Ordinance No. 279CRDD.TANCE '40. 279 AN ORDINANCE AUTHCRIZ ItdG T: CITY MANAGER Or THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TO APPROPRIATE SEVEN THOUSAND FIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY ($7,$50) DOLLARS FROM TI-1E TRAFFIC DaROVEMFNT FUND UNAPPROFRIATED SURPLUS TO CLASSIFICATION 301 Y -16, GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY, STREETS. BE IT CHDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYT%PI , TEXAS: THAT the City Manager of the City of Baytrnm is hereby authorized to appropriate Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty ($71850) Dollars from the Unappropriated Surplus Traffic Improvement Fund to Classification 301 Y -161 General Fund Capital 'Outlay, Streets. INTRODUCED, READ and PHSSED , by the affirmative vote of the majority of 40 the City Council of the City of Baytv.wm on this the 22nd day of June, A. D., 1955. ATTEST: v v V City "Clerk • • R. Pruett, mayor