Ordinance No. 207® ORDINANCE NO. 207 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TNi CITY i'ANAGER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOAW TO TRANSFER 5 _X THOUSAND SEMEN HUNDRED EIGH77 -SE1 EI DOLLARS AND FORTY -FOUR Caq TS ($6,787.44) FRAM THE WATER FUND UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TO BE APPLIM AS FOLDVS : SIXTY DOLLARS ($60) TO CLASSIFICATION ,1001 -A -1, SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($600) TO CLASSIFICATION 1001 -A -3, SIXTY DOLLARS (�60) TO CIASSI- FICATION 1002 -A -1, THREE THOUSAND FIVE, HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLAR AND EIGHT CEN15 ($3,560.08) TO CLASSIFICATION 1002 -A -3, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ( $120) TO CLASSIFICATION 1003 -A -1, FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY 4480)_ DOLLARS TO CLASSIFICATION 1003 -A -2, EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -SEVEN DOLLARS AND TWEN71 CEN'T'S ( X847.20) D) CIASSIFICATI�JN 1003 -A -2b, FIVE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($540) TD CLASSIFICATION 1003 -A -4, TUG HUNDRED DOLLARS AND FOUR CENTS ($200.04) TO CLASSI- FICATION 1004 -A -2 AND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS AND TdELVE CENTS ($320.12) TO CLASSIFICATION 1004 -A83. SECTION 2: THAT this ordinance shall take effect from and after t-he date of its passage by a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 27th day of October, A. D., 1953. rue t, Mayor A'"P EST : Edna Oliver, City Clerk BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION 1: THAT the City Manager of the City of Baytown is hereby authorized to transfer Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty -Seven Dollars and Forty -Four Cents ($6,787.44) from the Water Fund Unappropriated Surplus to be applied to salaries in the following accounts: Water Supply Supervision 1001 -A -1 60.00 Operation 1001 -A -3 600.00 Total 660.00 Transmission Distribution Supervision 1002 -A -1 60.00 Operation 1002 -A -3 3,560.08 Total 3,620.08 Accounting Supervision 1003 -A -1 120.00 Clerical 1003 -A -2 480.00 !deter Readers 1003 -A -2b 847.20 Accounting 1003 -A -4 540.00 Total 11987.20 Stores Clerical 1004 -A -2 200.01 Operation 1004 -A -3 320.12 Total 520.16 Grand Total 6,787.14 SECTION 2: THAT this ordinance shall take effect from and after t-he date of its passage by a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 27th day of October, A. D., 1953. rue t, Mayor A'"P EST : Edna Oliver, City Clerk