Ordinance No. 141POST at City Hall TO THE DULY QUALV=D RWID T B QTOBS OF THE Clot OF BAYTOM10 T;SA VHO ow =M= PROPMY SAID OVY AM WRQ 9013 ZOLY RENRUM M SAS FOR TAXATION s AM TO ALL C%=R 3iMISUD PMSQN S Rotiae is hereby given that an election wi; be held its and throughout the City of Baytown, Texas, on the �. day of 1952, in keeping with the following grdinance adopted by the Oity Council of said City, to-wit: H Z 1W OR TUS STATE GV TZXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS The,01ty Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, convened 04 01 011�'.11 ' session at the City Hall within said City on the R. B. Bergeron 0 o uzi a 1, lmat'k day of 1952, with the following members present� to-wit: J. A. Ward Mayor 04 01 Dualow Coy,znclliaian D'1 S t ]", "I at I R. B. Bergeron 0 o uzi a 1, lmat'k DIstriat 2 —40unatiman--Vistriet- 4- W . 0. Reaves Councilman District 5 H. H. Pruett Councilman District 6 Mrs. Edna Oliver City Werk when the following business was transacted: The Kayor Introduced an ordinance which was read in full. araw Councilman made a motion tliat the ordliaaxn�ae; be E44- adopted as read. The motion vae s000nded by Counellman ji;�111`111'11'1'��) and carried by the following vote: &YER'St Mayor Ward, Councilmen Buelow, Bergeron, Campbell, 0azi,;'bal-k, 7,X and Pruett. NUES: 6 �.,,� m 51 -Home. The ordinance thus adopted follows: ORDINANCE CALLING SPECIA1, B061) E1ZCT."1QK U by the City Council of the City of Baytown: Section,ji That a special election shall,be held in and through- ,,, I " out the City of Baytown. Texas. On tl,,we w !,n of 1952, at"which election there shall be oubmitted to the duly quall- fled re0dent electors of said City who own taxable property within said Oity and who hava duly rendared the same for taxation, for their action thereupon, the following proposition, to-wit: -2-- � d-, PROPO,S, ITION' NO . ONE SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF 1711, GITY OF BAYTOWN BE AUT1,101,1- IZED TO ISSUE 11, BUNDS OF SAID CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF FOUR HVXDRED SIGHT'Y THOUSAND D011ASS($480o000.00)" MATURING SEVALLY WITHIN FORTY (40) YZARS FROK THEIR DATF. OR DATISo AND ]WARING, INTERSST AT A RATS SOV TO XXORSD FOUR AND ONS-HA"Ll?, 013WT (14-1/2' ) Plat, Axnxx Fioi't, xiis pim- POSM OP IMPROVII0. SWIARROVING AND RX"12PULTRO THE C17VIS EXIST- ING SANITARY SEWEa SYSTEM, A TO 11VY AN AUXUAL TAX SUPPI- CIENT TO PAY THE 1, V3 2ST ON SAID 1,M)NM' AS IT ACCRUES AND TO A S114KING FUND FOR THE WEXPTICK OF SAID BQUID111 AS TK&Y KATURE. PROPOSITION NO. TWO SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF BAYTOWN BE 'AUT1i0R- IZED TO ISSUE TH, 130SH"44) OF SAID CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OP PIVE HUMURSD TWXITY FIVX THOUSAND DOLLARS 0525000.00)s NATURIM0 SSRIALVY WITHIN F1011TY (40) YEAlis FROK THEIR DATE OR VATUSs AXD BIARIMO INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCERD FOUR AND ONE -KA1,,1? PF"U,"I (11 K,"T (4-1/ig) PER AV UUMs POR THS PURPOSE OF IMPROVINGo SULAROING AND EXTUNK 110 T11E CITY'S EXIS71'90 SY121TEMp AND TO LSVY AS ANNUAL TAX S'1'JPP1C1'UKKT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID DUNDS AS IT ACCRUES AND TO OR34TH A S FUND FUR THE 11EDEN PIS ION OV SAID BONI* AS VIEW MATUR1,?, Section 2: That said eleation ahall be oonducted and held in the several election precincts of the City Of Saytouno heretofore estab- 11shed, and at the respective polling places hereltvafter stated and the following named persons are hereby appointed offieers to con- duct said election In said election pracinats, respectively, to-wit: SLECTION PHS.'01 w� 2 _1 11l; C-TARL-22 Henry Cathriner Fri,esldixi& Mrs. , ey Assistant Judge Mrs. S. S. Herbert Clark Clark MIA2112KARKARZARI Mrs. C. 0. Parsley Mrs. Kaste Lunsford Vs. F. W. Burke I D) I I Presiding Judge "Assistant Judge Clark 018011" R1,194TV , LEINUISZ- 22, .111 Mrs. J. W. Riggs Presiding Judge ,Mrs. R. E. [Slagle Assistant Judge Mrs. Frank Noore C 1 e r1c Clerk -2- Z LING P ALACE 20112LM Franta motor ico. Wilkenfeld's Furniture Go. City Hall Aft, , '00, Xat Pace, Sr. Preoiding Judge R. R, Bains, Sr. Assistant Judge S. �P. Larkints Clerk Clerk Eagg'. 2 A 2 Af 2 UK& IDIOM!. K 2 4 - 1 i J. Rodger "Reed John Henderson Nis - Q R. Hinton Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk /A/P z OLLIN z=& LE A 2.13 Mexican Recreation Hall San Jacinto Elementary ,School That the ballots for said election shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of Texaso Chapter 492, Acts of the 52nd Leg Islature of Texas, 1950 so far as applicable, and, In addition to the requirements of said Chapter 6, shall have printed thereon the following: OFFICIA L BALLOT PROPOSITIOX NO, 0913, F10,11 '111,24 ISSUANCE OF $48o,,1000 SANITARY SEWER SYSTZK BOX3016 AG,A1XST THE ISSUANCE OF $480,00 131ANITKRY SEVER SYSTam 30 '1 � � NDS PROPOSITION NO. TWID FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $525,000 "WATERWORKS SYSTEM BUNDS AGArNST T11,111 ISSUANCE OF $525000 WATERWORIT[S SYSTEN MaNDES4 Each voter shall mark out one Of the above expre ssion a on each prqp- onition, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on such-prop- osition. AIS112a.0 That qua election shall be held In accordance with the ConstItution and general lawn of the State of Texas and only duly qualified resident electors of said City-"hn own taxable prop- erty withIn asid City and who have duly rendered the eame for taxa- tion shall be qualified to vote. a ctiom 50 =Q­44i. That notice of said election shall be given by post- -4- t rWK IAN' ing a copy of a notice containing a substantial copy of this ordi- nance at the City Hall aiid in each of the election precincts of the City not leas than fourteen (14) days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and by publication thereof on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper published in the English language and of general circulation within said City, the first of said publications to be made not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. PASSED and APPROVED this day of /C N , 1952. i C o own, Texas 711,*�,j city C er THE STATE OF TEAS COMY OF HARRIS I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Baytown, Texas, certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a notice of special bond election, including a true and correct copy of an ordinance calling said special bond election adopted by the City Council of said City, together with an excerpt from the minutes of said meeting showing the adoption thereof, as same appear In the minutes of said City Council on file in my office. WITHBSS my hand and the official seal of said City, this day of r ° r�.^.....j 1952 • r () My er , Olty of own, xas -5-