away line of 8th Street to the intersection of said line with the North right-- of-way line of Vnet PeaOVnA gtvpat! THENCE* in a Southerly direction along the'west boundary line of said Block 8 to a point which is 200 feet from the Southwest corner of said Block 8 and the North right»of —gray line of East Texas Avenue; THENCE* in a Vesterly direction to the Northwest corner of Lot 4* Block 2 of Danubina Court Addition, THENCE9 in a Southwesterly direction along the North: line of Lots 3 and 2 of Said Block 2 to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, in said Block 2* which point is 100 feet North of the North rightesofmway line of East Texas Avenue; THEM* in a Vesterly direction along the line which is 100 feet North of and parallel to the North right- »of4wway line of East Texas Avenew ue to the point of intersection of said line with the West right- oofmway line of North First Street, for corner; THENCE, in a Southerly direction along with the Vest rightesofsaway line of North First Street and continuing on said line with its concur- rence with the west right -ofowway line of South First Street to the place of BEGINNING. ECG BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centerline of Lee Drive (formerly Causeway Road) with the centerline of an alley which is Parallel to and midway between Vest fain Street and Bolster Street; THENCE, Easterly with the.centerline of said alley to the point of intersection of said alley with a Southerly extension of the East right► ofeway line of South Pruett Street; THENCE, Northerly with the Southerly extension of the East right - ofaway line of South Pruett Street and continuing with the East right» ofeway line of South Pruett Street to the centerline of an alley which is parallel to and.midway between Vest Nain Street and Neal Street; Tom* Vesterly with the centerline of the alley which lies between Vest Main Street and Neal Street to the centerline of.Lee_Drive; THNCE, Southerly with the centerline of Lee Drive to the point of BEGINNING, (11) BEGINNING at a point on the North right»ofeaway Highway 146 and Southeast corner of Lot 6* Block 2 of Danubina Courts; THENCE, 100 feet in a Vesterly direction to a point referred to as the Southwest corner of Lot b Block 2* Danubina Courts; THENCE, in a Northerly direction with a line which is located a dis" tance of 100 feet West and parallel to said Vest right"oP way line of High way 146 to the South rightaeofsway line of East Fayle Street for corner* this being the Northwest corner of Lot 11, Block b, J. B. Wright Addition; THENCE, continuing in an Easterly direction 100 feet along and paral- 1 _1 slit_ —_S -2 'L —md- co."i . e +7AAw+ +A A Y%^4 at I" AN �+h m mA%*tl6 ■ 4n& Af Waist AA �t SECTION 4: Eepealing Clause. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed. SWTION 5: Savings Clause. If any provision* exception, section* subseca tion* paragraph, sentence, clause* or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances shall for any reason be held unconse stitutional, void-or invalid* such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are de-m Glared to be severable. MIt N 6; Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. INMODt Cffi f READ and PASS. by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this the 26th day of September* 1957. ATTEST* Edna Oliver, city Clerk R. H. Pruett, Mayor