Ordinance No. 120i ORDINANGT NO. 120 0 anti ORDTt3100L LIC)LUSING THE DRILLIUG O1+ OIL UID GY:;, 1-h:1.L31 HITHIN TILT'. OO POIUM', LI;-41Tu 03? T V, CITY OF DAY.'TOUDIf TLEX.;;; X-,GJL1TIITG �ML1,11IG *XV OPS wUTION OF OUGH 'v1L1 .S WITH111 TITL CITY; Its. prU[JING INCOKTUTT HETU.;,vaTH,; CGNTAII•T:IIlG A SAVINGS CLAD L, PiM aC1IIBING h MUIMUM PENALTY OF WO HLML F,D (,')200.00) Dt?L 4uio"; AIM PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLIGATIO1T A Vv 1M7,0MV, DAV 1: X?20?1 BE I1 011j)41i1...) BY T -M, CITY COM -lulu OF M CITY O1! B.'MC IU. LCT701J 1.. p: . �,on_tind n nrc� Canal, Tho City 1,.b�or shall bo charged i-,2t.h tho gonoral. •rooponsibility fay the adrdn;istra.tion and enforcement of this ordinanco, with tho rid,_ u4.ec and aadat=c:e of the: department heads of the elty, p=t1cuZ,V,ly tho City Ch:.()£ -Ar xn Uarohal and the Diroator of kIablia TTorko, 11hen deemed necoaAary for the Trropars om, of thio responsibility, the .Uty Manager may employ as conoul.tants on a trmpoxrarv' TxIC:? , wt-;- tho appro,,ml of the dity ;�ounoii, persons of specialized knowledge and skill im the oil and gas industry, :.;i:':'-I'ION 2. io. mit for�.3..1.Iin . It shall be unlawful for any person to drill or CC -Mr. - Once t3 drill. a well for oil and gas within the limits of the City of Aayto~m, i'o.:aG, or to Trod: upon or to asoiat in any tray whatsoever the prosecution of the drilling of any so.ch veli without first complying with the provisions of this ordinance and making appli.catloa for !:Lnd obt.1inin;, a license or permit so to do as herein provided. 3. application for 'Vormi.t. Any person, firn or corporation desiring -to &Xi.7l, a Nrr_.] 1 f'o-; oil and gas vithin -tho corporate limits of the Citi- of Bayto=, Toxas, s1ui11 first -v:iTcc, t,,ppli, a t;.l.on thereof to the City ,bnager, or City Clerk, which application shall oet forth :Ln wr .ting the folloi:ring facts a, mato of said application, �ifaL:o of the applicant.. c„ Addross of the app.licent, d.. 'Proposed site of the yell, :Ugcludina; • 1, Name o£ the fee oimor, 2, Name of the lease oimor, 3. Brief description of the land; +. A detailed plat showing the location of all b:^ttei-i tics: e. Type of derrick desired to be used. The above application shell be accompanied by a plat showing, the location of the proposed %.uLx. on the property to be drilled: .1 copy of the plat (Form, 1) furnished to the :Mate .Iai 4 - road tAll be acceptable. The location of the well ohail be staked out before ao- '�roval of the application by the City Council, No well location shall ever be chant -ed vrlthotut ;hc prior approval of the: Clty Council. Copies of :iaiiroLd Corni,ssion f'ori-�is ,1' I, 2 E_ 3 ;31a1.3.. be cub -i dt:ted. with each application '7'_iQiT I,. Record of �'plication. That this: application shall be placed and kc -,,pt on •c(zd gay the City Clerk as a part of the public records of the City of Baytoim. �CTI'0.3 .5: :i.;icenae Fee*For the purpose of defraying the expenses of administration . ,.tLe :rcemont of the provisions of this ordinance the applicant shall pay to the City of Baytown the sum of Five Hundred (x.500.00) Dollars, as a. license .flee for the issuance of such 46 p ornit, which sura shall be paid in before the permit shall be granted. Provided, however, that if Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dollars shall be required for a permit to change the location �f I'ho original troll t,) anothor location on the same leased property. The fall Five Iiundred (. ',00.00) Dn_Ilars shat: bo :requ .-ed for any cl>LWe of .lo6.Uoa if said ch,-mFe is froia one lease in another :teaso >l_ OTION 6, z,? nLmn _.. 1-f :_rn r. Upnl7. -' OCej ' 7 t c- f slz_'h I'tp,,? icuti n for � ... � r � ',IA_-', w O i v r..,� t� 'i IvInnagor shall. propptly rL,Lo, or cause to hnve m: de, an i.nre.gtig tion of the propos,:d `l_:-o•::.ticsa of :;Ire well. and the wa,llingress ,ane. 'ibility- of the r_,0'acant to cornpl'y k,it:h thy+ ±oci::T:,r►;, c f' the ordinance, iif.tcr of: such investigat'i.on, lie stL 1,1 submit h report of his findings .ni rcccr :iendetions to the itv _ot?ncy� :.i its:lc-t I'�,,Y�zlar �zeotin�f, or w.,. soon as it 7C T)r'ac. ',Icab' c ti: do ,C,. If the _`ounca.. Lat ciL.es theA the Lx.P�I CC,IIt �L% ru';de rrood and _ LC, ah—! t hL '-�-!n find comnly o)' MI1 the iJr,. .'I:L ons of this ai,: ';Jnanua :inu no ane;. the evi.dcnce adduced justifies issuance of sunc, then the, :;izyy nac-c , ,sue a. license to the apnlic�lnt, EG7rTCri'Ri.�hi. t refase_ Appli.cati.ons, The City Coiuicil srai,l have: the poixer, and 'r. gcx-vc: l ho authority, t,7, refuse any application tion for a license if, in its opinion, the safe-i,y, -the health, the comfort: the conveni.encte, the order or the good government of the u€: a.civur.sel.y* affec��ed by 'the anti o of the license, ws:CTION 8. Insur6nce analBand. The applier;nt, his heirs or assigns, shall at his ex- ppnse, d ovi.de public liability insurance covering; all of his operations in the city limits of ?3ayco m i_n bodily injury 1.ini.ts not less then T`i.fty Thousand (.550,000.00) Dollars fox ea,csh •rsci,i, and .In(, _iunch-cd 7I1,zu.€:anti C ,"00-0(yi.00, f'cr e-.<< h accident euid property daring© l..i:L1t of. not Loss than -'INrcrtj%-F'i,ve Thous !u.n i for each accident. Such coverage shall also include protection for the: acts of: i:ndopend=t contractors` of app'Ucant for let or sub -let., Thn ,:)ublic 'liability ins,z-anco hercun(ier shall bo carrie&' in conpanics acceptable to the city rnd prior to hog,iM13-i1 ; .-)T)(,r.•,tIons um?cr i& ne-.Z•alt or :License, the „�l: cani'• sh•all f`arnish to the: r.it,y n rtifin--A of i.nsrr^nce c+:.i:.ci�R rL, ror►.�_i-ane:�' ?!1 E? i11�5 e(nri7n :ter:d providinrr -t I cast ten (1.0) ways not - Ice to the city of any chan,,r:: in oz- c:incr;,2.l.4ti on nf' such insurance. �iald insii:Caincc shal.1 r:� II: '•o lon- as :.Lnipl,icCnt rc=_J.ns =17agfd in operations for The dr.illini; or production of oil. osI•i r:is within the city :Li,?►its of :LZa addition to said insurance -7 ,anpliC�_nt. 517:111 Sh to t. -LCI e7,t'J a MOCI Ali'. s?-ifficient ._icenso incl. ne.rmi.t bond, written by the rerpoiato sixAv liccnsc:t to Bio business in tho State of -2- Yexms and which bond shalJ, bol such, forr_i, c.a my be approved u ' the City A-ttorney. tiaid licer.se wid,permi t bond shall be in the amount of D.•renty-five Hundred (','2,500.00) Dollars. mad 31„:1i bo cond:itionod that the applicant shall drill or operate wells for oil and gas proauction 'in the city limits of Baytown in strict accordance with the terms and provisions of this �din..anca and amendments as may be adopted. Said bond shall be renewed annually and shall be kept in ftii 1 force and effect so long as the obligor is engaged in operations for the drill-ing or production of oil and gas wells Li the r i ty 1.mi is S7, .,, 9. Time within which 1 r-illamg to be Cohn, enced. That in the event drilling :.j, not DcP7-m jithin sig. (6; months after the granting of such liceuse, same shah. - d. vn.id. trovided, hrnrever,. that such license may be extended by the % ty Council. •:,f Bavto.m, by a axitten extension before the termination of said siert: (6) months per-tod • n -roper. ex-cuse ;'or delay .in commencing said drilling operations, *The sur-, paid for' ani :ac,nsc or , a=ait shall, never be refunded to an;r annlicant. •X` T_0i'i io. '17-oe of Detrick. '4hat in the drilling of any oil or gas well iri.thn vhe Corporate i`Zits of the Oity. of Bay-toim, it shall bei in all instances, required to be used -.gin. ,uch operations a, steel derrick of adequate capacity and of good material and workmanship, l.Z « !Iles for 1ra.linand ,Producin&�Operation. till persons .engaged in ;,pr rrxt_ions for the drilling, or production of oi.l and gas wells in the City of Bativto,..rn shat, r)7-;- with the folloi-dng rules and .regulations (a) z5211 lairs of the State of Texas, the laws of the i"Jity of Baytown, and the rules and t:ion:; of the Railroad Corzaission of the State of Texas shy ll be c=ss:)lied with. It is : r_..4'?i.cellrr req.aired that fire galls two and one�.half (2-) tines the volsum.e of storw_e space to tank,,. shall, be provided: furthermore, identification signs shall be placed and retained on a....:. wol.ls and battery tanks. Fire walls shal.1 be at least Twenty (20) feet from any battery an ;L, measured- from the baso of tho fire wal.? to the nearest tank. b' 't shall be•• unl.awfol to bock or encumber or close up an,, streets or alloys in ,ray 2_ inI7 ?r production aperatio "i.3, o:Kcept by sDecsal permit by order T y Y' �1'�'1 � n 0,—,)X �� o_ the ��i..t-� .':::g•..L , and .(L c 4..1.'5 •�.1L.: p0, ,) 2-1y. {c) i#o person, fig r,r corporation shall. make rexq excavation or construct ar_y lines for ttze ronv,trran e of fuel., water, or m -1 -nerals, on, under, or through the streets of Baytown., i-dth_ tzt t'.�e e-:cpress permission of the ';ity council, in i-miting, anal then only in strict conir)jJance r .th the o. d1na aces of the City of Bayto-vm. Such permission shall be based upon the recc mien, dat.i.,:ns of •oho xector of .Public 14'Orks. (d) :,,o person, firm, or corporation engaged in the drilling and operation of -an oil and ..as iao.-), tri fhe city lizaits shall permit unburned gas to esc�:pe into the air or, .rhrre such f '! is '!.,- ^ata: d thin three hundred (300 1) feet of a public street or highway, duelling, :,u_lding or public building; to maintain a torch for the b7=ni.ng of such gds at a Y t” distance than twenty (2.0) feet from the stw.face of the ground. (c7 "pon co=letion of a wei as a dry hole, the drilling, rig and. derrick shol:� be :r. cnovod i.rom the premises within sixty (60) days from the comr:leti.on. date. ' (f) It shall be unlawful to drill a well for oil or gas w-J'Ahou.t setting surface casing to a Tainimm depth of twelve hundred (1.2.00) feet or surface casing minimum depth of six hunox-cd (600) feet, and using multiple cementing process as recommended in Regulation 1.2A of State 0"Ide,vit lroad Commission to a minimum depth of twelve hundred (12,00) feet. A copy of cementexs of using of said process and of temperature reading of said process shall bG fLuT-J.she_1 -3- Tho nail :Maal.l be cemented v* sufficient cement to -fill then-aular space back of such ca "g to the Surface. Data as to the depth of the city's Crater bearing sand in the various pa:rtn of the city iial is may be obtained in the office of the pirector of Public Works. Kpa A.in for sux a.cc casing service must be new or in equal approved condition and must meet material specifications approved by the Railroad Commission. The diameter of the drill hole mutt exceed the o.i.ameter of the surface casing by not less than four (4) inches. (g) In plugging and abandoning a well, such troll, should be plugged in .a ra=cer so to `avent ssopa.�ge of oil gas to the surface of the ground as ;•roll ;ss to protect all fresh �r wato,. winds. 7o surface pipe shall be pulled. Upon abar onment of mky :tell drilled t_aeper han_ 1..:..'00 feet belou the surface, the hole shall be filled with cement for a minimum distance of 100 feet belo:, :a too l.evol, of 950 feet below the surface, then filler_ with heavy mud up to a level of 25 feet and than scaling operation completed with cement from this level to ro=d surface, Furthermore, at least 50 sacks of cement shall_ be used to kcal any and all ya-:",:,2:•. 0 nv and the space above the 50 sacks of cement shall be filled with heavy mud up to Yost !Also of : em ent as provided for above. r_ao prczLisc5 shall be kopt• in a cl earz and sanitary condition, free from rubbish of ove"`y r:h??'ac•tera, to the satisfaction of the health Officer of the City of Bayto-rm., at a.11 lions, during the drilling operations and as long thereafter as oil and gas are being pro- The person, firm or corporation so drilling or operating an oil and. gas well shall. r• : :.dam. gat provision for -the disposal of salt voter or other .zpurities which he may bring to the sv:rf :ce of th :.nxth in such a manner as not to contaminato the irater supply of the 1'i7,r of Baytuv.-i or to Qs Noy vcgotation.. Q) it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit to escape duly 16, fa -tor, all, slush or other waste matter from any slush pit used in the Ni lli.ng or pora.ting of any oil or gas well into the alleys, streets, gutters or setters in the City of that -,,Ti Ctni n thirty (30) days after the completion of any oil or gas .cell, the slush pit used in connection therowith =hall be - filled or removes: and the premises shall be cleaned and restored to a smooth and even state. (k) All premises shall be kept clear of high grass, weeds, and combustible trash, with - In a radius of fifty (50) feet around an oil tank, tanks, or producing wells. (1) Open earther storage for oil is prohibited. in) All oil tanks, where there is a gas hazard, shall be gas tight and provided with pre, nr gas vents. (n) L rain tyre blowout preventer, , control head and other connections for keeping the coirtrol at all times shall be installed as soon as surface casing is set, Blownit: - : _ cater shall be test.ed against pump pressure at least once every twenty-four (24) hours. 11..! aDntrol equipment shall be in good working order and condition at all timBs. rubbish or debris that might constitute a fire hazard shall be removed to a din jv ice of at least fifty (:0) feet from the vicinity of wells, tanks, and pump stations. All. ote sinal be removed in such manner as to avoid creating a fire haz?ri or polluting streamo << Fresh voter strata.. Cil waste shall not be burned vithiii the city li_mi.ts of Baytoim, (p) Casing i.ng tests sell be made in such manner and at such ti.mos as required by the rules can& _ y guaJa.tions of the Ra i.{ road vol mission unci also according to the laws of the vi y of :5; y-, i.c on. The: Fire Chief: Fire 1`arshal.., or any officer of the city appointed by the City imager Val! be proscnt during all tests. (q) All motor machinery shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good v,►orlhing ardor to prevout excessive noise, and no person, firm, or corporation shall use a muffler cut - not, V �V_•paas, or straight exhaust on an7 motor machinery. Q) Fences shall be erected and maintained around all storage and battery tanks, all ptr.iri.r.g egraipment, all wells after the removal of the derricks and all slush pits until said. pits are determined to be a non dangerous nature, such determination to be made by the Wire Chief of the City of Baytann. .the type of fence to be erected and maintained shall be de- cided by the City NAnager with the advice of the department heads. (s) It shall be unlawful to shoot any well unless the Fire Marshall or Fire Chief is present during such shooting. No well shall be shot at night- "Night" shall be that period f time between Thirty (30) Minutes after sunset and Thirty (30) _Minutes before sunrise. No nabbing or bailing shall be conducted during such period of time. MOM (t) All, surface casing- shal"i be allowed to set for 'i'4rF�T'�four (?1F i hours under n.,°cssure the ­: CSsM7, e is relet�• 6;0 Nei camont plugs at the bottom of surface ra.sings shall be drilled out without first Zi13"ria,.; set for at least Forty-eight (45) hours, unless approved by the T`re Chief, Fire Lylar°sha_L; . or .ny ot'llG:r cl:wa]..ified representative of the city iv) All bat -tory and storage to its shall be at least One Hundred (100,; feet fr or.;1 awr bl. i_d_ -and at :feast Fifty i'SO) feet from aro public thoroughfare or wel-1. No settling tcmh 3h-121 bo c tcd. frith a g-_reate;r capacity than 75 barrels. No storage tai1Lks shall. be erected with a I r -;a. ez capa.cit.� than 2 50 barrels. cel]ti ons to this z y be granted at 'the sourlc ais;.re':i,on of tlm City Co-ar.c:i 1. :x.1.1 casing rust be nein or recondition ed casing that has boon -tested to 2100 pounds per 5 y,,iar. S J icih. -lifter cementing, C2.sing Shlall be tested by pum?? presiarr e, in the following 1TJ8t'u�c�2°; ad-l.adon fluild in the hole s:iU -1be rep l ace(' by clear water anC1 '•.ai m -,D 1]ressure of i• bast, 1500 yolx_�s T_?C'r square Lichapp!!ad; if at - he end of thirty (30' mi utFcs_ th shoi:Cl d ohow n 0� ro :- of 1500 DO -ands ar more the oaring sha111 be Cojldon— ed. L_11 bo Ionto In th S r:_ Icr 1S.r_t.i l '! t p ssos this 'test. :,lso tCutiTlr: Oil s :.rim- it Shoal,:', be. at :.)j_T7:iT) ; -rJcssla'e oil 1."501 oounids - Eier sC'.—,.'e inch for _. -oor iod of 1TL7_n_ltcs. _-,ISO Wric it test- i:z ;:11::ot:ing a weT 11- there shsl be a .lressurc, of '1500 Pound's per sC;iL:i'.,'r e inc'h on the casing ng and shooting vc`Jvc: foi- , eriod off t- ii.r ty i7Llrratos � After tGSti11_, v� lyes -tl)-ore be ,.. P'v":p L1`50 ',iol;t'. Cls 1per sq -i- Inch on shoot -ng n-t-ppies anc,. pQC!: for a p -r? ^vii of thirty v'l l tii 1 ,'.TT:31.1;1 ^ _:.1sSEl'1BiI`t5• rl'�1G' 47. t; 1' �iU�t11Ci �. :. ' €1' 11t j1:L j ALi11(' E2.aCI3iC'i �•;� C}'`TLr and/or iineer .city pr'oper'ty then such �:':se .ents are deemed. to be. be;�elf cial to t_"_ ! :cep del-n.t's } / irr Tho n_ 2'h -nag :r -,•� rh }-; n ,•j Jy .j .e a»,j.me }, t1 "' 1-} - nlr J�r.t a e; '11 -he h, r•J:•�� y �[:t` �`.'tiily Ah .. 1. V J' i.1�J�, V» .� �.J �. �� L Ci C.�li E�.L• l-. ��'�'� f'1i1 �'�. lJ Al �.'Cr�:. iJ, it 4. _. �..iLr l.V J.�.{�4. L .. .L _.. 1.. _c • t1.ai..,5 for -P,-1P-1-2_n,_!- .� ,_ �'G:.. �� �� St�" _.._.._.. 1.ft%_� L•fIEF ',JC'1.ia1,..,.__ of his "w -1,.,o, :Ur -, _ r r r F i 1 i ro r the- p2" O islonc. of `Cft .s L�f' ra,ffi'3."y`! 11�, tfi•.; � . nC?lvv<< oft �iC: ' T:IiS'�.c �.,.C:.'1 '�'��-- 012E1.a.L'�1tnt O� ]' ,hr; Producer ;._ha:...3nu -i,o th"; - :,y of L_y-to:ai the su., of One Hutadred "!UU- _ 1 a.s 1.iCeilsC feC for the :L8511anCC' of S2"tCh an, oasem6nty whic`< SLni shal-I. be iC-. i_r before 'Gllc� e .sea-, wont. Shall be &-z a ted. The, co-C'_si_i'erat:ion requi:rEu C.�: E7Taeil Fcflh�• � for each cr1.s t 1 Le -:et litrri7.0 v JLj. NO License Foo Rec�,uJ�LiQ. That, no 7_iceT1sa fee shall. ,:-� recuireL,1 o ,:LnzT T)Y'Ce,? C' " Or lessee, wQ3' t:12 pr•"ivilege o'� re- orl ing alky' oil or � .:> I.T - i i• wt:i r the Gi t y Of aytowr,, if sails', reworking begins w'itlnil 1 SL'C W Ttiont11S of G't1^ original -.C,::'.'.rat:?ons, t1c1. pro-' a� y z F- i Dolt t:E_T license fee has ' can paiC'- for %li^ pr -i v i-_'.rF f'tzrther, th�ti � a Five Honored : r500.00 .I f� ;� 'r '1� �� l ;7' '1 ^ 1 C a c; req Y. f. '�7r. G} n c'. i;f ,.a_ o iginc._ Gr 11...1_.14 o-oerr_..t_Unv. Ins -Lu `anCe an bond as ._ 711E C . in �Je•.tioi_ v; �.DCvc, sl .:.' '.. be rcq,1.dred to :r I�­I:Fork ?ry oil or Igas oe-ll. n JCY r ^ n a•i•• r f,�,- r Li s lip�eals�� ate! Dec:i�a.c�,�s of �i�,�r U�ficia.ls. ��`h�..., i.r.. c,�re.� �''�s'��_ce i:.. ,�1.:.,� o7'cEnance contained where discretion _5 Jested in any ind?vJ.ci- . official or officer of the. C,;:1-iy to deter Lane the compiiance or no-n,•-cod-,..,..iance With the iJrov' s..ons of "this OT..:Lil.� ;;hu per:;on, firm or corporation, drilling or cp)er>'tinfor oil ani . .51 spoil i cr"'On., f, 1 Q; oorporation shall_, in case of an adverse finding, on the part of such, offi,^ial or of'i:icc-� regara to such fest of the compliance or non-compliance with the provisions thereof, have tri:. right, Whether or not such express right is elsewhere given of appeal to the Gity Council of the City of &a.ytoim and such appeal shall be heard at -the next regular or at a special ar Cal -5- meetin of the City Council '•` ose determination thereon shallW. final ;'ter'';* ,, n? �1� use. All ordinances or partscrdinazces inconsistent With. :?:: oft ordinance are hercoy r eE� aledj proVj.CioO., hC?•7t'.'�Tc-r, �h.a su i1 re-oca S!�.a.L be t0 t}1L' �.-.- .''1 ,JT• such -n='15:_�tC'TIOY, and in all othe 'c .^nE•C�? �i"SLS o- d:li1`�icC Sral.L be Oi? :1t21). i v is O_` Othar Oi•C9.iX1,.nCC-'u T-ORitlatif ng and goV =DT, the S1fb eet matter COv'C':t co, I7y this __V�.n1?-8 �iI.c`i__tu„-,Se. If %'IjJ provision, =qot l on., "e -'c u:I (jn. ;,r ,, �,- ;,glee or the app �."iMkion Of S al ;r 47_nv Verso,• Or s r !-TICC y C_<r.ase or i3 _ , ,•;e of t1__�-J "vr y hCOLI for —.,n -I r cCI son be hold unconstitutional , VO:L':! Ol' 1]x'7 [�. :--! Sul'c:i i _1'.* .._i{`'_i r.:, ( Jlil VE�`1,J. Of '�11? r IS7.n�, j3I'OV1S it 3. J .1 . a_l ? c : affect en io s o� `_ iz c c•.i�_c�l �r� ;"t?1�1 iik7•'�C"rllu :'L. S':arS O1' ci- c=zl ';ty.__ces _nG 4o this end, all p-r,Ov'_r.Si-Lo ., of,,.1_ 0 ...V. Tho torm rcons") nf:i_=„•:.+ iliiypovso , f:L,-m f. r a5;=sOCl c'' t:i on of persons o `:.�•:!A 2. __. _ .�..':.l , .• ;� t�-' r'? w a o1..'t i.c;^ c er_aN ray h"_6 0� di _�_rre, [rl1c:�._^r not, r, 1. �'j i c `: y, 1 ._y�.- nr_ or O , s'Ila-l. e deemed as misdc4mc:�n. or j -C. J. so- COfL`•T3. A LE, c- {Lgy, si:ac --lo-1 a t'! o! . :;E21'' 1 be f inc.d. :i.n a sum not , ezoeeLting ` uo F11Ladxed �r�0ri ' O__E. rs fl.'.:;` of of Such `;Lolatlon Shall bC cons iderc:C'.a sG;_1a:[L'.'lc offense, azid be von.4S}_''� �..,1 z t, pC ;;0-!, ar—el"1', or employee engaged in any such 'J?Ol?t3_CiTi oha'li on-,j-.iv-- V., c'1.'1i't.'".L: {.i_1tyJ. �^i!yk�1"'• C%LiCO G. r`Y1.0 L'].ty 1i0Li1ZC i � 11' dc. i;0;'E'T to " �,c 'c T' 't �� [r2.s oJtaiiled thY'OU i �'1'C?� '' :'r� J.J. ti?O i'EO_''`1�°I: �. _ '�Lndc_- i, he say_. gh e_ or :�_ , o N '3 'i„7 �,r '1T1^OF.q?7E. �t�lit or 3i;C: a have lll.3 Fit . fi' . I.� ., :i F :' 7'i U7' Z!'' i' [ i i v111. Y'i'rti'i:.�J.021:; v. tfi?_~ Ol:'C:3.__'?Tli t or Of the rules and 1'C-'gu ati0'_1S Q- C .- 'Gj.'"Om .__ lT� 1 �:� .J. 11 1r 0.' IJl. _� 1,...'V �: of' f�IF..i..a,53 �l_�LI V S.!1. \:r � thM �I 'bef or& C11.J_ i.�F .I. �'•J Sti1._., 1.,-�1. Ll-`�:+— �'a.%�, �•. L'.. y�;,O�. 11 t.! �.'ttCil 1'101- '71 ] Z- � ; 1' . ' c!znxgc; ; against him ” _:.1 : C � a 1:.=�.... :�v @ .i _ i C y t a:: L i' L.'G.1.i. 1h , ..:i' __l l7 VLI 07 `�•.j'o '.s�. 1r :JO nci__p Olid, have Irl opoortau:iti%. to proeiuce tes,-t- r!on- L„ hi.s at a t 7 d ' _..:_�.. _ ,- - 'C C! �"W ?1 E',�. _... .1C•tC::, .:�-a1.1',?. '{'i �:_f' Sh.:.! 1. not lJci l.cs5 'L'?l vt. 1,7; •-- �3 '� 7'+ ,:,j:. �." _ .•.t'.- •;1':1:(?C1.� Sid �l.l_ 11E:Ve .pO1del' t0 uT?point, by an O:L'CLE;I' v17tc^•.w:ci :z.i.1 :i.'.?�" i:0-n"?u't•aat, peT`,:Uii t0 %1_ O to i'G7ilOi;y 1.11 k,'uc11 hea�i:lE;, ',Ii:C SY;�..1_i tl_:J'. " .., 1.,:.'._. Ai e.'_At:,fiQa'1Cl'' of the U:itry i.�o aci.1 srz.L1. i:^ a C,,O'�: upon its 6;; i11ii=LtiOII of the 't� S'F,_1i10":1a iJ:�:C and 11c. YCCC='{13 -6- g"a v J used, such ternwJ_ ... me" car' 4'.'."'.. -'-_v° vil o c'l'�k-.cr c .l or gas, or Doth, as the case may c.. __. _ .�..':.l , .• ;� t�-' r'? w a o1..'t i.c;^ c er_aN ray h"_6 0� di _�_rre, [rl1c:�._^r not, r, 1. �'j i c `: y, 1 ._y�.- nr_ or O , s'Ila-l. e deemed as misdc4mc:�n. or j -C. J. so- COfL`•T3. A LE, c- {Lgy, si:ac --lo-1 a t'! o! . :;E21'' 1 be f inc.d. :i.n a sum not , ezoeeLting ` uo F11Ladxed �r�0ri ' O__E. rs fl.'.:;` of of Such `;Lolatlon Shall bC cons iderc:C'.a sG;_1a:[L'.'lc offense, azid be von.4S}_''� �..,1 z t, pC ;;0-!, ar—el"1', or employee engaged in any such 'J?Ol?t3_CiTi oha'li on-,j-.iv-- V., c'1.'1i't.'".L: {.i_1tyJ. �^i!yk�1"'• C%LiCO G. r`Y1.0 L'].ty 1i0Li1ZC i � 11' dc. i;0;'E'T to " �,c 'c T' 't �� [r2.s oJtaiiled thY'OU i �'1'C?� '' :'r� J.J. ti?O i'EO_''`1�°I: �. _ '�Lndc_- i, he say_. gh e_ or :�_ , o N '3 'i„7 �,r '1T1^OF.q?7E. �t�lit or 3i;C: a have lll.3 Fit . fi' . I.� ., :i F :' 7'i U7' Z!'' i' [ i i v111. Y'i'rti'i:.�J.021:; v. tfi?_~ Ol:'C:3.__'?Tli t or Of the rules and 1'C-'gu ati0'_1S Q- C .- 'Gj.'"Om .__ lT� 1 �:� .J. 11 1r 0.' IJl. _� 1,...'V �: of' f�IF..i..a,53 �l_�LI V S.!1. \:r � thM �I 'bef or& C11.J_ i.�F .I. �'•J Sti1._., 1.,-�1. Ll-`�:+— �'a.%�, �•. L'.. y�;,O�. 11 t.! �.'ttCil 1'101- '71 ] Z- � ; 1' . ' c!znxgc; ; against him ” _:.1 : C � a 1:.=�.... :�v @ .i _ i C y t a:: L i' L.'G.1.i. 1h , ..:i' __l l7 VLI 07 `�•.j'o '.s�. 1r :JO nci__p Olid, have Irl opoortau:iti%. to proeiuce tes,-t- r!on- L„ hi.s at a t 7 d ' _..:_�.. _ ,- - 'C C! �"W ?1 E',�. _... .1C•tC::, .:�-a1.1',?. '{'i �:_f' Sh.:.! 1. not lJci l.cs5 'L'?l vt. 1,7; •-- �3 '� 7'+ ,:,j:. �." _ .•.t'.- •;1':1:(?C1.� Sid �l.l_ 11E:Ve .pO1del' t0 uT?point, by an O:L'CLE;I' v17tc^•.w:ci :z.i.1 :i.'.?�" i:0-n"?u't•aat, peT`,:Uii t0 %1_ O to i'G7ilOi;y 1.11 k,'uc11 hea�i:lE;, ',Ii:C SY;�..1_i tl_:J'. " .., 1.,:.'._. Ai e.'_At:,fiQa'1Cl'' of the U:itry i.�o aci.1 srz.L1. i:^ a C,,O'�: upon its 6;; i11ii=LtiOII of the 't� S'F,_1i10":1a iJ:�:C and 11c. YCCC='{13 -6- I-lp— Thn i ard -riailco slaai-! 'c'i alacl after 'en he C'i 4 -'s b-,- the Council T ty J1 --k is h Cl:�" 1 0 give notice. of th-is orcananct- to be 'u":1 the official newspaper of, ull O_ at c.as+ -Lli-:n '-eu days a'te-.-- L, .1 k� -L � - k.L I - '-Ir nas.�ac?e Of th-L i N, TIR T _'.'D itN-D tL-.-, a?Pirma-tive vote of a m joritly of - -,e rUity lj'ounci— of of on thts. 10th da -y- of July, AL 1-1..' )54.-1 1/ 6 0 0 -7-