Ordinance No. 314ORDINANCE .NO. • 314. AN,'ORDINANCE ENLARGING AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMS OF THE' CrrY OF BAY' (3PffN, TEX&S, Alva}' ANKE=G ADDITIONAL ADJACENT TE�iR ITORY T O_ SAID CITY' ' ALL OF' :WHICH IS DESCRIBED . HEREIN; CONTAINING A SAVINGS. CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE. PUBLICATION _AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE..IN, THE -MANNER PROVIDED IN ARTICLE Is .-SECTION •9; OF' THE CHARTER OF' THE CITY .OF BAYTOWN: ­-BE IT'`O=J.NED BY THE' Clft-,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAYTCffN: SECTION '1: �-Tntent sand "Pur. ase -of' the ,Ordinance: The City Council of the City of- Baytown, aeti.ng pursuant. to Sectioii's9. of Article I of the .Charter of , I said City,' hereby declares that; it;�is necessary that the - hereinafter: described 'territory lying adjacent to the.city be abnexed..and the existing boundary ; limits . of the - c ity: be extended to include,:'such territory.. The purpose. and ® - intent of this- extension of the boundary limits of the City Wn '.of' Baytc is to.- take "care of said city's present needs for. additional territory and the reasonably anticipated' future growth„ and expansion of the city. SECTION 2: ; THAT the boundary limits, : of the 'City of • Baytozwn, Texas,' be enlarged and extended as. hereinafter set out; so "as .to' include within the boundary limits: of said--city all that territory lying adjacent to said city within :'the 'following described lines,: to: wit: Beginn ng- at the intersection -of the, center -line, of-Spring N'lly .and'a' line.. parallel to and 200 feet-Southerly from the South right -of vay line of Market Street Road; - Thence Westerly with a, line•parallel to and 200 feet•Southerly from the •South right -of -way, line of Market. Street .'Road to the intersection of said line. with the -mean high tide'line'of the East,shore_of tha San Jacinto River, Thence •Northerly with the mean high tide, line of the East shore'-.of the Safi Jacinto River to the. intersection of the; mean' high tide line •with- a line. parallel' and 200 feet Northerly 'f`rom the- North right-of -gray -line of State Highway 73; Thence Easterly with -a' line .parallel to • and 200 feet Northerly from the North right -ofway line of State Highway-73 to the center -line -of rest. Fork of Goose Creek Stream; Thence in- a : Southerly direction with the' meanders of .the • center+ -line ' of the West Fork of Goose Greek' Stream to the- intersection of the said center -line with the-North line of the. Harney Whiting-'- Survey; 4 Thence Westerly. with the North line''of the Harvey Whiting-Survey to.'.the North- west corner-of the Harvey-V ting Survey; 'Thence continuing. Westerly with an extension of the 'North, line --of the Harvey, Whiting Survey to the East right- of--way line of Market Street, Road;• -." Thence ' cont,inui,ng Westerly. 'with an •extension of the North line . of the Harvey- Whiting Survey over and across Market Street Road to the West right- of!way ; line of Market Street Road; Thence Northerly,with the-West right, -of way line of•Market'Street Road to'the intersection - of, the -West .right -ofway .line of Market Street Road with 'the South. right-of-way line' of 'Decker Drive;. - •, s• • v... i ` ° :d its Thence Westerly, 'and' *Northerly with the South, right -o'f .v�ay line of Decker Drive to'- the Westerly. - terminus of the South right�f -way of ,Decker 'Drive, said �. terminus being located in the., right =of way line of Market Street: Road; Thezice Westerly and Northerly. with the South right -of wdy line of, Market 'Street • Road to the ,intersection of the•-- South • right' fray line of Market Street -Road with the center -line of Spring, Gully; Thence Southerly vrith the meanders of the center- lin e•of' Spring Gully to the point of ' begining. SECTION: 3: `THAT .the, above .described additional. territory and area so annexed pa y ' ytosm,, and: she property 'so added to said city., shall. be a ' rt -of the ,Cit of .Ba Y - shall'bear• its' rata of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown . an:d the Pant ' a .. p o : inhabitants thereof, shall be entitled to all the. rights and privileges�of all + ',the citizens and shall be bound :by • the acts,' ordibances, ,resolutions, regulations and - .provisions of- the Charter, of the' City'of Baytown. SECTION tat: THAT -if any portion ':or portions of the- above ' described territory is validly •included within the :territory limits of another city or town.. then such portion or s" portion of._, the above described •;territory. pis hereby excluded and the remaining • territory' is, hereby annexed to the'1 City of Baytown, and the -boundary limits -of, said city are, hereby:amended to-,conform-to the: boundary limits of such other city or town or. such other cities •or:'`towns. along' the area of the conflict. SECTION 5: THAT ''if•any portio'n'or' portions of ther.above.described territory legally may -'become '`included within the limits 'of another city or town, '�by reason of a valid annexation ordinance, heretofore:, introduced before the council, . commission or •other •governing body' of. such' city, or torn, then such portion' or ; portions of the -above described territory is:,hereby, eluded from the limits of ® the City of Baytwn and-the remaining territory:is hereby annexed to the City of 'Baytown and -the boundary limits:' of --said City, `of Baytown. are hereby, amended to con- form to :the boundary limits 'of such .other city or town•.or such other-cities or towns along the area•'of the conflict. SECTION 6:.�.*THAT if any legal impediment exists preventing the valid annexation of any portion-of the above described :territory to the .City of. Baytown, then such - portion, of- the above. described territory 'is hereby- excluded and- the remaining ng territory is, hereby.•,anneied to the 'City, of-'Baytown and the .boundary liinits' of y said City • of .-Baytown- are hereby amended to, conform to the territory so annexed. -2- i ® ." .. � - -3